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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1993)
bound ads may •“ * DEADLINE: 2.00 p Weekday before M ■90 Trek 800 Mountain Bfce. Got school. <290 080. Can 474-137) New and used bicycles, e»ert a,__ Wheei'n i DeeTn Bfce Shop, 270* Rfondot* 1477. A NOVEL IDEA: Now open at 10:00 a.m. Monday-Satur day. 116 No. 14th, 475-TOME._ CASH: For used and rare books, used. CD's, and usad motivational tape sots. ‘CAUTION: Do not bring damaged books, romance nov els or toid books. Drop books off on-Wed, 9am-9pm, 1233 F St., pick up caen on Friday. Spellbound Books & Games ForaH your rsadngand gaming needs. l6th$W. Reunion Building. 47968®. Neon beer signs for sale. Cal4666210for more Informa tion._ . Posters Posters Posters!! ★ Now giant-sized Madonna, Nirvana, Frank Black, Bob Mariay. Also, many now tour books. Rocytod Sounds, 824 Console TV for sals. Bast offer.477-9376<*479-0606ask for Jessie*. For Sale: VCR whatnots, >90, exoaliant condition, works great. Also, COLOR T.V., $70.466-9620. 2 tlchots for Grateful Dead In Boston on Sept. 29,30. $30 each (face value). Cal 4776123. Ask for Jeff. For Sale: 1 Student ticket (Gate 24) vs. CSU. Shawn 438 3340. Wanted: 2 tickats. UNL/CSU game. September 25. Phone 436-5941. Leave message. _ Wanted: 2 CSU vs NU tickets. Please call Gina at 436 0930. Wanted: 5 or 6 CSU tickets together. Sept. 25.436-5941. Leave message. *64 Ftoro. Bed. tour speed, an trim stereo cassette, new clutch/struts. Looks and runs great. $1500 OBO. 476 0667. 86 Bronco II, s spd, ah, good condition, runs groat. Make offer. See at 11th 8 "E". Call Shane 476-7984. 100s Services A loving couple wishes to adopt newfcom. We wll provide a warm, caring, and happy home. Committed to being the best parent possible, strictly legal/confidential. Medical/ Ieg4 expenses paid. Call Rich and Sharon 1-800-797 Adopting your newbom/toddler would be a special bless ing for us. Childless couple wanting to become parents Call Caron tr John collect. 518-23^6566. Adoption. A lifetime of love awaits your newtoom with a happily married couple who longs lor a baby. Our friends and famly agree we would be womderful parents. Metical atHMeg^expenses paid. Call Irene and George We are a happy, loving couple who truly wish to raise your child with care, warmtn ana most of aN—love. Expenses paid. Please call MM and Margie 1-800-435-1713 A lot mom than just a resume. Complete job search counseftng. Career Management Servfcas. 466-6427. LIVE NLOSE WEIGHT, 30 DAYS-S30. ENERGY CON TROL APPETITE, NAYuRAL. LINCOLN 466-6313. 1 800-934-5383. C&TRI8UTORS NEEDED. HEYSMARTY! R you're a student getting "B's* or batter, you may quality tor Termer's Good Student Meceunt on your AiAo Insurance. Call Joe DuRanl today and get the facts on Farmer* money-saving Good Studont Auto PoRcy. Joseph M. Durant Insurance Agency 59308.58th. SuiaC.-UKotn Trade Cenlar. 421-2221. CASH TO LOAN on anything at mlue, 420-1141. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential oounaaRno msdabls. CNI for an UNCOLN CHwEFpREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street, SuRe 121 475-2501 PREGNANT? MRTHRMHT la a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy teat, please caR u» tor appoint ment, 483-2609 Action Resumes QuaMy resumes, cover Mara, typing. Quick service. altorttoble rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. Resumes By Ann QuaMty resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. R6sum6s 200s Notices I 4U""Jt—Ll CHOOSE THE PATH FOR YOUR FUTURE CAREER! 1993 Career Information Day Thursday, September 23rd, ISO ejn. to 3 pje UHL Cfty Campus Union. AN students we welcome to come gather career Information from top national companies seeking Interns and tulMIme employees. Career hap tables and a Career Fashion show (noon to 1 p.m.) wa also featured. Don! procrastinate A mbs out on thb excellent opportunRy. For more Information call 472 3145. AEROBIC INSTRUCTOR TRAINING WORKSHOP Oa 8,83 10-IBS, CiU 10*423-7171. ALL UNL FACULTY & STAFF At Tuaeday, noon, September » between 11 JO a-m. and 130 pjn, a leant «f ate apt seated ves ol ouf four spomorind d^nwniniB aj_--*--i-i n wMiianla mmIim. non* win off fiMiviiiy iwiiiioiiio, www pus ministry ecthrtty and program ol COR NERSTONEUJMHE at tha Comoratone buffd Ing, 640 N. 1«h 9t Ar^UNL tacuRy »r^atal|^momb»r»,^w<>atlwK comment are invited to do so In parson. A light lunch wM be avaffable. The Cornerstone Beard I Staff ALL UNL STUDENTS On Monday evening. Saptaanbar 27, batsman S JO and 7 pjn.. a team at reoreeenlaffvee at tou^ sponsoring ^Mn wWwanajMIMbiMi>| tha lassia adrdotryactMly sod progiam ol CORNERSTONE-UMME atthe Comoratana baddhiB, 040 N. 10Bt BL a students, tdtafftar MMtaasd or net, tdia do ao In parson. The Comaretana Biard 0 Staff Any student alahlng to observe YomKippur and brash the last wMt a tamly cal Balne 423-22<XL Attention Messy Ones Tha Lincoln Prtnl Group is hoar saffng aprons sffhCoNsgs td Fine and Psrlomlng Artdogoa only $10 Cal 4SV Attention Student Organization Officers YouaretnvOodtoatttndabrtolimonnaBonaeotlonaHhe Culture Cantor on Wad. Sept. 29 at 730p.m. Tha session wM detail the fecMIiet, policies, end procedures for having events In Ota Culfurs Canter. Ifyou have any question. please cal Jefl. Misty, or Anglo at 472-5600. BIG RED TAILGATE PARTY Saturday- 8apL 25 4 JO to 6:30 p.m. BROYVNLL FOONTAW Sponsored by ASUN-Studant Oovemmant KFRX Pspsi. Old Homa Bread and Fahbwy Hoi Oogs. BE'F Lll’Sis Rush Interviews are this Tuee. and Wed. at 7pm. For more information, call Mefosa 436-9036 or kffiw 476-3610. Meet new people and get Involved. CLIMBING CLUB Organizational Meeting Interested In climbing? A climbing dub is forming at UNLI Attend and bring a mend I Thursday night Sept 23, 630-730 pm in the Campus Recreation Center Conference Room .— ■ " --.■ Come fain its UNL Lacrosse Team Practices Mon. and Tues. 3:30 - 530; Wed. and Thurs. 630 - 730. At WNttier Field (one block north d 23rd and Vine). Cal Pale at 436-0671 for information. No experi ence required._ CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn up to 52,000+/ month ♦ world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.). Summer and Career employment available. For more Information call 1-206-634-0468 ext C5776. Eyesdthe World. 122N 14th. Show your student 1.0. and get 1SH off through Sept. 30thI OBX Causing a Commotion PM Bate CM is » National Social Sorority. In only I5years, 10 chapters have emerged nationwide. Wa have bean at UNI since 1908 and have recently achieved our goal o< hawing our own housing. Phi Bate CM Is proud at our history and wa am sti making changes and building new traditions. 8 you am Interested in being a part tx this seeding time, com* to our Anal rush party tonight at 6 30pm at the Lutheran Student Canter. Dress Is lormai. N you have any quatetons, call Heather at 488-4716. •Attending a rush function In no way obligates you to Phi Beta Chi FALL RUSH 93. _ Former Boy Scouts Wanted! Starting chapter olAtona PM Omega SERVICE Fraterni ty. Service and trtendshp In the Scouting tradition. Call Lowed 477-9012. FRESHMEN Oavatop leaders hp stdis and friendships through the Odyssey Program. AppUcation/lnformatton at 200 NE Union, the Culum Canter and East Campus Union. 472 >484. GARDEN CLUB’S Tad FesttvaT. Friday. >4th. 4-B pjn. and S Wiertay, 9-4, RLD8 Church. 44lh a South PAPER MONEY FREE Paper Money coupon books Student Info. Center _116Nebr. Union Pick your own pumpkin... A day M of temdy fun at GraMba John's Wood lawn Farm. Hayrack rides, fad decorations, oom field maze, spook bam, pen So corral Also, scarecrow contest. Oct 2, pumpkin carving contest, Oct 9. First prizs-850 savings bond. Other prizes awardsd. Opening Sept. 24 thru Oct. 31. Daily 9:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. 2 mites watt of Kawasaki plant on Highway 34. Groups are welcome F or mi ormatton cad 470-2450. ★ ★ ★ ★ Plan tor Spring Break, Christmas, or next summer to Fort Lauderdale NDWI *450Include* hoteta (one week tor two persons), but not airtam. Tammy 487-4805. Sand Volleyball Tournament •parson coed, Saturday. Octobar 2 at McCormack's. $30 entry tea, 8 cash prizes. Two levels of play Sign up by Sept 29 Cad 438 9990. Proceeds benefit HOT Alumni Association SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Crete Skydiving Center, Inc. 464-2929. Spaed Racer Club - SPEND SEPTEMBER IN THE WOMEN’S CENTER "Women In Human Service* A Volunteerism— Christina Godfrey ot the Malone Center. Sep tember 23,11:3CH 1 p.m. "Latina Reading A Discussion Group— dis cussing works by Latina writers, September 27. 6:30-6 p.m. "Dorthy Kurth Boberg. author “Evolution and Reason-Beyond Darwin — discussing wom en's equity and rights, September 29. 1130 100pm. “Women’s Health Care A Pregnancy— Susan Powers/Alexander of Planned Parenthood. September 30,2-4.00 p.m. All discussions held in Room 338 In the NE Union. \ STUDY ABROAD Information meetinoa. Tuesdays at 8:30, Wednesdays at 400 International Affairs. 1237 R 8t. STUDY IN DENMARK Study International Business, Humanities, end Social Studies. Architecture, or Marine Environmental Studies In Copenhagen. Denmark. Meet with program rapresenta ttva: Friday, September 24 2:30 p.m. at International Affairs. <237 R Street. University Program Council Needs Event Staff for VINCE GILL October 81ft Stagecrew (October 788), ushers, security,ticket takers. II interested caN472-8148 or stopby the UPC office all 17 Nebraska Union.__ University Program Council ATTENTION HOMECOMING ROYALTY APPLICANTS!! Pick up (acu^racomnendMions 300 Ns. Emt Union__ UNO Aviation Institute Pursue a oofleoe degree In avMion wth University of Nebraska-OmshaAvtatlon Institute. Fight training class ee avatable. Cal t800-3-FlY-UNO Went to became Irwelved on campus, TotToHunfr Become a UNLWresdlng Spirt Laadarll •Promote cottage wrestling on campus and In the commu vSend home duals. Big 8. and NCAA Tournaments Mnterefted, pick ta> an application at all dorma or the wrestling office In Devany. WANT TO PLAY FOR THE MEN'S VOLLEYBALL CLUB: Informational masting Wednesday, Sept 22, 7508CO p.m.. Campus Rac Conference Room. Tryouts: Thura., 600-8 00 pm; Frt, 450850 p.m.; Sunday. 150-350 p m. Must be present all 4 days! _ Wanted: K)0|>eopie to lose up to 30tbs. by Thanksgiving. Cat 475 PBL Meeting fZkMlMe »—»— » t_l—* (wMKir - jonn nM) Brmg your duos I New nenten veloomtil Your Gift Includes: Two Re-moisturizing Lipsticks • Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion . Superpowder Double Fate Powder • Extra Benefits Shampoo • Hair Brush Clinique Zip Top Bag YOUR GIFT FROM — CLINIQUE “TOP PERFORMERS” with any Clinique purchase of $13.50 or more. ‘It’s Clinique Bonus Week! Bonus week is a wow. A Wonderful excuse for giving yourself all the advantages of seven “Top Performers” for skin, face and hair. One bonus per customer. Allergy toted. Fragrance free. Offer ends Oct. 9/4S4-7445 Turnaround Cream Visible lines and leavings of past sun damage, general dullness, coarseness, muddiness ... All this is what Clinique’s new Turnaround Cream attacks and with qpeed to dramatic and direct it begins to work literally overnight. 2 ox., $27.50. BEN SIMON’S People Will Notice Gateway Shopping Center