Classified 472-2588 Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, October 13,1993 AT Pre-Med technologist mooting Wod. 6 p.m. at HooMi Contor Baoonwnt Confotonco Room T ANYONE INTERESTED WELCOME! Sian Language Club Deal speakerGrog Desroslers wtltak about doal culture. Anyone interested welcome. October t3, 7:30pm City Union. Room to be posted. Questions? Cal Karen at 464 5499 Student Foundation Meeting Oct. t4, 5:30 pm In the Union. UNL FFA Almumi Meetin today at 7:00 in East Campus Union. UNL Marketing Club Meeting Thursday Oct 14 6-7pm in Nebr. Union (room to All'MAJORS AND NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! UNL Model United Nations Meeting this Thursday at 6:30 at Spaghetti Works. Bring money lor food and ideas for topic areas. UNL Student Athletic Trainers Association Meeting Sunday. Oct. 17th, 7 p.m. Campus Recreation Center— 2nd floor lounge. Students interested In Athletic Training are encouraged to attend. Questions? Call Rusty—43f 2830. UNL Table Tennis Club wants you. No experience neces sary, just a desire to have fun.Meeting Wed. 6.00 p.m., upstairs foyer, Campus Rec. For further info, contact Leah 472-3467. 220 Greek Affairs AAn AY Grab A Date Don’t Be Late! AAn Congratulations to Jennifer liberto and Beth Valgora on pledging to the best house on campus. We are proud to nave you in our housel Love, Your ADII Sisters Good luck Chandelle Peacock In the Miss NE USA Pageant. Well be cheering you onl Love, the ADII's Thantetor the great time oi i Thursday—We owe you a big one I __Love. AXiD Congratulations Jett Patterson lor being selected into Alpha Epsilon Rho, the National Broadcasting Society. Your Sig Ep Brothers Congratulations to Bryan Perry and Lee Nelson on being selected to be pages tor the 1994 Unicameral Session. _The Men of AGS Congratulations Julie McWiliams (AOII) on receiving the AlOmtaon Appreciation Award. Thanks tor all your hard Congratulations to Odyssey Prodiges: Leigh Tande. Page Baumbach, Erin Grosshans, Ann Royal, Meredith Connor. Jaime Raetz, Kayla McEnliy. Ashley Wtttwer, S Courtney Cacek. Be all you can bef Love, Your AOII Sisters FH Good luck to Kyle GJster and Dave Swan on Homecom ing Royaty. The Men of Farm House Good luck to David Hengen in today s Homecoming Royalty voting. We know youll do well. The Men of Delta Tau Delta STUDENT TRAVEL 1800777 0112 THt WORLD'S LARGtST STUOfNTS YOUTH THAVtL ORGANIZATION 5TA TRAVEL sssssssssssssssssss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s 1 st donation $30 2nd donation $20* within 7 days of 1st donation RETURN DONORS EARN S) $15 Each Donation s NEW DONORS EARN $50 associated bioscience, inc. University Plasma Center Enjoy TV & Mo\ ie Entertainment 1442 'O' Street 475-1358 £ Mon-Fri... 8:00-7:30 Sat.9:00-4:00 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Hats off to Swanny, the Sig Ep's Intramural Athlete of the Week. We hat thee brother. The Fraternal Members of Sigma Phi Epsllor MELODRAMA '93 ASA ACACIA LET’S GET PSYCHED! I or drivers, full and part-time positions avail able. Pizza Hut. 56th 6 Highway 2. See our management staff or call 421-6300._ Inn Harms Way Taking applications for part-time prep/cook. Flexible hours. Mmltrain. Apply in person, Monday • Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. inn Harms Way Is looking for self-motivated wait staff. Flexible hours. Apply In person. 10:00 a.m. -10.00 p.m., 7* P. JOB OPPORTUNITIES FACTORY WORKERS Immediate openings for factory workers to be placed at northwest Lincoln locations. All positions are 40 hrs/ week, Monday thru Friday. Applicants must be at least 18 or older and may apply between 800 a.m. and 4:30 p.m •Assembly Workers - 85.75/Hr. ‘Experienced Tool 6 Dye Machinists - $7.00/Hr. ‘Etperienced MIG Welders • $7.00/Hr. MSP Resources, Inc. Suite 436, Greentree Court 210 Gateway North. Lincoln EOE. NANNIES... Spend a y»v mv NYC with a famly who truly treasures' you. t-800-858-1701, anytime. (No tee.) Need morning Stocker in Lincoln grocery stores Saturday and Sunday mornings. Approx. 4 hrs/day. Pay J6 25rtw Need own iransporiatioaGall Larry. 339-6845 Need part-time hek>, outside lawn work. Wil work around school schedute.466-7567 or 432 3037_ PART-TIME afternoon position open at Havelock Daycare. 4005 N. 70th. Contact Shirley 464-1090. Part-time Computer Operator Journal-Star Printing Co. has an Immediate part-ttm part-time reports and wrappers. Thursday and Friday evenings: 5:30pm - t100pm,Saturday:3:30-8:30andSunday: 12 noon - 300pm. Every fourth week must be able to work 12 noon -121 Saturday: 12 noon -12 midnight and Sunday: 12 noon to 7 pm. Previous mainframe eiperience preferred Receive vacation and holiday pay. elgete for 401K and pension plan Apply at JoumaiStar. 926 P 81.. 2nd floor. Lincoln. NE. Closing date Is Monday. Oct 18th at 12 noon. EOE Pleasant phone work. Offer gift certificate book. Part time. Flexbie hours. Earn $S-|t(Vhour. 485-4156. Se far yeu are doing greet We've node Tot 2nd ebHt people But we eta need Carol Wright Sales Inc. Would you Hte a job that only work* 2,3,4, or 6 night* week? Would you Nk* • job that allow* you to pick tf night* that you want to work? Heto u* ftN our Chrtctmas ordara. W* are now Ottorino paettions kt the production department of our direct man i production department of our direct man dutla* includa picking, packing. l^)ing. iding ordara tor shipment to our customers Tha hour* ara 400 p.m. to midnight. You could work pick tha nlghtsl These are temporary position* with thdpoaatoMy of tuU tlm# otter* after tlx month* of employment. Tha hours could extend to eight or nine hour shifts I required K you an interested In tttt* offer, plea** Ml out an application at: MO I INC. (402) 437 2244 MONDAY' _ rtOFRIOAY •300 A.M. TO 4:30 PJl EVEMNQ HOURS AVAILABLE. TOO EOE Mff/D/V limlitcj dobMohi • Get It whit* It's hotl Tstricter* I* now accepting application* at all location* Two part-time poeltlon* (Monday Friday) available In cental lab." ‘- - _lab. Need to be able to work In lour hour block*, either morning* (7-noon) or afternoon* (12 JO-5). Apply m person 126 So 9lh St. $5.00 per hour collecting articles and books on creativity at Love Library. Should have knowledge ot the library system. 488-8223 ask lor Phil. Ac-iz-lsm - A doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support ot or opposition to one side ot a controversial issue. Participate in grass roots organizing from our phone bank. $7/weekdays, $8/ weekends. Hudson Bay Company. Cal between f 1A 3. 476-fOtO lor an interview. . BIG EVENT TICKET SALES $6.00 per hour. No experience needed to work. Part-time evenings and Saturdays. Call ticket office at 466-5477 and start today. Cafeteria help needed. Part-time days 10 JO to 3pm Pegler cafeteria; pan time evenings, 5-9:30pm Square D cafeteria: full time 6:30-3pm, Smith Kline Beecham cafe teria. If interested please apply at location desired. College Students $9.45 to start. International Corp. filling entry level open ings. No experience necessary. Flexible luK/parl-tlme schedules. 488-6017. Downtown YMCA needs exercise specialist, hours Tues day and Thursday 5:00 - 9 JO p.m. Apply at 1039 P St., 434-9232 Driver wanted, light delivery full or PT. Apply 6100 "O’ St., Gateway Plaza, lower level, Cornhusker Bank. Fitness Instructor Prairie Life Center Looking for knowledgeable person to work In fitness center with background In cardiovascular conditioning and weight training Degree or pursuing a degree In excercise science or related field preferred. Apply In person. Ask for Ed, Prairie Life Center, 1305 South 70th YOU COULD BE: (1) a telemarketer, (2) a burger flipper, (3) an environmental activist. The choice It yours. To become environmentally active call 477-8689. Work on campaign staff to pass pollution prevention and renewable energy legislation. Great expe rience tor pol scl and environmental science majors Part-time and full-time positions avarable. Earn S6-$8/ hour. 310 Child Care Needed Child care I oraB-year-old boy. Flexfele hours, occasional weekend or evening work. CreatlvKy, Imagination, pa tience. and enthusiasm desirable. Light housekeeping and errands included in duties. Own transporiaron, non smoker. 466-5254. 400s Housing Publisher's Notice All real estate acfvertishg In this newspaper is subject to (be federal Fair Housing Act, which malm I illegal to advertise any preference, Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap. lamiHal status or national orlgh, or Intention to make any such preferences. Imitations or discrimination. The Daly Ne braskanwU not knowingly accept any advertising lor real estate which is in violation ol the Law or discrbvnates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that alderetilnga edvertleed are available on an equal opportunity bash. 400 Roommates A.8JLP. roommate wanted. Male. Need to move by November t. Call Dean at 423-5392._ ASAP-Roommates wanted. Close to both campuses. 1135 ♦ 1/4 uttitles. Call 438-5301 Need roommate ASAP just outside Lincoln on Acreage. 7871 SW 12th. 421-6852. ask tor Kevin. Non smoking roommate wanted lor nice, two bedroom apartment. 10 minutes from campus. 477-4939. Leave message Non-smoking roommate needed. Ctoee to campus. >150 4 850 utilities. 435-5576 ask tor Deere. Roommate needed: M/F non-smoker and dean. Free laundry. 1187.50/mo. plus 1/2 ut titles. 474-4634, leave message. 420 Rooms For Rent 29th and Washington FurnShad King room and bad room, Ralngaraioi. Non-smdOng/non-dtnldnQ. CSan. >129. UtWOaa paid. 477-5032._ Fulbaasmant, Ml 1 “S'St. Prtvata, nokltchan, bath, non smohar. add. 1 parson. >279.432-0644. 430 Houses For Rent 1 Special Reduced Rates ! Maar campus - pata OKI 1. _ ,2718*»'ffnlna4BR,'l 1/2 bath, was $660. now 1600 •709 N 29«h, stccapfionaly largo 4 BR, 2 baths. was >675. now >625 *606 N 23rd, vary nica 3 BR was >650. now >500. Call 432-0644 or 432-6644. Lam 3-badroom avalabia now. Vary dosa to campus. No Pats. >476. Ash lor Jw>. 463-534$._ Waking dStanca— UNL. Nawty paint ad. ramodUng. 1307 Coof. Two badroom. Appllancas. No pots. $420. 489 3404. 440 Duplexes For Rent Cisan. naarar 2 badroom duplax tor carious studsnu >460 ♦ dspoaK 6 utMUas. 24fN 35th 466-7823. 450 Apartments For Rent -Pina Traa Apart mants First and Adams. 2 badroom &S W. Sandora, 1 badroom >340. ••Embaaoy Park. 31st 6 Old Chsnay. 3 badroom >685. Sscurtty building, mlcrowava. mini blinds, all aSdrlc, no pala. 4M-113Q or 463-6067. 2740 R Nlcar taro badroom. Laundry, parking, no pats >350. Jorry. 437-6326. 840 South 20.1 badroom >344;2bad room >358. Sundry. 476-72T2. National Research Corp. Now hiring for our part-time professional interviewing staff. Evening and Weekend hours available 15 + hours per week. Absolutely NO SELLING! For more information, call 475-4520 Large Century Management Co. 9 selection of apartments. $199-540. 476-2500 Claremont Park A 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Close to campus, constructed. 9th A Claremont 474-PARK. Make Countyshire Your New Home Now leasing one and two bedroom apartments Modern decor, neutral colors, all appliances, some with washer/dryer hookups, pool, garages. Caring on-site management. 6 or 12 month leases. 2504 Vine Street One and two bedroom sharp apartments. Walk to campus Cherry Hill Management 489-4857. One bedroom apartment dose to campus $314/mo. Need to rent ASAP. Call 477-3067. 100 Adoption ADOPT-T.V, S.Calif. Eh Mann 800 S.Calif. E«p*ns&* paid Pam 600-505-1203 or Any. 5-782-3670 Adoption A Wetime of lovt awaits your newborn with a happily nwted couple who tonga for a baby. Our friends andtauty agree we would be wonderfulparenu. Medical I expenses paid. Call liana and George 1-800 AOOPTION: Loving CaWomta homa lor your baby. Ex pansas paid. Call SARA at I 800 836 7240, leave mas *__ Hugs and Maaes await your nawbom. Loving jtgKSi share their love. toy. and flMnetorflS. Expense* paid Lecnl and confidential. Call toil fi Virgin! and Bob 1-80^880 1322 Pregnant? Want to tali with aoriaone? Cal Betty or Cindy Nebraska Children’s Home jOOOV^ey Road 483-7879 100 yearaoi adoption e^jerlence 110 Automotive DON'S USED TIRES- Turn those used tires into cash! Buy »nd tel. 2100 Comhusfcer Highway, 477-4332. WOODS PARK TIRE 6 AUTO SERVICE Modem tech r with otd-leahtoned service. Auto service, Cooper and road service. 33rd A O 474 2202 noiogywfth ( tires, towtng 138 Employment consultant A tot mom then just • rtturo#. Comptoto job tear couhhIoq. Ciritf Mmigtininl S#rvio#e 486 84 2 7 145 Gift Ideas 150 Health and Fitness Family Dermatology L Rystad, MO. Specialized treetment a Saturdeyn 3001 NormaTBIvd SuSe 102 LIVE N10SE WEK3HT.30 DAVS-»». fcMWWV.CON ~~~~ (ffiSr NATURAL LINCOLN 4SS43I3. I JTROUTOR8 NEEDED, 153 Insurance For al your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077 Amencan Family (suranceRemers. Auto. Hoew, HaaMt. and Lite 155 Instruction Tutoring Chemislry? FrustrsSed? Need HELP? 8 years hdorttg experience availebie 24 hoursMey. Reasonable rales DonT WaAM 4S3-S3S7. 173 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECORDS 3533 South 46ft. 450-3617. USED (60'S, $7.50 or lass S$t buy CD's, records, tapes ■178 Preynancy BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential lest, please call u> lor 195 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes resume*, cover Mere, typing. Quick setvic*. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. sag* sj’srsstjsatr" *' Resumes By Ann Quelkv resumes, professional writers. Over 12 yeers e.perienc#, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes