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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1993)
C] A<N STFTF D «eoo NelaraSkan \^yl Jf\v J W-/XX I I ^ " V 472-2588 W0dn0*dsy, Oc«ob0r 6,1993 GET READY Trl Delta Jitnbo, Glen. 8 Andy (ATO) To our coach es-wlth-the-mostest who showed us their best "Bundts"...we had a "baH". AOII POSITION OPEN PUBLICATIONS BOARD Deity Nebraskan Advisory board to the Board of Re gents—hire the editor, business manager, and ad manag er. Publications Board acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents and serves as a liaison between the paper and its university constituencies, paying particular attention to complaints against the paper. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline 4 p.m„ Oct. 18. REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Committee for Fees Allocation—res. hall rep. Computational Services and Facilities—grad. rep. Government Liaison Committee Grading 8 Examinations—grad. rep. Parking Advisory Committee Parking Appeals ON. of Continuing Studies - Senate seat Grad. Senate seat A8S Senate Seat Sexual Orientation—subcommittee Teaching Council—grad. rep. ■*. DeodNne October 7 Applications available at the Student Government office. 11S Nebr. Union. Happy 22nd Becky M Dont get too plowed tonite—you still have band in the morningl Luv, Jen F. L anode. Happy Birthday tothe one I love. Hope your day is perfect I Love, Troy CHRISTMAS BREAKS — JANUARY 2-16,1994 STEAMBOAT VAIL/BEAVER CREEK* TEUURIDE TREE 1/2 u/u i IFT TICKET! TOLL FREE INFORMATION RESERVATIONS I MtOtMUNOWSE I Robin Happy Birthday to you. You crazy Omega Moo, Have (un with your birthday And your brand new taiool „ Suzy-wan Peanut. Just a REMINDERI I miss you babyl • Love ya. Butter P.S. I really DOI Found: Starter checkbook a student I.D. Student name: Kokshko. Contact UNL Police to recover. Looking For The #1 Reck a RoN Expert On Campus Win cassettes .CD's and up to $ 1,000C ASH. Take the 10 question ROCK TRIVIA QUIZ. Call 1 -900-344-9335.2.99/ minute. Must be t8. Wanted: 'Wasp" tape. "Live In the Raw* Cal 436-8891. GREEKS & CLUBS RAISE UP TO $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! For your fraternity, sorority, or dub. PLUS $1000 for yourself I FREE T-SHIRT just for caUng. 1 -800-932-0528. ext. 75. 300s Jobs Dairy Queen Flexible hours, day or evening. 4130 S. 48th. ssssssssssssssss s s SI 1$ $ $$Earn Extra Cash$$ $ * NEW DONORS $ j $25 on 1st donation * $ RETURN DONORS $ $ $25 after 2 mo. lapse ^ $ ALL DONORS s $ $15 for each donation $ l JOBI 1 j associated bioscience, inc. , j University Plasma Center * * $ * -s S 1442 O' Street $ * 475-1358 $ j Mon.-Fri.8:00-7:30 $ ! Sat.9:00-4:00 $ *1___I $ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS s s *| I GOLDWELLB f | | Get $2.00 Off Our Already - -» j Affordable Color & Highlight Services. * % I TEMPORARY COLOR-Regular Price $13 50-using Redken Shades EQ I Color Gloss or Goidwell Cokwance Non-Alkaline ■ A . COLOR - Regular Price $17.00 - using Topchic-Coloration I HIGHLIGHTS- Regular Price $18.50 and up | k | Expires 12/30/93 Styling is included Additional charge for long hair & corrective color | U ! College of Hair Design I 111 J Monster Cash •Earn up to SI50/month donating plasma. x •New customers receive $25 on first donation. \ • Return customers receive $15 on first donation Q j of week and S20 on second donation of same J week ( call for appt.). / •Enjoy TV and movie entertainment, free parking / at the door and the friendliest staff in town at our new state of the art facility. NAIH BIOMEDICAL Center 474 23,5 300 So. 17th St. ^^^^ormcfl^JJncoliU>onoi^enter^^^^^exgires10/3l/93 ^——— t'M.jl ' ,; ; .1 ».»’ '*' ■ Ac-lz-lsm - A doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action especially in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial Issue. Participate in grass roots organizing from our phone bank. $7/weekdays, $8/ weekends. Hudson Bay Company. Can between (18 3. 476-1010 for an interview. BANQUET WORKERS Students end homemakers earn extra money! Now hiring 50 dependable, personable people. Food service experience a plus. Black Awhlte anire required. For the best jobs, call our office todayl Never a fee. 483-4094 Kelly Temporary Services An equal opportunity employer. BIG EVENT TICKET SALES $6.00 per hour. No experience needed to work. Part-time evenings and Saturdays. Call ticket office at 466-5477 and start today. IYMCA Youth Sports is hiring youth volleyball I officials. Call or fill out an application at the I downtown YMCA. 434-9217. College Students $9.45 to start. International Corp. filing entry level open ings. No experience necessary. Flexible luM/pari time schedules. 488-6017.__ Company Expansion Telemarketers needed for day and evening. $6/hr. plus bonuses. Possible advancement Into management. Call Duane at 476-0838._ Construction Workers needed to bold new golf course. Apply in person at t34th 8 *0'. Croaked Greek Got Course Ask for Rick. __ DO YOU RUN OUT Of MONEY before you run out of month? Turn the tables with extra Income from interesting part time work. We show you how. Phone 4364)527 for appointment. Driver wanted, light delivery full or PT. Apply 6100 "O’ St .. Gateway Plaza, lower level, Cornhusker Bank. EARN UP TO $10/HR. Motivated students needed for P/T marketing positions at your school. Flexible hours. ;call TODAYf 1-800-950 1037. EXT. 3024. H ECOLOGY MINDED? Part-time jobs available working with the state's largest grass roots environmental group. Excellent opportunity to help protect Nebraska's environment tor the next generation. Earn $6-S8AK>ur. Cal 477-8681. Ever thought about officiating sports to earn extra $$$? Check It oufl Lincoln Parks 6 Recreation workshops begin October 14. Flexfole hours available Cal441 -7892 for more into. FACTORY POSITIONS Immediate Openings Now hiring assembly workers to be placed at good factory locations. All positions 40 hours/week. Three shifts are currently available. Work week Monday Thursday or Monday-Friday. Applications being taken weekdays 8 430. Stop by and see us today for details. MSP Resources Inc. Subs 436, Greentree Court 210 Gateway North. Lincoln fcOE Food Court 8user. Immediate part-time position avail able. Applicant must be able to work weekends, eve nings, and some daylxne hours. Apply In person from 9am-5pm, Mon-Fit. Gateway Management Officeflower level) Gateway Center 6100 East *0" St. EOE.ADA.M/F Get a jump on the rest of the class DAILY NEBRASKAN PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT EDITORIAL PASTEUP Individual to pasteup editorial aspects of newspaper on Sunday. Monday and Thursday evenings beginning at 800 p m well completion. Person required to have experience and be patient enough to make decision with student* In a learning capacity. Hourly wages. If qualified. apply to Kitty, 34 Nebraska Union. EOE/AA Godfather's Finals now taking application for daMv sry drivers. Apply at Godfather a, 12th 6 a Growing home daycare is seeking energetic, child-loving individual to work 25-30 hours per week, flexible scheo ule. 438 5401, leave message. (■rowing residential cleaning service needs help. Pleas ant work environments Good wages and potential Qual ity A thoroughness required. Flexible hours. 4634335. He^> wanted aM positions. Apply at Kelley s. 126NO 14th HOMEMAKERS needed at once Light housekeeping, some meat prop, laundry, etc. Primarily morning aid early afternoon hours, some weekends. Olsten Healthcare. 4744771._ _ In store help or drivers, ful and part-time positions avail able. Pizza Hut. 56th A Highway 2. See our management staff or call 421 -6300. INTRAMURAL SPORTS OFFICIALS The office of Campus Recfeation Is currently hiring offi cials lor the Intramural Sports Program Starling pay is $4.95 - $5.05 an hour. 6 12 hours per wek. It Interested please attend the following meetings: Basketball Wednesday, Oct 6.4:00 p.m. Me Union Soccer Thursday. Oct 7.600 p.m. 55 Rec KERREY’S One bartend and two waliery positions available. 15-20 hra/wk. Ntghts/weekends. Please apply 2-6 pm - Mothers helper needed tor busy I amity. Cooking and childcare. Wednesday and Friday 4:00 - 6:30 p.m. Must have car 488-5160. Part-time delivery person. Apply at Just Roses, 3031 "O’ St. Lincoln. Part-time help needed Flexible hours. Free meals. Close to East Campus Apply in person. Runza Restaurant 56th and Holdrege._ Part-time cashier needed. Work evenings and all day Saturday. References required. Apply 1745 'O' St. PART-TIME afternoon position open-at Havelock Daycare. 4005 N. 70th. Contwri Shirley 464-l090 _ Part-time help in the meat dept. M-F 2:30-6 and Set 12-6. Ask for Larry el Ideal Grocery. 906 8 27th. Pleasant phone work. Offer gift certificate book. Part time. Flexible hours. Earn $6 IKVhour 4664156. Security help needed. $8/hour. Friday and Saturday, 8:30-11:30 p.m. Must be clean, dependable and able to work both nights. Apply at Coin Fun. 1320 Q St_ Seeking persons with expertise In math, all areas of science, foreign language, and computer sclent* to serve as mentors for highly gifted students. Must have University level Junior standing or above. GPA of 3.0 or above, 15 college hours In mentor area. Will work with individual students during school day. Pay Is $10.88 per hour. Apply at Lincoln Public Schools. 5901 O' Street. A college transcript wHI be required when making applica tion. For additional Information call 436-1586. Spanish speakingperson to assist in Montessori School. Tues.. Wed. and tnurs. mornings. Call489-8110after4 pm. _ Target currently has early morning stocking positions available. Times running from 3am to IpmM-Sal. Approx imately 30 hours/week. Please apply at Target 333 N. 48th during store hours. _ Thanks UNLII So tar you are doing great - We've had a tremendous response To our employment ad for 2nd shift people But we sdN need morel! Carol Wright Sales Inc. Would you Ike a job that only works 2,3.4. or 5 nights a week? Would you Ike a job that allows you to pick the nights that you want to work? Help us fill our Christmas orders. We are now offering positions In theproduction department of our direct mail order facility. Duties include picking, packing, taping, sorting, and loading orders for shipment to our customers. The hours are ADO p.m. to midnight. You could work Monday and Tuesday. OR, you could wotk Monday. Wednesday, and Friday, OR you could work Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Any combination! YOU pick the nightsl These are temporary positions with the possibility of full time offers after six months of employment. The hours could extend to eight or nine hour shifts I required. If you are interested in this offer, please fill out an application at: CAROL WRIGHT SALES INC. 340 APPLECREEK ROAD ' LINCOLN NE 66528 (4021437-2254 MONOAY TO FRIDAY 6:00 A.M, TO 4:30 P.M. EVENING HOURS AVAILABLE, TOO EOE M/F/D/V Limited positions - ' Get it while its hot I The University of Nebraska Foundation has immediate openings tor phone-a-thon positions. Hours are 6-10 p.m., Monday-Thursday. Starting salary is $4.75 plus bonuses. Computer experience prefer red Come to 1111 Lincoln Mall. Suite 200, between 8 and 5 to III out an application and to schedule an Interview. Call 472-2)51 lor questions. Toddler Teacher Part-time position (8-12 a.m., Monday Friday) Must be reliable and responsible. Apply at Children s Discover Center. 4330 Comhusker Highway. Two part-time positions (Monday-Friday) available In Jental lab Need to be able to work in four hour blocks, aither mornings (7-noon) or afternoons (1230-5). Apply In person 125 So 9th St. Nartresses/waSers needed tor night time. New night dub opening soon. Call anytime, 488-4831. Warehouse Jobs Creel part-time opportunities working In our warehouse. Work Mon/Thurs 4pm-10pm and Weo4pm-8pm . We offer :ompetitive pay. free parking, close proximity to campus ind excellent woiking conditions Additional hours, sum mer work and career advancement may be available lor )utstanding performers. If you enjoy a fast pace, hard work and taka pride In completing your work accurately and on time, you may be the person we need I Come and sae us at: Lincoln Poultry 20th & M Streets IYMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer youth vol- I ieyball coaches. Call or III out an application at I the downtown YMCA 434-9127. J Student with work-study voucher to work on project in Hbrary resource room. Clerical/typing skills crucial. Salary $4.56. Call Peg. Teaching ana Learning Center. 472-2611. 400s Housing ruDnsner 9 nonce AH real estate adverting in this newspaper A subfecl to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes I Hegel fo advertise any preference. Imitation or (Aacrinmation based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap lamlUal status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences. Imitations or dmcrimhatcn The Daly Ne braskan will not knowtngfy accept any advertlalng lor real estate which Is In violation ol the law or discrmmates against sexual preferences. Our readers ate hereby informed that all rfwu i hngs advert bad are available on an equal opportunity basis. ASAPRoommates wanted. Close to both campuses (135 « 1/4 utlMtes. Ca*438 5301._ M/F, non-smoker, dean and responsible to share three bedroom newer apartment lour blocks tram campus. 438 5796 _ _ Need roommate ASAP just outside Lincoln on Acreage 7871 SW t2th. 421-8852, aek lorKevtn._ Roommate needed: Wf non-smoker and dean. Free laundry. *187.50/mo plus 1/2 ullMlaa. 474-4834, leave message _i___ —2718 0 Spacious 4 bedroom. I ♦ 1/2 baths. Parking Nmt campul. $650 —909N. 23rd Vary nice. Three bedrooms Parking. Near campus. (525. ‘**709 N. 26th. Vary nice tour bedroom, two baths. Parking. Near campus *675 Available 9- IS. 432-0644 or 432-6644. 2504 A Street ' bf**435< b>f' washer end^dryer hookups. Cherry Management “Pine Tree Apartments. First and Adams. 2 bedroom $465. “515 W. Sanders. 1 bedroom $340. "Embassy Park. 31st A Old Cheney, 3 bedroom $595 Security building, microwave, mlni-bllnds, all electric, no pets. 463-1130 or 483-6057. 1640 Washington. Available November 1. Cute, sunny one bedroom. Celling tans, newer carpet and paper. One cat okay. $290/month. 483-7364. 2740 R. Nicer two bedroom. Laundry, parking, no pets $350. Jerry. 4374328. Century Managemen Large selection of apartments. $199 540 476-2500 Claremont 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. v*iose io c constructed. 9th 8 Claremont 474-PARK. Near campus. One bedroom $335, utilities paid. 2 bed room $335, electricity and gas, 1 bedroom $250, util files paid. 438-2409.__ OCTOBER RENT FREEI 3 bedroom/2 bathroom Claremont Park Apartments. Deck. Weight room. pool. 4 blocks from campus. Call 476-8082 and leave name and number or call 474-PARK and ask for apartment *D-13. No damage deposit required. WELCOME BACK STUDENTSII Relax and cool down, poolside... 1 S 2 Bedroom unks from $314 up 440 South 20 -475-7262. Jones Properties. Dead bug?? Vgiech repair* aB VW/Aud) cars and vans year* factory trained experience Mrs. ?5% repai discount w*h ad. 32198. tOth. 4211224 DON'S USED TIRES- Turn (hcee used Urn Mo cash uy and »«l, 2l0OComhuther Highway, 477-4332 WOODS PARK TtRE • AUTO SERVICE- Modem tech toiogy w»h old lashtoned service Auto aervtee, Cooper Ores, lowing and road tervtos, 33rd A O’ 474-2202 live iw^witaHT.ieoAVB^mBN^dv.dON TROL APPETITE, NATURAL. LINCOLN 49*-«4t3 I 800 934-5393 DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED