The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1993, Page 11, Image 11
ECOLOGY NOW Meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in city Union (room post ed). All are invited. AXfi An Presents Masters ’93 September 26.1 -S p.m. Adventure GoH Center. AM *gg3&^tS3^#gBL£ Kntfson.dSw Lee. Andy Lath. Trwor McFarland. Seth McGinn, Nathan Mosler. Cory Paciora, Darin PladtaChad ftsbbe Cory ^rhwindt Torrey Smith, Jed Stamm, Brad Stewart, Jason TongithVMwcus Towle. Clint Turnbull. Brad White, Brian Wilson' _TheMenofAgMen. Congratulations to Karen Cembali and Kinsey Neben on yoo, Qiwok ywbook pp.ltlw.' yout A-Phl >IHwa AAA rsrS3» preside over the year nineteen hundred antfnlnetythme: BrhSfi&fEasMJSs Kerri Havlck: P*»c Relations. Angle Ringing. Farewell ye maidens. Thou hast our bid d luck. Ar Roses are red. Smurfs are blue. J Bettoer got 2nd in punt-pass-kick. And swam the Attantlc, too Have a Smurly day. DGs <PBX Causing a Commotion Phi Beta Chi k a National Social Sororty. In only 15year*, 10 ch*Jt#r* have emerged nationwide. We have been at UNI Since 1988 and have recently achieved our goal of having our own housing. Phi Beta Chi Is proud of our history and we are stil making changes and building new tradtions. If you are Interested In being a part <* this exciting time, come to our final rush party tonight at 6:30pm at the Lutheran Student Carder. Dress k formal, if you have any questions, call Heather at 488-4718. ’Attending a rush function m no way obligates you to Phi FALL RUSH 93. OJOF Congratulations toour new Initiates: Pete Andreski, Brian Uhlir, Brad Mlady. Brian Esquivel. Clay Radi and Chad Osvog. Tha Man ol Phi Kappa PaL Kappa Sigma would Uka to congratulate the fodowing brothers tor their elections or appointmants: Lae Nguyenjppolntment to Astktant Treasurer; Mike Stemm end Mto Cogswell, election to Homecoming cheks; Brent Oumns.electlon to yeerbook chair, and Mto Lagana. election to social chad Kappa Srgma would Ito to congratulate our newly Initial ed brothers: Josh Porto, Mto Cog*wed. Mto Stemm, Dave Alderman, Jon Knell, Damon Dkhman and Mto Lagana._ , _ H©mi nder: Registration forma tor the annual Masters God Tourna ment are due to AlphaChi Omega or Alpha Gamma Sigma by Frtday. Remember all proceeds go to help the Special Olympics. The Ladies of Alpha Delta PI wish a warm welcome to our new Aphas Kelly Moody and Jennifer Brown. Way to go Ally B.. Jen W.. Sharon M., Gretchen H.. and Stephannle W. lor making Greek Yearbook Staff. Good luck Kara 8.. Shannon O.. and Sara P. on your upcoming soccer game. To the handsome men of Farmhouse: We loved Using you up at the dinner exchange. Thanks tor a grew timer The Women of Apha Phi To the Mon of SAE and Beta, Thanks for die FAC's. We had a blast I To the Men of Kappa Sig. Thanks for the Bar-B-Guel LW's do I again sometime I The Women of Apha Phi STUOENT GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION ON THE FOLLOWING Committee for Fees Alocatton—res. had rep. Computational Services and FaddHes—grad. rep. Government Liaison Committee Grading • Examinations—grad. rap. Panting Advisory Committee Sexual Orientation—subcommmt** ! ^"QCou^- rep Applications avalMble w the Student Government office, 115 Nebr. Union r- 1 i .ii.i... ..- .. Bata'*. Flood! esi? _Pi Phi's. MoFo, Thanks for hanging up on mel _ Shelly Husker Volleyball, 9-0 and looking good. Kick some butt this weekend I Good luck. Hammer. Thank* to Acacia, Beta Slg, and Ag Men tor a super frosh wit Thursday. __Alpha Delta PI you for the best two years of my life! I love youl Kristina. FOUND: Calculator in case on sMewafc In front of Avery Hall. Claim at the DN. Found: Pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses In basement of CBA. Come to Daily Nebraskan to Identity and claim. Found: Ring In women's bathroom in City Union. Contact Ann Nelson at 438-6155 to Identify and claim. Found: Starter checkbook A student I.D. Student name: Kokshko. Contact UNL Police to recover. Found: Wallet near CY Thomson Library. Call 472-2871 to claim. Looking For The n Rock A RoN Expert On Campus Win cassettes, CD's and up to$1,000CASH. Take the 10 questton ROCKTRIVIA QUIZ. Call 1900-344-9335.2.99/ minute. Must be 18. GREEKS & CLUBS RAISE UP TO $1000 IN JUST ONE WEEKI For your fraternity, sorority, or dub. PLUS $1000 for yoursetfl FREE T-SHIRT just for callng. 1-800-932-0528, ext. 75. 300s Jobs HERM’S LIQUOR'N 17TH & ‘P’ St. 474-6592 oHor good Mini 9-79-91 SPECIALS Budweis* (Reg.. Light. Dry) Miller (Draft. Draft Light) Coors (Reg.. Light & Old Style (Reg. Light. Draft. Dm Mlwaukee’s (RegS Light) ^%9cam _/ — - ■ ■■■ TMI MR SIM By GARY LARSON I “I wouldn’t laugh, Jack.... I know things about you.” | $$$$ You decide: Your hour*, your pace, your income. Call 435-4322. Ask for Jason or leave message. $9.45 to start National corporation with entry level openings. Part time, flexfcle scheduling. Scholarships and Internships avail able. 488-6017,__ Active Environmentalist Now hiring individuals with serious Interest in environ mental and political issues. Work to promote pollution prevention and renewable energy. Part-time ano full-time positions available. Call 477-8669 to schedule an inter view. No telemarketing or sales involved. Earn $6-$8 per hour. AMIGOS Co-Workers Up to $5.75 Per Hour pay and benefits package ‘$5.00 to start (weekday noon a closing shifts) ‘Health and Dental Insurance *50% Meal Discount *Freq. Performance Reviews ‘Great Work Environment ‘Paid Vacation ‘FlexMe Schedule ‘Tuition Reimbursed Plan Amigos, an expanding quality oriented Mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time and full-time job opportuni ties available now. If you are an aggressive, customer oriented person and like to work at alast, intense pace, 14 and 15 year old welcome. Apply Now at Any Lincoln location or the Corporate Office at 2546 So. 48m in the Van Dorn Plaza Earn $7 per hour and learn.... .. .about the most critical social and environmental issues of the 90s. Professional fund-raising positions now avail able. Days, evenings and weekends. No experience necessary - we will train you. Must be articulate. This is not a sales position - this is taking a position for change. Get Involved. Call 476-10 tO Monday thru Friday tlam 3pm for an interview. Earn $75 Fpr one day's work each month. Must have car. For details, 483-0323 evenings. •'Free Pap with your Receipt. Just use the Marteller at Campus Corner 17th & R. Turn in your receipt for a free can of pop. •good only at Campus Corner ••withdraw receipt only good for v 9-22 thru 9-29 1993- j COLLEGE BOOKKEEPER If you are a person who has a strong need to have things done just right and likes to make things happen, apply NOW tor a part-time restaurant bookkeeper position, 15 25 hours per week doing the bookkeeping and in-store duties in an Amigos restaurant. 9 am -1 pm, 3-5 days per week and 5 am -1 pm on Monday. Must be a person who enjoys a fast, intense pace and Nke to work hard. Up to $6 per hour pay and benefits. Send application to Amigos Corporate Office, P.0 Box 6t89, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Driver wanted, light delivery full or PT. Apply 6100 *0’ St.. Gateway Plaza, lower level, Cornhusker Bank. Education Majors The city of Waverty NE Is hiring a playground leader for a childrens afterscnooi recreation program. Elementary Education majors encouraged. Hours: 3.00-5:30pm Tues and Thurs. Cal 786-2312JJ OOam-4:30pm Mon-Fri. Ten minutes east of Lincoln. EOE Elementary Language Program needs the folowing teachers for twice a week classes: Spanish, before school, 820-8:50am; Spanish, after school, 3:36 405pm; Native German, before school, 820-8:50am; Sign for the hearing Impaired, before school, 820 8:50am. If Interested call Deb 486-8887. Christmas starts now. Have lun and earn money. 20 part time immediate telemarketing positions, Temporary only, tO-12 weeks for in-house sales promotion. $7.50/hr. phis commission. Weekly paychecks. Work hours needed: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm M-F. No experience needed. Excellent oral communication skills. Must be self motivated and have a positive attitude. Interviews: Monday Sept 27.10-1 and 2-5, Tuesday Sept. 28 10-1 and 2-5. Wednedsday: Training. , Apply in person ask for Fairfax International and come to the Comnusker 1' St. entrance, 333 S. 13th Lincoln, NE. EOE. _ COLBY RIDGE Temporary production work starting im mediately through Christmas. Part-time or full-time: day, evening, or overnight hours available. Production center Is close to campus. FIN out application at 14th 8 Superior right away. Appt. Setters Setting appointments for reps, no selling I Hours: 5-9pm, Monday F rida^Jam-12noon Saturday. Hourly plus com ATTENTION STUDENTS: Need extra $$$, Ike to talk on the phone, would you Ike to get paid for tlfll Best boss in town, call 476^0717. STACK IT H GH SELL IT CHEAP I OLD STYLE Reg, Light, warm case cans.............. MICHELOB Reg. Light. Dry. Dark. tit 99 warm case bottles.4) 11 OLD MILWAUKEE Res. Lisht, Nfl. warm case cans. MILLER LITE & DRAFT d-in99 warm case cans.4> I w Our Low Overhead and Efficient Service Allow us to Sell for Less! Warm Beer Cost + 10 % or Less _|_Everyday!_ BARTLES & JAYMES or SEAGRAM'S WINE COOLERS. 4 Pk.---52 much, much more thru 9/29/93 Ml □ Just Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson WAIT.' OONT NIT ME/ \ I'M SERJOOS' ITS A IT SAYS, ’SOME0OD1 / TRERES SOMETHING / NOTE/ 10UR MOM MUST'VE RUN TUIS 901 OVER f IF I'M GOING TO A ON YOUR BACK/ / PINNED IT ONYOURSMlRT. WITH A TRUCK.* GET CLOBBERED. -N, V-/'-^Nr___- l I LIKE TO / fl I'm Sure .Y-JgC l J VWs I ^ . V DESERVE IT. / ACROSS 1 Peat 8 Showy flower 10 Garden area 14 Samoan port is Spicy bud 18-apparent 17 Buffalo Bill is Frosty itEuphuist John 20 Cheer in Cuernavaca 21 Wood for chests 21 Declines in cognitive capacity 23 Twilled fabric is Summer, in Soisson8 26 Put forth effort 27 Some hybrid flowers ao-de cachet 33 Membranous layer 36 “-thee, witch!": Shak. 36 Province of Catalonia 40 Pioneer of telegraphy 42 Source of shale oil 43 Old relatives of the guitar 49 Oxeye 46 Elan 90 Lone Star State 94 Type of inflorescence 99 Raise spirits ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE •7 Tolkien tree creature M Tabula (clean slate) se Jalopy eo Soft cheese ii City on the Oka aa Actor whom Patty Duke wed •3 French department •4 Puts up aa Emblems for Fluellen aa Served well DOWN i Snacks in Tijuana a Island site of 14 Across 3 Equestrian 4 Elfin a State of Brazil a Certain pitches 7 Love apple a Himalayan peak a Kind of tape or tide 10 Variegated flowers 11 Philippine island ia OPEC vessel ia Assignation ai Ukrainian city in the news: Apr. 1986 aa At the end of one's rope 24-salt 22 Vulcan's home 22 Keen in desire 30 Sock 3f Period 32 High, craggy hill 34 Notched, as a , leaf 3« Fit (out) 32 Parisian article 37 Dadaist Ray 41 Opposite 43 Eskimo sledge 44 Expand 44 Breed of hogs 44 Lucine of operatic fame 41 Author of “Peer Qynt" 46 Signets •1 Dry sa Aromatic herb S3 Knight's mount M Hamilton bills M Lone Eagle’s monogram 30 Fluffy scarf Edited by Eugene T. Maleska