Classified 472-2588 NelDraskan Friday, February 4,1994 Toddler Teacher Part-Time position (8:30-1 XX) p.m. Mon.-Fri.) Must be reliable and responsible. Apply at Children's Discovery Center, 4330 Comhusker HWY._ Organized, team orientated, flexible hours open tor: evening host(ess). 10 hrs./wk; and bar food/cocktail server, 15 hrs./wk. Apply 2 - 5 p.m.. Kerrey's Restaraunt. 201 Sun Valley Boulevard._ Part-time opening (afternoons only) for areceptionist with some clerical duties and customer sales, agricultural background preferred but not required, apply in person. Miller Seed Company. 1600 Cornhusker Highway. Part-time toddler/infant teacher and teacher assistants needed in child care and preschool programs. Apply at YWCA, 1432 N Street. _ Part-time cashier* needed at the NE East Union. Weekday lunches, Evening and Weekend shift* evaii afate. Apply in room 314. East Union. We are now taking applications from CASN R students (or Pre-Veterinary Peer Advising Positions untilFebruanr It. Apply In person at VBS120. For Information call472-9089 or 472-1434. Ask for Dr. Schneider or any peer adviser. 310 Child Care Needed Do you love kids and animals? Need extra cash? We need you. Looking for someone Interested in occasional babysitting (ages 8 8 9); date nights, meetings., etc., flexible wfl work with your schedule, also neerfperiodic live-in sitterwhen we re on vacation: 3/20-3/24. Excellent references, non-smoker, reliable transportation, salary negotiable, 475-1569 after noon please. 320 Work Study Jobs Work Study Students needed at Love Library City Cam pus and CY Thompson Library East Canmus. Day. evening and weekend hours available. $4.5b-$4.80/hr. Apply at Love Library, Room 108.472-3963. $2.50 Pitchers (8 to close) Karaoke-Pool Tables~DJ Dancing "ssar J3th^Q^Low&rLjeve^unn^sBldg^^^7^00^ Correction The Daily Nebraskan apolo gizes for the misprint in the MternativiTAN ad run 2-3-94. It should read: 1 Month Unlimited $29 Wanted: Editor in Chief The editor in chief formulates editorial policies, determines guidelines for the daily operation of the newsroom, hires the senior editorial staff, helps determine the content of the editorial page and prepares the editorial salary budget. Applicants must have one year of newspaper experience, preferably at the Daily Nebraskan, take at least six credit hours at UNL during each the two 1994 95 semesters and main tain a minimum 2.0 GPA. The position is from August 1, 1994 May 5, 1995 paying $975/month (except December and May). Please submit up to five clips with application. Applications arc available at the Daily Nebraskan oflice, basement or the Nebraska union, and must be retumei by 3 p.m., February 9. Send your tftlfey.Lov*, VWVVWVVVV Bring your message to the Daily Nebraskan Basement of the Nebraska Union Before 2 p.m., Friday, Feb. 11 330 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS 12 yr. ok) educational camp near Kansas City seeks counselors (WSI hebful) tor residential summer program tor children 8 -14. June 5 to August 8. Must be Sophomore or older. $1600 plus room and board. For details, send Inquirybetore February 7,1994 to Wildwood Center, 7095 W. 399th St„ LaCygne, KS 66040. _ _ CAMP COUNSELORS - OUTSTANDING SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance, Sllmnastlcs, WSI, Athletics, Nutrition/Dietetics. Age 20+. Seven Weeks. CAMP CAMELOTONCOLLEGE CAMPUSES AT MASSACHU SETTS. PENNSYLVANIA. CALIFORNIA. Contact: Michele Friedman 947 Hewlett Drive, North Wood mere, NY 11581. 1-800-421-4321. COLORADO SUMMER JOBS: In the Rockies near Vail, ANDERSON CAMPUS seeks caring, enthusiastic, ded icated, patient individuals who enjoy working with chil dren In an outdoor setting. Counselors. Cooks, Wran glers. Riding Instructors, and Nurses. Interviews on Feb ruary 11th. sign up. get application from Student Employ ment and Internship - Room 345, In NE Union. Questions? Call us at (303) 524-7766. _ CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Be a member oI the Summer Conference Team. Be a provider of quality customer service. JOB BENEFITS: A single room for the duration of your employment. A full meal plan when university din ing nails are open. Minimum hourly wage. QUALIFICATIONS: Strong commkment to customer service and helping conference guests. Soph omore class standing or above as of Fail Semester, 1994. A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better preferred. Outside commitments (Including classes) should not exceed 15 hours per week. APPLICATIONS: Available form any Residence Director or University Housing (1100 Seaton Hall). Deadline for applications: March 4,1994. Summer Camp Opportunities Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Plane River, is seeking applicants for the lolowlng positions: Counse lors. Wranglers, Lifeguards. Waterfront Direc tors, Assistant Cook. Crafts Instructors, Adven ture Trail Guides. Nature Director, Archety A Riflery Instructors. Steward. Call or write: YMCA Camp Kitaki. 1039PSt. Lincoln NE68508;(402) 434-9225. OR ask for one of our application packets at your Student Employment/Career Services Office. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT (June thru August) at Camp In/Camp Lake Hubert In Minnesota's lake country since 1909. Meet new friends, over ISO staff men and Lincoln women, expand horizons, rewarding work with children, develop leadership skills. 30 water/land activities. Specif - ic job info. A i llcatlons are available at the Student Employment « Intern Office. 345 Union. Sign up In advance for a PERSONAL INTERVIEW ON CAMPUS WEDNESDAY FEB. 9. Summer In the COLORADO ROCKIESI Girl Scout Camp near Estes Park Is hiring Camp Director, Program Direc tor. Counselors, Riding instructors. Kitchen Staff, Health Supervisor. Cal (303) 493-1844 SUMMER JOBS/[NTERNSHIPS-Average earninjs $3,500. University Directories, the nation's largest | Usher of campus telephone directories, hires over 250 college students for their summer sales program. Top earn frigs $5.000-$6,500. Gain valuable experience In advertising, sales and public relations seling yellow page advertising for your campus telephone directory. Posi tions also available In other university markets. Expense paid training program In Chi enthusiastic, goal oriented stu paying summer job TBWIeWSON THURSDAY. , --- CAREER CENTER, ROOM 345 NEBRASKA UNION dents for challenging, weil ijps may be available. IN FEBRUARY tOTHATTHE 340 Internships Volunteers needed to heto with a pilot respll evening chM care program. Opportunity to make a difference m our community. Training provided. Cal Linda Boettcher, 434 3494. YWCA. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice AH real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. ttftfch makes It Illegal to advertise any preference. Imitation or dlscrimtiation based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or Hitentton to make any such preferences, imitations or discrimination The Dally Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for rea\ estate which Is In violation of the (aw or diserrmnates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. ft**!* S'* to* Mty A I SOUTH PADRE ISLAND DAYTONA BEACH PANAMA CITY BEACH & STEAMBOAT LAS VECAS & IIL/BE AVER CREEK ORLANDO/DISNE V WORLD MUSTANC ISLAND HILTON HEAD ISLAND BRECKENRIDGE KEYSTONE 400 Roommates Desperately need a roommate, $150 ♦ 1/3 utilities, close to both campuses. 477-2119.___ Female roommate to share large house near campus. Cal Julie 475-6540. ___ Female, non-smoking roommate for 2-bedroom apt. with fireplace, balcony, laundry, security. $237.5Q/mo, utilities Incfaded. 477-7S12.__ Looking for a couple women to share quM, spacious acreage 10 minutes outside of Lincoln, call WIH at 441 1202. _ M/F Liberal roommate. Prefer Grad Student. 2-bedroom, 2-bath. C/A. heat paid, fireplace, D/W. Large Apartment. 467-3218, leave message. _ M/F to share very nice 2-story. 3 Bfl condo, 5 min. from Campus, with 2 UNL male students. $200/month ♦ utili ties. Call 438-1337. ______ Male Roommate wanted $150 ♦ 1/4 utilities. Located between both campuses, off street parking. Leave mes sage, 438-5301._ Non-smoking roommate wanted for large 2-br. apartment In Haymark* area. $297.50 ♦ 1/2 utilities. Call Mike 476 7276. 420 Rooms For Rent M/F, responsWe, non-smoking roommate to share 4 bedroom house with two graduates. Large bedroom, w/d, garage. $250. Curt 477-1125. 430 Houses For Rent 1237 Court, very nice 3 br, 1 1/2 baths. near campus, parking, $575,432-0644,432-6644. 2 nice 4 bedrooms. Campus close. 2118 Vine or 1140 N. 29th. 2 baths each. $706,432-0644.432-6644. 244 SO. 26th. Two-bedroom, neat home living, utilities paid. Leave message, 483-2357. Available now near UNL. 3-bedroom, $575. 4-bedroom, $695. Washer/dryer, dishwasher 423-1535. Fabulous housing for a group wth forethought, spacious 4-5 Br., oak floors, lots of cnarm. near south area, year lease from Aug. 15. $ 1000/month. 474-2071 Houses available for summer or longer. Near campus. 432-0644,432-6644. 3333 So. 14th. Large 2 bedroom. 1.5 bath, attached garage, fenced yard Close to bus and shopping. Avail able now. $815/mo. plus utilities. 475-9301 440 Duplexes For Rent FOR RENT: Newly remodeled 2-Br In conversion Du plex. Lots of room and unique floor plan. Available Feb. 13. $425 ♦ gas. 56th and Madison. Call 464-8144/leave message. 450 Apartments For Rent $50.00 Move-In Speciall I White they last. 1 8 2 BR. $304 and up. Lndry. Min. from UNL, 2301 A St.- 640 South 20th • 475-7262. 1 -bedroom basement apartment 4 blocks from stadium. Washer, dryer, shower, parking. No pets, no smokers. $250.438-1330._ 4-Br. Just Redone. Large. Clean. Avail. Nowl 1431 S. 18th. $600,437-9012 405 N 25th. Efficiency near campus. $250/mo. 4 76-3881. leave message. 508 S. 25th. 2-bedroom. New carpet, neat, off-street parking. Leave message. 483-2357. Campus Locations *311 No. 24th. duplex, cozy little home, $325/month, all unities paid. *700 No. 26th, duplex, top level, large kitchen, old house charni. $325 *2504 Vine Street, one bedroom. $330mo , clean apart ments. *1109,1121 No 28th. sharpl Private decks, (think sum mer) pool. $350 -365. ■■*920 *P* St., slde by-side little dollhouse, gray decor, $390. ‘4300 Comhusker, available now, peach decor, modem apartment. $365 College View (4637P-e»cott) *2 bedroom. 2 bath, fireplace, lots of 1 lor complex. windows, well cared Cherry Hill Management. 489-4857. Century Management Co. Large selection ot apartments. $240-529 476-2500 Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Wlllowhaven Apartments. Energy efficient 1 and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able with r-- ' ~ i fireplaces or woodbuming stove. Pioi.itlonslly msnxtjMi Call 476-6200 now. DESIGNED FOR STUDENT LIFESTYLE Avoid the rushl Reserve next year's home today!II 474 PARK. CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS Embassy Parle Apartments 31st 6 Old Chenney 2 A 3 bedroom. $4704505. 515 W Saunders. 2 bedroom. $430. 483-1130,483-6057. GREAT LOCATION NEAR CAMPUS 1424 O' STREET. BY GOV S HOUSE “One bedroom "Qas heat/central air “Laundryfstoraga units "Outside entrances *‘8ecure 8 quiet $205 ♦ g— electric. Spilt deposl over two months. 486 6889 Need Privacy? Fully tumiehed one-bedroom apt. Vary close to campus and route with Star Tran Bus. No pats, non-smoking, and I roe water utility only. $210fmo. 474 6473. leave message NO DEPOSIT! One bedroom, heat paid! 1107 L. Just rsmodeled. Studio. On\ $260 1338 0. Studio, plus utilities. $240. . Wood floors. Only $260. 1179 R.1 2100 B. Only $296' Two bedrooms. 136 South 29. Large and roomy. $340. AH ne« and dean. CallPhownlxProperties Management, Inc. 474-5327. Superior Place Apartments 1801 Superior Hugo ona and two bedroom apartments i 476-3287 DIRECTORY 115 Bicycle Service . Nawano MowfriK) 138 Employment consultant 1232 High St. w«rfh«MN2M 9673 tor you' •», - -!_i n-«- -. » « - r *0* BHU VwWHnVi MwTl, maks you a wraath oi ribbon lor any 148 Hairstyling total $27.2D*bac Mgn.304StitF 1 iBi .’WEW.aros 150 Health and Fitness vrietafitf 178 Pregnancy