ATTENTION JUNIORS THE INNOCENTS SOCIETY, the Chancellor's Senior Honorary. Is now accepting applications for new mem h^« The society recognizes 13 Individuals from the junior class with outstanding leadership, service and academic records. Applications are available in the Off le ns of Student Involvement (200 City Union and 300 East Union) and Dr. Grtesen's Office (124 Admin)._ CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING • Earn up to $2,000+/ mer and Full-Time employment available. No experience necessary. For more Information calt 1-206-634-6468 ext. C5778 cm vour Bachelor Cap, Gown. A Tassle at NEBRASKA BOOKSTORE for only *14.95. NO RETURN NEEDEDI Save your cap and gown as a keepsake. 13th A O Street, 478-0111 Holiday Gift for You Bring this classified along with a canned good to the Kaplan Center 245 N. 13thbefore Dec. 15th. We'l donate the canned goods to a Lincoln charity and give you a 525 00 discount on an MCAT. GRE, GMAT, LSAT, DAT. or OAT prep course.__ IS YOUR PROFESSOR VIOLATING THE DEAD WEEK POLICY? CompMnt forma and Information available at tha ASUNolWca, 115 Nabr. Union. NEED MONEY RIGHT NOW? Tired ot waiting until payday to get cash? We will cash your personal check and hold il tl payday. Lowest rates intownl Nebraska Check Cashers 11th A Cornhuaker 477-2535 Paycheck Advance 48th A "O" 464-7446 RUSSIA SUMMER STUDY ABROAD Are you Interested in seeing what's going on in Russia IN PERSON? Here's your opportunity. The Coiege of Busi ness Administration is oftenng a three-week program In Moscow and St. Petersburg In June. This coulobe the opportunity ot a lifetimel Find out more at the information session. Wednesday, December A at 3:30 pm. In CBA 125 For more details, stop by CBA or phone 472-2310. I SEA Student Education Association, Meeting I Dec. 7th, 5:30pm, HenzNk Hal. Elections. Ev- | eryone welcome. STUDY ABROAD Information meetings. Tuesdays at 6.-30, Wednesdays at 4:00 International Affairs, 1237 R St. STUDY IN MEXICO!! Spend six weeks of your summer - or If that’s not enough, spend a whole semester - studying In Mexico. You will earn credit while learning about business In Mexico and studying Spanish. But, there is much more to this program than academics - learn about another culture, meet new friends, and eiplore the country on your own during the program break. Come find out more at this week's Infor mation session I Wedneedey, December A at 3 JO pm. In CBA 125 For more details, stop by CBA 136 or phone 472-2310. Trevet Abroad end Work. Make up to *2,000-$4,000+/ mo teaching basic conversational English abroad Ja pan. Taiwan, and S. Korea. Many employers provide room A board ♦ other benefits. No teaching background or Asian languages required. For more Information call: (206)632-1146 ext. J5776._ Wanted 5-6 people interested in starting a Dungeons A Dragons Campaign. Beginners welcome. 464-6501. Win a trp to Cancunl Look tor details and entry blanks in the coupon section of your new University Telephone D’rectory. Directories are available now at both Union Information Desks, at the University Bookstores and at the ASUN Office. ALPHA PHI OMEGA Short meeting tonight, 7:00p.m., Nebraska Union. Christ mas Caroling afterwards Block and bridle meeting Tomght at East Campus Union. Regular meeting at 7 30. elections tonight. All members please attend. Friends of the Deaf Community Club Pf® ®- 7,:3°Pm m City Union. Learning Christmas carols In Sign Language. Room will be posted Habitat for Humanity Meeting. Tues. Dec 7 at 5:30 p.m . Nebraska Union, Spring Break Trip will be discussed. Phi Chi Theta Acthres at 530 om, pledges at 530. Attendance manda tory. Informal. Pre-Dental Club X-mas Party _ Dec. 9th at 630 pm details cal Andrew or Dr. Kuster. ISf* llu<^LEdoe*,,on Association, Meeting I Dec. 7th, 5:30pm, Henzlk Hall, room 109. Elec- I tlons. Everyone welcome. Tired of the dorms? Give Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity a try. Get Involved In leadership positions and social activities. Spring Rush meeting Wed. Dec. 8,4:30 p.m., City Union food court. UNL Horticulture Club Poineettia Sale Dec. % 1993 Nebraska Eaet Union 830 a.m. - 330 p.m. UNL wildlife Club Next meeting: Wednesday, Dec 8, 730 pm. East Cam pus Union. Speaker: Kathleen Keeler. Plus Wildlife Club t-shirts for $5. ★ ★ Andy R. (FH): Congratulations. We are proud of you. Love and kisses, Molly, Dave, Claik, Sudie and Reagan! ★ ★ is Congratulations to Dave Chase for first place in the Ponca Fall Festival Series after a first place at the Wild Turkey Dirt Classic on Sunday. Also, congratulations to Bryan Ganzel for second place, and third in the series. __ Your Acacia Brothers We are proud our 'Sweethearts' Sigma Chi - Julie K. and Theta )0 - Shawnda A Congratulations to Angela L. on getting pearted. We re so happy for you. Love your KD sisters Get Involved! Be apart of the Campus Recreation Advisory Council. If you live in a residence hall, apply to fil our current vacancy. Applications are available In Room 55 of the Campus Recreation Center or Room 32 of the ECAB. Deadline: Friday, 12/10-93 Questions: 472-3467. Julia M., Nice rock I Good luck with the job and the marriage. Shaun —^-^/^omens— Services P.C. ABORTION CARE Safe* Affordable* Confidential Abortion Services Provided During All Legal Stages • Awake or Asleep • Outpatient Care • Birth Control • Total OB/GYN Health Care • Board Certified OB/GYN Physicians 201 S. 46th St., Omaha, NE 60132 j CALL TOLL FREE • 1-000-922-8331 | Bud 3 MGD Miller Lite Coors Light TUESDAY SPECIAL v^X SZ/0 Pitchers 50C Draws 3-Close - -.— THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON It was a special moment, at father and son watched their weekend project attract Its first tenant. News Desk, It's been beautifull I cried. It was better than cals. Shaun Al. Here's to pornos In Minneapolis, Cops in Omaha, and Cops in Minnesota Gotta love those road tripel Good luck and thanks. ^S Lita and Jate, I'll never forget the bat 4 1/2 years of holding hands, eating rocks (and minerals), Pooner, and all our themes. At least we know what kind we arel Love, Dane I would like to congratulate Sandro. Ivan, Loo, Odair, Neldet, Gustavo, Joachim, Tory. WWio, Color, Wet fo r their outetandlng effort and dedication by winning the AH University Soccer Championship Vincent To the beautiful brunette wearing a green sweater who I sat behind at the Carson Theater; Sun. 5th at 3:00 p.m. I didn't mean to be so shy. If I could have another chance to meet you, would you call mo? * at the DN. Green Shirt Found: Gold bracelet on 4th floor Abel on Saturday night. Call 436-8460 to identify and claim. Hamilton Hall lost and found. Rm. 228. Lots of clothing, books, notebooks. Office hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. Will pay 30% of cover price for most paperbacks used in Litdasses.PAGEONEBOOKSTORE.206N 13th.below Douglas 3 Theaters. 300s Jobs Cabanas Donee Club, Bar 4 Grid Will be opening soon. Looking for part-time doorpersons. bartenders, waitery, barbacks, and DJ's. Call for an appointment, 477-1667. **Kerrey’s*# Hiring for part-time host/hostess, grill cook, lunch waitery and evening/weekend servers. Will train. ARTS & SCIENCES STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 1223 Oldfather. Deadline is Wednes day, December 8, 1993. 90 year old company launches new division In preventive help Industry. Seeking success oriented candidates for high potential part-time opportunity. 421-6872 Paul. ADVERTISING, HUMAN RESOURCES, & PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR We are looking for an individual to Direct the activities of these three departments within our business I This person must be extremely organized, flexible, able to juggle several tasks at once, creative, and able to work evenings and weekendsl The Advertising, H.R. 8 Entertainment Director will be responsible for the following in: Human Resources • aggressively recruiting, hiring, ori entating, 8 training, records keeping, evaluating perfor mance of employees. Advertising - Develop budget, develop a place all adver Using with radio and newspaper, planning of monthly specials and ad campaigns, developing P.O.S. displays. Public Relations - Creating and organizing special events, maintain customer relations ana public relations. In return for your hard work, we offer an excellent salary of 18K - 23K. complete benefits package, paid holidays, vacation and sick leave. If you are qualified and have the skills we need, please sent your resumeto: P .0 Box 6421. Lincoln. NE 68506. 500 Summer Opportunities 1994 In NY. PA, MASS, MAINE: Teachers. Coaches, Chefs, RN's, Instructors needed for Tennis, Basketball, Base ball. Hockey, Swtmming/WSI/Llfeguard, Sailing, Water skiing, Windsurfing, Lacrosse, Archery, Gymnastics. Ceramics. Jewelry, Volleyball, Soccer, Dramatics. Equestrian. Fitness. Ropes, Outdoors man, Piano Ac companist; Physical Education Majors, Etc. Upperclass men preferred: Must love kids - Call Arlene I-800-443 6428. __ Cashier needed. Part-time position open. References required. Apply Family Thrift Center. 1745 'O' Street DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE seeking workstudy. Flexible hours. Office functions: clerical, working with students, faculty, staff. $5.00/hour. Contact Karen. 472-3677. Cold Cm • Earn up to $ 150/month donating plasma. • Mew customers receive $25 on first donation. (call for appt.) v • Return customers receive $15 on first donation of week and $20 on second donation of same week. • Enjoy TV and movie entertainment, free parking at tne door and the friendliest staff in town at our new state of the art facility. vfm BioMedical Center 300 Ljncolr^DonorCente^^>i>i^^X£h^^2/31$3 Education Majors The City of Waverly NE is hiring playground leaden for a children's afterschool recreation program. Elementary education majors encouraged. Hours: 3-5:30pm week days. Beginning second semester or sooner. Cal 786 2312 from 8-4:30pm. EOE Infant care giver T A wanted at Merry Manor. Experience and/or in reeded educational field required. Hours: 3-545. Job starting December 20. Apply at 320 N. 48th from 1-3. JOB OPPORTUNITIES FACTORY WORKERS Immediate openings for factory workers to be placed at northwest Lincoln locations. Ail positions are 40 hrs/ week, Monday thru Friday. Applicants must be at least 18 or older and may apply between 800 am. and 4:30 p.m., •Assembly Workers -*5.75/Hr. •Experienced Tool 8 Dye Machinists - $7.00/Hr. •Experienced MIG Welders - $7.00/Hr. MSP Resources, Inc. Suite 436, Greentree Court 210 Getew^^North, Lincoln Lazio's Brewery and Grill is now accepting applications for host positions. Apply in'person Monday, Dec. 6 or Tueday. Dec. 7 between 2-4 p.m. ATTENTION ADULT STUDENTS New Student Enrollment is seeking an adult student to serve as an Orientation Leader for the 1994 year. Learn new skills and valuable information during the spring, then help orient adult students to UNL while earning money during the Summer. Call 472-4646 or stop by 200 Nebraska Union for application detailsl Deadline, De cember 15. SOUTH PADRE ISLAND NORTH PADRE/MUSTANQ ISLAND -r«L*0*R»I»D»A DAYTONA BEACH PANAMA CITY BEACH ORLANDO/WALT DISNEY WORLD -C»0*L«0»A*A«D*0 STEAMBOAT VAIL/BEAVER CREEK BRECKENRIDQE/KEYSTONE -M»E« V* A*D* A LAS VEGAS - S*0*U*T»H C»A»A*0*L*1«M*A HILTON HEAD ISLAND RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE NOW CALL TOLL FREE FOR FULL DETAILS AND COLOR BROCHURE! 1*800»SUNCHASE Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson UE SAID HE WANTED TO THEN HE SAID HE WAS GOING TOUR DADS 1 WHAT IF HES READ SOMETHING LONG, RICH, TO BUS THE BOOK WITH CASH, GOING INTO TURNING INTO AND TH0U6HT- PRoUOKlVlG FOR SO NOBODT QDUlD TRACE THE THE FUTURE SOME RIND OF A CHANGE, AND HE WANTED PURCHASE TO HIM AND EKPVDlT RICKING AND SOBSERSWE ? A CLOTH BINDING 3D HlS „ ms INTERESTS FOR ^ ^ SCREAKING, - BOOR COULD BE CARRIED g COMMERCIAL. ISNT HE? f '' mV®" M^OoND AND REREAD later f PURPOSES jjl , - u !■ . „. / W, Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0126 ACROSS i Commit a felony « Court order 10 Clubs 14 Strap for a draft animal is Flubs 16 Laconic 17 VCR button 18 Examine diligently, with "over” i* Food thickening agent 20 Skunk River city 21 Carpenter's joint 22 Computer list 23 Grammatical case: Abbr. 24 “Endymion" poet 25 Solar-vs lunar year period 26 Does a farming chore 28 Lightweight fabrics 30 Ropes for training horses 31 Invitation request 32 Prize 33 Defunct U S. coins 38 Calculate 41 Water carrier 42 Charm 48 Creeds 47 Ingredient of some pralines 48 High priest: Luke 3:2 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 50 Barfly 51 These may be split 52 A Mayflower passenger 53 Napoleon won here: 1796 54 He wrote “I Like It Here" 55 Actor in “Pretty Woman" 50 Group of witches 57 Cager Archibald 58 Hometown of soprano Mitchell 59 Charpentier creation 60 French writer or town 61 Slippery 62 Shoulders of roads DOWN 1 Hulk Hogan hold 2 Organ devices 3 Relief 4 A-one 6 Tennis term 6 Cuttlefish 7 Meadowlands performer 9 Police-blotter data 9W.W. (battlesite 10 Shore-dinner dish 11 Difficult and distasteful 12 Cavort is Cakewalks 21 Galley worker 24 Patella 28 Transfixes: Var. 27 It couldn’t wither Cleo 28 Ancient Iranian language 34 Long Tom 38 Is postponed 38 Outermost cell layer 37 Lyrical forms used by Dante 30 Kind of triangle 40 Climbing plant’s leafless organ 42 Lluvia falls here 43 River south of Minsk 44 French treaty or treatise 45 Type of apple 4t Indigent 52 Awry, in Yorkshire 53 Canter leisurely s« Short, stocky horse