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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1994)
Classified 472-2588 Net?raskan Thursday, January 13,1994 The Office for Student Involvement in the City Union has an opening for an Office Assistant for the 1994 spring semester. Work study is preferred, but other applicant will I begin on January 1 ue until suitable person is found. Men's Basketball Supervisor. Monday nights. Apply at Northeast YMCA. 26(51 N. 70th. Nautilus/Free Weight Supervisor. Also instruct youth fitness classes. Apply at Northeast YMCA. 2601 N. 70th. Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty office manager/ coordinator. 2Cfhours/week $ 100/week plus health insur ance. Inquire by calling 474-6575 or send resume to: NADP, P.O. Box 81455, Lincoln, NE 68501; Deadline: January 21st. How often do you have killer sex? Sex without the right pre cautions can turn you off. ..for good Look, abstinence is the only sure protection, but we don't want to tell you how to lead your life. We just want to teach you the facts of life about sexually transmitted diseases. You’ll find us caring, understanding and profes sional. We'll take the time to know you and answer all your questions And every thing's confidential and affordable. We provide testing and treatment of sexually trans mitted diseases because we care So for your own health and well being, make the smart choice And make an appointment today. For an appointment, call 476-PLAN |p) Planned Parenthood" Perfect for education and development majors Before & After School program for gradeschoolers. Flex ible hours and days: 6:45-9:00 a.m. and/or 3:00-5:30p.m.. Mon.-Fri. Belmont Community Center 477-8854. Positions open Immediately in East Union dishroom. Flexible hours. Apply Room 314 East Union 8-5. PROOF OPERATOR Job Description: Balances, micro-encodes and pro cesses customers deposits and internal documents. Performs at expected levels of accuracy and efficiency. Requirements: Knowledge of debits/credits, deposit transactions and balancing techniques OR bookkeeping/ accounting experience. Must pass 10-key test with min imum o!9(3bO keystrokes. Six months proof experience in bank or business. Good problem solving abilities. After 3 months of employment this PART-TIME oppor tunity offers: ‘Educational Assistance ‘Medical & Dental Coverage ‘Paid illness hours ‘FREE parking ‘Shift differential pay Hours: Monday-Tuesday-Friday, 2:30pm - 7:30pm; Wednesday-Thursday 3:30pm - 7:30pm; Saturdays 11 am - 2:30pm; Must be flexible to work additional hours during heavy volume periods Apply in person 9am to 4pm, Human Resources Dept. FIRSTIER BANK LINCOLN 13th & M Streets Lincoln, Nebraska Small business needs student majoring in accounting, or related field. Set up—maintain all business related files Typing needed. Flexible hours. 483-4335. Sorority needs hashers to work noon and/or evening meal. Good food plus pay. If hungry, interested or curious call housemom at 472-1088 or 436-0997. The Daily Nebraskan Is now hiring for receptionist/ classified ad salesperson position. Must be available 10:30-11:30 MWF. 1030- 11D0 TR. The ability to type 50 wpm, and good communication skills necessary. Pick up an application at the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Waltery help needed. Experience preferred. Night hours, at least one weekend per month necessary. Apply at King's Drlve-ln, 1650 Cornhusker, _ Need an individual for morning help. 10am-1 pm.M.W.F, ♦some weekends. Apply in person at Beet Style* Formal Wear, 200 South 19th._•_ Need experienced aerobic instructors for Monday-Friday afternoon classes. Call between 11 a.m.-4 p m.. Monday Friday, 476-6600. __ NOW HIRING Super Circuit Attendant Want#d:Students with weight (raining experience and exceptional customer services skills.Frior experience in a weight tralning/fitness environment recommended. Exercise Science major or related field helpful. Respon sible for overseeing the new Cybex Super Circuit equip ment and its users. Starting pay is $5.00 an hour. Appli cations available at the Campus Recreation office. Apply by January 17, 1994. NOW HIRING Individuals with strong communication skills for business to business telemarketing selling simple new medical device which practically sells itself. Learn a lot and build your resume. Flexible daytime hours. Downtown location. Call Stephen at 475-4002, 8-5 p.m. EOE. Open interviews lor Asst. Property Manager tor newer Lincoln Complex to be held Thursday, Jan 13, 10AM - 3PM. Bring resume to office. Claremont Park Apts., 9th 8 Claremont. 474-7275. Part-time cashier needed. Must be available Saturday all day. References required. 1745 O St. Family Thrift Center. Part-time run errands, do general office work, typing; knowledge of Word Perfect hetoful. $5.00/hr. Call be tween 3 and 5pm at 477-8425. Suite 102, 521 S. 14th. Part-time help needed. Apartment and office cleaning/ filing. 8 hrs./week at $5.00/hr. No freshman. Call Karen at 47/-7640 or 477-4240. Part-time dairy work, flexible hours lor student. Monday. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday hours, Saturdays option al Approximately 25 hours/week. Apply in person, 1137 Saunders, ask for Dave. Part-time he^>. 10-15 hours/week. Comics' Ink, 1401 N. Corner BNd , 486-7766. Olsten Kimberly OualitvCare' CNA'S WHO ARE NIGHT OWLS . . . We Need You For OVERNIGHTS Weekends, Days & Evenings 7 pm - 1 am Please call Barb at 489-8361 Olsten Kimberly Quality Care McDonald's Opening Soon at mSBO®27\h & Superior Hiring All Staff & Management Positions ‘Competitive Wages ‘Flexible Scheduling ‘Free Uniforms ‘Advancement Options ‘Half Price Meals Apply at the 11th & Cornhusker McDonald's ask for new store application The Watering Hole "Home of Lincoln’s Best Buffalo Wings" U 1321 'O' Street Thursday Nights 1 THE PAUL PHILLIPS SHOW [—| Nebraska’s BestfOne-Man Band [""] $2 95 Pitchers Bud, Miller Li^ht, & Coors Light $295 Buffalo Wings Large order of Lincoln's Best Buffalo Wings 8 pm-midnight Wanted: Rooting laborers, salary start $6.00. part-time acceptable, mornings or entire day. Cali 467-1949. Warehouse Jobs Great part-time opportunities working in our Warehouse. Work MonVThurs. 4 p.m.- 10p.m.,andSat.7am.-1 p.m., or Mon./Wed/Thurs. 4 p.m. -10 p.m. We otter competitive pay, free parking, dose proximity to campus and excel lent working conditions. Additional hours, summer work and career advancement many be available lor outstand ing performers. if you enjoy a fast pace, hard work and take pride in completing your work accurately and on time, you may be the person we needl Come and see us at: Lincoln Poultry 20th A M Stroots 310 Child Care Needed Babysitter needed lor I 1/2 and 3 year old. M-W-F a.m. and/or T-Th p.m. Hours flexible. 435-1537. Child Care in our home lor 9,5 and toddler. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Perfect lor college student. May split hours with other student if desired. Excellent salary. Please call 420-1577 for more Info and/or interview. Childcare needed for Tuesday mornings Mother's Group. 9:30 - 11:45 a.m„ call Pam, 435-7361. Needed Day Care In my home. 2 children. Tues. 6 Thurs. afternoons. 432-3045 6r 435-4620. 320 Work Study Jobs 3 positions, Modern Languages. Duties: clerical, lan guage laboratory, and Ibrary duties at Kawasaki Reading room. Apply tilt Oldtather Hall. Needed student with work study voucher to work In economics department. Duties include typing, computer, and copying skills. Must be dependable and Mention to detail. $5.50/hr. Call Carol at 472-6367._ The Department o( Distance Education has 2 Stall Aide Work Study positions available. General oft ice work, 12 20 hours per week, up to $5.25 per hour depending on computer experience. For more information contact Marie Barber at 472-1914. Work Study Students needed at Love LIbrary City Cam pus and CY Thompson Library East Campus. Day. evening and weekend hours available. $4.55-$4.80/hr. Apply at Love Library. Room 108.472-3963. 330 Summer Jobs 600 CAMPS IN THE USA, RUSSIA AND EUROPE NEED YOU THIS SUMMER. For the best summer of your life - see your career center or contact: Camp Counselors USA 420 Florence St.. Palo Alto. CA 94301. 800-999-2267. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice AM real sit ate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes It Mlegal to advertise any preference. Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, familial status or national origMi, or Intention to make any such preferences. Imitations or discrimination. The DaMy No braskan will not fmowinglv accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law or drscnrrMnates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that aHdwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. 400 Roommates Communemates needed at Isle Broddlck. $112.50/mo ♦ i'4 utilities. Only 4 blocks from campus H Interested, call 436-2747, ask for Joel. Female roommate. Share house with 4 girts. Block from campus. SI 50plus utilities. January Free. Cal477-7932. Female wanted to share 4 Br. house with 2 Females. S220/month, 1/3 bMs. 6 Deposit Nice Area 464 81 OS M/F to share 5 bedroom house. Large private bedroom, between campuses. S135*util*les. *36-1561, Chris. Male or female to share tour bedroom house. J143 plus utNIee Washer/dryer, dishwasher. 436-2495. Male/Female roommate wanted Jan. 1. Large 2 bedroom, $212 50 ♦ 1/2 utMtles. prefer non-smoker. Call Tom. Offtoe: 472-9324 or Home: 476-8657. Non-smoking female roommate. Close to both campus es. Under S&Mnonth. Cal 4350107. Non-smoking male, serious student to share nice 2 bedroom apartment. Close to campus. S206+ 1/2 unities Central air, dishwasher 438-3497 Non-smoking roommates needed to share house. Com pletely furnished. 2 blocks from Devaney Center. Call Jenrwer m 472-2569 or after 5 • 436-3643. Non-smoking female roommate. $210* 1/3 utMtles. Mod em home. nice area. 10 min. to campus 488-0863. must see. Responsible, non-smoking roommate needed. Duplex, wasner/dryer with private oath. CaH Dave 435-5576. Roommate wanted to share 3 bedroom apartment at Claremont Park Apartments. 438-6953. Roommates wanted $160+1/4 utilities. Located between both campuses, off street parking. Leave message, 438 5301. Want roommate for home. 3-bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, w/d, $200/month + 1/3 utilities. Deposit. 438-1430. 430 Houses For Rent 2 nice 4 bedrooms. Carrous close. 2118 Vine or 1140 N. 29th. 2 baths each. $706.432-0644. 432-6644. 4 Bedrooms near UNL. Washer/dryer, dishwasher, air conditioner. 2 baths. Short lease If desired. $695. 423 1535. Three bedroom. Basement. $550 plus utilities and depos It. No pets. 2946 N. 56th. 489-5755. Two bedroom near UNL, washer/dryer furnished. Avail able January 15th. No pets. $350/month + utilities +deposit. J^alU88-6435 __ Two blocks north of stadium. 2 bedroom house, off-streel parking, $500 plus utilities. 1113 New Hampshire. 488 4667. 440 Duplexes For Rent Large one bedrooms available. Very clean. 1832 L and 30& T St. $320. 437-9618.489-5168. 450 Apartments For Rent “620 S. 20th. Nice I and 2-bedrooms, deck. No pets. $385. 489-3550. Leave message. 1256 South 26th. 3-bedroom, laundry, parking, nice. Only $450. No pets. 466-9526. 1522 Rose-garage Brick 4-plex. Two bedroom. New carpet. Appliances Laundry. Lease. No pets. 489-9916. Century Management Co. Large selection of apartments. *240-529. 476-2500 Cozy up to a nice warm fire at Willowhaven Apartments. Energy efficient t and 2 bedroom apartments now avail able with fireplaces or woodbuming stove. Professionally maneqed Call 476-6200 now. DESIGNED FOR STUDENT LIFESTYLE Newer t. 2,3,8 4 bedroom apartments close to campus available lor August 94. Swimming pod, workout lacill ties, dishwashers, microwaves, pmrate pattatoalconies Avoid the rush I Reserve next year's home todaylll 474 PARK CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS Need Privacy? Fully furnished one-bedroom apt. Very dose to campus and route with Star Tran Bus. No pets, non-smoking, and free water utlfty only. $210/mo. 474 6473, leave message. NO DEPOSIT! One bedroom, heat paid! 1107 L. Just remodeled. Studio. Only $260. $260 3179 R. Wood floors. Only 2100 B. Basement unit. Oi ' 2201 A Street. Basement Unit All neat and clean. Call Phoenix Properties Inc. 474-5327. Only $195 nit. Only $195 pert ies Management, READY for a CHANGE of PLACE? NOW LEASING •CLOSE TO CAMPUS On* bedroom apartments. 2604 Vino St. 1109 No. 28th Sharp apartments, heat paid. $330 - 365. STUDIO, 2627 Vino. $275. Perfect tor you. One-bedroom duplexes, ground level and second floor available. 311 No. 24th. 700 No. 26. 26t5 Vino. $325 - 350, all or mod utilities paid Two-bedreeme. 2504 Vine St. Ground level, era*-out patio Energy efficient. $436. Cherry Hill Hill Managem 489-48570 ent. Students: For rent. Two bedroom, $360/month One bed room. $270/month. 2224 U Street. Meal plan available 475-9922 or 421-3669 Studio for sublet. February t. Wood floors, lots of win dows. capital area. $290. heat paid. 476-2)81. NEW! NEW! NEW! MILLER HIGH LIFE and ^MILLER HIGH LIFE LIGHT, warm case cans. BUSCH Reg or Light, warm case MICKEY'S warm case bottles. OLD STYLE Reg, Light. Classic, warm case. $10" $6 99 SUN COUNTRY COOLERS .2 PINK PASSION..A Pk. and much, much more thru 1/19/94 Just North of 27th * VINE 477-7516