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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1994)
$24,000 Graduate Fellowships Available College seniors and graduates who are interested in becoming secondary school teachers of American history, American government, or social studies may apply. Fellowships pay tuition, fees, books, room, and board. For information and applications call: James Madison Fellowships toll free: 1-800-525-6928 Internet address: Recogprog @ ACT-ACT4-PO Wed. R/B-Hip Hop. Thur. Rock Night. 500 Draws $1.25 Bud Bottles till 10p.m. Fri. Rave/Retro/Techno. College Happy Hour 250 Draws. (3p.m-8p.m) Sat. Jan. 15th Lie Awake. Lie Awake 9p.m January 15th. 226 ”S" 9th. 477-1667 Nqb°W $ft|NQ fyflW SPRING BREAK COMPLETE FIVE 8 SEVEN NIGHT TRIPS SOUTH PADRE ISLAND PANAMA CITY BEACH Wm STEAMBOAT H Hiasuecas~H VAIL/BEAVER CREEK ORLANDO/DISNEY WORLD MUSTANG ISLAND HILTON HEAD ISLAND BRECKENRIDCE/KEYSTONE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ft RESERVATIONS WHIitfftkinMIfl JENNIFER 436 • 7900 PER PERSON DEPENDING ON DESTINATION / BREAK OATES / LENGTH OF STAY. Classic musical inspires self-confidence, faith through comedy, hidden love story By Paula Lavigne Senior Reporter Driven by the goals of his impossi ble dream, the disillusioned Don Quixote begins his quest during the opening performance of “Man of La Mancha attneLiea Center tonight. Based on the novel “Don Quixote” by Miguel de Cervantes, this classic musical shows the impor tance of self-confi dence and eternal faith. Actor Ronald Brown, who por trays Quixote, said the moral was “one of hope and the idea of striving towards something greater or high er.” Although Quixote’s character is an insane old man looking through a different reality, Brown said the mes sage was timeless. “He’s basically just out of his mind,” Brown said. “It’s not like he’s someone with a wild sense of humor. He’s really off the deep end, but with in that, he still has a clear sense of purpose.” This old man believes he is a me dieval knightjousting monsters, which are actually windmills, in pursuit of his “dulcinea” or beautiful woman, Brown said. Quixote’s beautiful woman hap pens to be a kitchen wench named Aldonza, played by actress Susan Nock. - ti— It Is a love story, but not a classic love story. It's a love of the heart from afar, rather than an intimate love. —Nock, actress “Aldonza’s main goal is to sur vive,” Nock said. Aldonza survives, Nock said, by prostituting herself to the local Muleteers. “She doesn’t care about life. She fails herself,” Nock said. Aldonza’s character changes when Quixote claims her as this raving beau ty. “As he opens his heart to her, she becomes more vulnerable,” Nock said. “She starts to like him. She sees her self as he sees her.” Nock said Aldonza’s basic mes sage was to “believe in yourself and see there’s another side of your life.” Although “Man of La Mancha” is seen as a musical comedy, Nock said there was a hidden love story. “It is a love story, but not a classic love story,” she said. “It’s a love of the heart from afar, rather than an inti mate love.” Both actors said their roles were challenging because of the various physical and vocal demands of their characters. “My character comes on as Cervantes in prison awaiting trial,” Brown said. “In an effort to save his life, he undergoes a kangaroo court in prison. He creates this story and be -.w w comes the character of Don Quixote.” Brown, while switching between Quixote and Cervantes, said there was a challenge in maintaining the audience’s understanding that this was a “play within a play.” “When we step in and out of char acter, we need to make sure the audi ence is able to stay with you,” he said. “If they lose track, the impact is not as strong.” Endurance was the toughest chal lenge for Nock. “When I took this role, people said ‘You’recrazy; you’ll come outofthis with no voice,”’ she said. “It comes from the soul. The singing is very earthy, very belty.” Being thrown around, bench pressed and dropped to the ground arc other obstacles Nock has to over come. “I physically get thrown around the stage,” she said. “The acting is a lot to sink your teeth into.” “Man of La Mancha” will pre miere tonight at 8 p.m. with addition al performances on Friday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $28, $24 and $20, and they are half-price for students. FOR SALE 000s 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Garage Sales 10 Mlsc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pats 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles SERVICES 100s 100 Adaption 105 Alterations 6 Sewing 110 Automotive 115 Bicycle Service 120 Bridal 125 Catering 128 Child Care 130 Cleaning/Laundry 131 Cleaning/Households 135 Computer Service 140 Entertainment 145 Git Ideas 146 Hairstyling 150 Health 6 Fitness 153 Insurance 155 Instruction/Tutoring 158 Job Placement 160 Lawn care 165 Legal Services 173 Music Exchange 175 Photography 178 Pregnancy 180 Printing 8 Copying 182 Recycling 183 Religious 185 Rentals 188 Tanning 190 Tattooing 193 Travel 195 Typing 8 Resumes NOTICES 200s 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Attars 230 Student Government 240 Personals 245 Lost 8 Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising JOBS 300s 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships HOUSING 400s 400 Roommates 410 Housing Wanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Hent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.16 each additional word. $.76 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p m. Weekday before publication The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for a! I contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Every Thursday! lla.m.-llp.m. TACOS With Coupon $1 OFF PITCHER OF BEER One per person Knickerbockers CORNER OF 9th & O St. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL >72-2588 FAX 472-1761 R AM-4 30 pm Monday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln Nebraska 88588-0448 00s For Sale 5 Bicycles For Sale Bicycles, aceesories, suspension forks, and repairs. Honker Hanger Bike Shop. 40th A A Streets 486-0323. Hours: noon-530 p.m. BICYCLISTS Don't pay five dot art to ride your bike to campus. Parking advisory meeting Jan. 13th, Thurs. 3.00 p.m East Cam pus Linton. Great Plains room. Show up and voice your opinion. 13 Clothing For Sale Heyl Kick-A black combat boots, women's size S. Real leather, triple-stitched BRAND NEWI Cal Michelle 475 6817. S80o4>.o. 16 Computers For Sale For sale: Smith Corona Personal Word Processor 100C keyboard/monitor, discs, ribbons. Corona Calc, 4 print wheels. $300 080. Cal 477-0761. 20 Furniture For Sale Complete king-size watetbed for sale. First $75 takes It. 1-335-2014_ Dorm-size refrigerator. 3.8 cubic feet—about 1 year old. Stger single waterbed with drawers/padded rails. 435 For Sale: Bedroom set complete, dining room set. sofa, bar stools. Can be seen 5-7pm Jan. 12 & 13. Call 476 2018 to Inquire. 60 Sporting Goods Excel wrlght bench with tog extension a Incline pres v curl bar and weight. Beet offer. Cal Derek. 435-4*9 KHS Montana Comp Mountain Bfcings 1994 Bike of the Year in stock now and only (700 at Cycle Works. Snow skies. Fischer Superlxe 190. Bindings S727. Call 423-8225 after 5:30pm 100s Services 100 Adoption Abundance of love awaits neefcom. Secure happy cou ple wishes toprovtdechldwtlh wonderful future. Expens es paid. Marla/Malt t-800-451-1770. 128 Child Care Services Ful time openings, licensed daycare. Food program available. 40th t Old Chenney area. Call for ln-home Interview. Lori 423-0181. 153 Insurance For al your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-9077. American Family tourance-Renters, Auto. Home, Health, and Life. 178 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment. LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 0 Street. Suite 121 _478-2601_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. ^Free^rvynancy test, please call us for *>poinf 188 Tanning I Start your great Tan in Jan Unlmlted Tanning I $20 00. The sooner you start, the mora Tans you I can gat this month. SaHaira 46th 6 Huntington. 464-8787. 195 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, covar letters, typing. Quick serves, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 438-7264. All types of word processing. Laser printing. $1.25 dou ble-spaced page Call Dana. 466-4400 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax Doily Hobrookon, basement oi me Madras** Union 200s Notices 210 Announcements 3 & 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarship For all diadpHnM now available ft you have 6 to 4 temester* remaining you may ba eligible. Full tuition at UNI, plus up to $45000 for texfcookt. Cal 472-2468 for more information. , 3 & 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarship For all dtadpNnea now available. V you have 6 to 4 semesters remaining you may be eligible. Full tuition at UNL. plus up to $450.00 for textbooks. Cal 472-2468 for more information. Apply now! The Office for Student Involvement Is accepting apples lions for the 1994-95 Involvement Teem Assistant. This person will select, train and coordinate the 12-member 1994-95 Involvement Team. Pick up an applcaton at 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union or call Jennifer McClure at 472-9142. Applcatlon deadline: Feb ruary!._ _ Attention UNL Student, Staff, S Faculty Are you experiencing pain or discomfort In your loot or legs? Then check out the new podiatry services at the University Heath Center Podiatry services be gin January 12.1994. Wednesday. 1 -3 p.m. For more Information or to schedule an appointment call 472-7416. A fee Is charged for this service. BICYCLISTS Donl pay five dotars to ride your bite to campus. Parking advisory meeting Jan. 13th. Thurs. 300 p m East Cam pus Union. Great Plains room. Show up and voice your opinion. ATTENTIONII EHgtke student planning to transfer to Teachers College must first attend a College orientation session. Bring your advising folder and a CMA to one of the sessions listed below: Tuesday. January 18 107Henzllk 200-245 Tuesday. January !8 107 Henzlfc 300 - 345 Wednesday, January 19 107 Henzlfc 3:30 • 4:16 Wednesday. January t9 107 Henzlfc 430 - 6:15 Monday. February 28 116 Henzlfc 230-3:16 Monday. February 28 196Henzft 300-346 Tuesday. March 1 107 Henzlfc 200 - 246 Tuesday. March 1 107 Henzlfc 300 -346 Tuesday. April 5 107 Henzlfc 2:00 -246 Tuesday. April 6 107 Henzlfc 3:00-346 Wednesday. April 8 107 Henzlfc 3:30-4:16 Wednesday. April 6 107 Henzlfc 430-8:15 For more Information, contact the Teachers College Stu dent Servioes Center, 106 Henrifc Had.