Nebraskan AQQ[FTFD Monday, Octobor 4,1993 V/L/njUll 1L/L/ 472-2588 $3.00 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4 00 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $ 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Weekday before publication. 00s /or .Safe 22" GT Timberline excellent condition, DX cranks, DX rear der., upgraded pedals and stem. Ml. Zefal fenders, Blackburn Min rack $450 OBO 436-9137 or 438-2659. New and used bicycles, expert repair on all brands. Wheel'n A Deal'n Bike Shop. 2706 Randolph. 436-1477. Nishiki mountain bike. Mint condition. 12 speed. Name brand components. $ 175 or best otter. Aaron Mann. 436 7095. Spellbound Books & Games For all your reading and gaming needs. 16th A W. Reunion Building. 476-8602. Tan sleeper sofa, $100. Upright piano, $250.423-0795 COMIC WORLD Come In and see Lincoln's newest selection of comics, role playing games and non-sports cards. 48th A *0'. between Target A Super Saver, 466-6066. Posters Posters Posters!! New giant-sized Madonna. Nirvana. Frank Black, Bob Marley. Also, many new tour books. Recyted Sounds. 824 P 476-8240^__ Smith Corona electric typewriter for sale. Works tine. $20 or best oiler. 466-0316. Teva Sports Sandals All Tevas now on tale. Cycle works 27th A Vine. For Sale: VCR w/remote, $90, excellent condition, works great. Also, COLOR T.V.. $70.466-8520. Needed: 8-10 NU/OU football tickets, together If possble. 467 4688. Ask for Tom. Wanted: 3 tickets to the Missouri football game. Cal 420 1108. 100s Services Adopt A lifetime dream :We area Ay married, loving couple who wish to make our fi complete with a newborn baby. We can help each other-confidential and legal expenses paid Please call Wendy and Michael at i 800 817-1827 weekdays after 4pm, weekends any time. Adopting your newborn/toddlor would be a special bless ing for us. Childless couple wanting to become parents. Call Caren or John collect, 518-235-8866._ Adoption. A lifetime of love awaits your newborn wlh a happily married couple who longs for a baby. Our friends and family agree we would be wonderful parents. Medical and te^ai expenses paid. Call Irene and George t-800 Hugs and kisses await your newborn Loving couple, eager to share their love. joy. and financial security. Expenses paid. Legal and confidential Call toll free Virgin! and Bob 1 800-889 1322. We are a happy, loving couple who truly wish to raise your child with care, warmth ana most of all—love. Expenses paid. Please call Mke and Margie 1-800-435-1713 00 !loU9£Ly°^itech repairs all VW/Audl cars and vans. 22 years factory trained experience. Intro. 25% repair discount with ad. 3219 S. 10th. 421 -1224. £,an jufi * re8ume- Complete job search counseling. Career Management Services. 466-6427. "app™!1energy, con TROL APPETITE, NATURAL LINCOLN 46R.a4i‘1 t 800-934-5393. DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED ^ 1 l^se weight or maintain your ideal weight healthfully. Distributorsh^js availablel Call 421 -6095* 1 CASH TO LOAN on anything of value, 420-1141. PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping mem 483>2^099nanCy ’*S,' pl®“* 08,1 “• ,of W""' Action Resumes Quailty resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. All typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave pfm * TService. Evening and weekend hours. Cal 435-5713 or 477-7938. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775 Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Qelfy Htbrmktn, fceeetwenl ot fee Ntbntht Union 200s Notices ATTENTION University Program Council Application Packets NOW AVAILABLE 117 Ne. Union, 200 Ne. Union, 300 Ne. Union Deedirw: October 22,1N3 Attention Student Foundation Now accepting now memborshto applications through October 7th, 5p.m. Applications are available at the Offlca lor Student Involvement on both East and Cfty campuses Pleas* return applications to the Office lor Student In vohrement. ATTENTION: STUDENT FOUNDATION Membership applications due Oct. 7th. Pick up app4ca lions at CAP Office. CONGRATULATIONS!! 1903 Homecoming Royalty Court Dava Ache son Amy Adkins ■ Oary Doyle Ji# Anderson Kyle Glister Amy Brunk Dive Hengen Jennifer McClure Chad Higgins Jennlfar Putansen Jed Jacobs UsaBWrart Trent Steels LetII* Strong Dave Swan Wendy Wagner Ed Wiley Jennifer Warner Country Dick says. “Wrestle ya at P.0 Pears tomorrow night—000 p.m __ Eating Disorders Support . Group Meets Tuesdays from 3:30-500pm In Room 338, Nebras ka Union. Otter ad by the Women's Center for students who think they may have or are recovering from an sating disorder. Contact Peg Miller. 472-9426, tor more Informa tion. THB FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I I —---' Later, when one of the monster* cranked up the volume, the party really got going. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Tuesday. October 5 Is the last day to enter Co-Rec Basketball. Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more Information, can 472-3467. INTRAMURAL INDOOR SOCCER The last day to enter Men's and Womens Indoor Soccer Is Tuesday, October 5. Don't delay. Enter your team now. Call 472-3467 for more Information. INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Tuesday, October 5 Is the last day to enter Men's and Women's Racquetball Singles and Table Tennis Singles. Call 472-3467 for more information. PEACECORPS Monday, October 4,1993. East Campus Union. Informa tion booth from 9:45am - 2pm. Video at NOON. SAA Pick up your T-shirts at Wick Center. SKYDIVE? Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Crete Skydiving Center, Inc. 464-2929. Sports Club Participation Physicals Thursday, October 7 Call to schedule appointment. 472-3467— (Campus Recreation). Physicals are required for all members of sports dubs. The following clubs are required to have physicals: badmin ton, bowling, crew, fendng, |uoo, lacrosse (M A W), medieval combat, rifle, rugby, runners, soc cer (M A W), sport officiate, student athletic trainers, table tennis, taekwondo, ultimate, vol leyball (M 6 W), and weightlifting. Students with Children Support Group Meets Mondays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. In Rm 338, Nebraska Union. Offered by the Women's Center for students wlh children who want guidance with their parenting and coping skills. Cal the Women's Center, 472-2597 for more Information. STUDY ABROAD Information meetings. Tuesdays at 6:30, Wednesdays at 4:00. International Affairs. 1237 R a. STUDY ABROAD at SENSHU UNIVERSITY Tokyo, Japan Spend your next tall semester studying Japanese lan guage, business, and culture In Japanl visl the biggest cRy at the world - Learn about a new culture • Spend lime with a Japanese family - Make friends for a lifetime. To hear more about this exciting opportunity attend the next information session on: Wednesday, October 6 at 4:30pm in CBA 125 For more information, contact: Kerry Brooks, CBA 138 or phone 472-2310. • The Women's Center needs volunteers. Get involved Stop In room 340, NE Union or call 472-2597 UNO Aviation Institute Pursue a college degree In aviation with University of Nebraska-OmanaAviation Institute. Flight-training class es available. Call 1-800-3-FLY-UNQ. _ WANTED - MEMBER AT LARGE The Ne. Union Board is seeking to III a member-at-large position on their newly formed Addition Committee. This committee Is being formed in light of the projected renovation of the City Union. If you are interested, send your name and short resume to 220 Ne. Union. Attention: Ne. Union Board. What are you waiting for?! New Student Enrollment applications are available at the Office for Student Involvement (City and East). NSE can Increase your marketability by building leadership skills and enhancing communication skills. WOMEN S WEIGHT TRAINING CLINIC The Office of Campus Recreation wiU offer a weight training clinic for women on Saturday, Oct 9 from 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. The basics, including proper warm-up and cool-down techniques, will be emphasized. Minimum age is 16 years and the cost is $5.00. Cali 472-3467 for more information. RBURCM HF0RNU1HN nuuuiMi iwunmniMi Largest Library of Information in U.S. 19,278 TOUCS - ALL SUBJECTS Order Catalog Today with Visa / MC or COO B^ 100-351 0222 Or, rush $2.00 to: Rtseardi Information 11322 Idaho Ave #206-A, Los Angeles. CA 90025 ■ ■ I Dailv 34 Nebraska Union I X 1400 R Street 68588-0448 iNCDrasKan (402)472-2588 fax 472-176ij CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM 1 | Name _JL-----| | Address . __ I Phone _____— Student Rates: $3.00 includes 15 words. Non-students: $4.00 includes 15 words. $.15 for each additional word. $.75 billing charge. | Date(s) ad to run:_I___ I I I I yrtising text: | I 1 I i m i | I im g| |Bjj pi ■ Special repeat rates and features are available | For information call 472-2588 8:00-4:30 p.m. Classified Advertising Deadline is 2:00 p.m. weekday before publication. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ® * yi ? % Iji y1"' ' ^ * * . I LOVE MV SCHOOL I LIKE TO READ AHEAD HAVING A BOOK IS V] IF VOO FLIP T SOMETIMES BOOKS. JUST THINK./ AND SEE WHAT WERE LIKE HAVING A GOO0 THE PAGES OF I THINK PRETTV SOON WELL HAVE GOING TO LEARN NEXT. FRIENO WITH VOU. / MY BOOK, BOOKS ACE READ 4U OF THIS/ IT’S SO EXCITING TO ^--7 AN ANIMATED THE ONLX KNOW STUFF. T REX DRIVES FRIENDS v . yf^r _ THE BATMOBIlE WORTH ' iKYkzL AND EXPLODES* HAVING. Crossword [Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1208 ACROSS 28 Kind of shirt 1 Madagascar *• 77" mammal Over, 1956 8 Roman version of Demeter 28 Nullifies 11 Capital of 30 Recount Mozambique 32 Predicaments 12 Compound 34 Byron or used in plastics Horatio 14 Lampoons M Dep '‘colonial » Mlchener novel America 41 Name in farm 18 Fraud implements 18 Dahomey, now 42 va,ues intermediate 1 • h rost between light 20 Vanish and dark 22 Upright 44 infra (see 24 Burghoff role below) ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE i ■ 111111 i l « 111111M1 1111111 * 1111 45 “Casta diva," e.g. 45 Bridled 4* Certain cuts of ' lamb or veal 51 Alarm clocks sa Israeli parliament 53 Islamic chieftains 54 Von Stroheim film: 1923 55 Courts DOWN i Reformation martyr Hugh a Focal point, as of a quake a Gloom 4 Ouray's people s List a Pro's opposite 7 Added details a “Toilers of the Sea" painter a Arise lOShem's descendants 11 Boat basin ia Drum majorette, e.g. 13 Rajah's wife 14 Item for Figaro 17 Fades away 31 Polytheist or allotheist I— i i-1-1-^_i-1-1-1-mm—amm 23 Hereditary ruler 37.. to each 43 Kind of face or 27 Maintained according to his front . . . - Marx 47 Arrivederci, 29 Broadcast, in a „ , _ way rt Heifetz's 11 Most shabby hammer ea teachat -saar "ssasar “sacs». awssr 33 Quality 39 Certain fishermen 39 Ukases - 4 • ' • . . • > i Vs~?a