The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1994, Page 14, Image 14
Send that Special Someone a Teddy Bear to Hug! Valentine’s Day Specials: *Free Balloon Bouquet with local delivery *Free local delivery or pick up Teddy Bear Express 488-7766 237 S. 70th ( Esquire Plz.) Hours: M-b THE WHY HOME book, 1 LETTING GO OF STRESS A voice imagery & anti-frantic music tape ) for relaxation, mental & physical relief. $10.95 + Tax. 3231 SO. 1 3 th 421-1701 In the Indian Village Shopping Center Hours M F: 10-7, Sal. 10-5, Sun. 12-5 SINCE 1986 YOUR FIRST CHOICE FOR INTERESTING MUSIC A BOOKS' Renees Floral s: 2818 N. 48th Lincoln, NE 464-2727 Same "O", Same "O", Call Renee's HOME OF THE COOKIE & CANDY BAR BOUQUETS •Gifts in Balloons •Gift Baskets •Plants Local & Worldwide Delivery Visa-Mastercard-Discover Coupon--FREE| Balloon Bouquet with $20 order New Hours! Lounge Open 2137 Cornhusker 6 am ivionaay-r riaay Suite 9 is your Good Times Place! •11 Pool Tables •5 Dart Machines •Pickles/Pinballs •6 TVs on sports •Foosball •New Food Menu •22 Beers on Tap in and , „ out our 7«%*peciais! 2137 Cornhusker Open Everyday 477-6410 CALIFORNIA MALE DANCE REVUE A SPECIAL VALENTINE TREAT ‘ $3 ADV - $ 1 0 DOOR DOORS OPEN 8 PM 4 Drink and F ood Specials 4 One Free Speciality Drink 4 Door Prizes From The Acreage 4 $50 Grand Prize Dinner in the Haymarket Restaurant and an hour in The Tubbery 4 Photos with your favorite "Hunk" 4 Tickets available at the Gfo/e or Twisters Monday February 14 AT THt Royal Grove 340 W Cornhusker Hwy., Lincoln, NE 474-2332 Classified 472>2588 FOR SALE 000s 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles SERVICES 100s 100 Adoption 105 Alterations a Sewing 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Service 120 Bridal 125 Catering 128 Child Care 130 Cleaning/Laundry 131 Cleaning/Households 135 Computer Service 140 Entertainment 145 Gift Ideas 148 Hairstyling 150 Health a Fitness 153 Insurance 155 Instruction/Tutoring 158 Job Placement 160 Lawn care 165 Legal Services 173 Music Exchange 175 Photography 178 Pregnancy 180 Printing A Copying 182 Recycling 183 Religious 185 Rentals 188 Tanning 190 Tattooing 193 T ravel 195 Typing A Resumes NOTICES 200s 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Atlairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost A Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising JOBS 300s 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships HOUSING 400s 400 Roommates 410 HousingWanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX 472-1761 8 AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln. Nebraska 68588-0448 $3.00 per day for 15 words on Individual student and student organization ads $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads $.15 each additional word $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Weekday before publication. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads pnnted, as well as any claim arising therefrom made agamsl the Daily Nebras kan. 00s For Sale 16 Computers For Sale 386 DX, 25 meg, 40 meg floppy hard dov#, 20 in. SVGA Magnavox color monitor. 1592 Panasonic 14-in carriage CInter. $ 1400/000 Please call after 9:30 p.m. 466-5337/ »ve message. 40 Misc. For Sale AA Cruise 8 Travel Employment Guide. Earn Big $$$ ♦ Travel the World Free! (Caribbean, Europe. Hawaii, Asial) Hurry Busy Spring and Summer Seasons Ap proaching. Free Student Travel Club Membership! Call (919) 929-4398 ext. 2311 60 Sporting Goods Snowboard- 1993 Burton C Kelly. This board tears I Call 476-1046 Ask tor Aaron. Snowboard*rs get your Aunt Mable s Polar F leece hat at Cycle Works, many styles and colors available 27th & Vina._ 65 Stereos TVs For Sale FOR SALE: 19" color Sony trinltron TV, excellent picture, $150. 466-6213. For Sale: VCR w/remote, $65 excellent condition, works great. Also, COLOR T,V„ $75. 466 8520 VCR, Samsung 2400 with remote, easy to program, excelent condition, selling to upgrade. $200,421-7940, leave message. 70 Ticket Exchange Wanted: 2 basketball tickets to NU/lowa Stale, Fab. 12. 464-7647. _ _ 90 Vehicles For Sale '87 Mazda 626LX, 4-door. 5-sp, air, moon root, loaded, nice, $3950/otterv '84 Honda CRX. 5-sp. air, AM/FM Casa.. 85,000 miles, $2850/oflers. Baer s Auto Sales. 1647 S. 3rd. 477-6442 1966 Mercury Lynx, 5 speed, blue. Air condlloning. 82,000 miles. $1000.423-3875 leave message. 100s Services 100 Adoption Imagine this for your baby. FuM-tlma Mom, davoiad Dad, and a beautiful suburban home filled with hugs, kissed, love, laughter, and lullabies. Expenses paid. Cal Jll or Steve colect anytime at (616) 931-0136! Adopt: Affectionate, successful, professional couple(Doctors) who have dedicated their careers to the care of others will give your newborn every opportunity lie can hold, espe cially our love Expenses paid. Call David and Beth 1 -800 747-2773. And baby mrtes three... If you could be the answer to our prayers. Please cal Janet ft Sam at 1 -600-286-7966 Caring home, lletlme of love ft security await your Infant/ toddler. Let us help. Medical/legal pd. Martanne/Nfck 1 800-453-6039. From your courageous heart to our loving arms. Let us be your choice. Your newborn will be the answer to our Kay era. We can provide a loving family environment igal/Medlcal expenses paid. Call George ft Peggy. Collect at 616-67^0266. 120 Bridal Services Getting married soon? Need your wedding video taped? Call Mitchell Video Services 421-8989, leave message. 145 Gift Ideas For that special person In your lile-send a valentine gift basket irom “Creative Basket’. Call 484-8121. 148 Hairstyling Haircuts as low as $4.50. Perms startings at $27.20%bag sale-Matrixx products. College of Hair Design. 304 S11tn Street. 476-0646. Sculptured nails, full set, regularly $35. only $17.50 with Sarah. 466-1603. 153 Insurance For all your Insurance Needs, Jim Wallace 474-5077. American Family Isurance-Renters, Auto, Home, Health, and Life. 170 Misc. Services Advanced Bookkeeping and Tax Services. Reasonable. Electronic filing. 466-3148. PROTECT YOURSELF! o Personal, Bke Auto, Dorm, Apt., and Home Alarms. Personal alarms start at $30.00 Also a GREAT INCOME OPPORTUNITY for the right person I CALL 438-5977 Your Money Matters Thomas K. Stephens, bv appointment, 476-3041. Independent Tax Preparation Service 178 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call tor an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street, Suite 121 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. |188 Tanning Student Tan Special $10.00 off 30 day unlimited SaHaira, 464-0787. TANNING 10 sessions of $ 19.95, month unlimited $29.95. Northern Exposure Tanning. 466-3826. Expires 2-28. 195 Typing & Resumes A+ RESUMES! Outstanding Cover Lettersl Success Counseling, Expe rienced Career Professional,Familiar with UNL Campus Interview System. “POSSIBILITIES- 484-8066. Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing Quick service, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. Affordable word processing, layout and design for desk top publishing, etc. Call Chris 466-7245. ______ All types of word processing. Laser pnnting. $1.25 dou ble-spaced page Call Dana, 466-4400 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. S15 plus tax. Doily Nobrookon, botemenl of foe Nobrook* Union 200s Notices 203 Spring Break Trips Holiday Inn Steamboat Springe Colorado. Party with someone you know I Free beer and appedxora every nr q ht from 5:00 - 7 300 p.m. when you stay with ua. $ 10T + tax for 1- 4 people per room. Cal 1-800wB54-348Q to book your spring break today. SPRING BREAK 94 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SURF MOTEL CABANA BAR "ON THE BEACH** 1-800/723-8818 St SAVE IS 210 Announcements Aviation Institute Professional Fight Training S 4-year dogrees (402)564 3424 CHINESE NEW YEAR Come celebrate on February 111 New Year storytelling at 845. Dancing, free gits and other traditions starling at 800. Centennial Room In the Union. Sponsored by NUMSA. University Program Council and International House. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING- Earn up to $2,000+/ month working on Cruise ships or Land-Tour companies World travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Carr bean. etc.). Sum mer and Full-time employment available. No experience necessary. For more information cal 1 206-634-0468 ext. C5678. Eating Disorders Support Group The Woman's Canter has TWO eating disorder groups lor Individuals who think they may have, or are recovering from an eating disorder. Tuesdays. 3:30-6pm Thursdays. 6:30 8pm H you have questions, cal the Women s Canter at 472-2587 or stop In at 340 NE Union. Gay/Lesbian Student Assoc. Join us for our meeting-"8afe Sex Is Hot Sax' on Feb. I at 7.-30 p.m.. In the Heritage Rm., NE Union. Human Resources & Family Science Students Meet wth your ASUN senator Friday. February 11 lor a constluent meeting at 115 NE Union from 10-11 a.m. 3 & 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarship For all disciplines now available. If you have 6 to 4 semesters remalninoyou may be eligible Full tuitton at UNL plus up to $450.00 for textbooks. Call 472-2460 for more information. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT -fisheries. Many earn $2,000+/mo. In canneries or $3,000-$6,000/mo. on fishing vessels. Many employers provide room » board and transportaion. No experience necessary! For more informaiton call: 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5778 Attention Graduate Students ASUN Senator - Constituent meeting Voice your problems & concerns Thursday • Feb. 10 Noon -1:00 Campus Rec. Atrium KIJANA WISEMAN: The Griot Take a journey through musical time: from Africa, to spirituals, gospel, classical, vaudeville and jazz. Febru ary 12 at 7 30 p.m. in the East Union. $3 Students w/ ID. $5 public. Sponsored by the University Program Council. Make up to $ 1.000 in one weekl Motivated student groups needeo lor on-campus marketing project. Call Jenniler at 1-800-756-6662. NOTICE Information Session on full-time employment opportuntles with CIBA Plant Protection Division. 8:00 p.m. Monday, February 14,1994. East Campus Union (room to be posted). See what opportunities CIBA has for you I _ Odyssey Meeting Thursday night In the City Union. Mentors come at 6; Proteges come at 7^ _ Photo ID Legal, valid, real identification. For tree application and information write to: The Peaks PO Box 19973 Boulder,Co 80308 PRINT SALE Give your room a new look Febroary 7-11 Union Lounge Sponsored by the University Program Council. The Spencers MAGIC and ILLUSION Don't miss this Incredible eve nil Friday, February 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. $3 students w/ ID. $5 public. Sponsored by the University Program Council University Program Council International Him Series February 13 at 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m. $4 UNL students $5 public UNL Students, Staff Faculty H one ol your goals for the new year is to lose weight and keep It off, the University Health Center's Active Way To Weight Control program may be for you. Classes forming now to start February 14th and 15th. Pre-registration required. For Information, call UHC Registered Dietitian, 475-7447. YELL-DANCE SQUAD TRYOUTS Any Males or females interested In trying out attend informational meeting In Ne. Union. Tuesday Feb. 15, 7:30 p.m. (room posted). Important meetingII Come see what cheering for the Husaers Is al about. If unable to attend call Jamie, 436-9533. or Norma 472-7063. 215 Meetings Ecology Now Meetings every Thursday 7pm. NE Union, room posted Parking Advisory meeting, Thursday February 10th, 2 p.m, City Campus Union. PBL Mtg. Thurs. 6:00 p.m. NE Union, Speaker Dave Bracken, Former PBL Chapter & National President Pre-Pharmacy Club Wed Feb 16th, 6:30 p.m. NE Union. Room posted Pre-Physical Therapy Club Meeting Mock Interviews Thursday. Feb. 10th, 7:00 pm UHC Conference rooms A-C. SAA Meeting this Thursday at 5.00. Wear your nametags and bring money and raffle tickets. TCAB Meeting tonight at 6pm In Mabel Lae. 220 Greek Affairs Be Mine in Minneapolis February 11 at Chestedleitfs ASA AY TOB nKo ka An: BET Congratulations to all the new Initiates of Beta Sigma Psl Congratulations to Dusty B. 6 Tina, and Brent S. 6 Valerie on their engagements Thanks AgMen for Snow-Bowl '94. Better luck next year I FH Congratulations to the lolowlng new Bamers: Jim Ander son. Barry Benson, Brian B la user. Todd Classen, Joe Helm, Jonn Kakowskl, Jason KuWk. Tim Loy. Tyler Pearson. Brian Penner, Jeremy Spurgln, Damon Tho mas, Colin Bergen, Jason Bergavin, Brian Campbell, Ryan Furstenau, Ryan Homer, Curtis Knobbe, Jim Lancasttr, Eric Mar Intzar, Shawn Pabiey, Laa Reinhardt, Forrest Swanson _ * riBO ix It's not Love It's not Lust Settle down boys and girts It's only a Crush Beaus A Arrows Feb. 11th. 1994 ntHC