4 Jacquot’ gives audience a childhood journey By Malcom Miles Staff Reporter__ Director Agnes Varda (“Cleo From Five to Seven,” “Vagabond”) has cap tured the spirit of childhood in her film “Jacquot.” “Jacquot” is the true story of the late director Jacques Demy, Varda’s husband, who died of leukemia in 1990. — . ^ The film traces Demy’s childhood, showing how the events of his life led to the films he made. Varda uses images from Demy’s films to highlight the connections. She also includes footage of Demy talking and writing about his child hood — an activity he took up as he began his fight with his fatal disease. “Jacquot” highlights Demy’s will to make films as he overcomes the. obstacles of money, family and World War II. Oneof the first images in “Jacquot” is that of Demy’s tired hand slipping sand slowly through its fingers. The visual metaphor could mean many things, but what is apparent through out the movie is a contradictory sense of both strength and fragility. Demy was bom in 1931 and spent his youth in Nantes, France. Early in life he became fascinated by puppet shows and the cinema. Demy built puppets and sets out of scrap card board so he could perform in the local park. Dy U1C UIIIC IIC was !*■», HV nou managed to trade some of his child hood toys and books for a second hand camera. He immediately began making stop-action animation, which he screened for his family on a kitchen cupboard he had designed to look like the local theater. His father ignored young Jacques’ yearning to study film, forcing him to go to a technical school to learn a trade. When directorChristian-Jaques saw one of Demy’s early films and encouraged him, the father’s stub bornness faded. Demy went to Paris at age 18 and studied for two years. There, he met Courtesy of Sony Pictures Philippe Maron, center, starts in “Jacquot,” which is the story of film director Jacques Demy's life. The film is directed by Demy’s wife, Agn6s Varda. Demy died of leukemia In 1990. his future wife, Agnes Varda. He went on to become popular and reached the height of his critical suc cess with his 1964 film “The Umbrel las of Cherbourg.” The entire dia rrm logue of this film is sung, which points to the prominence of music in Demy's childhood years. The film is nearly perfect in its acting, directing,editing and cinema tography. It gives a realistic portrait by confiising the documentary and dramatic segments. “Jacquot” is a fitting tribute to an inspirational director, but it is far more than that. This film lives up to its billing as “a voyage into child hood, all childhoods...” “Jacquot” will be shown at the Mary Riepma Ross Film Theater for the next two weekends. 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