The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1993, Image 1

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Concert to help CrWoit
local youth at rNOiiy
the Pla-mor 62/33
| ^ Page 9^ '^ Jp KObl' ’■
I Judge allows most statements in Biorklund trial
By Dionne Searcey
Senior Reporter_ t
A judge overruled nine motions to sup
press evidence relating to the first
degree murder trial of Roger Bjorldund
on Thursday.
District Judge Donald Endacott said almost
all the evidence presented in pretrial suppres
sion hearings would be allowed af the trial
scheduled for Oct. 25.
Bjorldund and Scott Barney were charged
with first-degree murder in the 1992 slaying of
University ofNebraska-Lincoln student Candice
Endacott suppressed some remarks
Bjorklund made to police on Dec. 6,1992, the
day Barney implicated Bjorklund in the slay
ing. The judge said Bjorklund made the state
ment before hearing the completion of his
Miranda rights.
The evidence to be allowed in the trial
includes a letter Bjorklund wrote to Harms’
parents stating he had a guilty conscience.
* Earlier in Thursday’s hearings, Endacott
heard motions from the defense and prosecu
Chief Public Defender Scott Helvie asked
that jury members be sequestered while in
Lincoln. Jury members will be selected from
Cheyenne County.
Jury members probably will not know de
tails about the case before the trial because they
live 300 miles away, Helvie said. But when
they arrive in Lincoln for the trial, he said,
members could be tempted to discuss the case
with Lincoln residents or read local news arti
cles about the case.
Endacott said jurors would be told to refrain
from discussing the case or reading news re
ports. Sequestering the jury means members
will have limited contact with outsiders during
the trial.
Endacott said he would consider that motion
The judge said jury members’ names would
not be disclosed until the Sunday before the
trial. t r
Helvie asked that references to the robberies
with which Bjorklund has been charged not be
brought up in the murder trial.
Deputy County Attorney John Colbom said
some evidence about the robberies played an
integral part in the prosecution’s case.
It would be difficult to try the Bjorklund case
- i
Nebraska s
waters flow
through lab
By DeDra Janssen
Staff Reporter
Eighteen months ago, a storage
building on University of Ne
i braska’s East Campus sat
filled with old plant-growing cham
Now, the same building houses a
2,100-square-foot wet research labo
ratory — one of about 12 such facil
ities in the nation.
With 32 artificial stream tanks, 12
250-gallon artificial lake tanks and
, 32,000 watts of greenhouse lighting,
r UNL students and researchenrtmng
% Nebraska’s lakes and streams indoors.
Two associate professors in the
department of forestry, fisheries and
wildlife spearheaded the transforma
tion of the storage building into the
* new Aquatic Research Facility.
Ecologists Kyle Hoagland and Ed
Peters saw the storage building’s po
tential as a lab. They pushed for ren
ovations and solicited money to fund
) the project, which cost between
$50,000 and $100,000.
The lab was funded by the U.S.'
! Fish and Wildlife Service, UNL’s
Water Center and UNL’s Agricultur
al Research Division.
“It has added a whole new dimen
sion to what we can do,” Hoagland
said. “We can literally go to the stream
> we are going to study and bring it back
\ here.”
Researchers use a 1,000- gal Ion
► * tank to transport natural stream and
lake water to the laboratory, Hoagland
? said.
Motor-driven paddles in the artifi
cial stream tanks create a realistic
circular current around a center is
land, and protective liners arc placed
in the tanks so the system is not con
taminated for future experiments.
Also, aset ofwater-treatment tanks
purifies the water before it is drained
after use, Hoagland said.
Hoagland said the lab allowed
University of Nebraska-Lincoln re
searchers to conduct controlled ex
periments in an ecologically realistic
Travis Heying/DN
“I didn’t know there were eny Mexicans in Nebraska,” Joked Edward James Olmos before
giving his speech Thursday night at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. “We’re all in the
same gang.
Shared ancestry
World needs to focus on common roots, Olmos says
By Jan Calinger
StMff_ Reporter
Actor Edward James Olmos
spoke on racism, gangs,
and entertainment to a
crowd of about 975 people at the
Lied Center for Performing Arts
Thursday night.
Olmos, known for his roles in
the movies “Stand and Deliver”
and “American Me,” and the tele
vision series “Miami Vice,” fo
cused mainly on racism and vio
lence. He said racism could be
reduced with an “augmentation" of
history as it was being taught.
He said people needed to focus
on the common roots found in his
tory rather than on the differences
between people.
“We must augment because our
community is so diverse now, that
people are starting to be afraid of it,
and people are starting to be aware
of it," he said.
Olmos said that although hu
mans today had diverse appearanc
es, they all had a common ancestry.
All humans originally came from
Africa, he said, and American Indi
ans came to the continent by way of
Olmos is of Mexican descent,
See OLMOS on 2
Book display
focuses on
By Ann Stack
Staff Reporter
What do “Snow White,” “The
Catcher in the Rye” and
Stephen King have in com
They all have been banned or cen
sored in some way in Nebraska.
The Mill, a coffee house located at
800 P St. in the Haymarket, is doing
its part to protest what it says is a
violation of First Amendment rights.
Teaming up with the Nebraska
Civil Liberties Union and University
Bookstore, The Mill has displayed a
In conjunction with Banned Book
Week, books such as “The Adven
tures of Huckleberry Finn,” “Bridge
To Terabithia,” “The Catcher in the
Rye,” “Of Mice and Men” and “A
Light in the Attic” are being shown in
the front of The Mill. Some of the
authors of banned books include
Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain,
Maya Angelou and Stephen King.
These books have been restricted
by some parents’ groups and libraries
and schools in the state.
“The purpose of the display is to
get people aware of what’s going on
... to see what the powers that be have
determined as right and wrong,” said
Ed Higgins, a part-time University of
Nebraska-Lincoln student and an
employee at The Mill.
Restrictions reach as far as chil
dren’s nursery rhymes, he said.
‘“Little Red Riding Hood’ (was
restricted) because she carried a bot
tle of wine when she went to see her
grandmother,” he said.
Tim Rickerl, also an employee at
The Mill, said although censorship
wasn’t a major problem yet, people
should be wary of the long-term ef
fects of censorship.
If the restrictive trend continues.
Rickerl said, censors may prevent
works from being published or re
strict works so much that wri ters even
tually give up writing.
“They are only after a few books
now, but what happens if it gets so bad
See BOOKS on 6
tournament presents "ultimate7 challenge tor UJNL club
By Dionne Seercey
Senior Reporter
Between the setting sun, the
rising moon and swarms of
mosquitoes, the UNL Ulti
mate Club practiced Wednesday in
preparation for the sport’s largest lo
cal tournament ever.
Much of that training involved
teaching the rules of ultimate to the
club's JO or so new members, said
Jeff Vincent, a third-year broadcast
ing nuyor.
I ■ * ... !
“You have to teach people all of
the rules from the beginning,” he said.
“It’s not like basketball and football
where people have been watching it
for years.”
Ultimate, Vincent said, uses a com
bination of football and soccer rules.
Vincent explained the rules of the
game: f
Teams are made up of seven play
ers. The field is 40 yards wide and 75
yards long with 25-yard deep end
The game begins with a Frisbee
! . r
' ' ' ‘ , ' ■ 3:'r :■
like disc toss, similar to a football
kickoff where the teams are lined at
each goal.
Teams work the 175-gram disc
toward their goals, throwing the disc
using backhand and forehand tosses.
Members can’t run with the disc, but
must simply pass it ahead or behind
Action is fast-paced because the
only time the game stops is when the
disc hits the ground and becomes the
Ultimate Terminology
Disc • The 175-gnun object used to soon goals. Frisbee is a brand name.
Picking - An illegal action where a team .
member uses another player as an obstacle
to gain control of the disc.
Stripping • An illegal action
where a member knocks
the disc out of another
player's hand.
dtractioaleat throw.
Hiick A lu^ditch throw, tinular to a j
H*il-M*ry throw in football.