The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1993, Page 12, Image 12
Classified 472-2588 Nebraskan Friday, October 10,1993 SKYDIVE! Jum|) out of a_ perfectly good airplane. Crete Skydiving , Inc. 464-2929. Sport Officials Association The next meeting of the Sport Officials Association is Tuesday. October 19. The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. in the Campus Recreation Conference Room. This is a great opportunity to register to officiate high school basketball and wresting. For more information, cal Mark or Jeff at 472-3467. Teachers College Advisory Board ■ Applications are Available! Pick on up In 105 HenzMt. Due: Oct. 21 by 500 p.m. UNL ter. grad seeking to houses! beginning second i References available. 423-3595. UNO Aviation Institute Pursue a college degree In aviation with University of Nebraska-OmanaAvtation Institute. Fight-training class es available. Cril 1-600-3-FLY-UNO. Lunch: Mon-Sat 11:00-2:30 Dinner: Mon-Thurs 5:30-9:00 Fri & Sat 5:30-10:00 NOW DINNER ON SUNDAYS 5:30-9:00 University Square • 13200 St. I I I VIEN DONG FAR EAST Restaurant 1209 "Q" Street 476-8362 Serving Authentic Oriental Food Dine In • Carry Out • and Catering Come and enjoy the Vietnamese noodle soups and specialties Also serving beer & wine Welcome UNL Alumni Hours: Mon.-Thu. Fri.. .Sat. 1 l-9pm ll-10pm 11:30- 10pm PL A CV MOR BALLROOM Presents: Rumbles Friday, Oct. 15 Door* open at 8:30 Martin Family & Whiskey River Sunday, Oct. 17 Doors open at 7:00 6600 West “O" Street 475-4030 CHRISTMAS B R E‘ A K S SKI ‘FREE 1/2 DAY UFTnCKEJI TOU 1-80frSlMtHftg 215 Meetings Cornhusker Ski* Club meetinaWednesday. October 20,1993. Noodles Club 730 p.m. Program: Law tor's Sporting General meetln Comedy Club ' Goods Presentation •AblHt^to snow ski Is not a prerequisite to joinl Information OURS MEETING Organizational meeting, ROLES « SEXISM, Sunday. Oct. 17 at 7pm In THE UNION. Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting, Wednesday, October 20 at 6 p.m. In the Nebras ka Union (Room posted). 220 Greek Affairs ADPI, Thanks lor the study break! We had a great time at the movlell The Men of OU Alena, Thanks for all your hard work trying to get the White Rose Series off the ground—sorry It didn't fry. Love, your KD Sisters Alpha Phi Football Players, This season has been great. Now we just have to win one more game and come Christmas, we re on Bourbon Street! Your Del Teammates JHi-0 SILVER Oct.16,1993 Farmhouse. Thank you (or the FUN Bar-b-que Wednesday night. We ail had a great ttmel Love. The Chi Omegas (DIOF Congratulations to Mark Clift on being selected to Stu dent Ambassador & to Shawn Deidhcn tor his 1st place finish In Intramural Placekicklng. Also congratulations to the Ultimate Frisbee team on their 1st place linlsh. The Men of Phi Kappa Psi Good luck Chad Higgins on Homecoming Royaltyl You got our voted The Brothers of DU KA0 Denise, congratulations on your engagement to your Russian love Malt. KKT Congratulations Allison Pappas for being selected as a page at the Unicameral. We are so proud of you I To the Men of TKE and Triangle—thank you for remem bertyuson our Founder's uiy. Your gfo were greatly MEMORIAL SERVICE Sunday. Oct. 17. 8:30 p.m. Lutheran Center 535 N. 16th for Rogene Andreasen and Karen Schultz former house moms. Phi Mu ptodQit. —< Thanks forme study breMc Mat week el the Reunion. The good and company were both greall DU Pledges I xfl—I Halloween Non-Alcoholic . Extravaganza -Off le see Mew*-.” I “Fun wtWieur Me tou I_ Sunday Oct 17_I 230 Student Government POSITION OPEN PUBLICATIONS BOARD Detfy Mihrataan Advisory board to the Boerd of Re gents -hire the edtor. bus Inees menager.andadmanag er. Publications Board acta aa a pubfcher lor the Boerd ol Regent s and serveaas a taWon between the Mpar and Its un^ers Ityoonsttiuencias. paying particular ane-ntton to complaints against Me papar. Applications avstable m 11S Nebr. Union. Deedlne 4 p m., Oct 18. 240 Personals KM. Staci, Trad, Abbto, Juatln. To arr to human, to BOMS la dMno Chicago. Ha ya Saturday. __H* Thank you* lor It wouldn't harabnnnthaaama without ya.Sna Loao. Tarry Grag, Hop* you're toady lor a graai Birthday! Happy 3411 Lora. Jaon JEFF N.- _ Happy 20th Birthday on Sunday. Donl parhrwthojdra Trac. Stac. a Bran Shari, God you ara otdll Hopa your 22nd waa grant. OTVTa Lora. BacfcyS Jody HAPPY 21ft Loat: Slack prracTtptloa giaaaai. Utoundpiaaaa oal 477 2021. Laaramaaaapa. , 250 Wanted minula. Muat ba IS. /55®6*» < ^SUCKS SWALLOWS T-shirts now in stock The of humorous T-shirts In Lincoln EastPark Plaza absolute beat aewa ton 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted **Taste of India** Now hiring (or watery and kitchen poakiona. Apply a! 1320 O Street or cal 475-1842., Ac-tlv-lz-m • A doctrine or practlca lha( emphasizes dked vigorous action especially in support of or oppoaltlon to one side ol a controversial issue. Paitictrate in grass roots organizing from our phone bank. $7/weekday*. $8/ weekends. Hudson Bay Company. Cal between 118 3, 478-1010 lor an interview. Two part-time positions (Monday-Friday) available In dental 18b. Need to be able to work In lour hour blocks, either mornings (7-noon) or afternoons (1230-5). Apply In person 125 So 9th St. _ YOU COULDBET (1) a telemarketer, (2) a burger flipper, (3) an environmental activist. The choke is yours. To become environmentally active call 477-8689. Work on campaign stall to pass pollution prevention and renewable energy legislation. Great expe rience lor poll sci and environmental science majors. Part-time and full-time positions avaiable. Earn $6-58/ hour. Pre-school Teacher Part-time position (2:30-6 p.m. Monday-Fnday). Must be reliable and responsible. Apply at ChMren's Discover Center, 4330 Comhusker Highway. ROCK ‘N ROLL RUNZA 14th & “P” We re dose to campus and looking lor people with enthusiasm, motivation, and spirit. We currently have morning, afternoon, and evening positions available. When you join our winning team, you'l receive... ‘Competitive wages ‘Scholarship programs ‘Advancement opportunities *50% meal discounts ‘Flexible hours ‘and much more. Stop by or call us today at 474-2030, ask for J.T., Patty, or Dianalll_ School age teacher Part-time position (3:00-5:30pm M-F) Must be reliable and responstole. Apply at Children's Discovery Cartier, 4330 ComhUsker Hwy. 3iASONAL WORK Harris Laboratories has seasonal soft laboratory posi tions open. Need Individuals to till early morning 3 a.m. 9a.m.or5a.m.-noonandevening6p m midnight.SS.OtY hr. Apply 624 Peach Street. Lincoln. NE 68502. AA^OE. Student wlh own transportation to hang flyers, run er rands. etc. W.CKVhoor. 4-10 hours/week, fuel allowance. Work around desses, no weekends. 435-6658 after 4 p-w-___ So ter you ate dkting great We've had a tieasoodoes r Te our swipteywwrti ad for 2nd iMf) pcopic But we stfif need more Carol Wright Sales Inc. Would you Bta a job that only works 2.3,4, or 6 nights a weak? Would you Ike a job that allows you to pick the nights that you want to work? Help us Nil our Christmas orders. Wo are now altering positions In the production department d our direct mall order facility, duties Include picking, packing, taping, sorting, and loading orders lor shipment to our customers. The hours are 4:00 p.m. to rddnighL You could work Monday and Tuesday. OR, you could work Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, OR you could work Tuaaday. Wednesday. Thursday F nday. Any cotrtttwttonl YOU pick the nightsl These are temporary positions with the poseMNy ol tuM time otters after six months of employment. The hours could ettiend to eight or nine hour shifts I rebuked. R you are interested m this otter, please UN out an application at: CAROL WWGHT SALES INC. >40 APPLE CRt EK ROAD M LMCOLNNE^^^H (402) 437-22M HONDA1' f TO FfVOAY 0*0 A. to TO 4:30 PAL EVENMO HOURS AVAILABLE. TOO EOEMfF/O/V 1 M#itd poahftone • Gat It whdelte hot) NANNIES... Spondaye*"—fMYCwdhatamdy who tody Troaeures* you. 1-000-060-1701. anytime, (No tee.) morning slockal In Lincoln grocery storea Saturday undey rrKxnmg* Aoprox. 4 hr*/dey. Pay Jfi 28dtr. own ^aneportattonCai Larry. 3304045. Nood morning itockar In L fP* Sunday moriun^ Ay r499Q Cwti IniponwIOn ‘ Part-time Cor ’art-time Computer Operator Journal-Star Printing Co. has an Immediate part-tone opening requiring approximately 20 hours par computer operwor to operate an IBM Systems lor a panaor to oparata an IBM Systems 30. WS ba entry, running computer jobs end printing 1 wrappers, Thursday a " SI 5pm -11 DO pm, Saturday: 3 Jo reports and wrappers. Thursday and Friday evenings" 5:30 pm -11 DO prA. Saturday;3: jo - 6:30 andSunday: 12 noon - 3DO pm. Every fourth weak must be able to work Saturday: 12 noon -12 mdmgrn and Sunday: 12 noon to 7 pm. PreMous mainframe experience prater red f 1 — — uaa^laii axuI he nlirlax i n ai t e IeS%la Im. A A a |/ • xwCSNw vecenon eno noiioey ptifi epQibie fow wUl« tno Apply at Journal-Star, 826 P St. 2nd door, Lincoln, NE. Closing dale Is Monday. Oct Ifth at 12 noon. EOE Part-tim# hi|) wenlad toe tat-upt, custodial and mainte name. Apply at Pershing Audtorium.MorvFfL8am-4pm wM phone work. Oder gdt_ (iexbto hours. Earn L& llOhouf. Part Plump Tomato Pizza On campus In the Reunion has part time positions ■wail' awe IOf responsmie. eneryeiic. people ariwm oner noons, averting*, and weekends Apply In personal 16 A •W St 3pm In alore Mto or drtoars. Hdl and parhdma poedlonaaead abie PurzsHut, 560i a Migrwwy 2. See our management Stoll or cell 4214300. JOB OPPORTUNITIES FACTORY WORKERS ropertotgs lor factory workers to be placed at _Lincoln locations. All positions ere 40 hrs/ week, Mondey thru Friday. Applicants muelbe to least 18 or older end may apply between IDO a.m. and 4 DO p.m. 'Assembly Workafe.jt.Hmr. 'Experienced Tool A Dye Machinists • *7.00/Hr. ™ ..^ |-| —^-1 4 : XLwrwnDVQ . _ _ _ ‘Experienced MO Welders - *7.<XVHr. 1 Resources. Inc. Sude 436, Q reentree Court 210 Qetewey North. Uncoin EOE. Appt. Setters Chesterfields Hiring experienced karaoke m.c., cooks, bartenders, and wait slalfApply 13th a Q, t-flp.m. _ College Students $8.45 to start. International Corp. fijtng ""fOl •■"•■‘'P*" I nos. No experience necessary. Flextole lul^art-tlme schedules. 488 0017. ___ Don & Millie’s "the Home oi the M Cent Marferita" 5200 8.5«h Street We’re growing and need heto In aM positions. We offer great hours, flextole schedultog. competitive pay. and many benefits. Apply after f f a.m. _ Downtown YMCA needs exercise spec Wist, hours Tues day and Thursday 5:00 - 900 p.m. Apply at 1039 P St., 434-9232. _ Driver wanted, light deWety full or PT. Apply 8100 "O' Gateway Plata, lower level. Cornhusker Bank. St.. FUN PEOPLE, GREAT EXPERIENCE A FLEXIBLE HOURS, The Office lor Student Involvement has a com HOUH9. I rw vjnice IOC otuovm invuiruuwin mm m puter technician student staff position available for 19KV ST This position wll work on Macintosh computers. The pay rate »$4.75 and hours 15-20 weekly. Pick up ~ ' ■> _i_ nnn -I l.u. fV>a<4linA fnr nxtiirr .___I fB.fO «>u IWUia u tv "Wf- -ur, ^ W. implication In 200 Nebraska Union. Deadline for return Is October 28. 1993. Gift Shop Gift Shop at Sears at Gateway Mall now accepting applications lor part-time tales associates. Flextoto hours and competitive hourly rate. Apply at Keys N Engraved Qllt Shop lower level ol Sears. Godfather s Pine la now taking npplfc*lk>r»e for deliv ery drivers. Apply at Qodtathsr's, 12th A a Help wanted In dentrilab worWng M-F 5am to 7am. Apply In person 128 9.9th^_ _ HELP!!! - If you are looking for a job that hat great daytime hours and Is dose to campus, look no further.Wa have { lor the fdlowlng hours: M-WF 11-3orT-R 11-3 Barb's Place, Lincoln Sq 9-11 or 1-3. Square Food court, 121 S7l 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice At real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to Ihe federal Fair Houalng Act, which makes It Illegal to advertise any preference, Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or Mention to make any such preferences. Imitations or dtacdmhatlon. The Daly Ne braskan wit not knowingly accept any advertising lor real estate which Is In violator! of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences Our readers are hereby informed that all dwettrnge advertised are avstable on an equal opportunity basis 400 Roommates A.SJLP. roommate wanted. Male. Need to move by November 1, Cat Dean at 423-5392. ASAP-Roommates wanted. Close to both campuses. >135 ♦ 1/4 uttSties. Call 438-5301. Need roommate ASAP just outside Uncoto on Acreage. 7871 SW 12th. 421-8862, ask tor Kevin. Non-smoking roommate wanted for nice, P rtment. 10 minutes from campus. 477-4939. Leave message. Roommate needed: M/F non-smoker and dean. Free laundry. >l87.9(ymo. plus 1/2 unities. 474-4634. leave 420 Rooms For Rent Ful basement. 5511 "S" St. klteben, bath, non smoker, w/d, 1 person. >276. 432-0944.___ _ ReaponsMe M/F. Private bedroom, utWtles paid. ¥110. HBO. MAX. 3229/month. 9th 6 f. 474-4409. 430 Houses For Rent Lame 3-bedroom avalable now. Very dose to campus. No Pats. >479. Ask tor Jan, 463-5348. 44U uupiexes i-or neni 2-badroom dupfcm, 3 Mocks from Roc Confer. Al uMot pmd. 475-7301 Ctoon. nowor 2 bodroom duptos for ssrtous students. <480 ♦ deposit ullWos. 2*1 N. 36th. 486-7923. 450 Apartments For Rent “PtM Trso Apartments. First and Adams. 2 bsdroom *616 W. Sandora, 1 bodroom <340. “E mbassy Park. 31stI Old Cheney, 3 bedroom <596 Sacurtty butldmo. microwave, mini winds, ad atactrlc, no pots. 483-1130 or 4836067. 2740 R. Nlcor two bodroom. Laundry, parting. no pots. <360. Jonty. 437-8326. 840 Soudt 20,1 bodroom S344; 2 bodroom <360, laundry. 478-7282. Century Management Co. Largo ssloctfon of apartments.<198-840. 476-2800 Claremont Park Apartments 2 and 3 bodroom aportmonts. Ctosa to oomput. Nowty consbudod. 9th 8Ctersmont 474-PARK —Saeurod budding. <238 bfficiincist MV cinpui. —* <280. No pots. Cal 47T3848. ★ Make Countyshlre Your New Home Now leasing on# and two bodroom Modern decor, neutral colon, a# waiherfdryer hookups, management. 6 or \2 an Caring on-tie 2504 Vine Street Hna snrliwnhortinoni sham wioiSitorSi Wifk tri rmiyim Cherry Hill Management 469-4857. One bedroortYapartment close to root ASAP.C* 477-3087. to campus <314/mo. Need Ono bedroom oomptetely furnished. 2006 R St Cal 469 9086 or 484-8170. Superior Piece Apartments 1801 iuportor Hugo ono and two bsdkowr^sggmonts ovallobls. Walt to school 8t7 N 28th. 34 BR. fed. cfe. 2 RR. 423 1636. A «*mfly wilt kwe, caarina and Mends, warmth and laughter, settling newborn to Add I© an afrej ■ttylfonmert L#gal/m«dte*i paid let's t*Ki 1 iWl. :UT AOOPT-T.V. Produce Otters yoor baby love A security in S.Caflf, P*m 800-506-1203 or Atty. Ms Mann 800782-3671 ___ Adopt: Energetic chfldlesstaHAMwttin to share ftalraiarn'flt) and Iowa wtth nawbom Wi ara imanctaly teoura and wM be devoted parents. Expense* paid legal and confidenia CMKathyft TimanytimeMT«IO-75e 742l. Aborting your neetoom/toddier would ba a special bless Ira lor us. Childless couple wanting to become parent? Call Caron or John collect, 5l6~23l 6566, _ . .Pregnant? Wart to takerth someone? Cal Batty or Cindy Nebraska Children s Home 4000 Valley Road 483-7878 tOO years at adoption credence 110 Automotive WOODS PARK Modem lech notogv with oldfashioned iwvn. Auto service. Coope. ore*, lowing and road servtoe 33rd « O' 474-2202 DON’S USD TIRES Turn those used liras Mo cash) Buy and set. 2100 Comhusker Highway, 477-4332. 115 Bicycle Service atue’s piiatEtety. Sfaibtecta from ampea. New and used Mtaa, Excettert repairs for tti mattes. Now two locations I 427 9. imT&2322 and 3321 Pioneers 138 Employment consultant 150 Health and Fitness ramify ueimaioiogy 1 Hwtvtly Ol ll ibb instruction tutoring ATE CJUiTAR |N<5 ,- . TiON RENTAL 170 Misc. Services Pack Rat* Ar BACKTRACK RECORDS IS 4M 4w-»l7,l»60 00 », I?JO er l 178 Pregnancy Iml p^itr osl mv tor 188 Tanning The Tan Grand 195 Typing & Resumes AM mm d «ortf pfwmNng- L**»Jgtodifr **•» <•“ «• Nm** W Cal tS* *5*400 Computer Tyo,