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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1993)
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CALL 472-2588 FAX: 472-1761 8 AM-4 30 pm Mortday-Friday 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln. Nebraska 68588-0448 $3.00 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Weekday before publication. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. 00s For Sale 5 Bicycles For Sale New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands. Wheel'n 6 Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 436-1477. New and used bicycles. Closeout prices on aH S3 models. Quick expert repairs. Cycle Works 27th 6 Vine. 40 Misc. For Sale Hungry? Place a tor sale or personal ad in the Daily Nebraskan, basement of the Nebraska Union, and receive a coupon for a FREE SANDWICH from SUBWAY 1245 Q (Gunny's) 29th A Cornhutker 53rd A O 65 Stereos TVs For Sale For Sale: VCR w/remote, $90. excellent condition, works great. Also, COLOR T.V., $75. 46&8520 . 70 Ticket Exchange 3 Clint Black/Wynona Judd tickets tor Oct. 29. $30,O.B.O. Call 421 -2925.___ Need approximately tO tickets to NU vs. CU game this Saturday. Call Tim (308)239-4719 or -4715. Two tickets lor sale to Watson. Lewis, Barron Nov 6 concert at Lied Center. Row A. center. Call 463 0443 after 6 p.m. WANTED: 3 NU vs. OU tootbal tickets together. Ceil 436 9184, leave message, make an oner. 90 Vehicles For Sale '88 Nissan Stanza. 4 dr, GXE, 5 speed, air, loaded. Nice $4250 otters. 86 Nissan Sentrm. 4 dr, 5 speed, air, am/tm. $2650 oners. Beer s Auto Sales 1647 S. Third 477-6442. 1975 Nova lor sale. Low mileage. Great condition. Will sell to best otter. Call 476-9023 todayl 1974 Porche 914 2.01. Like new in and out. Appraised at $6500. $3800. 477-2953.__ Why settle tor used and abused? Drive a new car tor less, hassle tree. Factory incentives Call Dan V. tor more Information. 434-5200. 200s Notices 210 Announcements Pick your own pumpkin... A day tuN of family tun at Grandpa John's Woodlawn Farm. Hayrack rides, fall decorations, corn field maze, spook bam. petting corrale Opening Sept. 24 thru Oct. 31. Daily 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Haunted bam, haunted hayrack, and haunted trail available on weekends until 11 DOp.m. 2 miles west ot Kawasaki plant on Highway 34. Groups are welcome. For information cal 470-2450. Self Defense Learn practical, affordable sal defense with no bets or uniforms. Simple, direct, non-classical. Find out what works tor you m Common Sense Sell Defense. Cat 474 0670. Student Organization PRESIDENTS i HU Beefce - student organization pokey guides are here I Pick up your copy * the booth In the Union main lounge TOD AY THRU THURSOAV or at the East Campus Student Involvement Office, 300 East Union. Students with Children Support Group Meets F rtdays, 12:30-130 p.m., Nebratfia Union. Offered by the Women's Center lor students «rth children who want guidance with their parenttng and ooprtg skits Call the Women's Center, 472-2597 tor more Wormahon Health Aides: Happy Halloween You all are SPOOK-tacularl Love, Your Coordinators, Barb, Bill, Chlcky, Duane, ft Jason Hey Comhusker Singlet! Need adate? Call Nowl 1 -900 787-6673 Ext. 503. $2/Min. 18+. 24 Hrs. Hungry? Place a personal or for sale ad In the Doily Nebraskan, basement ol the Nebraska Union, and receive a coupon for a FREE SANDWICH from SUBWAY 1245 Q (Gunny a) 29th ft Cornhusker 53rd ft O Learn to scuba dive at CampusRec, Spring Semester. Also offering advanced open water scuba classes. Call Heartland Scuba Center. 488-7774. Nebraska Women’s Wrestling Meets every Wednesday 7:30- 8:30p.m. Inthe combative arts room In campus Rec. No experience necessary. For information, call Bonnie at 472-1071 (W) or 467-4124 (H). NSE Applications Due Today Applications must be turned in to the Office lor Student Involvement, 200 Nebraska Union or 300 East Nebraska Union, by 5:00pm. Odyssey II Junior ft Senlorsl Odyssey II—Leadership Beyond Col lege applications are due todayl A great opportunity to learn about your career through a mentoring program with community leaders. 200 NE Union; 300 East Union; Culture Center. PEER SEXUALITY EDUCATORS (PSE) Now accepting applications lor Peer Sexuality Educa tors. Contact tne University Health Center Community Health Education Dept, for Information and application forms. PSE take a 1 hour course and commit to the program for one year. For more info call 472-7440. Applications accepted through Nov. 1st, )993. All inter ested students encouraged to apply. UNL is a non-discrimmatory institution. ATTENTION!! ATTENTION!! Here is your chance to spend an exciting, adventurous, and fun-filled semester In Tokyo, Japanl On the Senshu Exchange Program you'll study Japansese language, business, and culture for ten weeks at Senshu University. There'll be plenty ol time to visit other cities, explore the mountains, shop in Tokyo, and sample the native cuisine Come find out more at the next information session: Thursday, October 28 at 5:30 p.m. in CBA 125 For more details, contact: Kerry Brooks, CBA 138 or phone 472-2310._ _ DON’T DELAY! Sign up now to spend an exciting lour weeks in Oxford. England next summer! The application deadline is near ing and spaces are filling upl You could study economics and the arts on the Mansfield College campus of Oxford University. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 AT 700 P.M. IN CBA 125 For more details, contact: Kerry Brooks. CBA 138 or phone 472-2310.__ Dress up for Halloween. Costumes For Rent: CREATIVE COSTUMES. Unique and reasonable. 423-9241. students, and members of the community who need support or who can extend support during the Candy Harms trial are welcome to meet in the Women's Center on Monday. Nov. t from 5:00p.m. • 600p.m. This time will be used for discussion and to remain informed of the events of the trial. This group will meet on Mondays thru the trial or more frequently if desired. Get Involved in Something Cool! Join the Subcommittee lor the Nebraska Union Expan sion. Students send a resume to 220 Nebraska Union by November 2. GOLDEN KEY If you missed the chapter meeting and are still interested in running for an officer position, you may pick up Informa tion sheets in room 551 HAH. New member certificates are stHI available In the admissions office. (Rm. 12 Admin.I A NIGHT IN THE ORIENT Sat. Nov. 8, 1993 830-12D0pm Dinner, Performances, 8 Dance Student 89.00/non-tludent SI 2.00 Discount for group tickets F omul Banquet UNIVERSITY PROGRAM COUNCIL AA Cruise 8 Travel jobs. Earn 82500/mo. ♦ travel the world treel (Carbbean. Europe. Hawal. Asia!) Cruise lines now htnng for busy holday. wring and summer seasons. Guaranteed employment I Cli (9l9j 9294139. ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - fisheries. Earn up to 82.000 84,000*/month on fishing vessels or hi canneries. Many companies provide transportation and room 8 board. For more information caN: 1-206-545-4155 ext. A5778. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON UJUUU.L.lJUUJh.UJi J Some anthropologists believe that the discoveries of firs, Shelter and language wera almost simultaneous. SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Crete Skydiving Center, Inc. 464-2929. STUDY ABROAD Information meetings. Tuesdays at 6:30, Wednesdays at 4:00. International Affairs, 1237 R St. TEST ANXIETY?!?!? Call 475-7010...Let us help you conquer your GMAT test anxiety. University Program Council Wacky Wednesday Noon, October 27 John Cleese’s Birthday! City Union, FREEI Drawings A foodt Don't miss itl . UPO Undergraduate Psychology Organization is having speakers from the Friendship Hometakon womens' ana childrens' advocacy issues. The meeting is on Wednes day, October 27, at 3:30pm in the Union, room 226. Everyone interested please attend. Want to lose weight, feel better or have more energy??? Call 475-2636. 215 Meetings CBA SAB Meeting Wednesday in Union 5:00 Officers, 5:30 Members Criminal Justice Student Association Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 27. 8pm - Neihardt 1105 FBI Agent guest speaker. FINANCE CLUB Meet at Valentino s Downtown! Wednesday, Oct. 27,5:45 p.m. Gay/Lesbian Student Association Weekly meeting Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Room 234 Nebras ka Union. For more information call 472-5644. MARKETING CLUB Next meeting is Thursday Oct. 28, 6:00-7:00 p m. at Godfathers (12th 8 Q)l Regular meeting, but with toodi (Dues must be paid though!) RODEO Club Meeting today at 7:30 p.m. t East Campus Union. Pictures trom Intramural Rodeo will be there so you should be too. SAA Meeting at 5:00 p.m., Thursday at the Wick. Student Foundation Meeting Thursday at Rock 6 Roll Runza at 5:30 pm with the new members. Student Foundation New Members Meeting sted) ; Thursday, Oct. 28, 4:30 at City Union (room i. Then regular meeting will follow at 5:30 at Rock Runza. UNL FFA Alumni Meeting 7 p.m. tonight. East Campus Union. Dr. Ted Ward wM be speaking. 220 Greek Affairs Ag Men, Acacia, AGR, and v Tekes Halloween ‘93 Aon Congratulations new ASUN appointees: Amy Fleming. Kayla McEnlry, and Jody Gray. OUTSTANDING! Chi Phi Pledges Thanks for Wednesday night. ALL of us would like to do it againl T.C. Pledges Congratulations Jenni Horner, Ellen Gilbert, Cod Brown, Amy Elckhoff, and Sheri Cross on your Initiation into Golden Keyl Congratulations Shauna Redfern and Patty Ziegler on Alpha Epsilon Rho broadcasting honoraryl Love, AOII Earlybird (KKG), We nave spent many mornings watching you walk home from Sig Ep. We would Ike you to spendthe night with us too. We bet you love the taste of tnat worml Love, Sigma Nu It's about timel Congratulations Jane Beal and Jay Herman (ATO) on your pinning. The wait was definitely worth It. Love, The Ladles of Alpha Delta Pi KA Big Sis Hunt ’93 Who will it be at the end of your string? riBO Congratulations Annie Jones and Suzanne Reed on Student Foundations! Way to go Pi Phl'sl Thanks to the Kappa De(ta;s for an awesome date dash. Let's do it again sometime soon. Men of Ag Men The men of Theta Chi wish our house mom Millie the best on her birthday. Love, your sons of Theta Chi 230 Student Government Position Oi Publications pen Board Daily Nebraskan Advisory board to the Board of Re gents—hire the editor, business manager, and advisor. Pub. Bd. acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents and serves as a liaison between the paper and its constituen cies, paying particular attention to complaints against the paper. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline 4 p.m., Oct. 29. UN-l STUDENT GOVERNMENT 6:30pm TONIGHT EAST CAMPUS UNION ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION 240 Personals Husker Volleyball. It's nice to see you back on track. Have fun at K-State. Can’t wait till Saturday. Hammer Michele (Cather 11). Hang In therel One year Isn’t too long and neither is the semester. I am always here tor you. Love, your sister. Dear Jim, Happy 22nd Birthdayl Are you and the twins a little lonely? Have a great dayl Love. Lucy, Trudy 6 Judy 250 Wanted Please call it you taped the ten hours of Three Stooges October 22, Channel 4, WTBS. Will pay lor copy. 474 2267. Leave message if necessary. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted Driver wanted, light delivery full or PT. Apply 6100 ■O" St .. Gateway Plaza, lower level, Cornhusker Bank. CJ *• v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t n ^T> 1 ■ I^^n The Watering Hole Home of Lincoln's Best Buffalo Wings" ^^1321 'O'Street l/z race Buffalo Wings 4-7 pm $1 cheeseburger & fries 9 pm-12 am 15A L L I L ua IIILLU . ,.IU Health Club Membership Sales. Afternoon, evening, weekend hours. Hourly wage plus commission. Send letter ol application C/O Membership, Sports Courts 222 N. 44th 68503 Big Johns if now hiring waitery and part-time day deli cooks. Apply in person, 399 Sun Valley Boulevard, phone 474-3545, ask for Jared. Cash Paid Nightly Domino's Pizza hiring delivery drivers at all Lincoln locations. Must be 18 years of age, have own vehicle and current insurance. Earn up to $l0/hr. Apply at any Dom ino's Pizza location. Child Cere Teacher Assistants Part-time position with morning and/or afternoon hours available. Responsibilities Include: assisting Site Super visor with promoting a positive, safe learning environment and coordinating children's activities. Requirements in clude: six months to one year related experience. Must have good communications skills. Starting salary $4.25/ hour. to: Personnel Officer, 501 S. 7th, Lincoln, NE I. If you require accommodation to apply or Inter view, please contact Kelly Riley at 441-79J9. Family Service us committed to a pluralistic working environment through Affirmative Action and Equal Oppor tunity. Discover the career advantages of working for a local financial services company. As an addition to our agency. we will be hiring one new financial services representative by 12/1/93, prior to the licensing law changes as of January 1994. We offer a complete 3 year training pro gram that includes an executive package of benefits and realistic income of $30,000 - 50,000 while establishing your business accounts. For Immediate attention please call Cindy at 483-4457. Do you like talking on the phone? Are you interested in others opinions? WRA has openings for evening and weekend telephone research Interviewers. There Is no selling involved and you may set your own schedule. You may work as little as 13 hours or as many as 40 hours/week. Apply at WRA, 1630 S. 70th, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 685(56. No phone calls please. Don & Millie’s "The Horn* of the 99 Cent Margarita" 5200 S. 56th Street We're growing and need help in all positions. We offer great hours, flexible scheduling, competitive pay. and many benefits. Apply after 11 a.m. Experienced Basketball Officials Earn 532-545 per night off Iciating City Recreation Basket ball. If Interested call 441-7892. Fast-paced night dub seeking dynamic, hardworking Individuals In the areas of cocktail waitery and day cook at Sherry's, 3223 Comhusker, between 2-5. No he calls, please. Apply phone CHRISTMAS BREAKS LODGING • LIFTS • PARTIES • PICNICS • TAXES JANUARY Ml, 1994 * 5,6 or 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT BRECKENRII VAIL/BEAVERCREEK TELLURIDE TOU FUCK INFOMIATION i RESERVATIONS 1*800*SUNCHASE OR CALL YOUR LOCAL CAMPUS REP: JENNIFER 436-7900 ACROSS 1 ‘What God joined.. ■ Art cult • Thick, heavy air 12 Limp as 14 Argentine bigwig it Cap it ‘Both Your Houses” playwright it Michelangelo sculpture 20 Egyptian god 21 Not clearly visible 24 Nourished 2t Comfortably situated 20 Over again ti Blathers aa “Ain’t truth?" 34 In-and-out time period 36 Desperado's weapon Kind of card Wharton hero Hosp. test Waters or Barrymore 41 In which D.D.E. headed E.T.O. 42 Libel 44 Infused 47 Cole Porter’s “Bingo Yale" 46 Kind of display 46 Enter impetuously •1 Writer Gardner and namesakes ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE . i "r.1 m S S S 5 3 2 94 Striving for goodness, but faulty -vera Kite's home Old-fashioned individual Semiaquatic salamander Despot Icy mass DOWN 1 Shortwave buff a Not care 3N.Y.C. yellow streaker 4 “War of the Worlds* author 9 Singer Shannon • Football commentator Parseghian 7 “-disturb* • Connective words • Careless person 10 Topsy-turvy ti Bravo and Mayo t2 Berry or Venturi 14 “The Republic” writer it Maine, e.g.,to Pierre It French tower builder 22 Bunker's spouse 22 “Mark Antony shall say I am -Shak. 388 Carried on Reason out “Excelsior” author M U.S. painter sculptor: 1869-1953 M Hawkins or Thompson so Bone at base of the tongue 33 Complete: Comb, form Ml I C ona/^anraft v/.o. spactfcran 37 Hot time in Paris 41 Prosperous 49 Part of a fly 49 Sharp-crested ridge 44 Ruffed lemur 4a Some garden parties 4t Soccer great 90 Midge see 82 Chemical compound 82 T rumpet-shaped lily Lusterless Stat for Clemens Amiram-, Iran-contra figure 87 Recolor Edited by Eugene T. Maleska