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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1994)
00s ForSate 2 Appliances For Sale FuK-size digital microwave for sale, good condition. $40. ■>445. Call 464-24 10 Books For Sale SALE 20% Off Everything. Jan. 24th - 29th.At A Novel Idea. Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 50 Pets For Sale: Ball (Royal) Python, male. Tank, heater, lighting included. Worth $200. asking $t00 OBO. 477-6307. 90 Vehicles For Sale 89 Honda Accord LX I coupe, Black. 5 spd.. new tire, 31K. 1 owner, $10,900 or OBO. 438-3234._ '83 Nissan ZX. 5spd. 74K, Red. T-top. Loaded, $2,400 OBO. 467-2168 81 Jeep CJ-5. Black, Soft Top, 4-speed. 90K, $2,500, OBO, 436-6118. 1984 Tenpo QL 2 door, red, 5-speed, sunroof, 109K miles, tinted windows, hitch, $425 obo, 435-5093, leave message. 200s Notices 203 Spring Break Trips AMERICA S LARGEST PARTY is « LMre Havasu. AZ. The Lake WW Roar In '94" features Top-name Con certs, Comedians, and Celebrities. 4+ Days for as little as $99 00. Experience America's New Spring Break Hot Spot. 1-800-4HAVASU 210 Announcements $$ lor undergraduate study abroad. Scholarship applica tions for the Utrecht Exchange and the National Security ssrs! University Program Council international Film Sartas THE LOVER J«n. 30,1084 at 3,5,7, • 9 pm Mary Ripma Ross Film Theater Tickets: $5 UNL students, IS public Tickets available at the door. PAPER MONEY FREE Paper Money coupon books Student Info. Center 116 Nebr. Union Photo ID Legal, valid, real identification For tree application and Information write to: The Peaks PO Box 19973 Boulder,Co 80306 Prayer & Bible Study Service An Informal time to explore the scrptures In the context of our dally lives, and to share our cares, confusions and commitments In prayer. Wrdrerdey f vsrilnfli 9pm WMeens Lounge Cornerstone UMHI 640 North 16th STUDY ABROAD Information meetings. Tuesdays at 630. Wednesdays at 4 :00 International Affairs, 1237 R St. The Women's Center Is hooting an Open House on Fri.. Jan. 28 from 230-5:00 p.m. This is a chance for YOU to check out the Center's lounge, videos, fcrary. volunteer opportunities, and spring programs. Join us in room 340 of the NE Union on FrL afternoon for make-your-own sundaes and fun I _ UNL Students, Staff Faculty H one of your goals for the new year Is 10 lose weight and keep it oft. the University Health Centers Active Way To Weight Control program may be lor you. Classes forming now to start February t«h and 16th. Pre regMtWion re quired. For Information. cal UHC Registered Dietitian, 472-7447. WIN A TRIP TO CANCUNI Look tor details and entry blanks In the coupon section of your new Universly Telephone Directory. Deadline tor entry Is February 10. Directories are avliable now el noth Union Hor mat ion Desks, al the University Bookstores and at the ASUN Office. INNOCENTS SOCIETY Application* lor membership and Ireshmen scholarships are due Friday. January 28th. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT- Make up to $2,000 $4,000+/mo. teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan, Taiwan, and S. Korea, many employers provide room A board + other benefits. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For more Infor mation call: (206) 632-1146 ext. J5778. LSAT PREP If the LSAT looms in your future, let Kaplan help you conquer your test anxiety the right wayl Call 475-7010, 1994 SUE TIDBALL AWARD Nominations sought lor UNL students, faculty or staff who go beyond role or job expectations to make the campus more humane, just and liv able. Call 476-0355 for Information and Nomination forms. Nomination* doe* February 21,1994 3 & 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarship For all disciplines now available. If you have 6 to 4 semesters remaining you may be eligible. Full tuition at UNL, plus up to $450.00 tor textbooks. Call 472-2468 for more information. Attention Accounting Majors Beta Alpha Psi, National Accounting Fraternity is having an organizational mealing on Jan. 27th, in CBA room 132. at 7:00 p.m. for pledge*. 7:30 for actives. If you have completed or are currently enrolled In Acd. 314 and have a 3.25 accounting GPA, come check us out. Attention Business Students Applications are available In CBA 139 tor the 41b Annual Leadership A Professional Develop ment Seminar sponsored by Valmont Indus tries and the CBA Student Development Center. YOU can Interact with leading area business executives and enhance your professional skllsl The seminar wll be held March 11 -12 at Nebraska East Union - applications are due February 28th. DON’T MSS THIS OPPORTUMTY - APPLY NOW! Attention Freshman, Sophomores & Seniors Mortar Board Notable Applications are out. Notable Hon ors ara given to students who exemptity the Ideals of Mortar Board: scholarship, leadership ana service. Apps are located In 081 (200 Cly Union I 300 East Union). Culture Center and Dr. Qrlesen's office (124 Admin.) Aviation Institute Professional Flight Training a 4-year degrees (402)554-3424 Beethoven’s First Lincoln Orchestra Association presents Beethoven's Symphony No. I with Guest conductor Robert KapHow January 28th. 8pm at the Lied Center. For tickets, call 474 5810. CAMP CHALLENGE Summer Leadership School So you dldnl sign up for ROTC as a freshman or sopho more. Catch up at Army ROTC Camp Chalenge, a paid six-week summer course In leadership training No obli gation. Register today. Cal 472-2468 for more Informa Congratulations to UNL Rifle Team members Brian Coulter, Matt Berggren, Brian Alan and Eric Brandriet on their first place finish at the UMKC Invite. Good luck at sectionals I Criminal Justice Students Meet Your ASUN Senator and voice your concerns Wednesday 2:15-3:00 115NEBR. UNION CRUISE SHU’S NOW HIRING- Earn up to 52.000V month working on Cruise ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Carr bean, eta). Sum mer and Full-time employment available. No experience necessary, for more Information cal I -206-834-0488 aid. C5578. Culture Seminar Laam ffbout other's cutures In this six-week seminar beginning the second week of February. Quest speakers «4H give presentations about different etf 5500 Deutsch In Deutschland. Study German lor six weeks In Bertm thto summer. Informational meeting, February I at 8:30 p.m. In International Affairs, 1237 -R Street. For detale cal 472-5388. By GARY LARSON I After many years of mental wise, tension enters the Kent household. ENGINEERING STUDENTS Constituents meeting Thursday - Jan. 27 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Come and voice your concerns to your student representatives There will be a meeting Wednesday. Jan. 26 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Union (room will be posted). FRESHMAN FOR VISION Meeting at 7pm Wed in Union. All Ireshman interested are welcome. GENERAL STUDIES STUDENTS to apply I /olvement team assistant position in the office for student involvement. Pick up an application at 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union. Ques tions? Call Jennifer McClure at 472-8142. Application deadline: February 1st. Women’s Relationships Support Group Mondays, January 31 - May 3. Ne. Union 338,2:30 - 4.-00 p.m. This group is offered for persons wanting to end or who have ended a relationship. The group will consist of structured educational and supportive experiences. Screening required, facilitated by Jacqueline Beck, Women's Center Intern and Mary Svoboda, Counseling and Psychological Services. Contact the Women's Cen ter, at 472-2597 for more information. Women’s Wrestling Wednesday 7.-30 p.m.. Combative Aits room, Campus Rec. Prepare for intramurah and tournament in March. No experience needed. For Information, call Bonnie 467 4124. Finance Club Come and Voice your concerns to General Studies Senators Thursday - Jan. 27 at 1 :00 pm 115 Nebraska Union a few days left. 215 Meetings Campus Red Cross Meeting, Wednesday Jan. 28th, 6DO pm at the University Health Center. Blood Drive Commit tee heads please be there at 5:30. Everyone is Welcome to attendl AM UNL women invtted to Roee Rush Tea. Kappa Phi Come and meet other Christian Women dedicated to service, study, leadership, high academic standards, and sisterhood. Wed. Jan 26th. 6pm at Cornerstone (840 N 16th). More info - Lori 483-6293. Attention Student Foundation Meeting this Thursday, Jan. 27 at 530p.m. In the Nebras ka City union (room will be posted). Czech It out I The Komensky Club will show a Him. City Campus Union, Wednesday the 28th, 7-9 p.m. English subtitles Everyone welcome. FRESHMAN FOR VISION Meeting at 7pm Wed in Union. Allfreshman Interested are welcome. Greece: A Classical Journey. Study art history In Greece in May. Informational meeting, February 1 at 630 p.m. in Woods Art, Room 11. For details call International Affairs. 472-5853._ Odyssey Members Meeting Thursday night at East Campus Union. Mentors come at 6.00. Prodiges come at 700 for bowling. Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Pizza Party Thurs., Jan. 27,600 p.m. Culture Center (14th I R) New Members Welcome! Pre-Physical Therapy Club Meeting Bring money for sweatshirts end t-ehirta. Thursday, January 27th, 7pm UHC Conference rooms A-C. SAA RETREAT This Sunday. Meet at the Wick Center at 12:45. Hope to see you all therel SAA This Thursday at the Wick Center 5:00 p.m. SHARPI UNL Wildlife Club Meeting with speaker, January 26, East Campus Union, 7.-00 p.m.. Everyone welcome. 220 Greek Affairs Ag Men Congratulations to all the new Initiates: Jason Boner, Doug Brummels, Craig Burnside, Justin Daniel, Brad Evans, Darren Gardner, Brad Jareske, Ryan Johnson. Seth McGinn, Nate Mosier, Cory Paczora, Darin Placke, Chad Rebbe, Cory Saner, Mike Schukei, Brian Garner, Cole Wibbles, Torrey Smith, Jason Tongish, Mark Towle, Clint Turnbull. ASA CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR AWESOME NEW INI TIATES I YOU INSPIRE US ALU Julie Boeshart, Rachel Bolt, Angle Bring, Kadle Brlngelson, Angela Coon. Shelley Crounse, Tammy Drueke, Janece Feldhacker, Angie Fleck, Melissa Fuller, Kara Greenwood, Rachel Heieck, Jody Hoff, Christy Kennel, Lori Larson. Marissa McCann, Renee McOonnel, J.J. McGowan. Alison Means, Dawn Moody, Jody Rastede, Wendy Revets, Any Rowen. A Nicole Witt. XI Love Congratulations to aB the New Initiates. The Men of Kappa Sigma Congratulations to the 1994 Initiates of Gamma Beta Zeta: John Zymoia, Kraig Klkon, Erich Rachwitz, Todd Polly, El Bergmeler, Jon Engle, Chad Siedlik, Matt Shiffermller, Jason Hince, Dan Massara, Deric Wild, Shawn Klapal, Rick Van Ackeren, Mike Lickert, Mke Covault, Mark Outlet, and Mark Honan. The Men of Lambda Chi Alpha Ar Congratulation* to our new Initiates: Tesha Apptebee, Ann Bouggar. Robin Briggs. Janalle Campbell. Michaels Dolan, Courtney Doncheski. Julie EvansTcftandra Griess. Heather Grtffin, Molly Halatt. Katie Harr, KMIeKamopp, Keley Kehee, Jen Klein. Laura Madden, Angle Martin, Lindsey Morrison, Kaycee Muma, Abby Novak, Kara Patterson, Susie Rowe, Jodv Ryan, Tera Sasso, Angle Sawyer, Carl Stanko. Alexis Thomas, Nkki VWotta, Stephanie Walden. Special Thanks to MIcheHe Bouggar for all her work on inmtflonl Congratulations to Melissa Giddings on being selected to sing tor Oprylandl Love your DG Sisters AY Congratulations to the new initiates of DU I Brian Banes, Dillon Bloedom, Todd Carstens, Dan Crawford, Terry Crawford, Colin Gibson, Toby Goc, Chad Henning, Brock Hoegh, Mark Johnson, Russel Lawton, Ryan Letheby, Greg Mooney, Clint Oh Ison, Kirk Ortegren, Tom Pierson, Justin Roche, Shane Smith, Brent Stmt. Keith Weinhole, and Dan Williams. FROM YOUR BROTHERS AT DU Congratulations to All our New Pledges. The Men of Kappa Sigma Greek Week Committee Chairs Applications are due January 28th by noonl Pick up an application In Greek Affairs. Greek Week Committee Members! Applications due February 1st by noon. Pick up applica lions In Greek Affairs. Congratulations to Brandon Davis on his 1st place All Greek and 3rd place All University finishes In Sports Trivia. The Men of Kappa Sigma TKE. Thanks for the Dinner Exchange A Date Dash. The Women of AXID TRIANGLE FRATERNITY Congratulations to the New Triangle initiates: Jason Armlntrout. Jason Durrie. Chris Glaesemann, Brent Reis. Rick Provaznk, Max Greenwell, Greg Schafler, and Brian Stander. Congratulations to Matt Stoff el for entrance into Third year Architecture. The Brothers of Triangle Triangle Little Sisters Congratulations to our new Little Sister Initiates: Michelle Conradt, Jennifer Folger, Erica Freeman, Angel Henning. Susan Huntsman, Janelle Husman, JennlferKeDy. Shelly Ruenholl, Trfcia Tummons, and Buffy Williams. Congratulations to the New Little Sister Officers: Presi dent-Michelle Dotzler, Vice. Pres.-Shelly Hockemeier, Secretary-Janelle Husman, Treasurer-Lisa THberg and Social Cnair-Angi Fargo. 230 Student Government REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Campus Rec. Adv. Council • Res. hall rep. Government Liaison Committee Parking Appeals Senate - Division of Continuing Studies Senate - Graduate Deadline for above positions: Jan. 28 Nebraska Union Board DeedHne: February 7 Applications available at the Student Government office 115 Nebr. Union. UN-L STUOENT GOVERNMENT 6:30pm Tonight EAST CAMPUS UNION ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted ActNItles Person wanted for Fridays 3pm-11pm, Satur days 11am-9pm, 8 Sunday 1 ?pm 9pm. Must be creative and able to Interact wel with residents. Call 466-2713. Ben Simons Tuxedo Department needs part-time help In the afternoon and some evenings and weekends. Apply in person. Located at Gateway Mall. Child Care Teaching Assistants Part-time positions with morning and/or afternoon hours available. Responsbilities include: assisting Site Super visor with promoting apositlve. safe learning environment and coordinating children s activities. Requirements in clude: six months to one year related experience. Must have good communication skills. Starting salary $4.25/ hour. view, please to: Personnel Officer, 501 S. 7th, Lincoln, NE If you require accommodation to apply or inter ise contact Kelly Riley at 441-794$ Kelly Riley at 441 Famity Service is committed to a pluralistic working environment through Affirmative Action and Equal Oppor tunity. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson see.7* if tow jump Right, i donT held to wste TIME SHOVELING THE ENTIRE WkLK. C I9»4 WMKmnCW b> Unw» ’*•»»« I ACROSS 1 Soviet news agency • -Jones average • Outpouring 1 a Astronaut Bean 14 Old English letters 14 Small drum 17 Frequent letterhead feature ia Secular i a Contest site 20 Brandon Thomas farce 23 Least dotty 24 Refrain syllable 28 Mrs., in Montreux 2a Use the phone 30 Iterate 33 Sundance Kid's girl 37 Hurrah for the matador I as Sousa specialty 33 Napoleon Solo’s show 43 Capital of Vietnam 44 Mrs., in Madrid 48 Stadium section 4« Not alfresco 48 Jumble so Bee follower 81 Mushy stuff S3 Precisely 88 Louisa May Alcott novel 81 Natives of Belgrade ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE M “If-My Way," 1913 song ss Sachs of Nurnberg M Piano part •7 Wine: Comb, form at City SWof Buffalo •9 Oise tributary to Japanese epic film 71 Impudence DOWN 1 Bath powders 2 Oahu welcome 2 “A Certain Smile” author 4 Sleeper's rumble 5 Outtake • Pop singer Anita 7 "Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1 ” • Musial of baseball • Component 10 Honest one 11 Coal quantity 12 Notable period 1S Cicatrix 21 Hallucinogenic monogram 22 Middle East Initials: 1958-71 »S Word before beaucoup 29 Flat diamond tttt *7 An anesthetic 2t TV comedy series si Cassowary's cousin aa Puff - 33 Complex of 1 precepts 34 Title for Macbeth Nervous Mine, In France Support Bauxite or pitchblende sets* 42 Extinct mammal 47 Quiche ingredient Old French coin Lima's state Phoenix source Coronet Seat of County Clare 57 Road curves 55 Novelist Hunter 55 Innisfree, e.g. •0 New Testament miracle site •1 Watering spot •s Pacific garland S3 Commercials Edited by Eugene T. Maleska