The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 13, 1993, Image 1

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    Restay rant firing draws protests
Motions end
By Jeff Zeleny
Senior Editor .
I k~ tmnq g*f
Iwhn Hm*- 9m tti wt/M
iBii m * aid
Three motions filed by attor
neys for Roger Bjorklund and
the stale were partially scaled
Tuesday in Lancaster County District
Court. ..
Judge Donald Endacott ordered the
documents partially closed, but de
clined to close the pretrial hearing to
the press and public.
Chief Deputy Lancaster County
Public Defender Scott Helvic filed
two motions in Lancaster County Dis
trict Court. In the first motion, Hclvie
said Scott Barney should be prohibit
ed from testifying at the trial.
Bjorklund and Barney both arc
charged with first-degree murder in
the 1992 slaying of University of
Nebraska-Lincoln student Candice
Fourteen paragraphs in the motion
were sealed and not read by the judge
during the hearing.
In Helvie’s second motion, he said
Lancaster County Attorney Gary
Lacey should be recused, or disqual
ified from his position in the trial,
because of prejudice or personal in
Sandy Summers/DM
KM Huff, • sophomore archeology major at UNL, and Bait) Bair, former publisher of
Woman's Journal Advocate, protest the firing of a gay employee outside the Green
Cstssu restaurant Tuesday morning.
two days a week. »
Boltc gradually increased his
hour* dining the year, but in Au
gust he requested to return to the
rwo-day-a-week schedule. The re
qpaeat was approved by a manager
A few weeks later, Livcngood
asked the manager to fire Boltc
because he allegedly was too ef
feminate. The manager said Boltc
was agood employee and shouldn’t
be Tired.
Boltc left for vacation. When he
relumed Sept. 2. the manager told
him he had been fired. Two other
employees. Kevin Caught in and
Gia Rauch not. quit in protest.
Livcngood said Boltc was not
filed because he was gay. Belle's
achedultng conflicts became too
steal a problem to accommodate,
he said
Boltc had asked not to work on
two football Saturdays, Livcngood
“We need pan-time employees
during our busy time,” he said.
“His schedule didn't work with our
Livcngood said he knew Boltc
and other employees were homo
sexuals long before the day Bolte
was fired.
Nebraska has no policy banning
job discrimination on the Basis of
sexuality, said Marlayn Cragun,
executive director of the Nebraska
Civil Liberties Union, in a tele
phone interview..
Tuesday ’s protesters advocate a
bill introduced last year to thestate
Legislature that would make it ille
gal to discriminate against people
on the basis of their sexual orienta
Pat Greene, a member of the
Coalition forGay and Lesbian Civ
il Rights, said the bill would not
mandate quotas for hiring gay or
lesbian employees.
Greene said she and other local
homosexual-rights advocates
— II
His schedule didn’t
work with our
— Livengood
owner, Green Gateau
-tf —
would push for the bill to become
law in this year’s legislative ses
Boltesaid he had no plans to file
a lawsuit because he allegedly suf
fered discrimination. Current Ne
braska laws give him no grounds
for a suit, he said.
Bolte, who supports the bill,
said he was pleased the event had
drawn much attention to further his
cause of equal rights for homosex
“I’ve become much more of a
celebrity than I had hoped,” Bolte
said. - -—
The judge read Helvic’s motion,
which said that because Lacey filed
the charges against Bjorklund, he
shouldn’t prosecute the case. Five
paragraphs in the motion were scaled
by Endacott.
Helvie did not return telephone
calls for comment Tuesday afternoon.
The motion filed by the county
attorney’s office was almost com
pletely scaled by Endacott.
All three motions can become un
sealed at any time, Endacott said.
Attorney Alan Peterson, who rep
resents various Nebraska media orga
nizations, objected to sealing the
motions. The objection wasoverruled
by Endacott.
The judge said Tuesday’s hearing
was the last before Bjorklund's trial.
Jury selection begins Monday in
Sidney, and the trialwill start Oct. 25
in Lincoln.
Baraev hasher butts heads with parents, dinosaur fans
Ftcd out m • n
•red** idol ht«
N * t l*tfc purple
>*. i mvmtty Pro
mmm- ^ ■ Mlhmuftooui
Foil Mid
krocy.* I turn
>uxl vuihim»M
wlmlv iHmp '
*U lot Harney
Day event*. hn and other UPC membcm have
considered a Barney boxing match, a Big Bird
va, Barney baah or evcrythmg-but-Barncyi
The Nov, 10baah i*a month away, but Fox’*
name already haa become a naughty word in
aonte local household*
"Prom what I've gathered. I*m noted a*one
of the moat haled men in Lincoln now," Ik xaid
"It'a turning into more of a personal attack."
Pox'* name appeared in lour of the five
letterato the editor concerning the Barney Ba»h
m Monday k I incoln Mai newspaper
"I have no idea where thia thing ia going to
go," he aaid It grows every day
Po* haa lalkedto reporter* Irom California,
< anada and many of Nebraska'* papers He *
retd • story in USA Today about his brainchild.
He has dedicated a wall in the UPC office to
post letters and newspaper articles on Barney
isaucs. ,
Fox has fielded calls for the past two weeks
from angry parents and other concerned citi
zens. Even University of Nebraska-Lincoln
alumni have called threatening to withdraw
financial support if Fox follows through with
the event.
“I've had to put a lot of things off so I can
take care of this little monster.** Fox said. “It's
affecting my classes, my personal life. It's
grown to mammoth proportions."
It's even stretched into hut home life.
“If this is Barney, go away We don't want
to talk to you," is the message that callers hear
on the answering machine at Fox’s house
"Honestly, I'm sick or it. For something so
small, it's gotten so big," Fox said. "People
have forgotten how to laugh. This is all Tun and
Besides, he said, the Barney Bash was cre
ated solely for students. Fox said he had yet to
hear student criticism of the event.
"If the students don't want this thing to
happen," he said, "it ain’t going to happen."
Fox said adults had told him he failed to
understand children's love for Barney. But Fox
said he was still a child at heart.
"I'm the biggest kid imaginable," Fox said.
When was the Iasi lime I watched Saturday
S— BARNEY on 2
gineering professors pitch proposed secession
. . fvncvt
I (Mil
«o«*U\mturn nywt’infc kiltmiMify, mikI
(JNO iwiktori ilk own Mtlkg*.- lo wk
HunkJly w^vv ihv uMimomly
I Ik I4MIWMI wv *H IkH UkUv Ik lo
• k|*KJkk4KO MMttt ftk Ikvoll > IVykul
Iilf o*k n.4»ilil> Ui nvi Vi ;hv ikikik ill
4ie4)lMi»k Hi*# lUkkWlk muJ tlw Ml
Jukin.i uMnnumiy of Onmlw Ik
Ilk Nl Mukkl tfl Htifmu* *k von
kutofijy ilk gmpoiMii I# vickk two
kV|Wfttlv §0^0$ m Iki I llkvtiil *ml
Tlk Univ«niily of NktimaU to
Omaha program originally **»tk
u'h«K'il an an iiuk-|\iulait i allege in
IMhi to mut t total induaii) tMXxU
Him* then, H Ha* gradual) > merged
wilH ihe UNI t allege All ilk vat
lege klunduiuandaUmimkiraiMNiiMm
-"~v ~ ...
Hm« CHen, UNI ipiultwMH olt'k\
iiual engineering nu hnoingy, aanl a
tv par ate eollcgt* kaa needed Mi meet
iHc intrcaaing of Omaha
mduMry atui ilk nowH ol l IntaHa iiu
Opga ■
Sokol aaid Orroka wta die only
ctty iu mice lhai didn l have an engi
nee ring college lo work "hand in
hand" wiih ihe eity’a indu»irieft and
with Hu urban Mydenu
"I *NO need* |ti revamp the cngi
near mg pi* *gi am (t> make il more prac
ut*i *ud renpuaaive tu mdufttry,' he
Sokol hard the trend of making the
UNO college UNI depend* at made
him mmMM* about tin future
The future of Omaha baaed pro
gram* ta noume we can he confident
about.' Sokol aaid
liut both prolcssors said they
thought • step#rate engineering col
lege should he restoreJ at (JNO
Sokol tuiid UNO's students were
d life rent from UNt'i,
Moat of UNO'a student* are older
and work lull ume or part time
“UNO is an urban university with
a difiereni mission than UNL.” Sokol
Sokol said enrollment figures _
showed a need for an engineering