The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1993, Page 10, Image 10
It’s no action film — just food for the mind “Flesh and Bone” An intricate plot of fate, coinci dence, bloodlines and evil make “Flesh and Bone” a big but tasty mor sel to swallow. Writer and director Steve Kloves (“The Fabulous Baker Boys”) uses a desolate West Texas setting to slow ly unfold the story, which centers on vending machine supplier Arlis Sweeny. Dennis Quaid’s portrayal of Sweeny, a man who isolates himself and hides from his past, is impres sive. Together with real-life wife Meg Ryan, who plays the flamboyant but searching Kay Davies, Quaid shines as a troubled man full of regrets and pain. The story begins with Arlis as a child whose father Roy, played to perfection by James Caan, forces him to help burglarize rural houses by pretending he is lost, getting inside and signaling to his father when the family is asleep. But one night the plan goes wrong, and Roy enters too early. By the end of the scene, Roy shoots everyone in the family but the crying baby. Years later, coincidence of coin cidences, Arlis crosses the path of that baby — Kay Davies. She hap pens to be the female entertainment at a good ol’ boys bash in a local tavern. Gradually Arlis and Kay become friends and then lovers who travel from town to town on Arlis’ vending route. Life gets a bit crazy and peaks when Kay brings Arlis to her house, putting him in the middle of a de lightful bout between Kay and her husband. In this scene, Ryan shows off her proven prowess playing a de termined woman of unconventional methods. From there, “Flesh and Bone” only gets more twisted, as Kay and Arlis are found by father Roy, accompa nied by a young, up-and-coming con artist, Ginnie. Gwyneth Paltrow, who plays the hard-boiled young woman, more than carries her weight among the three seasoned stars of the film. With such a circling plot, Kloves runs the risk of cither confusing the audience or losing its confidence with such a heavy theme of chance and coincidence. But Kloves has avoided both pit Courtesy of Paramount Pictures Arlis (Dennis Quaid) right, and Kay (Meg Ryan) are a man and woman whose attempt at love is haunted by a mysterious figure, Roy (James Caan), in “Flesh and Bone.” falls by developing his story slowly and believably with seldom a brush with boredom. The result is a well-crafted movie that relics as much on its surprise filled plot as on its fresh, finely tuned cast. And they’ve even got those Texan accents down pat. This is a thinker’s movie that reg isters far below the current standard set for “action.” It is made for filmgoers who prefer an intellectual challenge over a display of technolo gy and gore. For those who put themselves in that first category, admission to “Flesh and Bone” is a price well worth paying. — Glenn Antonucci Oz Continued from Page 9 the Royal Shakespeare Company thought “The Jitterbug” was a ter rific piece and decided to include it. “It’s a showstopper,” she said. “Everybody goes wild over it... this cast does it beautifully.” . Grayson said the stage and set design were equally amazing. Set designers created a technicolor Munchkinland and a sparkling and glimmering Emerald City. The Wizard’s terrifying head is brought to life in fifteen-foot splen dor, courtesy of Big Nazo Puppets of Providence, R.I. The same is true of the trees Dorothy and friends encounter in the forest on their way to the Emerald City. “They’re really fiin,” Grayson said. The special effects are elaborate also, she said, complete with blasts of smoke for the Wicked Witch, fireballs and a great deal of flying. “The witch and her bicycle fly, Dororthy flies, and the witch’s mon keys fly,” she said. Both shows begin at 8 p.m. and are sold out. Two pre-performance talks will be given by Jim McShane, UNL professor of English literature. The first talk will be 55 minutes before the performance and another, 30 minutes prior to curtain. 1 TAILGATE 93 " W.C.'s 1228 'P' St. Pregame Tailgate Party 10:30am to 1:00pm Before every home game. ^USSMEO INDEX |- 178 Pregnancy 180 Printing ft Copying '- 182 Recycling 02 Appliances '!?2e"?K?us 05 Bicycles ®o Rentals 10 Books fanning 13 Clothing 22 Jano°,n9 1S Computers Iravel . „ 20 Furniture 195 Typing ft Resumes 30 Jewelry 40 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 200 Rides 46 Oftice Furniture 203 Spring Break Trips 50 Pets 205 Career Events 55 Photo Equipment 210 Announcements 60 Sporting Goods 215 Meetings 65 Stereos/TVs 220 Greek Adairs 70 Ticket Exchange 230 Student Government 90 Vehicles 240 Personals 245 Lost ft Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 100 Adoption - 105 Alterations ft Sewing 110 Automotive - 115 Bicycle Service 300 Help Wanted 120 Bridal 310 Child Care 125 Catering 320 Work Study Jobs 128 Child Care 330 Summer Jobs 130 Cleaning/Laundry 340 Internships 131 Cleaning/Households - 135 Computer Service 140 Entertainment _ 145 Gift Ideas 400 R00mmates uar*!yV’P. 410 Housing Wanted ! 22 ^®a*h ® Fitness 420 Roomsmenl i nsurance 430 Houses/Rent “ l^f^,IOn/TU,?rl°9 440 Duplex/Rent «n ^l4c*ln,nl 450 Apartments/Rent “ Lawn “re 460 rammer Housing 22 W 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 173 Music E xchange 480 vacation/Rent ---1 CRANK II Escape to Kinkos and crank out the work! • Computers • Laser Printers 1201 "Q" Street • 475-2679 If ||l|fftf C' • Color Prints & Copies 33() N ^ StrMt • Quiet Work Spaces U1G COpy CCfltGr 00s For Sale I ~1 New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands. Wheel n A Deal'n Bine Shop. 2706 Randolph 438 1477. Timberline GT. all terra. Components: EXAGE. ISHIWATA, CROMOLY Main tubes. $275 O.B.O. 464 5654,_ Women's ski suit, size medium. Worn once. $50. Call 476-9641, leave message_ Laptop computer. 386, 5 meg ram, 60 meo HD—like new—latest software lor Windows—Word Perfect 5.1. Word. Excel, plus Lotus. Price reduced $950.435-6775. leave message._ 4 pc. bedroom set bed w/headboard, 2 dressers, desk and chair Good condition $125 OBO 438 5884 BEDS Twin Long Trundle Bed(s) with 2frames and 2 mattresses One fits under the other. Pair for $70. Single twin long bed frame and mattress for $30. Call Britt at 472-2475 or 421 - 9079 (evenings) Queen waterbed Great shape Padded rails, bookcase headboard, heater. Call 467-1056. Casio stereo keyboard, CT648, new In box $130. Worn art's Schwinn 10 speed bke, excellent, $55.6' Christmas tree, $15. 489 9040_ 1990 Fisher 4 head VHS and Camcorder with 6x zoom, adaptor attachments, charger, remote control, carrying case $400 Evenings 488-0570. For Sale: VCR w/remote, $90, excellent condition, works great Also, COLOR T.V, $75. 466 8520 New car stereo system. $450 or best offer Call Carl after 6 p.m. 483-1665._ 2 Janet Jackson tickets In Minneapolis. MN, Dec 7th Best offerll 477 7401 I want to buy one or more NU -OU student tickets Call 436 5347. Leave message. TOP $ PAID FOR: Validated Football Tickets NO SINGLE SEATS, PLEASE 441-9041 Two Iowa State tickets lor sale, together $20 each 483 1175 WANTED 2 Iowa State tickets Call Cara 436 0577 Wanted: 2-4 NU/lowa State tickets Will pay top dollar. 466-6174 Wanted: 2/3 tickets for the Oklahoma Game. Call 476 9875 lor Mke. Will pay fairly. Wanted: Tickets for ISU football game on Saturday. Leave message. 438-2685. '84 blue convertible Cavalier. 15,000 miles on new motor $ 1250 or best offer. 436 9850 1987 Honda Civic 4 door. 5 speed, A/C, 74,00 miles. Clean, $3950 offers. 1984 Mazda GLC LX 4 door. 5 speed, A/C, moon roof Nice. $1950 offers. Beer'e Auto Salee. 1647 So. 3rd. 477-6442. 1983 Bulck Skylark Automatic, power, excellent engine, trouble-free, must sell, $1000 (negotiable). Call 477 4204. 200s Notices $700/wk. cannery workers; $4000/mo. deckhands. Alas ka fishing industry Is now hiring for next summer. 11,000 openings. No experience necessary. Free room A board These jobs go fasti Call Employment Alaska 1-206-323 •Clip this Coupon* Buy a large yogurt and get a small one free at Mike a Froaan Yogurt In the Reunion 50% goes to fund Cornerstone's Alaska Mission Trp 3 & 2 Year Army ROTC Scholarships For ail dlscipUnea now available If you have 6 to 4 semesters remaining you may be eligble. Full tuition at UNL. plus up to $450 00 for text books Call 472-2468 for more Information. 4th Annual UNL PowWow Sat, Nov. 20, 1pm - 10pm Sun., Nov. 21, 1pm - 5pm Don't miss this free cultural experience of a lifetimel Event staff needed for set up and dean up. For more information call Ernest at 472-8146 Co-sponsored by UPC and UNITE. AA Cruise A travel jobs. Earn $2500/mo. ♦ travel the world freel (Carbbean, Europe, Hawaii. Asial) Cruise lines now hiring for busy holiday, spring and summer seasons. Guaranteed employment! Call (§19) 929-3139 All A Night In the Orient Event Staff THANK YOU for helping out with the event There also will be a thank you party on Nov. 21 at 600 p.m. in Culture Center Attention Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Board Application Forms Now Available 200 NE Union. 115 NE Union, 1223 Oldlather, 220 Admin. Deadline: November 12,1993 o/U HtZU TAILGATE PARTY Saturday - November 13 11:00 to 12:00 Broyhill Fountain Sponsored by ASUN-Student Government, KFRX. Pepsi, Old Home Bread, and Fairbury Hoi Dogs CONCERT TONIGHT! 1964: as the BEATLES They changed the lace ol rock and roll. Come experience the music Nov. 12, Nebraska East Union, 8pm UNL students $2 Public $3. UNIVERSITY PROGRAM COUNCIL Cruise Ships Now Hiring Earn up to $2,000+/month ♦ world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Summer and Career employment available No experience necessary. For more intorma lion call I 206 634 0468 ext, CS776_ WATERPOLO 1993... DOIN’ IT WATER STYLE! Sunday Nov. 14,1993 ESL EXPERTS: TOEFL Preparation. ESL classes. Cul turaltraining, weekend seminars/ workshops. Dick Kruse (308)382 2?98, 800-ESL 5707. EXPLORING MEXICO’S YUCATAN PENINSULA Enjoy the sun at beaches. Mayan pyramid ruins, bird sanctuaries, markets and other beautiful places Dec 28. 1993 Jan. 9.1994 Members $750. SIGN UP DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 16, 7.00pm. Cal Oeena or Jim & 4724777 lor more info. INTRAMURAL PITCH T uesday. November 16 is the last day to enter Intramural Pitch. Enter now at the Office ol Campus Recreation For more information, call 472 3467. Just a reminder tor an you great Honors Program People Don't forget to sign up tor the Rompin' Stompln Retreat to Kansas City and K.U. on December 4 5. Bring your $16.00 to the Honors Program office by noon Friday, Nov. 12.