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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1993)
PT A QQTFTPFJ Nebrayskan V ,1 ,nibll III il J 472-2588 Tuesday, Octobers, 1993 I 1 ' , L INTERESTED IN ATHLETIC TRAINING? Contact Duke LaRue at 472-7490 of Mark Feight at 472 3467, and ask about the high demand for future trainers at UNL. __ Pleasant phone work. Offer gift certificate book. Part time. Flexible hours. Earn $5-110/hour. 4654155. Security help needed. $6/hour. Friday and Saturday, 8:30-11 ;30 p.m. Must be clean, dependable and able to work both nights. Apply at Coin Fun, 1320 0 St Seeking persons with expertise in math, all areas of science, foreign language, and computer science to serve as mentors for highly gifted students. Must have University level Junior standing or above. GPA of 3.0 or above. 15 college hours in mentor area. Will work with individual students during school day. Pay is $10.88 per hour. Apply at Lincoln Public Schools, 5901 O' Street. A college transcript will be required when making applica tion. For additional information call 436-1586. Spanish speakingperson to assist in Montes sort School. Tues., Wed. and tnurs. mornings. Cal489-8110 after4 .' College Students $9.45 to start. International Corp. filing entry level open ings. No experience necessary. Flexible full/part-time schedules. 488-6017. Company Expansion Telemarketers needed for day and evening. $6/hr. plus bonuses. Possible advancement into management. Call Duane at 476-0838. Construction Workers needed to buHd new golf course. Apply in person at 134th 6 *0*. Crooked Creek Gol Course. Ask for Rick. Dairy Queen Flexible hours, day or evening. 4130 S. 48th. DrNer wanted, light delivery full or PT. Apply 6100 *0' St., Gateway Plaza, lower level, Cornhusker Bank. Earn extra income distributing high-tech consumer elec tronics. Excellent financial opportunity for the right indi vldual. Call 432-6759. EARN UP TO $10/HR. Motivated students needed for P/T marketing positions at your school. Flexible hours, call TODAY! 1-800-950 1037, EXT. 3024. ECOLOG Y MINDED? Part-time jobs available working with the stale s largest grass roots environmental group. Excellent opportunity to help protect Nebraska's environment for the next generation. Earn $6-$8/hour. Cal 477-8681. I GREAT PAY! Great Hoursl Great Jobl Neodata offers: ‘Flexible Evening Hours *$6.50/Hr. Guaranteed ‘Fun Environment ‘Walk From Campus (11th 6 O) 476-8315 Ask for Dsn Nelson. Growing residential cleaning service needs help. Pleas ant work environments. Good wages and potential Qual ity S thoroughness required. Flexible hours. 483-4335. HOMEMAKERS needed at once. Light housekeeping, some meal prep, laundry, etc. Primarily morning and early afternoon hours, some weekends. Olsten Healthcare. 474-4771. _ INBOUND TELEMARKETING Neodata is currently hiring for temporary INBOUND telemarketing positions to work 1(V11 -11/18: 800 -12:00 8.00-400 1200-400 Pick your shifts 8 daysl $5.50/hour 476-8315 Ask for Jay Brooks INTRAMURAL SPORTS OFFICIALS The office of Campos Recreation is currently hiring offi cials for the Intramural Sports Program. Starting pay is $4.95 - $5.05 an hour. 6-12 hours per wok If interested please attend the following meeting: Basketball Wednesday. Oct 6,400 p.m. Ne Union Soccer Thursday, Oct 7,600 p.m. 55 Rec KERREY’S One bartend and two waitery positions available. 15-20 hrs/wk. Nights/weekends. Please apply 2-5 pm. _ Part-time delivery person. Apply at Just Roses. 3031 *0* St, Lincoln. Part-time help needed. Flexible hours. Free meals. Close to East Campus. Apply in person. Runia Restaurant 56th *td Hokfrege._ Part-time cashier needed. Work evenings and all day Saturday. References required. Apply 1745 ‘O' St. PART-TIME afternoon position open at Havelock Daycare. 4005 N. 70th, Contact Shirley 464-11090 Part-time help in the meat dept. M-F 2:30-6 and Sat 12-8. Ask lor Larry at Ideal Grooery, 905 S 27th. The home ot the Nifty 50's, King's Drive Inn, Is now takln applications for aU positions. We offer flexbie schedulinj competitive wages, and a tun and friendly work envlror merit. Apply In person at 1850 Comhusker or 9th an South, and come back to the funj FACTORY POSITIONS Immediate Openings Now hiring assembly workers to be placed at good (actor locations. All positions 40 hours/week. Three shifts ar currently available. Work week Monday-Thursday c Monday-Friday. Applications being taken weekdays £ 4:30. Stop by and see us today for details. MSP Resources Inc. Suite 438, Greentree Court 210 Gateway North. Lincoln Food Court Buser. Immediate part-time position avail able. Applicant must be able to work weekends, eve nings, and some daytime hours. Apply in person iron 9am-5pm, Mon-Frl. Gateway Management Offlcellowe level) Gateway Center 6100 East ’O' St. EOE.ADA.M/1 Godfather's Pizza is now taking applications for del tv ory drivers. Apply at Godfather's, 12th 8 a DAILY NEBRASKAN PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT EDITORIAL PASTEUP Individual to pasteup editorial aspects of newspaper c Sunday. Monday and Thursday evenings beginning i BOO p.m. until completion. Person required to hav experience and be patient enough to make decision wtl students in a learning capacity. Hourly wages. H qualifier apply to Kitty, 34 Nebraska Union. EOEAa Waitresses/waiters needed lor night time. New night du opening soon. Call anytime. 466-4831. Warehouse Jobs Great part-time opportunities working in our warehousr Work Mon/Thurs 4pm-10pm and Wed 4pm 8pm.Weofft competitive pay. free parking. close proximity to campu and excellent working conditions Additional hours, sun mer work and career advancement may be available f( outstanding performers. N you enjoy a last pace, hard work and take pride In completing your work accurately and on time, you me be the person we needl Come and see us at: Lincoln Poultry 20th A M Streets 3 If You 11 You Ha ' ] iV; ' 12th & O St • 476-8561 Gateway Mall • 467-2509 , Target currently has early morning stocking positions ■ available. Times running (rom 3amto IpmM-Sat. Approx ; Imately 30 hours/week. Please apply at Target M3 N. jj 48th during store hours. _ . Thanks UNLII So tar you are doing great • We've had a tremendous response To our employment ad for 2nd shift people 1 But we stsi need mors 11 [ Carol Wright Sales Inc. Would you like a job that only works 2,3.4, or 5 nights a week? Would you Ike a job that allows you to pick the nights that you want to work? Help us till our Christmas orders. We are now offering positions in theproductlon department of our direct mail order facility. Duties include picking, packing, taping. , sorting, and loading orders for shipment to our customers. [ the hours are 400 p.m. to midnight. You could work Monday and Tuesday, OR, you could work Monday, . Wednasday, and Friday, OR you could work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Any combination! YOU _ pick the nightsl These are temporary positions with the possibility of full time offers after six months of employment. The hours could extend to eight or nine hour shifts I required. If you are Interested In this offer, please fill out an ” application at: ■ i ~' h _§■ LINCOLN NEMO » EVENING HOURS AVAILABLE. TOO EOE M/F/D/V positions - k Get It white It's hotl , The University ot Nebraska Foundation has Immediate * openings tor phone-e-thon positions. Hours are 6-10 , p.m., Monday-Thursday. Starting salary is $4.75 plus bonuses. Computer ewteritnce preferred. Coma to 1111 Lincoln Mall. Su*e 200, between 6 and 5 to III out an application and to schedule an interview. Cell 472-2151 tor questions ' Two part-time posit ions available in dental lab. Needto be able to work In four hour blocks, either mornings (7-noon) or afternoons (1230-5). Apply In person 125 So 9th St. ^ daVInci’s EARN 96-910 PER HOUR Ful and part-time delivery posit ions now available. Applicants must bs 16 yrs. old with own car. Insurance, ana good driving record. Above average starling wage, car allowance, bonus, and 1/2 price meals. Apply M-F, 2-4. 66th 6 TV 434-7070 11th 6 Q' 434-7000 14th 6 Superior 434-7050 4120 3.46th 434-7060 Noudod; Student with woffc-ttudy voucher to wodt on project in Nbrary resource room. Ciertcalftyping skills crucial. Salary $4 55 Call Pag, Teaching and Learning Canlar. 472-wit. 400s Housing Publishers Notice All real estate advertlshg In this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Actl which malms S ISegaJ Io advertise arty preference, imitation Of dtscriminstloo based on race, color, rehgiotSb sex, handicap, tam ilia i statue or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, amnsnons or oacnmaiaiDn. ine ussy w* weaken wtl not toowmglf accept any advertmlng tor reel estate which la In violation at the lew ot dncmnetea against trn‘tt preferences Our feeders are hereby Inbrnted hataKdmeMnpa advertised em aeadeHa on an aqual opportunity heals. A jAP noommetei wanted Ctoee to both campuaet $135* 1/4 utNdes.Ce« 436-5301. Female roommate needed Immediacy for a duplex CaN Patti or Jody at 476-1901. __ Need roommate ASAP just outside Lincoln on Acreage. 7971 8W 12th. 42t-66S27a»k lor Kevin. Roommate needed non-smoksr end clean. Free laundry. *187.5<ymo plus 1/2 uttMles 474-4834. Isava maasaga. ***2716 ‘Q*. Spacious 4 bedroom, t ♦ 1/2 baths. Parking. Nsar carpus. $650. ***909N. Z3<d Very nice. Three bedrooms. Parking Near cemptia. $525 •••700 N 25th. Very nice four bedroom, two bathe. Parking. Naar campus. $675. AvaHabis 9-16. 432-0644 or 432-6644. Largs 3-badtoom avalabt# now. Vary dosa to campus. No Pats. $475. Ask tor Jan. 463-534$. “Pina Tree Apartments. First and Adams. 2 bedroom $465 “515 W. Sanders. 1 bedroom $340. "Embassy Park. 31 at S Old Chaney, 3 bedroom $595. Security building, microwave, mini-blinds, all electric, no pats. 463-1130 or 443*057.__ 1020 CSt., 1 -bedroom. $245. References, dapoalt, one year lease. Call Kim, 437-9019. 1640 Washington. Available November t. Cute, sunny onebedroom Celling tana, newer carpel and paper. One cal okay. $29Q/monlb 463-7364 __ k 2504 Vine Street Sharp one bedroom apartments. $340. 2 bedrooms. Lite new. Light beige decor, breakfast bar. vertical binds, laroe closets, great manager, $435 Close to either campus. 4300 Cornhuakar Highway. One and two bedroom apart ments. Only one year old. AN amenities. Some with eras her and dryer hookups. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 2740 R. Nicer two bedroom. Laundry, parking, no pats. $350. Jerry. 437*32$. Claremont Park Apartments 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Close to campus. Newly constructed. 9th *Claremont 474-PARK. Near campus. One bedroom $335, utilities paid. 2 bad room $335. eteetrtdty and gas. 1 bedroom $250. utMles OCTOBER RENT FREEI 3 bedroom/2 bathroom. Claremont Park Apartments Deck. WtngM room. pool. 4 Nocks from campus CaN 476*062 amfleave name and number or call 474-PARK and ask lor apartment #D-13. No damage deposit requlmd Walt to school. 617 N 26th. 34 BR. w/d. c/a. 2 RR. 423 ffm __ WELCOME BACK STUOENTSM Relax and cool down 2 Bedroom unit trom $314 up *40 South 20 -475-7262. Jones Properties , --- BL* laren s Horn© 4800 Vatey Road 483-7879 too MVS of adoption --,"!3rr.,rs—~-— iJiT7,71-” ’*Vrr*Tm^ry^jfyfT paia riesse c*h «» wwpw to mhSBUa Im Mn. «w