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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1994)
60 Sporting Goods Snowboard* r* get your Aunt Mable's Polar Fleece hat a Cycle Works, many styles and colors available. 27th t Vine. 65 Stereos/TVs For Sale FOR SALE: 19" color Sony trlnitron TV, excellent picture $150,466-8213. _ VCR, Samsung 2400 with remote, easy to program excellent condition, selling to upgrade, $200,421-7940 leave message. 90 Vehicles For Sale 1982 Mercury LN-7, A/C, Power steering A brakes, sur roof, FM-Stero/cassette. Excellent condition. Call 438 9740 200s Notices 203 Spring Break Trips Mexico: Mazatlan or Puerto Vallarta 7 or 4 nights beach, hotel and air from Omaha. Quad available Call NOW. 467-3900. SPRING BREAK ’94 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND SURF MOTEL CABANA BAR •ON THE BEACH** 1 -000/723-6519 $$ SAVE %% 210 Announcements 3 & 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarship For ail disciplines now available. If you have 6 to - semester* remaining you may be eligible. FuH tuition a UNL. plus up to $450.00 for texdOooks. Cal 472-2468 tc more information. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT -fisheries Man earn $2.000+/mo. In canneries or $S.000-$6,00(Ymo. oi fishing vessels. Many employers provide room a boon and transportalon. Mo experience necessary! For mon Information cal: 1 206-545-4155 ext. A5776 Aviation Institute Professional Fight Training I 4-year degrees _ (402)554-3424 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING- Earn up to $2,000+ month working on Cruise ships or Land-Tour companies World travel (HawiH. Mexico, the Cerrbean, etc). Sum mer and Full-time employment available No expenena necessary. For more Information cal I-206-634-0468 ext C5578. Do you like Billy Joel and Elton John Then you would Sw Carl Rosen. Come see him perforrr in the Union Crib on February 8 at 11 45 a.m. Sponsorec by the University Program Council. INTRAMURAL SWIM MEET The Men's Intramural Swim Meet wM be held Tuesday February S beginning atSNOp.m. No advanceanttles an required. Entries may be made at Mabel Lee Pool be tween 605 p.m. and 630p.m. the day o( the meet Ths schedule of events Is avalabie at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more tiformation, call 472-3467. INTRAMURAL SWIM MEET The Women's Intramural Swrim Meet wW be held Wednes day, February 9. beginning at 640 p.m. No advenes entries are required. Entries may be made at Mabel Lei Pool between806p.m. and 6 30 pm the day of themeet The schedule of events la avalabie at the Office a Campus Recreation. For more information, cel 472 Mortar Board Hint #2: The symbol of the Mortar Board chapter at UNL is a black mask. National MORTAR BOARD WEEK Win a Sweatshirt of your choice from University a Panasonic Mnf-CeeeeOe Recorder from the This b national Moitar Board Weak. To celebrate we an having a contest. By answering the following question! correctly you have the chance to win a sweatshirt trom ttx University Bookalore or a mini-cassette recorder from th< Nebraska Bookstore. To enter fM out the official entr Wanks In the Univeratty Bookstore, the Nebraska Book store, the Office of Student Invotvsmant (200 NU or 30( EU). or Vice Chanceior Qrtesen's office (124 Admin) b 5.60 p.m.. Wednesday. t Wnal are the three principles on which Mortar Boert members are chosen? 2. What is the symbol of the Moriar Board Charter a UNL? 3. What Is the only national honor society at UNL honors^ outstanding senior college Modems from al arses o study? (For answers look ffi your Mortar Board calendar o anywhere you flhd an antry blank.) Odyssey Mating Thursday night In Itw C6yUnion. « S; Proteges ootmm 7. Photo ID Lwl. valid. rMi Uendflcatton. For free formation write lo: Tho Pete's PO Boa 19973 BouMor.Co 80306 application and ★ Student government Election Intaraaiad In running In ttio wring •ludant government election? F8ng daadHna tor al poaWona la Wad. Fab B - ipm IISNobr. Union ★ Study Abroad With CBA Cotna to ona ofihli waak'a MormaUon aaaalona to Iwar *boul tht a acting International program* CBA has to economic# and Ihe arts tot tout wsokiao part of **1»» Nebraska at Otdord Program Thar# wll also ba piamy al tlma to #*piora such historical *lta* a* Stonahanga. Bath. Btonhatot Patooa. and much mora. Oflhr«tow*pacaa remain. so don’t mtesthl* opportuniyl Anothar summar option la studying at Moscow's Mar national Businas* School You'D aarn credit white study ln9 h Moscow and St. Petersburg lor Ihraa weeks. Don't Tour chanca to explore this rapidly changing coun ty c_Or. spend the tal semester in Japan studying al “•dohu Unteorefty. You II ba Immaiwd fet an exciting cum** white you aam 17 credit hours In buelnaao. ten P0*®?. •?* cu|tor*. You'D have many opponunttes to In Japan, and youlltearnabouUhecukure firsthand !$•" you spend time with a Japanese family. Coma find out about those opportunities and o Tuesday February tat saopm In CBA 129 F»1«toy. February t at 1 JOpai In CBA 1» for mora star ’horalnformaiion, contact Kerry Brooks or Kim Song In CBA 138 or phone 472-7310. PRINT SALE Give your room a new look February 7-11 Union Lounge Sponsored by the University Program Council. Spring semester distribution of Federal Perkins Loan checks r-”1*----- — .... checks will be February 7,8, and 9 in the Nebraska Union. Hours of distribution are 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. each day Students mu9t. present their student photo ID card to fscphre a check. New borrowers are also reminded to bftng the promissory note which was piwlousTymalled to not picked up by 4:00 p.m. February 9 will them. Checks be canceled UNL Students, Staff Faculty If one of your goals for the new year is to lose weight and keep It off. the University Health Center s Active Way To Weight Control program may be for you. Classes forming now to start February'lith^and Tsth, Pre-registration re-' lulred. For informatlon, call UHC Registered quin Diet Itian. 472-7447. w*NAH°T AIR BALLOON RIDEII Raffle tickets. $1.on sale today In Union. Sponsored by Student Alumni Asso elation. YELL-DANCE SQUAD TRYOUTS Any Males or females Interested In trying o informational meeting In Ne. Union. Tuesday out attend Feb. 15. 730 p.m. (room posted). Important meetingII Comi see what sheering for the Huskers is all about. H unabl. to attend call Jamie, 436-9533, or Norma 472-7063. 215 Meetings UNL Baseball Club Informational Meeting Feb. 8th Campus Rec. 700 p.m. Campus Red Cross at the Ur Everyone Is welcome to attend P***** 1DUS RC Meeting Wed. Feb. 9.600p.m. attheUnlv. Health Center. Meeting V Blood Sri Ive Committee heads i be there at 530. O 107 SEA Student Education Association ljI Tuesday. Feb. 8. 530 p.m. Henzlik Hall. Rm Education Majors Wefcomel Interested in Optometry? Become a put of the new Pre Optometiy Professional Society! For information, call Susan 436-6169. Finance Qlub There wHI be a meeting Wednesday. February 9th In the City Union. Room will be posted Gymmees Meeting 8:30 p.m., Feb. 8, City Union. Electing officers. Habitat For Humanity Meeting Tuesday Feb. 8. 530 p.m. in the City Union. Everyone is weicomol The room wll be potted. SIGMA TAU DELTA Meeting today! 2 p.m. in 229 Andrews Union Board Meeting S p.m East union UNL4-H Regular meeting tonight. 730 p.m.. East Campus Union. VISION Announcement Rally Feb. 9 at 1 p.m. City Union (across from Burger King) Everyone Welcome LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! 220 Greek Affairs ao Ar “LOVE IS BLIND" February 12,1994 ...but lust Is not! Aon Congratulations to Malania Downs on her Initiation. Wel come to Zetal Your ACPI i Congratulations to KrisM and Jolt (AGS) on yourptontngl Woman otAfeha PN KKT Thanks a lot tor tha groat ikl tr^t last a together again sometfine (tor Jeopardy?) «ki trp last weak. Lata got Tha Man ot Farm Mouse IIB<D Congratulations to our now asaodatos: Tonya Tyser and ShomaBern«y Love your sis tors SCARLET ROSE RUSH! The Triangle LMe Skiers would fee to Invta you to a formM teaon Feb.® at 7:30 pm More Into? CaN:8hoNay 489-8616 or Angl 467-200CT __ 2<DE Thank you to Mr. John Harrk lor taking part In our Monday ■v-*"*-* •WJS'JksSn„ IcDE Thanks so much lor Inviting us over and slowing us to open your eyes to the Into beauty c Night line upl We had a groat ttmal otFOXs Wednesday Tha Women at Afctha PN 230 Student Government Apploallona AvalaWo tor Student Court Justices Comm, for Fees Allocation Res. Hell rep. Deadline tor both Is February 15 Applications available al tVI Motor. Union Position Open Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women This commission works to Increase awareness of gender equity issues, to serve as a resource for the campus on women's issues. Information and application available at 115 Nebr. Union and 209 Burnett. Deadline 4:00p.m., Friday, February 18. 240 Personals Dan, May The River flow until eternity. Happy 19th Birthday, Sweetie I Have a great onel Love, Laura Pants 250 Wanted Lead Vocalist needed for classlc/altemative rock band. Already established In Lincoln/Omaha area. Serious in quiries Only. Call Don, 423-4117. Need GBA 915 tutor/consultant. Call Gary 467-4843. Your Musk: on CO I NY label needs innovative bands for sampler to be marketed. Send demo/DAT by 5/1 to Birdcage Music, 28 Me by Lane, Roslyn. NY 11576 or call (617)629-8433. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted Runza’s Newest Store is Now Hiring I 27th A Superior St. is the site of our newest store In Lincoln. We are excited to begin hiring the best employ ees for the NEW storel We wil pay you above average wages for day time availably 8 kitchen experience. If you Ike working at a fast pace, are friendly, dependable and hard working, then we want to talk to you I We offer •EXCELLENT STARTING WAGES 'Super flexible hours Paid vacation APPLY TODAY AT THE 1ITH A CORNHUSKER (BELMONT) OR 27TH A SUPERIOR RUNZA LOCA TIONS! Hi UNLI Did you miss me? It's a great new yeer and we are ready to start M off right We enjoy our student workforce and we want morel Come on in to Carol Wright Seise Inc. Would you Bee a job that only works 2,3,4, or 5 nights a week? Would you Ike a job that allows you to px:k the nights that you want to work? HELP US TO FILL OUR 1M4 ORDERS We are now offering positions in the production depart ment of out direct mail order faclky. Duties Include picking, packing, taping, sorting, and bading orders for shipment to our customers. The hours are 4:00 p.m. to Midnight You could work Monday and Tuesday, or you could work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or, you could work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And combination I YOU pic* the nightsl These are temporary positions with the possibility of benefits after six months of employment. If you are Interested In this offer, please fill out an application at: *1/2 price mea •College scholarship 1/2 price meals e scholarship program •Paid training “Advancement opportunities *AnH mttrh moral ‘And much morel Carol Wright Sales Inc. Evening hours available to apply. •:00 ajn. to 4:30 p.m. EOE M/F/D/V Lifeguards and swim Instructors wanted. Apply Northeast YMCA, 2601 N. 70ltt.__ Matrixx Marketing Has A Job For You! WATS Marketing has recently merged with Matrixx Mar keting, a Cincinnati Bed Company, with more than 7,000 employees In 18 centers worldwide, the newly expanded opportunities lor you. employees I Matrixx has Matrixx Marketing Is currently hiring ful-Ume and part time telemarketing sales representatives. Join the new generation oltslsmarketlnn and let js show you how you can earn areal money whle using your communication and people Mis all In a professional, friendly environ ment. Ful Time: MorvThurs. 7am-4pm; Frt 7am-1 pm or Mon-Frt 12.-30prrv8pm Fart Time: Mon-Frt 5- 10pm; Sat 9em-2pm Minimum 20 hours/wk, Sal your own achaduta. Wa oflar paid training desist, casual dress code and a competitive hourly rale plus sales bonuses. Apply af our Employment Office 830am tflSjOOpm Mondjr-FSS — S MATRIXX MARKETING « ias.'iSST'0™ 2nd Floor of the Comhuaker Center (8.W. comer of Gateway Bank EOE/M/F/VAl Activities Parson wanted for Fridays 3pm-11pm, Satur days tlam-flpm, 8 Sunday 12pm 3pm. Must be creative and aMa to Interact wel srith raaldants. Call 488-2713. AMIGOS Co-Workers Up to $5.75 Per Hour pay 8 benefha package *88.00lo Mart (Week day noon 8 dose shifts) ‘Health and Dental Insurance •so* Meal Discount •Freq Performance Reviews •Great Work Environment Paid Vacation •Flextte Schedule •TuWon Reimbursed Plan Amigoa. an expanding qualty chain has axcadant part-time oriented Mexican fast good and ful-tlme opporturaUaa avaNMa now. If you are an aggressive, customerorfent ed person and like to work alatast. Intense pace. 15 and ! 6 yoar olds walcoma. Apply Now at i4th& Q St. 27th & Comhuaker Expanding local company seeks self-motivated Individu als who want to be their own boss. Executive Advertising company will train high quality people as advertising representatives. Earn approximately $6-$700/hour. Must have own transportation. Call 438-6789 or 430-0594. Leave a message for Bill. File Clerk Accurate dependable individual desired. 8:00-11:45am or 1245-4:30pm M-F. Apply in person. Nebraska Farm Bureau, 5225 S. 16th. Gobbles Uncolnsquare Food Court Friendly, cheerful person to work counter. Noon hours on weekdays. Expenence not necessary. Apply in person 10-3.13th ana O Street. GREAT PAY! Great Hours I Great Job I Neodata offers: ‘Flexible Evening Hours *$6.50/Hr. Guaranteed ‘Fun Environment •Walk From Campus (11th & O) 476-8315 Ask for Don Nelson. Hashers needed for sorority. Must be dependable. Food plus pay. Call 486-6189. Supply Clerk Fill orders, maintain inventory, restock shelves etc. 9am 1245pm, M-F. Apply In person to NebraskaFarm Bureau, 52255. 16th. Used car lot/8odyshop. Clean up and prep work 20-25 hours a week. Fiexble hours. Baers Auto Sales 477 6442. We are now taking applications from CASNR students for Pre-Veterfnary Peer Advising Positions until February 11. Appjy in person at VBS120. For Information call472-9089 or 472-1434. Ask for Dr. Schneider or any peer adviser. NOW HIRING ASSEMBLE WORKERS & MIG WELDERS Looking for Individuals to be placed at leading manufac turing plant in northwest Lincoln. Several openings for Assemble Workers ($5.75/hr. ) and experienced MIG Welders ($7.0(Vhr.). All positions are 40 hours/wk. Mon day thru Friday. At MSP Resources, Qualified ‘Long-term assignments ‘Choice of sntfts •Vacation a holiday pay •Weekly paycheck must be 18 or older and may apply lied applicants must be 18 or older idays between 8 a.m. and 430 p.m. MSP RESOURCES, INC. Suite 436, Greentree Court 210 Gateway North, Lincoln (East of J.C. Penney’s) EOE Nurses Aids Needed To assist elderly handicapped woman. Evening and weekend hours. Car needed. References required. Job description Involves coming and going every 2 hours. For further Information cal476-0132or488-7911. Location of job near 43rd a South. Part-time opening (afternoons only) for a receptionist wlh some clerical duties and customer sales, agricultural background preferred but not required, apply In person. Miller Seed Company. 1800 CornhuskerHIghway. Part-time toddler/infant teacher and teacher assistants needed in child cere and preschool programs. Apply at YWCA, 1432 N Street. Part-time cashiers needed at the NE Eaat Union Weekday lunchao. Evonlng and Weekend ahtfta i able. Apply In room 314. East Union RUNZA We have opportunities to earn great wages and start an exciting career for outgoing, friendly people. Wa are currently accepting applications lor fult/part time day/ evening positions that offer; 'Flexible schedulng 'Opportunities to advance *1/2 price meals 'Bonus and Scholarship program Competitive wages Come Join our winning team. Stop by the 13th a E Runza and apply todayll WORK WITH CHILDREN 'Do you think It’s fun to work with children? 'Do you quickly build friendly, supportive relatkmshps with children and parents? *Do you Ike to plan activities? ‘Can you bo a friend to young children? If so. the SM/SL Effaabeth CNM Development Center has part-time and substitute positions available with infants, pre-schoolars, and school-age children. Call our Interviewing Center Today! 4866700 Monday F nda^ 8am-5pm CRUISE LINE entry level onboard positions available. Great beneflts. Summer or year-round. 813-229-5478. Don & Millie’s "The Heme of the M Cent Margarita" •200 t-Mh Street We're growing and need heto in all poeMona. We offer great hours, fleidble schedulng, competitive pay. and many beneflts. Apply after 11 a.m. **Ta«te of India** Now hiring for watery and kitchen positions. Apply at 1320 O Street or cal 475-1642. Don't Bo Part of the Probfom Bo Part of tho Solution Join our progressive, hard-working staff and help find solutions to the economic and environmental challenges pressing communities nationwide. Involve yourself by calling Hudson Bay Company, 476-1010 Mon-Frl, 11am 3pm for an Interview. Servi-Tech. Inc. Will bo interviewing tor assistant crop specialists for summer Internships and for Crop Special ists for full-time positions on Feb. 17th. Contact tn East Campus placement office to schedule an Interview. Sonoma Cafe, Lincoln's only Southwestern style restau rant Is opening soon under new ownership on the site of the old Rio Grande Restaurant 5600 S. 48th. We are now accepting applications for all positions between 10 and 4 dally. K’S RESTARUANT Cooks and Day Bussers positions available. Fiexbie hours. Apply at K's Restaruant 1275 South Cotner. Keyboardist with MAC to transcribe audio tapes to disk. Rate per page negotiable. 435-7667. 310 Child Care Needed Child care woiker needed for 2boys in home. 1 -5p.m.. M F. $8.00/hr. Must have current Nfc drivers license. Some background In child education preferred. Background check. 489-0373 for Interview. 320 Work Study Jobs Needed student with work study voucher to work in economics department. Duties include typing, computer, and copying skills. Must be dependable and attention to detail. |5.50/hr. Call Carol at 472-6387. Work Study and Student Workers— variety of skills; familiarity with computers and databases helpful. Apply at International Affairs. 1237 'R' Street. 330 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS - OUTSTANDING SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis. Dance. Slimnastlcs. WSI, Athletics, Nutrition/Dietetics. Age 20+. Seven Weeks. CAMP CAMELOTONCOLLEGE CAMPUSES AT MASSACHU SETTS. PENNSYLVANIA. CALIFORNIA. Contact: Michele Friedman 947 Hewlett Drive, North Woodmere. NY 11581. 1-800-421-4321. COLORADO SUMMER JOBS: In the Rockies near Vail. ANDERSON CAMPUS seeks caring, enthusiastic, ded icated. patient individuals who enjoy working wfth chil dren In an outdoor setting. Counselors, Cooks, Wran glers, Riding Instructors, and Nurses. Interviews on Feb ruary 11th. Sign up. get apptcatlon from Student Employ merit and Internship - Room 345, In NE Union. Questions? Call us at (303) 524-7766. 300 Summer Opportunities In NY, PA, NEW ENGLAND: Instructors needed for Tennis, Basketball. Baseball. Hotkey. Swimming/WSI/ Lifeguards. Sailing. Water-skiing. Windsurfing. La crosse. Archery, Gymnastics. Ceramics, Jewelry, Volley ball. Soccer, Dance. Dramatics. Equestrian, Fitness, Ropes. Out doors men, Plano Accompanist; Physical Education Majors. Nurses, Chefs, eta Call Arlene 1-800 443-6428 nowl SUMMER JOBS/INTERNSHIPS-Average earnings $3,500. University Directories, the nation's largest pub llsher of campus telephone directories, hires over 250 ie students for their summer sales program. Top |S $5,000-56.500. Gain valuable experience In VMIII V«IU«UW BHJCTIttnce HI advertising, sales and public relations selling yellow page advertising for your campus telephone directory. Posi tions also available in other university markets. Expense paid training program In Chapel HIM, N.C. looking f© enthusiastic, goal oriented students lor challenging, well be •VMable paying summer job. Internships may I_... TERV1EWS ON THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10THATTHE CAREER CENTER. ROOM 345 NEBRASKA UNION Summer Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications lor Summer Playground poslions: Leaders (54 80/hour). Assistant Leaders ($4.60/hourj. Activities Specialists ($5.00/hour). Morning hours. Monday-Friday, June 6-July 29. Conduct activities lor elementary children. Apply at 2740 A Street. 441-7952. EOE/AA NEW DONORS EARN While donating life-saving plasma! 1 st donation $30 2nd donation $20* *within 7 days of 1st donation RETURN DONORS EARN $15 Each Donation associated bioscience, inc. University Plasma Center 1442 ’O’ Street 475-1358 Mon-Fri...8:00-7:30 Sat.9:00-4:00 Wanted: Editor in Chief The editor in chief formulates editorial policies, determines guidelines for the daily operation EX of the newsroom, hires the senior editorial staff, helps determine the content of the editorial page and prepares the editorial salary budget Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily / Nebraskan, take at * least six credit hours at during each the two 1994 95 semesters and mam- ^ tain a minimum 2.0 GPA. The position is from August 1,1994 May 5, 1995 paying $975/month ( n (except December and May). Please \ submit up to five clips with application. Applications are available at the Daily Nebraskan office, basement of the Nebraska Union, and must be re by 3 p.m., February 9.