The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 02, 1993, Page 2, Image 2

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    KL—. NFWSDTGFST Nebraskan
Edited by Jeff Singer X iJL/ V? kJ X>/lVJJ JkJ 1 Tuoaday, November 2, 1993
Clinton looks for NAFTA support
WASHINGTON — President
Clinton prodded corporate Ameri
ca Monday to do more to build
congressional support for the North
American Free Trade Agreement,
saying Europe and Japan will be
the big winners if the pact fails.
_ “You all have
to be missionar
ies,” he said at a
satellite “town
hall” meeting
sponsored by the
ITMIW Commerce. The
meeting was
piped to business
groups in more than 200 sites around
the nation.
Clinton said U.S. efforts to win
a new set of liberalized world trad
ing rules—talks long under way in
Geneva — could be torpedoed if
the agreement to end trade barriers
with Mexico and Canada is reject
Furthermore, he said that rejec
tion of the pact — scheduled for a
House vote on Nov. 17 — would
send Europe and Japan swarming
over the Mexican market “1 ike fl ies
on a june bug.”
Organized labor claims the pact
will cost jobs and depress wages at
home. The administration appears
to be about 50 votes short of the
votes needed to pass the agreement
in the House.
Clinton acknowledged he was
in an uphill fight but predicted he
The idea that America is going to shrivel up
if we adopt this trade agreement is ridicu
lous. 4
— Clinton
_mm —
would win in the cnU.
Critics claim that U.S. compa
nies will be attracted to low wages
in Mexico if the pact passes and
relocate their plants there.
Clinton said that companies can
already do this, or move to even
lower-wage countries like Haiti.
w w
“The idea that America is going
to shrivel up if we adopt this trade
agreement is ridiculous,” Clinton
said, noting that the Mexican econ
omy is tiny compared to that of the
United States.
Mexico’s gross domestic prod
uct is about 4 percent to 5 percent
that of the United States.
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Two convicts
still at large
after escape
killers serving life sentences escaped
from prison Sunday and anxious po
lice told residents to cancel Hallow
een trick or treating.
Robert Dcllelo, 51, and Joseph
Correia, 38, were discovered missing
from the Massachusetts Correctional
Institution during a noon head count,
police Officer Robert Fernandes said.
The pair remained at-large on
Robin Bavaro, a spokeswoman for
the Corrections Department, would
not comment on how they escaped or
when they were last seen.
Selectman John J. Col ford said
that “people are concerned, but (don’t
think frightened.”
Colford said residents are accus
tomed to living near the prison com
plex, which includes a mental hospi
tal where suspects are evaluated if
they arc competent enough to stand
Escapes aren’t new, either.
Albert DcSalvo, the alleged Bos
ton Strangler, broke out of Bridgewater
State Hospital in 1967 along with two
other inmates, touching off the big
gest manhunt in Massachusetts histo
ry. He was recaptured within days and
was later found dead in prison.
Dcllclo was convicted of killing a
Boston police officer during a 1963
jewelry store holdup. Correia was
convicted in 1976 for killing a securi
ty guard during a bank robbery in
More than 70 police and correc
tional officers using dogs scoured the
woods, where some residents had re
ported seeing the men. Motorists were
stopped and their trunks searched,
and pol ice knocked on doors in search
of the two.
A whistle blew every half hour to
tell residents the convicts still were at
‘‘This is a good night to escape,”
said Derek McElroy, 18, who ges
tured towards friends in Halloween
disguises. “They could dress up in a
Editor Jeremy Fitzpatrick
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Kara Morrison
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Wire Editor Jett singer
Copy Desk Editor Chris Hoptensperger
Sports Editor Todd Cooper
Arts & Entertain- Tom Mainelli
ment Editor
Photo Chief Shaun Sartin
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