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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1993)
$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Weekday before publication. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. 00s For Sale New and used bicycles, experl repair on all brands. Wheel'n S Deal'n Bike Shop, 2706 Randolph. 438-1477. Nishiki mountain bike. Mint condition. t2 speed. Name brand components. $175 or best otter. Aaron Mann, 436 7095. A Novel Idea: Used books, low prices. 20% ott mystery, horror during October. Monday-Saturday tO a.m.-6p.m. 118 N. 14th. 475-TOME. COMIC WORLD Come in and see Lincoln's newest selection ol comics, role-playing games and non-sports cards. 48th S “O', between Target 1 Super Saver, 466-6066. i Word processor, printer and disk, $75. Two drawer metal file, $£. Trek road bite, $125.421-1902. ' For Sal*: VCR w/remote, $90. excellent condition, works great. Also. COLOR T.V.. $70. 466-8620. Needed: 8-10 NU/OU football tickets, together if possble. 487-4688. Ask for Tom._ Wanted: 2 tickets for CU/NU game. Call 477-5669 Wanted: 3 tickets to the Missouri football game. Cal 420 ttoe. 83 Escort. Tan, 4 speed. New brakes. Great school car— excelenl gas mileage. $500 OBO. 200s Notices Attention Student Foundation Now accepting new ' membership applications through October 14th. 5 p.m. Apple at ions are available a! the Orhce lor Student Involvement on both East and City campuses. Pleas* return applications to the Office for Student Involvement Biochemistry Club Undergraduate Student Seminar October 6, 1993, 5:30 p.m Cay Union, room posted. Center for Biotechnology Seminar Series Speaker: Professor David Ho, Phu., Washington University at St. Louis._ Comedy with MARGARET CHO! She s appeared on VH-1 and much more. Catch her on Oct. 8,7pm. City Union Ballroom UNI Students FREE, public $3 More info, call 472-8146. UNIVERSITY PROGRAM COUNCIL Eating Disorders Support Group Meets Tuesdays from 330-5:00pm in Room 338, Nebras ka Union. Offered by the Women's Center for students who think they may raw* or are recovering from an eating disorder. Contact Peg Mller. 472-9428, for more informa lion. FINALLY—Something that's good for you and (reel A FREE Sexual Harassment. Assault, ft Rape Prevention (SHARP) workshop Is available to all university students, staff, faculty, and their families. The 7 week workshop starts October 7 on Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Women's Center, 340 NE Union. Call 472-2597 to regis ter. Enrollment Is limited. FREE BEER UPC Wacky Wednesdays will be giving away NA Beer today from noon til the beer's gone. UPC —the only student organization bringing kegs to campus. Hey SAA Members!!! That's right, we re stlH watching the Huskers on T.V Thursday night. One change...the game starts at 7, not 7:301 Be at Reeder's for kidkoffl Any questions? Call Lee at436-6122.__ INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000+/ mo. teaching basic conversational English abroad. Ja pan, Taiwan, ft S.Korea. No previous training required. For more Information call: (206)632-1146 ext.J5778. LET’S GO TO JAPAN Have you ever thought about studying another culture.. in person? Spend next fall at Senshu University in Tokyo. Japan studying Japanese language, business and cul ture. Come find out more at our next information session: Wednesday, October 6 at 4:30pm in CBA 125 For more information, contact: Kerry Brooks, CBA 138 or phone 472-2310. New Student Enrollment Come find out about the experience of a llfetimel Informa tion session tomorrow, October 7. at 7pm in the Neihardt Gray Parlor. Positions open. Earn $200 to $400 weekly at home. For info, write or call American Home Mailer, PO Box 300728 Houston, TX 77230-0728, (713)791 1994! SAA Pick up your T-shirts at Wick Center SKYDIVE! 3ofrt of a perfectly good airplane. Crete Skydiving >r, Inc. 464-2929 Sports Club Participation Physicals Thursday, October 7 Call to schedule appointment, 472-3467— (Campus Recreation). Physicals are required for all members of sports clubs. The following clubs are required to have physicals: badmin ton. bowling, crew, fencing, judo, lacrosse (M ft W). medieval combat, rifle, rugby, runners, soc cer (M ft W), sport officials, student athletic trainers, table tennis, taekwondo, ultimate, vol leyball (M ft W). and weightlifting. STUDY ABROAD Information meetings Tuesdays at 6:30. Wednesdays at 4:00. International Affairs. 1237 R St. UNL Culture Center presents Harmony IX a reception In honor of the cultural community of the University of Nebraska-LIncoln Monday. Oct. 11, 1993 12 noon - 5,U0p.m. at The Culture Center 333 No. 14th St 472-5500 Everyone is welcome I UNO Aviation Institute Pursue a college degree in aviation with University of Nebraska Omaha Aviation Institute. Fight-training class es available CaH 1-600-3-FLY-UNQ__ WAKE UP October. 9, (8:30 - noon) East Union Student Organization Conference Register Now (472-2454) Members and Officers are welcome) ALPHA PHI OMEGA Co-ed Service Fraternity Meeting, Thursday. Oct. 7,5:30p.m. in Nebras ka Union (room posted) Will be over with time to spare before the game First-timers welcome Ceil Lowell. 477-9012, lor any questions Campus Red Cross Meeting tonight 7pm. Nebraska Union. Everyone Wel come. __ CIRCLE K Join us for pizza, fun and finalizing tome protects Meet at the Reunion. Wed. Oct. 6 at 8.40 pm. Bring a friend. FINANCE CLUB Wednesday. Oct. 6,5:45 m the Union Bring 910 tor dues. Tour of Career Planning and Placement Pre-Vet Club Wednesday Oct. 8. 7:00 p.m VBS 145. Speaker is Dr. Clayton Kellmg. Animal rights relating to research. STAND Meeting 8pm Wednesday Oct. 6 in the basement of the Health center. i \ f By GARY LARSON /So M’i if/ As of~^\ /-this morning. rt^ud my \ ( medKa^on'- Homcdnl J \thrden:,ei be damned!/ /fa-ttoln*ha/ihe\ /guy vufs ac^ally a vfnlr.1-J ( /OU^e Siting /n ) [ ojuistand i+*e» v \^_iT no# Vduggy who v*tf3 ^5/ |^| // ''-•#><? ey&rfi j " U I» ♦ 1 1 ^ Classic conversation stoppers Students for Life Meeting 9 p.m., tonight. Nebraska Union, room posted. Guest Speaker; Julie Schmidt-Albin from Nebraska Right-to-Life. TCAB Thursday, 6 p.m. Mabel Lee Hall, room 242. The Future Filmmakers and Screenwritera Club, first meeting Sunday 4-6 p.m. Nebraska Union, room posted. Congratulations to David Hengen on making Homecom ing Court. Your Dell Brothers Congratulations to the winners of this year's Mud Tug Philanthropy: Men— 180 and over —Ag Men Men— 180 and under —Sigma Nu Women— Kappa Alpha Theta Thank you to all who participated and made this year's Mud Tug such a success. The Men of Delta Tau Delta Congratulations Screamers: Jennifer Callahan (AOII) and Andy Morrison (Pi Kap) on your pinning. You brought music to our ears.JIterallyl AOII Congratulations to Jill "Fast One" Fazzini on making University Ambassadors. Welcome to UNL. Love, Your AOII Sisters ATA Disco Inferno Oct. 8,1993 Bee-Gees, Bell bottoms, and Babes ..need we say more? OBX Congratulations to the new officers of Theta Chapterl: Chandra Burtam—Intramural Chair; Jean Lukasiewicz— Alumnae Chair: and Kara Fintel—Registrar. Good luck in your new officesl Love, Your Sisters AXQ Thanks for the Date Dash. Can't wait to use the dance lessons Friday. Theta XI A<D Thanks to our Actives for all your support last weekend, you're the bestl Love, New Members ATO Thanks for the party last week I TOGA TOGA. Tri Delts AXO Pledges We hope you're having a great Pledge MonV Daughter Week. Gej excited for Saturday 'cause your mommies surearel We love you, The Alpha Chi's Congratulations to Brent Karstens, Brian Schardt, Chad Pohlmann, and Ryan Soukup on being selected to the University Ambassadors. The Men of AGS Kappa pledges. Way to show your athletic abiHty...2nd place at ATO Softball. Love, Your Kappa Sisters MONMOUTH DUO 93 KKT nBQ @S AXQ BANDITS & BEERMAIDS FOR A BOOTSCOOTIN’ GOOD TIMEI e THE WORLD'S LARGEST STUDENTS YOUTH TRAVEL ORGANIZATION 5TA TRAVEL ■ — Dailv 34 Nebraska Union 1400 R Street 68588-0448 . | iNeDrasKan (402)472-2588 fax 472-17611 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM Name _:i—___.—--i.—1———- | Address ' /' .. ____ Phone _—:--— 1 Student Rates: $3.00 includes 15 words. Non-students: $4.00 includes 15 words $.15 for each additional word. $.75 billing charge Date(s) ad to run; —— --- I Advertising text: I I I I I I I _ _^.,„ m ■ Special repeal rales and features are available » For information call 472-2588 8.00-4:30 p.m. Classified Advertising Deadline is 2.00 p.m. weekday before publication k——————————————————————J Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson r GOT A ^ NMOOP DE NONE OF 'fOO GOT A \ NO, AS A SMI LEI FACE DOO FOR 'fOUR DARN FRONNi FACS J MATTER OF SUCKER ON I 'fOU. BUSINESS' DlDNT "(OU? ' FACT, I M^ QUIZ. *—„_— DIDN'T/ I /-s Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1211 ACROSS 24 Balsam, eg. 1 Movie as Hide the loot s Workers letters ** Hanukkah of relief ‘ v"lam • Saunter 34 Egypt s 14 Turkish Church regiment 36 Gen. Pershing s • is Make over men is Genoese Israeli dance admiral Andrea sa Robot drama - 38 Hanukkah top 17 He wrote The 42 Joplin music Making of an «a Judith Blegen American ottering ». Arrow poison ^Be human if —of robins 44 Nelson — ot 20 Hanukkah heroes 40 Hanukkah 22 Family in-Look <=•"<* shapes Homeward, #1 lron Angel" ' »2 A son of Jacob 23 Mimic 83 Insect stage ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 55 Comedian Soupy 56 Hanukkah candle number •3 Impression m Leave out 65 Story 66 Residence 67 Plexus 66 Anglo-Saxon slave 66 Pram pushers 70 Bleaching vat 71 Useful abbr. DOWN 1 Old MacDonald • had one 2 Parts of innominate bones a Secular 4 In the wrong role • Group descended from 52 Across, ®0 • Kinds; sorts 7 French notion • Syrians, to 20 Across • Slow musical passage 10 Migratory butterfly 11 Kind of gun 12 Roster 13 Diner sign 2i Plant pest 24 A 76 musician 26 Lean animal 2« Oldest 41 Nickname for se Bridge synagogue in Leo Durocher se Russian vehicle 44 Appendixes st Pride member Newport, R.l. 47 Candidate for M Knife's 27 Spring month boot camp companion 2e Scottish 4* Hindu social #• Sichuan peak seaside resort groups to Hops kiln “KlT™ “E" ei Cubitus si Vast number ** Pluperfect es Lively dance 32 Russian range 33 Wise men 3S A king of Thebes 40 Silkworm