Classified 472.2588 Sales Help Wanted: Run your own business from cam pus. Call David at (9t3)-677-0414. Sales people wanted. Work when you want, make as much as you want. Experience a plus, but not necessary. WHI train. Call 468-6*17. f... .. Don & Millie s "The Home of the 99 Cent Merge rite" 5200 S. 5«h Street We re growing and need heto in all positions. We offer great hours, flexble scheduling, competitive pay, and many benefits. Apply after 1 f a.m. -1 /1JRB FEELERS ^ Specializing in Immensely Clean & Mechanically Sound Vehicles. '93 Camaro, 4400 miles, perfect! '92 Chevy 4x4 Z71 Silverado, one owner! '90 Thunderbird LX, 43,000 miles, loaded! '90 CRX Si, one owner, excellent condition! '88 Mustang GT Conv, 43,000 miles, one owner! ^ Plus more in our heated, indoor showroom 8200 West O St • Emerald, NE 475-4111 *432-3891 r---— ------—-—-— Just cant face one more box of macaroni * cheese? Neodata Offers: *Upto$6.50/hour ‘Rexioe Evening Hours ‘Fun Environment ‘Walk From Campus filth 8 O) 476-8315 j Ask for Dan Nelson Late afternoons and nights. Apply In person. Mhe’s "O' St. Drive-In. 22nd 8 ■0*. Part-time Computer Operator Immediate part-time opening for a computer operator. Must be flexible to work any shift Sunday - Saturday. Sis for computer mainframe and peripheral . off-line printed output and dtstrbuton. Ability . MVS and VM experience hebful, but will train. Apply Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4tt) p.m. Technical Management, Inc.. 421 So. 9th St., Suite 222, Lincoln. Ne 68508. EOE._ Pleasant phone work. Offer gift certificate book. Part time. Flexible hours. Earn $5-ll0/hour. 465-4155 Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks 8 Recreation has openings for Afterschool 8 Before School recreation positions to start January 3rd. 1994. May apply for either program. Before School hours: 7-9 am, M+7Afterschool hours: 2:30-5:45 pm or 3:15 545 pm M-F. Plan and conduct activities tor elementary children. Apply at Playground Office. 1225 F St., 2nd floor 441-7952. EOE/AA. Driver wanted, light delivery full or PT. Apply 6100 "O’ St., Gateway Plaza, lower level, Comhusker Bank. io'» Pizza location. Computer Company is looking for a part-time marketing issistant to hefa with mailings, etc., during morning lours. Call Rob at 469-2717. )is cover the career advantages of working tor a local inancial services company. As an addition to our agency, re wll be hiring one new financial services representative ry 12/1/93, prior to the licensing law changes as of lanuary 199*. We offer a complete 3 year tuning pro iram that Includes an executive package o< benefits and ealistic income of *30,000 - 5(1,000 while establishing rour business accounts. For Immediate attention please salt Cindy at *83-4*57. TEMPORARY WORK (5.00 per hour During semester break we wtl have many openings Daytime hours Miscellaneous Warehouse duties, stocking packing and some data entry work. 730 am. to A30p.m. Monday through Friday and SIX) am. to 530p.m. Monday through Friday AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER You don't need to be an artist to win-just send us a doodle or pencil sketch of your idea for the new UNL Student Visa card. If your design is chosen by our judges, we'll present you $1,000.00 good toward your UNL tuition bill. A few guidelines to follow: ► Your design should be creative and symbolize UNL, ► Must not exceed the space we’ve indicated above, and, ► Be a simple, one-color design (red, black or blue). Don't miss out! Give yourself a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship-send us your design today! Submit each design an an 81/9* x 11’sheet of paper A maximum of three designs per student you can pick up a copy of the UNI Visa Design Contest Official Wes that detail additional design guidelines and etig*x)ity requirements at convenient deploys around campus, or call Matt Synder at 409-6364039 to receive a copy through the mail □YES! I’d like the chance to win a $1,000 UNL scholarship. Here’s my official enrollment form and design for the UNL Visa Card. Name (Please Print) Home Address Gty : ■ ' • : State Zip Daytime Phone ( ) _ Student Identification Number (Social Security Number) 0 Freshman 0 Sophomore 0 Junior 0 Senior 0 Graduate Student Signature ENTER NOW! Deadline for entries: November 19,1993. Contest open only to UNL students registered for at least six hours for the 1993 Fall Semester MAH. TO: FIRST BANKCARD CENTER Attn: Matt Snyder 2223 Dodge Street Omaha NE 68102 Service Merchandise Service Merchandise Is now hiring part-time seasonal day and night positions: cashiers. Stockers, PBX. elec tronics and jewelry sales associates. We offer flexble schedules, terrific pay, and great discounts, too. Apply at 5240 No. 27th St., on the northeast comer of Lincoln Crossing Mall. We are an E/0 employer. YES-irs ME AGAIN. I NEED HELP (OF COURSE, THEY HAVE TOLD ME THAT FOR YEARS I) TMS IS OUR NEWEST EMPLOYMENT OFFER FOR 1ST SHIFT Production employee tst shift part-time Mondav Wednesday-Friday Or Tuesday and Thursday Production work will Include picking, packing, tapino sorting, and loading orders for shipment. WE OFFER: ‘Excalent Working Conditions 'Cafeteria and Parking APPLY IN PERSON TO: CAROL WRKJHT SALES INC. 340 APPLECREEK ROAD LINCOLN, NE 60S2S (402) 437-2257 MONOAY TO FRIDAY •OOAM TO 4:30PM EOE MfFfD/V WE are close to UN-L - We love college students • We are great to work with • Com* on overll 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice AH real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes It illegal to advertise any preference, Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origkt, or htention to make any such preferences. Imitations or discrimination. The Daly Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate vrtikh is In violation of the Haw or discrrminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. L_I ASAP-Roommale wanted to share tour bedroom house Two blocks trom campus. $ 137.50/month. Cal 435-0635 Leave message. _ F emale wanted to share nice 5 bedroom home in Capitol Beach. $194/month ♦ dimes. 435-6769. Non-smoking female roommate wanted. Nice two bed room, two bath apartment. $262.50. 421-3782. Leave message. Non smoking roommate needed for two bedroom apart mere 5 miradesfrom campus. $t25/month ♦ 1 Mutinies Cal 476-2440, leave message. Roommate needed: M/F non-smoker and dean. Free laundry. $187.50/mo. ptua 1/2 uttides 474-4834. leave message. ___ Single, reeponstole non-smoking female looking for fe male roommate fn the 27th and South area. $ 19wnonth Cal for interview. 488-7223 evenings. 421-6160 days. Wanted: 2 male or female roommates. Must be non smoking, dean, responsfcle and honest. Prefer non tradltonal or grad student $22S/Mo. Includes washer/ dryer and all utllttes. 475-6477, Would Ike female upperclassmen Two bedroom on bus roue. $225. all utMies paid Cal 488-1856 leave mes sage after 6 rings or 486 1368. 3 rooms available near busline Non-smoking prater red no pets. Low rent for right people. 476-9112. _ Two rooms In upstairs of house lor rent. Price negotiable Slat 8 Q area. 4734014. I Four Bsdnsm. Bargain Price. Pate O.K.I 909 N. 23rd. Very nice. Parking Near campus. $675.432 0644,13? 8611 2780 “W, One bedroom house with garage. $375 ♦ ubUttes. 484-8365._ 6 badroom houoa doM to UNL. Call 469-4393 2307 SW 19th. Largo, now 9 badroom, 2 baths, C/A. W/ 0.2 (Ml. $660.4714590 2740 R Nicar two badroom. Laundry, parking, no pots $350. Janry 437-6326. 640 South 20.1 badroom $344; 2 badroom 9369. laundry. 475-7262. __ Basamantapartmantforrant. Stova and rafrtgarator. naw paint, al utlwias paid. $20GMnonth. ona parson. 303 S. 28»h. 423-3968._ Century Management Co. Largo salactton of apartmants. $196-540. 476-2500 FIRST MONTH FREE!!! GREAT LOCATION 1429 Q STREET CAPITOL VISTA APTS NEAR CAPITOL * On* Bedroom ‘Quiet-Secure •Newer Building *92SVmo.« dep. elec., gee SPECIAL DEAL on 2 apt*. Call 496-6M9h pm._ ★ Make Countyshire Your New Home Now leasing one and two bsdroom apartments Modern decor, neutral colon, all appliances, some with washer/dryer hookups, pool, garages Caring on s*e management. 6 or 12 month leases. 2504 Vine Street On# and two bsdroom sharp apartments. Wafc to campus Cherry Hill Management 489-4857. None nicer for the money. 941 Washington. 2 bsdroom. conv. to UNL campus clean, quiet, newer, al appliances, perking, upper level No pels j:)9Vmo. ♦ deposit S references 466 6966 423-6921.___ One bedroom apartment lor rent. A.SA.P. C/A, disposal. 14 btoolta from campue. 9314/month. 477-3067. For Bala: 2 bedroom, t 1/2 bath, recently remodeled house at 11ISNaw Hampshire. Call 4*64*17,432-9129 lor an appointment