The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1993, Page 12, Image 12
Classified 472-2588 Monday, Oetobor «, 19»3 __ > ' .-... EXPLORE EUROPE I Why not backpack around Europe before starting the Nebraska at Oxford Program next summer? The program is a four-week study abroad program in business and the arts held from late July to early August. That gives you plenty of time to explore Paris - to visit the Eiffel Tower; Rome - to visit the Vatican, Sistine Chapel; Germany - visit the "giant" beer halls, take a ferry ride down the Rhine River; Scotland - golf at St. Andrews; Spain - for a run with the buds, Athens - to see the ruins; Switzerland - to go Whitewater rafting...These are only a few of the places past participants nave explored before the program. Sign up now for the Nebraska at Oxford Program. Spaces are limited, and the application deadline is November f. Come hear about tnls once in a lifetime opportunity: Tueeday, October 5 at 5:00 p.m. In CBA 125 For more information, contact: Kerry Brooks, CBA 138. or phone 472-23JO__ FACULTY/STAFF INTRAMURAL SPORTS Tuesday, October 5 is the last day to enter Faculty/Staff Racquetbal Singles and Table Tennis Singles for both men and women. Call 472-3467 for more information FINALLY—Something that's good for you and free! A FREE Sexual Harassment. Assault, 8 Rape Prevention (SHARP) workshop is available to al university students, stall, faculty, and their families. The 7 week workshop starts October 7 on Thursdays from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Women's Center. 340 NE Union. Cal 472-2597 to regis ter. Enrolment is limited. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make up to *2,000+/ me. teaching basic conversational English abroad Ja pan. Taiwan. 8 S. Korea No previous training required. For more information cal: (206)832-1146 ext.J577B Intramuralsoccer TOURNAMENT The last day to enter the Co-Rec Soccer Tournament is Tuesday, October 5. Don't delayl Enter your team now. Call 472-3467 for more information. Ameritas Financial Services CAREER SALES INFORMATIONAL MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7,1983 4.-00 - 445 PM (Please check Nebraska Student Union Daly Events Calendar for Room Number) Contact Kathy at 477-4102 to reserve your seat. I Campus Red Cross Meeting Wed. 7pm. Nebraska Union. Everyone Wel come. UNION BOARD Meeting 5pm City Union. ASA Congratulations to Jen Warner for making Homecoming Royattyll Way to goll Love. Your sisters. Congratulations to Andy Morrison and Jennifer Callanan(AOII) on your pinning. The Men of Pi Kappa Phi POSITION OPEN PUBLICATIONS BOARD DaNy Nebraskan Advisory board to the Board of Re gents—hire the editor, business manager, and ad manag er. Publications Board acts as a ptfclisher for the Board of Regents and serves as a liaison between the paper and Its unfrerslty constituencies. paying particular attention to complaints against the paper Applications available at 115 tyebr. Union. Deadline 4 p.m., Oct. 18. _ REPRESENTATION NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING Committee for Fees Allocation—res. hall rep. Computational Services and FaciMies—grad. rep. Government Liaison Committee Grading 8 Examination*—grad rep. Parking Advisory Committee Parking Appeals Dtv. of Continuing Studies Senate seat Grad. Senate seat A8S Senate Seat Sexual Orientation—subcommittee Teaching Counct—grad. rep. DeedNne October 7 Applications available at the Student Government office. 115 Nebr. Union. Found: Starter checkbook 9 student 1.0. Student name: Kokshko. Contact DHL Police to recover. Lott: Wire-rimmed glasses In a multi-colored cloth case. 438 5922. Reward Leaking Far Die 91 Reck 9 Rei Expert On Campus Win cassettes .CD's and up to $ 1.000CASH. Take the 10 queeton ROCK TRIVIA QUIZ. Ca« 1-900-344 9335 2.90' minute. Must be ft. ^RAISE$1M-t300! GUARANTEED in one week PLUS BONUS up to $500! Manage promotions for top compa nies for one week on your campus. Call for FREE GIFT and to qualify for FREE TRIP to MTV SPRING BREAK -94. Call 1-800-950-1037, ext.25. ---1 National Research Corp. Now hiring for our part-time professional interviewing staff. Day hours available, 15 + hours per week. Absolutely NO SELLING! For more information, call 475-4520 Monster Cash • tarn up to sisu/montn donating piasma. V *Ncw customers receive S25 on first donation. •Return customers receive $15 on first donation 7} ] of week and S20 on second donation of same j / week (call for appt.). / *Enioy TV and movie entertainment, free parking ' / at tne door and the friendliest staff in town at / our new state of the art facility. nabi BioMft>ical Center 474-2335 I 300 So. 17th St. ^^^^formcrl^Uncolr^Donor^nter^^^^^ex£iros20/31/93 WASH o| bout 1 Coupon Pot Viol on4 Pot *0t»oo«. I ffr—fr»clKE># frr*y _J 300s Jobs * daVinci’s * COME JOIN OUR GROWING TEAMI Full and part-time positions available. Above average starting wage. 1/2 £>rice meals, paid vacations lor all positions. Apply M-F. 14th 8 Superior 434-7050 66th 8 0’ 4347070 tltha'G' 434-7090 4120 S. 48th 434-7080 44th 8 O' 434-7060 IYMCA Youth Sports is hiring youth volleyball [ officials. Call or fill out an application at the I downtown YMCA. 434-9217. § Company Expansion Telemarketers needed lor day and evening. $6/hr. plus bonuses. Possible advancement into management. Call Duane al 4764)838. _ * Dairy Queen Flexible hours, day or evening. 4130 S. 48th._ Dependable individual needed lo clean stalls and feet horses on ranch near Pioneer Park in exchange tor Ires housing. 477-2433. FACTORY POSITIONS Immediate Openings Now hiring assembly workers to be placed atgood factory locations. All positions 40 hours/week. Three shifts are currently available. Work week Monday-Thursday or Monday Friday. Applications being taken weekdays 8 4:30. Stop by and see us today for details. MSP Resources Inc. Suite 4*6, Greentree Court 210 Getewey North. Lincoln EOE * daVinci’s * EARN 16-110 PER HOUR. Ful and part tlme delivery positions now available. Applicants must be 18 yrs. ole with own car, Insurance, ana good driving record. Above average starting wage, car allowance, Bonus, and 1/2 price meets Apply M-F. 2-4. 66th 8 TV 434-7070 11th 6 TV 434-7090 14th 6 Superior s 434-7050 4t20S.4fch_^ 434-7080 Food Court Outer. Immediate part-time position avail able. Applicant must be Able to fork weekends, eve nings, and tome daytime hours. Apply In person from 9am 5pm. Mon-Fri. Gateway Markgement Ofticetlowei level) Gateway Center 6100 East[O' St. EOEADA.M/F GREAT PAY! Great Hou«sl Great Jobl »■ - -a-._ -we rwOOWB OnVtl • ll*iill# Evening Hours ■** mi Hr QuerarWeed •Fun Environment *WMk From Campus (11th 6 O) 476-6315 Aek lor Oen Neleen. Growing residential cleaning service need* hek>. Pleas ant work environments. Gooawagesandpotentfal. dual Ity 6 thoroughness required. Flex Mile hours. 483-43%. HOMEMAKERS needed el once, light housekeeping some meal prep, laundry, etc. Primarly morning and eari afternoon hours, some weekends. Olsten Healthcare 474-4771. The nation's leader In college marketing Is seeking an energetic, entrepreneurial student lor the position o( campus rep No sales Involved Place advertising on - bulletin boards for companies such as American Express and Microsoft. Great part-time |ob earnings. Choose your own hours; 4-8 hours per week required Cal: Campus Rep Program American Passage Media Corp. 215 W Harrison, Seattle. WA 98119 1800) 487 2434 Ext 4444 . ' ' ' Driver wanted, light delivery full or PT. Apply 6100 O St.. Gateway Plaza, lower level, Gornhusker Bank._ Earn extra income distributing high-tech consumer elec tronics. Excellent financial opportunity for the right Indi vidual. Call 432-6759._|_ ECOLOG Y MINDED? fo help protect Nebraska's environment for the next generation. Earn $6-$8/hour. Call 477-8681. __ INBOUND TELEMARKETING Neodata Is currently hiring for temporaryiNBOUND telemarketirtg positions to work 10/11-11/16: ' ” 8:00-12:00 8:00-4:00 1200-400 Pick your shifts A daysl $5.50/hour 476-8315 , Ask for Jay Brooks INTERESTED IN ATHLETIC TRAINING? Contact Duke LaRue at 472-7490 o! MarkFeight at 472 3467. and ask about the high demand for future trainers atUNL.__ INTRAMURAL SPORTS OFFICIALS The office of Campus Recreation Is currently hiring offi cials for the Intramural Sports Program. Starting pay is $4 96 - $5.05 an hour, 6-12 hours per wek. If Interested please attend the following meeting: Basketball Wednesday. Oct 6.4:00 p.m. Ne Union Soccer Thursday. Oct 7,6:00 p.m. 55 Rec _ KERREY’S One bartend and two waKery positions available. 15-20 hrs/wk. Nights/weekands. Please apply 2-5 pm. Morgan’s Upstairs Needed: Experienced bartender and cocktail part-time. JUjply In person, Tuesday. 1409 O Street, upstairs. _ Part-time delivery person. Apply at Just Roses. 3031 "0” St, Lincoln. __ Part-time heto needed. Flex'ble hours. Free meals. Close to East Campus. Apply In person. Runza Restaurant 56th and Holdrege. Part-time cashier needed. Work evenings and alt day Saturday. References required. Apply t74S "O' St. Pleasant phone work. Oiler gift certificate book. Part time. Ftextote hows. Earn S5-ilQfhour. 465-4155. Seeking persons with expertise in math. aH areas of science, foreign language, and comptfer science to serve as mentors lor highly gifted students. Must have University level Junior Wand rtg or above. QPA of 3.0 or above, 15 college hours In mentor area. Wit work with Individual students during school day. Pay Is S 10.68 per hour. Apply W Lincoln Public Schools. 59(51 O Street A collage transor** wM be reouited when making appica tiotvFor additional JnlormWion call 436-1566 Temporary position. Receptionist. Dental office Tues and Thurs. 8-430 or 8-noon. mid-October thru early November. 478-1954. _ The University of Nebraska Foundation has immediate openings tor phone-a-thon positions. Hours ars 6-10 p.m.. Monday Ihursday. Starting salary Is 84.75 plus bonuses. Computer ewerience preferred. Come to 1111 t Lincoln Mat. Sute 200. between 8 and 5 to M out an application and to schedule an interview. Cat 472-2151 lor questions. Two part-time postions available in dental lab. Need to be able to work In four hour blocks, ether mornings (7-noon) or afternoons (1230-5). Apply In person 125 So 9th St. | 1 leybat coaches. Call or lil out an application at I I the downtown YMCA 434 9127. | Need part-time babysitter in my home 2-3 daws a week. Wil try and work with your schedule. 468-0994 alter 6. Needed: Student with work-study voucher to work on protect In library resource room. CtertcaWypmg skills crucial. Salary 84.55. Call Peg. Teaching and Learning Center, 472-2811. _ 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertisingfn this newspaper is subject to the federal Fair Housing1 Act, which malms it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne braskan will not knowingly accept any advertising formal estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers am hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised am available on an equal opportunity basis. ASAP-Roommates wanted. Close to both campuses. $135 ♦ 1/4 utilities. Call 438-5301._____ Female roommate needed Immediately lor a duplex. Call Patti or Jody at 476-1901. _ Male/female wanted immediately. Amberwood Apart ments. $205/month. 421-2164. Ask lor Melissa. Non-smoking male roommate needed to share house. Private bedroom. $110 ♦ 1/3 utilities S. 25th 8 fl'. 488 5942._ _ Roommate needed: M/F non-smoker and dean. Free laundry. *187.50/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. 474-4834, leave message. One room In a house. Oct. 1 or later. Call Robert and Steve, 475-2106. **•2718‘Q’. Spacious 4 bedroom. 1 ♦ 1/2baths. Parking Near campus. $650. •**909N. 23rd. Vary nice. Three bedrooms. Perking. Near 25th. Very nice four bedroom, two baths Parking Near campus. $675. Available 9-16. 432-0644 or 432-6644. Large 3-bedroom available now. Very dose to campus. No Pets. $475. Ask tor Jen. 463-5345. "Pine Tree Apartments. First and Adams. 2 bedroom $465. *'515 W. Senders. 1 bedroom $340. •'Embassy Park. 31st 6 Old Cheney. 3 bedroom $595. Security building, microwave, mini-blinds, ail electric, no pets 463-1130 or 4636057__ 1020 C St.. 1 -bedroom. $245. References, deposit, one year lease. CaH Kirn. 437-9019._ 1640 Washington. Avalabia November t. Cute, sunny one bedroom. Ceiling lens, newer carpet and paper. One cat okay. $290/month 463-7364 ★ 2504 Vine Street Sharp one bedroom apartments, $340. 2 bedrooms. Lfce new. Light beige decor, breakfast bar. vertical binds, large closets, great manager, $435. Close to either campus. 4300 Cornhusker Highway. One and two bedroom apart ments. Only one year okf. AD amenities. Some with washer and dryer hookups. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 2740 R. Nicer two bedroom. Laundry, parking, no pets. $350. Jerry. 4376328 3 bedroom/2 bathroom. Claremont Park Apartments. Deck. Weight room. 4 blocks from campus. 474-PARK. No damage deposit required. _ _ Claremont Par* Apartments 2 and 3 bedroom bailments. Close to campus. Newly constructed. 9th 6 Claremont 474-PARK. Near campus. One bedroom $335. utilities paid. 2 bed room $335, electricity and gas. I bedroom $250, utilities paid. 438-2409._ _ WELCOME BACK STUDENTSII Relax and cool down, poolside... 16 2 Bedroom unis from $314 up 640 South 20 -475-7262. Jones Properties_ SERVICE MERCHANDISE IS BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE! Service Merchandise, a FORTUNE 100 retailer based in Nashville, TN, operates around 375 stores in 37 states, and we continue to add 12 to 20 new stores each year. We offer an extensive array of fine jewelry as well as a broad assortment of name brand products in categories like gifts & housewares, consumer electronics, toys, and sporting goods. We're opening a NEW store in LIN COLN, at 27th & Superior, and we're opening the doors of opportunity to folks like you. We're looking for a number of customer-oriented people with smiling faces for the following sales and customer service positions: COMMISSIONED DIAMOND SALES CONSUMER ELECTRONICS SALES CASHIERS * BENCH JEWELER PBX/RECEPTIONIST * BOOKKEEPER WAREHOUSE RECEIVER * STOCKER/EXPEDITOR We offer competitive wages, excellent benefits, flexible hours, immediate employee discounts, and a great work environment. If you'd like to become a part of our team, apply in person Mon-Fri, 9AM-6PM, at the following temporary hiring location: SUPER 8 MOTEL, 2545 CORNHUSKER HWY, LINCOLN, NE (corner of 27th & Cornhusker) AMBCft liAMCJEWEtfR^ ywtees ! I 1"* Til! M! I »TTT"1H We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer, m/t/d