The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1993, Image 1

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    ◄ MEWS
Spirits, discs
soar at ultimate |- nHan
tournament. mOlllIay
*«•« 82/45
mostly sunny and
High costs threaten health center’s night hours
By Becky Becher
Staff Reporter
High pcr-studcnt costs may
cause the University Health
Center to shut its doors after
11 p.m., a health center official said.
Kunle Ojikutu, health center di
rector, said that during a recent inter
nal evaluation, health center officials
discovered the high, inefficient cost
of serving students between 11 p.m.
and 7 a.m.
In a four-month period only 161
students used the health center be
tween 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., he said. Of
those students, Ojikutu said only 57
needed immediate care. The other
104 could have waited until the next
The cost of serving those 161 stu
dents was $38,002 — $236 per pa
tient, Ojikutu said.
Even fewer students used the
Health Center’s night service during
the summer. During a 15-week peri
od, 42 students used the center at
night, and only three cases were con
sidered urgent.
Ojikutu said it cost $16,335 to
keep the center open at night during
the summer, or $388.92 per patient.
Cost per patient rose to more than
$5,000 when only the urgent cases
were considered.
“You have a very small number of
students utilizing a big chunk,” Oj ikutu
said of the per student costs.
The figures, Oj ikutu said, show
that students arc not being served as
well as they could be. He said the high
per-patient costs were not an efficient
way to run a business.
Ojikutu said raising student health
center fees was one of the only alter
natives to cutting hours.
“We don’t want to do that,” he
Oj ikutu said off cials were consid
See HOURS on 3
_ , L bandy bummers/UN
Shane Smith, a senior business management major at UNL, will be running in the New
Y ork Marathon Nov. 14. Smith’s run willbenef it the Leukemia Society of America and help
raise money for Christian Knapp, 11, of Lincoln, who has leukemia.
More than a race
UNL senior dedicates run to boy with cancer
By Alan Phelps
Senior Reporter
When Shane Smith runs in
the New York Marathon,
he’ll be aiming for more
than just the finish line.
Smith, a senior business man
agement major at the University of
run to benefit the Leukemia Soci
ety of America.
“I thought it was a good idea
because it gives me more determi
nation to get out there and run,"
Smith said
In preparation for the Nov. 14
race, Smith is training and lining up
sponsors to pledge certain amounts
of money for each mile he runs.
So far, Smith has rung up almost
$500 in donations. Each of the 20
Nebraska runners in the Leukemia
Society’s Mid-America Chapter
Team in Training hopes to raise at
least $3,000.
If the runners meet their goal,
one leukemia researcher could be
funded for three years. Smith said.
The search for a cure for leuke
mia took on special meaning for
Smith after the society introduced
him toChristian Knapp of Lincoln,
the 11-year-old patient to whom
Smith is dedicating his run.
“When I first started training, he
would ride his bike three or four
miles with me,” Smith said. “Now
I seem to be running a lot farther
than that.”
Knapp is in remission. Until he
was nine years old, the sixth-grader
went through a range of treatments
from spinal taps to chemotherapy.
Smith said he and Knapp used to
spend a couple of days each week
together playing miniature golf or
running. Now that school has be
gun again, the two haven’t had as
much time to hang out.
Knapp said he was looking for
ward to Smith’s run.
“It makes me feel happy,” he
said. “I think it would be fun, and
it’d help me.”
Smith became involved with the
leukemia project through some run
ning friends in Omaha. He said he
See RUN on 3
U N L rei ects speech code
Policy stresses
manner, not words
By Paula Lavigne
Staff Reporter
Call it Newspcak. Call it Polit
ical Correctness. But Univer
sity of Pennsylvania student
Eden Jacobwitz calls his university’s
speech code a violation of his rights.
Earlier this year, Jacobwitz was
cited with violating the university’s
speech code because he yelled “Shut
up, you water buffalo,” to a group of
noisy students.
The speech code violation charge
did not hold up in court, and Jacobwitz,
alter ft long, drawn-out battle, was
able to return to classes this semester.
In 1990, the University of Ncbras
code to its Student Code of Conduct
Linda Schwartzkopf, the director
of Student Judicial Affairs at UNL,
said many universities that adopted
speech codes, similar to the one at the
University of Pennsylvania, found
their policies did not hold up in court.
Because of this and other reasons,
UNL did not adopt such a code, she
Instead, Schwartzkopf said, UNL’s
student conduct policy emphasizes
the manner, or behavior, of the words
and not the words themselves.
“It is a violation if a person’s words
become behavior, such as directly in
your face, screaming at you, or yell
ing at you in the library,” she said. “It
happens when they become a disrup
tion or arc of a threatening nature.”
_ See SPEECH on 3
Chubickpleads not guilty
to misdemeanor charges
Basketball player
arrested Friday
By Jeff Zeleny
Senior Editor
niversity of Nebraska basket
ball player Bruce Chubick
pleaded not guilty to three mis
demeanor counts Friday in Lancaster
County Court.
Chubick, 23, was arrested Friday
for public urination, assaulting a po
lice officer and resisting arrest, Lin
coln Police Lt. Steve Imes said.
According to police reports,
Chubick was standing in an alley be
tween 14th and 15th streets and O and
P streets at 1 a.m. when Lincoln Po
lice Officer Mark Domanguc asked
him for identification.
Chubick then ran west down the
alley. Officer Charles Marti placed
himself in front of Chubick and told
him to stop. Chubick then ran into
Marti, knocking him to the ground.
Marti *s knee was bleeding, and he had
pain in his right side, the report said.
Chubick was arrested about two
blocks away without a struggle, Imes
“At the end of the fool pursuit, he
did not resist arrest,” he said.
Assaulting a police officer is a
felony charge in Nebraska. The charge
was reduced to a misdemeanor charge
of third-degree assault by the
Lancaster County Attorney’s office.
“We decided we didn’t want to
charge it as a felony,” Deputy
Lancaster County Attorney Thomas
Jaudzemis said. “If I thought he had
tried to hurt the officer it would have
been a felony. I didn’t look at it that
Norman Langemach, chief assis
tant city prosecutor, said the three
misdemeanor charges Chubick faces
each carries a maximum $500 fine
and six months in jail.
Chubick was released from jail
Friday afternoon on a personal recog
nizance bond. A Nov. 2 trial date was
set in Lancaster County Court.
Sports Information Director Chris
Anderson said Friday that Nebraska
basketball coach Danny Nee would
not discuss the incident until later this
Nee could not be reached for com
Nickelodeon performer caters to students with children
By Jeff Singer
Senior Editor
A group that often is overlooked
on campus got a boost Satur
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
students who have ch ildrcn were able
to include the whole family in a UPC
sponsored event.
The University Program Council
broughtNickclodeon’s Frank Cappelli
to perform in the Nebraska Union
Saturday afternoon.
Cappelli, star of Nickelodeon’s
“Cappclli and Company,” gave a onc
hourshow to the delight of nearly 300
parents and children who attended.
The more than 125 children whocame
to watch Cappclli ranged in age from
a few months to about nine years.
Several UNL students said it was
about time the university had an event
recognizing students on campus who
had the additional responsibility of
“There are very few things on cam
pus geared toward students who have
children,” said Nicole Urzedowski, a
senior Engl ish major who brought her
13-month-old daughtcrTatiana to the
event. “I was really excited that they
had this.”
Gary Doyle, president of UPC, said
Saturday’s shoAv marked the first time
a UPC event had been planned for
students with children.
Doyle said he thought the event
was a success.
’‘Campus trends arc showing that a
lot of parents arc going back to school,
so the atmosphere is there for this
style of programming, Doyle said.
James Buckley, UNL’s coordina
tor for campus programs, brought his
11 -month-old son Jamie to the show.
Buckley said this kind of program
ming was important to fill the needs of
the increased number of parents at
tending the university.
“This was done as an effort for
non-traditional students as well as for
19- and 20-year-olds who have fami
1 ies of their own,” Buckley said. “Y ou
can’t take kids to sec the Smashing
Pumpkins, but you can to Frank
Poppy Johnson, a first-year stu
dent at Southeast Community Col
lege, said the Cappclli event was a
boost for all Lincoln students with
children. ,
“1 think this helps get students who
are parents more involved,” said
Johnson, who brought her 3-ycar-old
son Devin to the show. “It was excit
ing to see the kids get excited and
seeing their faces light up.”
See KIDS on 3