Opinion Daily Nebraskan Friday, October 22,1993 Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln Jeremy Fitzpatrick. . Kc.thy Steinauer.... Wendy Mott. Todd Cooper. Chris Hopfensperger Kim Spurlock. Kiley Timperley.... .... Editor, 472-1766 . Opinion Page Editor .... Managing Editor .'.. Sports Editor .Copy Desk Chief .Sower Editor . Senior Photographer Unleashed Senate right not to limit Clinton s powers The Senate rejected Thursday a provision that would have limited the president’s powers in foreign policy. It voted 81-19 not to restrict the president’s ability to commit troops to Haiti. The provision by Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., proposed stripping Clinton of the right to commit troops unless their presence was needed to evacuate Americans, or unless Congress provided specific approval. Instead, the Senate enacted a non-binding provision saying Clinton should seek approval from lawmakers before committing troops to Haiti, but he is not required to do so. The Senate made the right decision. In case of a serious emer gency, the president needs to be able to respond quickly, without having to negotiate and get approval from such a large group as Congress first. Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers said Clinton “made it clear that he would not tolerate any attempt to tie his hands, affect his ability as commander in chief.” Clinton was right in making his authority clear. The pfesident must consult with the Congress in making foreign policy, but he or she must also be able to act in situations where there is clearly not enough time to get a consensus from 535 people. The president has the authority as commander in chief of the armed forces under the Constitution. He or she needs to be able to make decisions in a crisis and be held accountable for them. Ol () I I s <)l I III W I I K “The men’s track program was raped. I’m for gender equity, but not for tearing down a sport that took years to build in order to build up another program. ” — Nebraska track coach Gary Pepin “The power of prayer led to the verdicts. I’m giving the victory to Jesus. ” — Georgiana Williams, mother of Damian Williams, who was found not guilty of attempting to murder trucker Reginald Denny during the 1992 Los Angeles riots “You have something that politicians do not have. You are the vote. If you wanted this country painted purple, you could get that done. ’’ — Ross Perot “There were times in the hospital when I thought death was a much more pleasant alternative. ” — Eric Lindvall on losing his left lea, undergoing 10 surgeries and experiencing cardiac arrest after being trapped this summer for 13 hours under 1,100 pounds ofdrywall. “He doesn’t make $125,000 a week to stay home and watch television. They ought to suspend him for a week, maybe two. ” — Houston Oilers line coach Bob Young, angered that starting tackle David Williams missed Sunday's game to be with his wife following the birth of their first child I M inUI \l, l*< >1 l( N SlsfT editorials represent the official policy of the Fall 1993 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The regents publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students l.i ill it I'm k \ The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others Letters will be selected for publication on the hasis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space available The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material submitted Readers also are welcome to submit material as guest opinions. The editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion. letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published Letters should included the author's name, year in school, major and group affiliation, ifany. Requests to withhold names will not be granted Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb 68588-0448. ■fK. iracty vn ms. fl&flBCWEHJW WWtt w U9EH/1 WDPt rwW\CMV\V6 TOW W2.0k\T MIMWA ^tBSET */J ^kUBIL Assault Mr. Gricsen, perhaps Boon-Chung Ong was, as you say, “at the wrong place at the wrong time (DN, Oct. 19).” But, as vice chancellor for stu dent affairs, we hope you take as much an interest in Asian foreign exchange students as you would any other cthnic/minority student. It’s ironic and maddening to won der how the campus would respond if it were a black student who was as saulted by members of any other ra cial group. It’s funny how quick we were to acknowledge that the Rodney King beating was racially motivated, when we can’t even begin to recog nize what’s happening on our own campus. To all Asian foreign exchange stu dents and all Asian-American stu dents, this is not a time to debate Ong’s ethnicity. It doesn’t matter that he may not be of your ethnicity, but that he was one of our brothers who needs our help. The time is here for us to stop turning our cheeks to what is happening. We need to un ify all of our Asian strengths. Let us show the cam pus that we are a race that transcends our “weak" stereotype. We can and we will show the campus we are not invisible. whatever, and provide a non-intimi dating atmosphere where this can be done. They should not b6 lobbied as instruments for special-interest groups. There is not a need for these stickers, for if there is, then there is not a need for some instructors. Dan Rczac senior finance David Badders/DN Kimberly Hcc Stock sophomore secondary english education Tram Lam Huyen Nguyen freshman pre-pharmacy Coercion Oh, Mark Baldridge, you were doing so well (DN, Oct. 20). You talked about the game of coercion that takes such subtle forms, about the connotations of the words “warlord” or “Desert Storm”; the manipulation by the AIDS statements and the “safe place” stickers of the AfTirmativc Action Office. But then you fell, not a big drop, mind you, just a little tumble. You bought into one of those little tactics to “bring the sheep gently into the fold,” as you put it — namely the gay/lesbian community’s changing of the phrase sexual “preference” into sexual “orientation,’' implying an ab senteeism of choice and a predisposi tion of genetic evolution. As the “safe place” sticker cam paign goes, you are right: noprofessor should be blackmailed into following this silly idea. It is not homophobia that a professor refuses to put one of these stickers up. Rather, professors should have the professionalism and fortitude to talk with students no mat ter what the student’s background — be it sexual preference/orientation, gender, race, creed, color, ethnicity or Canada The article by Todd Cooper (DN, Oct. 21) was offensive to all Canadi ans and written with prejudicial con tent toward Canada. You cannot judge a nation of peo ple by an owner of a Dairy Queen and a dominant Canadian major-league baseball franchise. Yes, there arc a lot of Americans on the Toronto Blue Jays, yet poor journal ism on Cooper’s part failed to mention that there arc not zero Canadians on the team, but there is actually one, a native Canadi an named Matt Butler. If I am not mistaken, the ever expanding National Hockey League, founded in Canada with franchises in Florida and Cal i fornia, has 60 percent of Canadians on most teams. So I guess that is a contradiction in terms on Cooper’s part, as I quote, “Canada must buy Americans to beat Ameri cans." The United Slates uses Canadi ans to beat Canadians at a Canadian dominant sport. Every country has a national an them. What is the importance if the anthem refers to a war or not? Cana dians arc just as proud and are willing to die for their country as Americans, yet we do not have to win a war and gloat about it in our national anthem. Canadians like people to know we have a beautiful, friendly country and not a country that thrives on military dominance in being the policemen of the world. There are many Canadians at the University of Nebraska who are amazed that the Daily Nebraskan would allow this article to be pub lished. If Cooper cannot handle a Canadian franchise winning Ameri ca’s favorite pastime World Champi onship, then maybe he should stop watching baseball. It might diminish his hatred against Canada. Justin Finney freshman undeclared Discrimination Yes, Jacqueline Ann Bacz-Thomp son, 1 have been denied possible op portunities because of the fact that I am a“young, white heterosexual male. (DN, Oct. 19).” In August 1992, as a sophomore transfer student, during my initial vis it with my first UNL adviser, I was told point-blank that I would have a “very tough time” getting into law school. The reason for this was that I would need a substantially higher grade-point average because of my “white male” status. I was told that my LSAT scores would also have to be considerably higher than the scores of my black or female counterparts to merely be considered for acceptance into law school. Now, Jacqueline, explain to me: Who is being discriminated against? Tim Hedegaard junior architecture Gay rights I am writing in response to Jason A. Beineke’s letter opposing gay rights (DN.Oct. 18). This so-called garbage that is a bill to protect homosexual jobs is being proposed because there arc bigoted white males in corpora tions today firing gays and lesbians solely on the basts of sexual orienta tion. People were screaming the same thing in the ’60s about the civil rights movement as Jason is today about gay rights. The only thing different in the ’90s is that it is civil rights for gays and lesbians. Until homosexuals are guaranteed full rights under the law to jobs, fair housing and first-class citi zenship, there will continue to be protests and rallies. Letters like Beineke’s are usually written by white heterosexual males who arc insecure and give in to deep seated fears of the day when being a white male docs not, for the most part, guarantee a chance at a good job and a decent life, and also because they listen to Rush Limbaugh. Jeffrey A. Kelley junior interior design