The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1994, Page 10, Image 10

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    Greenpeace Alternative NRG
Hollywood Records
No matter who purchases this
compact disc, the funds raised will
benefit the buyer in the end.
In the plethora of compact discs
supporting a cause—whether it be
AIDS research, women’s rights,
animal rights or world hunger —
along comes Greenpeace Alterna
tive NRG.
Alternative NRG (Energy, get
it?) is unique in that it is a result of
its very cause. The first in a series of
Greenpeace Records releases, Al
ternative NRG is geared to promote
an interest in urgent global envi
ronmental issues.
In order to start this trend, the
CD was mixed and recorded with
solar power. This power was pro
vided by “Cyrus” — Persian for
“sun” — the Greenpeace Mobile
Solar Generator.
The CD includes live tracks from
longtime Greenpeace supporters
R.E.M., U2 and Annie Lennox.
Environmental gurus Midnight Oil
join Sonic Youth, L7, UB40, P.M.
Dawn, James, Disposable Heroes
of Hiphoprisy, The Jesus and Mary
Chain, The Soup Dragons, Yothu
Yinda and the Boo-YaaT.R.I.B.E.
on the album, which also includes a
“duet” by Soundgarden and Brian
May (as Freddie Mercury turns in
his grave).
This collection of rap, metal,
dance and alternative rock songs
will be followed by compilations of
country-folk, classical, jazz and
comedy artists.
Greenpeace, founded in 1971
when it protested against U.S. nu
clear weapons testing off the coast
of Alaska, has launched several
environmental crusades in the past
few decades.
Now, the 4.5 million members
in 143 countries are devoted to
securing the environment from nu
clear testing and mining, defores
tation of tropical rain forests, the
greenhouse effect, toxic pollution
and the destruction of marine re
sources and habitat.
Alternative NRG is a rather calm
approach at fund-raising, consid
ering some of the Greenpeace ad
vocates arc very passionate in their
pursuits. Funds for the album will
go toward these pursuits, specifi
cally the search to develop new
energy policies with the Energy &
Climate Campaign.
Power from that big yellow thing
in the sky comes in with the Cyrus
generator. This 28-foot aluminim
box trailer is mounted with an array
of 40 solar modules. In order to
capture optimum sunlight, the ar
ray is hydraulically tilted toward
the sun.
The energy is collected and stored
in two batteries. This energy is
converted to 26,900 watts of stan
dard AC electrical current, which
provides 15 hours of electricity.
It’s essentially a solar-powered
recording studio. It’s the sun’s gift
to music and music’s gift to the
Although it would have been
better to get tracks not previously
released, Greenpeace Alternative
NRG is a great CD because of its
musical selections. Where else can
you get U2 and UB40 on the same
release? I mean, it’s worth buying
to listen to the happy couple May
and Soundgarden do its version of
“New Damage.”
The most fitting track on this
album comes from Disposable He
roes of Hiphoprisy with the
Greenpeace-ish message “Every
day Life Has Become a Health Risk .”
Other artists have selected envi
ronmental themes for the CD, such
as U2’s “Until the End of the
The CD comes in a fold-out,
colorful, thought-provoking card
board “box” to enhance your listen
ing pleasure.
Save the planet and save your
ears. We all live on this Earth and
we all listen to music.
Recycle your pop cans and use
the money to buy this album. A
harp seal will thank you.
— Paula Lavigne
“B.FA? B.FD.
I’m through
with the whole
Mfl [ro^i»—__
16 Computers For Sale
HP, 48 SX. W/cordless printer, and other extras. New, first
$400 takes. 476-1881.
45 Musical Instruments
BOSS Digital Display. $65 and Chorus. $35 435-0709.
leave message.
50 Pets
Rose hair tarantula $40. with set up $50.489-6)75 after
60 Sporting Goods
KHS Montana Comp
Mountain Bikings 1994 Bike (X the Year in stock now and
only $700 at Cycle Works.
Snowboardere get your Aunt Mable s Polar Fleece hat at
Cycle Works, many styles and colors available. 27th S
Vine. __
65 Stereos TVs For Sale
19" Color TV and Nintendo with lots of games Perfect
condition. CHEAP. Call Travis 475-3267.
For Sale: VCR w/remote. $85 excellent condition, works
great. Also. COLOR T.V.. $75.466-8520._
90 Vehicles For Sale
89 VW Fox. 2-door. AM/FM. 4 speed. 50,000 miles.
$3250, offers;87 Mazda 626LX 4 door. 5 speed, air, AM/
F M moon roof, full power. $4250offers. Veers Auto Sales.
1647 South 3rd. 477-6442
1981 Toyota Tercel 2door. hatchback Runs good/tooks
bad. $300 OBO. 477-3796.
100s Services
100 Adoption
And baby makes three... If you could be the answer to our
prayers. Please cal Janet A Sam at 1-800-286-7965
Caring home. Iletime ol love A security await your infant/
toddler. Let us help. MedicaJ/legal pd. Marianne/Nick 1
From your courageous heart to our loving arms. Let us be
your choice. Your newborn wtl be the answer to our
Kayers We can provide a loving family environment
•gai/Medlcai expenses paid. CaH George A Peggy.
Collect at 518-673-0266._
148 Hairstyling
Haircuts as low as $4.50 Perms startings at $27.20%bag
sale-Matrixx products. Colege of Hair Design 304 S 11th
Street 476 0646 _
Sculptured nails, full set. regularly $35. only
$17.50 with Sarah. 466-1603.
1150 Health and Fitness
Family Dermatology
EMtot L. Rueted, MO. Specialized treatment of al skin
and scalp disorders. Complementary medications tor
acne patients Evening and Saturday hours. Convenient
location. 3901 Normal Blvd. Suite 162 483-7806
The Best Just Got
Bigger & Better
1 Month Unlimited $20
•New Bulbs!
•More Beds, New Beds!
•New Expanded Hours!
3 Weeks Until Our Grand Re-Opening!
48th & R, Centro Plaza 466-1201
153 Insurance
For ai your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077.
American Family Isurance-Renters. Auto, Home. Health,
and Lite.
170 Mi sc. Services
Advanced Bookkeeping and Tax Services. Reasonable
Electronic tiling. 466 3146_ _
Your Money Matters
Thome* K. Stephens, by appointment, 476-3041.
Independent Tax preparation Service
178 Pregnancy
Contidential counseling available. Call tor an
941 O Street. Suite 12t
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a contidential helping
hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us tor appoint
ment. 483-2609.
182 Recycling
A CAN Recycling Center paying top dotar tor aluminum
cans. 3255 South 10th Street. 421-9101.
188 Tanning
Student Tan Special
$10.00 off 30 day unlimited
SaHaira, 464-8787.
195 Typing & Resumes
Outstanding Cover Letters! Success Counseling, Expe
nenced Career Professional.Familiar with UNL Campus
Interview System. 'POSSIBILITIES' 484-8066.
Action Resumes
Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service,
affordable rates Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264
All types of word processing Laser printing SI .25 dou
ble spaced page. Call Dana. 466-4400.
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers Over 12 years
experience, proven results. 484-0775
Professionally typeset and laser printed. S15 plus tax.
Dally Ms treat an. beeerwerW of the Metre ata Union
200s Notices
203 Spring Break Trips
210 Announcements
The University Program Council Is seeking an ant busies
tic individual to ID the position of secretary Applications
can be picked up at the UPC office (117 ME Union) or the
Office for Student Involvement (200 NE Union).
Deadline: February 4 at 400 p.m.
$$ lor undergraduate study abroad. Scholarship applica
tions lor the Utrecht Exchange and the National Security
Education Program (NSEP) are available in International
Adairs. 1237 'R' Street. Call Kristi 472-5358
Applications lor the 1994 95 Student Ambassadors are
available now! I Applications may be picked up at 103 Ag
3 & 2 Year
Army ROTC Scholarship
For all disciplines now available. II you have 6 to 4
semesters remaining you may be eligible. Full tuition at
UNL. plus up to $450 00 lor textbooks. Cal 472-2468 lor
more information. _
Lincoln Orchestra Association welcomes Nathaniel
Rosen. Cello. Shostakovich CoHo Concorto No. 1.
Bruckner Symphony No. 4 ("Romantic"). February fth, 8
p.m., Lied Center. Tickets: 474-5610.
CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING- Earn up lo $2,000*/
month working on Cruise ships or Land-Tour companies
World travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Carrbean. etc.). Sum
m#r and Full-time employment available. No experience
necessary. I or more information cal 1 -206-634-0468 ext.
Eating Disorders Support
The Women's Center has TWO eating disorder
groups lor individuals who think they may have,
or are recovering from an eating disorder
Tuesdays, 330-5pm
Thursdays, 6 30 tom
If you have questions, cal the Women s Center
at 472-2597 or stop In « 340 NE Union.
Meet me at THE TANNING PLACE on Coiner A -RMor %2
tans on Sundays.
Photo ID
Legal, valid, real Identification. Tor free application and
information write to:
The Peaks
PO Bo* 19973
Boulder,Co 80308
Give your room a new look
February 7-11
Union Lounge
Sponsored by the University Program Council.
Are you Interested In seeing what s going on In Russia IN
PERSON? Here's your opportunity. The College o( Busi
ness Administration is ottering a three-week program In
Moscow and Si. Petersburg r June. This coukfbe the
opportunity ot a Wetlmel Find out more at the Information
For more details, stop by CBA 138 or phone 472-23J0
Spring semester distribution oI Federal Perkins Loan
checks will be February 7.8. and 9 in the Nebraska Union.
Hours of distrbution are 8:30 to 11:30 am. and 1 AO to
4A0 p.m. each day
Students must present their student photo ID card to
receive a check. New borrowers are also reminded to
bring the promissory note which was previously mailed to
them. Checks not picked up by 4 AO p.m. February 9 will
be canceled.
Information meetings. Tuesdays at630. Wednesdays at
4 AO International Affairs, 1237 R St.
UNL Students, Staff
If one of your goafs for the new year Is to lose weight and
keep It off, the University Health Center's Active Way To
Weight Control program may be tor you. Classes forming
now to start February 14tn and 15th Pre registration
required. For Information, cal UHC Registered DfcMklan.
Amateur Strip Night
(Men & Women) ^
Every Thursday Night
Cash Prizes!!! _ C^°f s
(^SMStU* tub
12th & Q in the Centrum47$-?5Q0
Aerobic Instructor Training Workshop, Feb. 18,19.20.
$95. Call Chris at 423-7171._
Aviation Institute
Professional Flight Training A 4-year degrees
Buy your sweetheart a Valent ine Bouquet I rom Dinosaurs
Etc. Museum Giftshoo or place your order at booth In Ne.
Union, Monday and Tuesday, 11 <X) - 2:00 p.m.
Warm Up and Get Wet with us In Panama Cky Florida.
Divers bring your non-diving Irtends and teed wild dol
phlnsl Call Heartland Scuba Center for more Info. *88
7774 _
Summer Leadership School
So you didn't sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sopho
more. Caleb up at Army ROTC Camp Chalenge. a paid
six-week summer course in leadership training. No obli
gation. Register today. Call 472-2468 for details.
Would you like to feel
Important And Needed?
If you would like working behind the scenes producing
nationally recognised entertainers, then you would make
a great University Program Council event staff volunteer.
For more information stop by the UF*C Office (117 NE
Union) or cal 472-6146.
Writing Assignments
Got You Down?
Getting started wil pick you up
Visit The Writing Assistance Center, 129 Andrews
215 Meetings
UNL Pre-LawClub
Meeting, 600 p.m. Thur., NE Union. Featured speaker is
Lancaster Country Attorney Gary Lacey. Open to all
majors. Room posted.
American Chemical Society
Student affiliate meeting Thurs. Feb. 3,6.00 p.m. In 413
HaH Sparine Dr. Richard Shoemaker. _
Biology Club
Meeting Thursday. 3 Fab at 7pm Rm 109 Manter Hall
Guest speaker on Animal Communication.
Circle K
Meeting at the Reunion. Sunday. Feb. 6.600p.m. Mam
Hern ol business is election of officers. Will also discuss
some service projects.
Golden Key Members
Tonight I Speakers from law. Med and Grad school Come
find out what Is all about. 700 p m„ Hamilton Hal 12
I Marketing Club
Meeting 6pm Thursday Feb 3 In Union, room to I
be announced. Quest speaker.
Pre-Dental Club
Meeting Thurs. Feb 3 at 7pm at the Dental College
Vision Meeting
Whaf: Graduate Students Platform
When: Feb. 3 Thursday 4:30pm
Where: International Student Lounge. (International Al
lairs Basement. 1237 'R‘ St.)
220 Greek Aflairs
Cupid Takes Campus
Win romantic print for your sweetie I 6m any AMD tor
lickalt A details _
Congratulations and good luck to our nets executive and
appointed oflicara: President. Angle Mostek; Vlca
Praaadanl. Paige Luthans; Rush Chair. Joanna Blaiek;
Fraternity Educator, Gina Radicla; Treasurer. Jackie
Arelano: Scholarship Mary Ann Addtson;Admlnlstrslkte
Assistant, Rachel Simmons; Social Chair, Karan
Campbel; Panhatanlc. HoMy ReM; External PR. Chrtstl
Haidaman; Internal PR. Sha Stiller; Fral Ed Aset, Jenny
Skeen; Philanthropy, Kirsten Moomey; House Manager
Lesley Brandt; Recording Secretary, HetVIey Chesen
Coiresponding Secretary, Julie Johnson; Asst Social.
Sherry Loostrom. Pledge Ed Asst. Amy Crasher; Acthi
ties Chair. Kelly Otto, Alum Relations. Nfcl Anderson;
Chaplain. Stacy Lovelace; Intramural Chair, Amy
McPhalL; Historian. Kinsey Neben; Asst Treasurer. Liu
Hums; Quarterly Correspondent. Jenna MuHn, Guaid
Juke Lankas; Marshal. 9teph Burris; PaiKameniarlan.
Kris Dorn; Houm Hostess. Christy Mason; MAP Oft leer,
JM Blobaum; Bongieeders, Stacy Lovelace 6 Elizabeth
Humphrey; Rush Asst, Mery Gordon; Outstate Ruth.
Darcy Smith A Elizabeth Humphrey; Lincoln Rush, Jule
Johnson; Omaha Rush. Tammi I leMgso A Sha wker;
Rush Secretary, JoAnn McFee.