The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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    Courtesy of For Against
The members of Lincoln band For Against, from left, vocalist and bassist Jeffrey
Runnings, guitarist Steve Hindrichs and drummer Paul Engelhard. The band recently
began recording its first album for Dutch East Records and will perform at Duffy’s Oct.
20._ _
$3.00 per day for 15 words on Individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2:00 p m.
Weekday before publication.
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates againsi any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age. disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper.
00s For Sale
New and used bicycles, expert repair on al brands.
Wheeln 8 DeWnake Shop, 2706 Randolph. 436-1477.
NlshJki mountain bice. Mint condition. 12 speed. Name
brand components. $ 175 or beet offer. Aaron Mann, 436
Come In and see Lincoln s newest selection of comics,
role-ploying games and non-spoils cards. 48th a *0".
>-■ fltn— —— Taen^ 8 (7i «a> Cauar i CC CACC
• •
There’s no lower price fer a collect call*
For long distance calls from public phones.
You don’t have to be an Economics major to see that
AT&T’s new 1 800-OPERATOR service is lower priced
than anyone else’s standard operator service rates for
long distance collect calls. Use it from any phone on
or off campus. When you call, just spell it out.
Dial 1 800-OPERATOR (1 800 673-7286).
For Sate: VCR w/remote, $90, excellent condition, works
great. Also, COLOR T.V.. $70.466-8520.
Needed: 8-10 NU/OU football tickets, together H possble.
467-4688. Ask tor Tom. _
Wanted: 3 tickets to the Missouri lootball game. Call 420
200s Notices
AA Cruise 6 Travel jobs. Earn $2500/mo. ♦ travel the
work) Ireel (Carbbean. Europe. Hawaii. Asial) Cruise
lines now hiring lor busy holday. spring and summer
seasons. Guaranteed employment! Ca» (»19) 929-3139.
Student Foundation
Now accepting new
membership applications
through October 14th, 5 p.m. Applications are available at
the Office lor Student Involvement on both East and City
campuses. Please return applications to the Office for
Student InvoNement.
Sexual Assault Survivor’s
Support Group
Meets Tuesdays from 5:00-6:30pm In room 338, Nebras
ka Union. Offered by the Women's Center for students
who have eiperlenced an assault or attempted assaul.
by a stranger or acquaintance. Contact Peg Miller. 472
9428 for more information.
Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Crete Skydiving
Oede i Inc,
Sports Club Participation
Thursday, October 7
Call to schedule appointment. 472-3467—
(Campus Recreation) Physicals are required
for al members of sports dubs. The following
clubs are required to have physicals: badmin
ton, bowling, crew, fencing, judo, lacrosse (M 8
W). medieval combat, rifle, rugby, runners, soc
cer (M 8 W), sport officials, student athletic
trainers, table tennis, taekwondo, ultimate, vol
leyball (M 8 W). and wetgMWltng.
You loo can be one at the "Nebraskans at Oxford!" Study
business and the ads at Oxford Univarsly. The program
includes mors than just dassas. You also will experience
traditional English cuture Including punting on the River
Thames. High Tea, attend a Shakespearean play and the
Promenade ooncarts as well as explore London, Bath.
Stonehenge, and Stratford. Sign up now lor this tour-weak
summer session. Limited spaces avertable An Informa
tion session wiU bo hoto on:
Tuesday, October 8 at St» pm In CBA 126
For more Information, contact: Kerry Brooks. CBA 138. or
phono 472-2310.
Biochemistry Club
UndBfgraduteB Stutter* Stmtor October 6. 1993,530
p.m. City Union, room posted Center for Biotechnology
namlnar Saris, Speansr: Professor David Ho. Phu.,
Washington University at 8t Louis. _ ' _
* *' Come meet paw New Student'Enrollment *
orientation loaders at an
4pm Nebraska Union_^
How about spending a aamaalar In Tokyol 12 mNton
people cant be wrong. Laam Japanaea language, cul
ture. and business T c find out more, attend an Informs
™ Wednesday, October 6 at
4:30pm in CBA 125
For more datarta. contact: Kerry Brodta, CBA 136 or
phono 472-2310.
Eating Disorders Support
Meets Tuesdays from 3 30 5:00pm in Room 336. Nabraa
ka Union. Offered by the Woman's Center tor students
who think they may have or am recovering from an eating
disorder. Contact Pag Mtter. 472-0426, for more Informa
Tuesday. October 5 Is the tost day to enter Esculty/Stafl
Rscquetbsl Singles and Table Tennis Singlet tor both
men and woman. Cal 472-3467 tor mors wormatlon.
FINALLY—Something that's good tor you and (real A
FREE Sexual Harassment. Assault. 3 Rape Prevention
i SHARP) workshop Is available to si university students,
stall, (acuity. and their (smiles. The 7 weak workshop
starts October 7 on Thursdays Iram 7-830 p.m. In the
Women's Center, 340 NE Union. Cal 472-2567 to regis
ter. Enrolment Is limited _
Happy Suocosl 88*0
Busy schedule doesn't alow time for SuWtah?
lor got your lulav and eerog this morning?
Forgot what all this la?
Prop by Suldtah today 12-2 near Union.
INTERNA TtOMAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to $2,000+/
ms. teaching basic conversational English sbroad. Ja
pan. Taiwan. 6 S Korea No orevtous training required
f or mors Information cal: (206)632-1146 exUS778.
The laat day to enter the Co-Rec Soccer Tournament* .
Tuesday. Octobers. Don't detayl Enter your team now.
Cal 4723467 tor mora Mormafen
Tuaaday, October S Is the Met day to enter Co-Rec
Baakadial. Enter your team now N dta Owe* ot campus
Ua^rwetiAn Caw wiaww InlAwmallnn nal A19 lifi 7
rmlfUIwi r Of (DOfw infOrmMKXl, CM 8ff*«nD f ,
Tho Mel day to enter Man s and Women's Indoor Soccer
M Tuesday, October S. Don't delay. Enter your team now.
Call 472-3467 tor mora Information
Tuesday. October 5 to the last day to enter Men s and
Women * Racquetball Singles and Tabto Tennis Singles
Cel 472-3467lor more Information.
Laugh with GEORGE
A hysterical oomedlan. Catch him on Oct. 21.8pm. Lied
^Mer. UNL Students |I0, pubic StS. More Into, call 4 72