The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    Experienced aerobic instructor. Late aftemoora and eve
nings. Downtown YMCA, 1039 P Street. 434-9232.
Students and homemakers
earn extra money)
Now hiring 60 dependable, personable people. Food
service experience a plus. Black Swhke attire required.
For the best jobs, caH our office today I Never a fee.
r. Kelly T emporary Services
An equal opportunity employer.
Old Country Buffet
Now hiring ful and part-time employees tor customer
service, kitchen production, and dishwashing. AU hours
available, must be able to work weekends. Apply In
person, 2241 ‘O* St.
Part-time church custodian, weekend hours. Call 477
2350 after 5:00 and ask tor Gary.
Part-time poekion available m our tumbled brick program.
Piece work brick handling. Fieidble hours. Average wage
S8-S 12/hour. Must be at least 18. Apply in person Yankee
Hill Brick 3705 S. Coddlngton. EOfc.
. 20% OFF
I 128 N 13th
I (Just south of .■■■■
I Stuart Theater)
1 4771)033
ijj Jewelry Financing & layaway available ^
The only good thing that conies
out of Colorado is the beer.
Coors Light warm case $11.49
Miller warm case $11.49
Bud warm $11.49
Keystone (reg or dry) 16 oz. warm case $7.99
Old Style (rcg.light,draft) warm case $7.99 I
Black Label (reg, light) warm case $6.99
Pabst or Old Mil warm case $7.99 r I
Zonin Asti Spumanti 750 mL $6.99 [.
Stoney Ridge (w. Zin) $3.99
All Wine
Coolers (4 pk warm everyday price) $2.99 -
Don’t drink and drive and please drink in moderation
2620 Stock’well (5 blks north of Hwy 2 on^th) 423-2085
offer good through September 29th Limited to quantities on hand
Immediate Openings
Now hiring assembly worker* to be placed* good factory
locations. All positions 40 hours/week. Three shifts are
currently available. Work week Mondey-Thureday or
Monday-Friday. Applications being taken weekdays 8
4:30. Stop by and see ultodayfor details.
Suits 436, Oreentree Court
210 Gateway NorAi Lincoln
Flexible Hours
Super Sever, 27th A Comhusker Is selecting evening and
overnight cashiers. Come work with the best! Ask lor Terrl,
Ful-time, part-time, evenings, end weekends. Tow truck
drivers with mechanical ability, cashiers. 70th 6 'O'. 489
7979. ______
Harvest hep wanted. Close to Lincoln. Call 665-2567 or
665-3641 evenings. ___
Harvest help wanted on farm north of Lincoln. Experience
necessary. Cal 665-2119 or 443-5454 evenings.
Needs a well-dressed Individual with retail experience tor
15-25 hrsAwk. Our Ideal new associate, having a light
school load, would gat out of school by 12-1:30pm and
have weekends open. Call Jim at 476-2262 starting
Monday 9/27 for Interview and appointment.
Inserters needed
To insert advertisements Into the Lincoln Journal Star
Saturday and Sunday Newspapers. Two shifts available:
‘“Saturday morning 12:20am-3:30am. Call Don 473
7392 on Friday after 7pm.
•••Saturday night 11:00pm-4:30am Sunday morning.
Call Steve 473-7392 on Saturday after 8:30pm.
Kitchen help needed. Meal and wagee provided. Cell436
6096 during the dey tor more Information. _
Local delivery. Mi or part-time. Flexible schedule but
prefer some morning nours. Straight truck sxperience
helpful. COL not required. Apply Lincoln Lumber Compa
ny. 932 No. 23. __
Long John Silver's. 3400 S. 10th. Part-time positions
eveilabte day or night. $4.6S» to start.
Need At Once!
HHA/NA on Nebraska Registry. Forcampus area, 4 visits
Phone volunteers needed
Valuable volunteer experience for Humen Service ma
jors. Attend Lincoln Personal Crisis Service Training.
Saturday, 9-25-93, from 9- 5 p.m. at4341 Brier Park Drive.
To reglwef cal 475-5171. __
Pleasant phone work. Otter gift certificate book. Part
tlrhe. Flexoie hours. Earn SS-SIOlhour. 465-4155.
Quality, dstei-ortented, pert-drm ateseperaon need
ed. Must be able to work afternoons, evenings, and
weekends. Come leem whet customer service la all
dboul. Apply Tueeday-Friday at Cuetom Electronic,
5601 'CT St. No calls please. _
Runza Restaurant 13th &E
Are you Interested In earning some extra cash? A fun
working environment dose to campus. Are you a motlval
* ed Individual seeking part or full time employment Mils
school yew? Kao, you re just the person we re looking for.
We currently have day and evening shifts avalable and
will olfer you the following benefits:
“hextote hours
“competitive wages
“50% meal discounts
“scholarshp programs
“career opportunities
“end much, much more.
Stop In and apply today. Lat Runza be a part of your
successful college career.____
Develop your own marksting strategy and go sell. Prefer
marketing or sales majors. Product to•••■ atefrorder
delicatessen food. Work on commission. Call 314-567
5936 before 11 flO a.m. and after 1:30 p.m.
Seeking persons with expertise in math, all areas of
science, foreign language, end computer science to
serve as mentors for highly gifted students. Must have
University level Junior standing or above. QPA at 3.0 or
above, 15 college hours In mentor area. Will work with
Individual students during school day. Pay H $10.88 per
hour. Apply at Lincoln Pubic Schools, 5901 *0 Street. A
Service Merchandise (Retail)- Part-tene, days and frights.
Flexible hours. Jewelry, toys, stockroom, and office.
Excellent pay end benetts. Complete application at Su
per 8 Motel, 27th 8 Comhueker. September 20-23. Moo
day-Thursdey, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.___
Spaghetti Works
Now Wring for Idtehan positions. Apply wtthlnfrom 6-11:00
a.m. or 2-430 p.m. 228 No, 12th.
Ing $6.0Of»r. Sand rssums to: Ann. HR Dapartmant, PO
Box 6155. Lincoln. Ns. 68506. Rssumss mutt be ra
OsNsdbyJ08/93 EOE
TwblarsM now aocaptlngappicaltorw at a» 4 locations
VsM Aaandant nasdad. Hours: Ml# AM lo ssriy PM.
M.W.F. Apply In parson 1313M.
Wantad pari-Mmalaswi cars ha». You pleAthad^. Must
savan days a wash. Call 466-3637 to apply.
bSSI^moRSR^' ***1,1 P"*on* ***
SMor noadod MWf mornings for 2 1/2 and 1 yr old.
Oatwaan City and East campus. CaN 436-1537.
§^ Orand Openjngjj^ ^
New NABI Biomedical Center
300 So. 17th St.
Come join us in a celebration.
The Eagle 92.9 FM broadcasting live from 1-4 p.m.
food - Friday. Sept. 24th_ (gtCerfflft,
New Customers...$25 on 1st donation
(New customers call for an appointment)
Return Customers..$15 on 1st donation of week and
$20 on 2nd donation of same week
Free parking at the door. Call for appt. at 474-2335
Child Care Teacher Assistants
Positions now available with Family Service's School's
Out program. Responslbllkles Include: assisting ske su
pervisor with promoting a posktve, sale learning environ
ment and coordinating children's activities. Require
merits Include: six mo. to one year related experience.
Must have good communication skills. Starting salary
$4.25/hr.; wiling to work around dess schedules.
Apply to: Personnel Officer, Ffmky service, 501 S. 7th,
Lincoln. Ne. 68508. k you require accommodation to
apply or Interview, please contact Kelly Riley at441-7949.
Family Service Is committed to a pluralistic working
environment through Affirmative Action and Equal Oppor
tunky. _
400s Housing
Publisher’s Notice
AH real estate advertising W* newspaper Is subject to
the federal Fair Housing Act. which makes It Illegal to
advertise any preference, Imitation or discrimination
based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial
status or natural origin, or Intention to make any such
preferences. Imitations or discrimination. The Daly Ne
braskan vrill not knowingly accept any advertising formal
estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates
against sexual preferences. Our readers am hereby
Wormed that all dwellings advertised am available on an
equal opportunity basis.
A SAP-Roommates wanted. Close to both campuses.
$135 +1/4 uflkttes. Can 438-5301.
Non-smoking female roommate wanted. Nice two bed
room, two biah apartment. $262.50.421-3782after 6p.m.
Non-smoking female roommate wanted. Free laundry.
$135+ 1/3 iAWtles. Peggy or Tammy 488-0174.
NS female roommate needed. 10 minutes from city
campus. 420-1526. __
Roommate needed immediately. Female preferred. Call
Pam or Vicki 438-5175 or leave message.
Room for rent 3301 Tf St. 435-2237.
4 #JA/> Ua..| Linmn.m hlwn
1ZU9 New nampsnire
Spacious and dean, 3+bedroom home Walt to down
town campus. Central air, detachad garage, 8850/mo
4754366 or 43240*1.
2718 <J. Spacious 4 badroom. 1 + 1/2 baths. Parking
Near campus. 8650.
★ ★ ★
009 N. 23rd. Vary nice. Three bedrooms. Perking. Near
campus. 8525.
★ ★ ★
709 N. 26th. Very nice tour bedroom, two baths Parking.
Near campus. 8675. Available 9-18.
432-0644 Of 432-6644.
4334 St Paul, large 6 badroom, 2 bath, very nice, dbl
garage, avalabie 1(V1. Call 4664848.
2 badroom. dose loboth campuses. 2246 Shakton. 8375
♦ dspost Quiet neighborhood. 4744757.
Beautiful 31/2 bedroom In historical district. Specious, Air
conditioned. 476-3462._
"Pine Tree apartments. First and Adams. Two badroom
8465. Security buNdlng. Microwave. Mlrd binds. All etoc
"821A Street. Two bedroom, $415. No pets 463-8057,
1020 C Si., 1-bedroom. 8245. netorences, deposit, one
year base. Cal Kim, 437-9019
2504 Vine Street
Sharp one bedroom apartments, 8340.
2 bedrooms. Lite new. Light beige decor, breatdast bar,
vertical Mods, large closets, great manager, 8435.
Close to either campus.
4300 Comhudter Highway. On* and two bedroom apart
ments. Only one year old. AN amenities. Some with
washer and dryer hookups.
Cherry Hill Management
3 bedroom# bathroom. Claremont Park Apartments.
Deck. Pool 4 blocks from campus. 478492. Leave
name and number. No damage deposit required
Claremont Park Apartments
2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Cloae to campus. Newly
constructed. 9th 8 Claremont 474-PARK.
Efficiencies 8240, 1 bedroom 8295. Cloee to campus.
One bedroom and efflctondas naar cairyms. —Secured
building 8235-8260. No pals. Cak 477-3646
On* bedroom apwtment. Second floor. Newly remodled
m Mttes paid. 83I&. 1000 ITst 4764007.
Sublssssr needed. Newer 2-badroom, ctoe* to campus.
No deposit. 8425/month. 176 L St. 4366889. _
Walt to school 617 N 26th. 3-4 BR. add, c/a. 2 RR. 423
WELCOME BACK STUOENTSH Relax and cool down,
poolside... 18 2 Bedroom unis from $314 up -640 South
20 -475-7262. Jones Properties.
I?? SOUTH 9TH ST.. LINCOLN MI 61504 « 476-4531