The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    Ui Rodeo CM)
When: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th 11:30 a.m.
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Events include:
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Litter increase could cost UNL
By Kara Korshoj
Staff Reporter
The University of Nebraska-Lin
coln cleanup crews are asking every
one to be tidier.
People who ignore waste contain
ers could be costing the university big
money, said Bud Dasenbrock, direc
tor of Landscape Services.
Littering is up 1 percent this year,
which could pose a problem, he said.
Dasenbrock said a survey was done
several years ago about littering on
campus. Results showed littering cost
the university 2 cents for every wrap
per, cigarette butt and other item of
trash improperly discarded.
The total cost was more than
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$35,000 a year to have Landscape
Services pick up the litter. If littering
continues to pile up, Dasenbrock said,
cleanup costs could rise as well.
Dasenbrock said the increase in
litter could be related to the new no
smoking policies enforced in all uni
versity buildings this year.
Dasenbrock said more cigarette
waste containers were placed around
campus and that more will be added.
About 400 waste containers are on
campus. Landscape services will add
more containers where students think
they are needed, Dasenbrock said.
Picking up litter on both City and
East Campuses takes 7,000 hours each
school year, which is 6 percent of
Landscape Services employees’ time,
Dasenbrock said.
These figures do not include “acci
dental” littering, such as papers blow
ing off trucks or wind bringing litter
onto the campus, Dasenbrock said.
Football Saturdays can bring a tre
mendous amount of litter onto the
Kirby Baird, city landscape man
ager of Landscape Services, said it
took five or six employees three hours
each topick up the litter around Me
morial Stadium.
Big Red litter has been a problem
even after 50 to 60 extra trash contain
ers were set up. On the Monday after
a football game, the entire depart
ment must clean up what has been
overlooked, Baird said.
UNL gets ready to take
licking, keep on kicking
By Stacie Hakel
Staff Reporter
The University of Nebraska-Lin
coln will be one of300 schools partic
ipating in the fifth annual Timex Fit
ness Week Monday through Oct. 24.
The week provides students with a
variety of activities, said Vicki
H ighstreet, coordinator of fitness and
instructional programming at the Cam
pus Recreational Center.
Highstreet said the activ i ties would
include aerobics classes, canoeing, a
weight room Triathalon, family fit
ness and body fat analysis.
An important part of Fitness Week,
Highstreet said, was to make people
aware of the fitness activities avail
able to families and students with
“It gets them involved to see what
they really want to do,” Highstreet
said. “It gets them into other parts of
the building. I think that it has been a
real positive thing."
Rock climbing and other aerobics
classes will be held on East Campus.
Highstreetsaid“The World's Larg
est Aerobics Class” also would be
Thursday. All 300 schools will partic
ipate in the class from 11:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m.
Highstreet said Timex Fitness
Week was endorsed by the National
Intramural-Recreational Sports As
Sponsor prizes, including Timex
sports watches and T-shirts and free
samples of Ocean Spray and Listerine,
will be distributed at various events.
The Fitness classes are free for
UNL faculty and students.
“We want to show what we are
doing that a lot of people don’t real
Concert canceled
From Staff Reports
Tonight’s Homecoming Street par
ty, featuring a performance by Lin
coln's The Millions, has been post
poned indefinitely, senior Travis Fox
Fox.directorof the University Pro
gram Council, said he hoped to book
the band for a make-up performance.
Students with questions can call the
UPC office, Fox said.
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