The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 08, 1993, Page 16, Image 16
Classified 472-2588 Net>raskan Wednesday, September 8,1983 245 Lost & Found Found: Starter checkbook ft student I.O. Student name: Kokshko. Contact UNL Police to recover. FOUND: White preservation glasses In blue case near 14th «‘R'. Claim at ON. 300s Jobs 300 Help Wanted $10 per hour ♦ bonus. Will assist customers completing credit applcations for department store aft Gateway. Not phone work. Must be responses a pleasantly assertive. For interview call 1 -800-484-9047 ext. 0401 Wave mes wy *daVinci’s* (NO YOU RECEIVE YOUR PART OF THE $1 DELIVERY DRWER BONUS EARNED THS| SS If not, come join our growing delivery team. Applicants must by 18) ' * J 1 1 years old with own car. insurance, and good driving record. Earn $6- 10/hour with above average start ing wage, commission and bonus. Apply Monday-Friday, 14th A Superior 434-7D50 *da Vinci’s 14th a Superior 434-7050 Now hiring for full and part-time in-store positions. Above average starting wage, 1/2 price meals and paid vaca tions for al positions. Apply Monday-Friday, 2-4. •Part-time lawn care. 20-35 hours per week. Driver's license required. 423-3477. _ 53rd a Cornhusker McOonald's now hiring. Dayside and Me night, flexible hours. Set your own schedule. Apply in person. Furniture carry-out person needed. Must be able to III over 50 bs. Must have a current drivers license. Refer ences required. Apply 1745 *0" St. AMIGOS Co-Workers Up to $5.75 Per Hour psy Mid benefits pscksQt *$5.00 to start (weekday noon A ck>slng shifts) ‘Health and Dental Insurance *50% Meal Discount ‘Freq. Performance Reviews ‘Great Work Environment ‘Paid Vacation ‘Flexible Schedule ‘Tullon Reimbursed Plan Amigos, an expanding quality oriented Mexican fast food chain, has excellent part-time and fu(-time job opportuni ties available now. If you are an aggressive, customer oriented person and m to work at a fast, intense pace. 14 and 15 year old welcome. Apply Now at Any Lincoln location or the Corporate Office at 2546 So. 46th in the Van Dom Plaza Books all Paid For... But Nothing to Eat on? Neodata Offers: ‘Part-time Flexbie Hours *$6.5(VHr. ‘Motivational Environment *Wafc from Campus (10th* *01 Call 476-6315 Ask for Dan Nelson BUMSTEER STEAKS Lincoln ts original Texas-Stvie steak house now has part time server positions available. Energetic, out-going indi viduals can apply In person between z and 4 p.m. at 64th and O Streets. Cash Paid Nightly Domino's Pizza hiring delivery drivers at all Lincoln locations. Must be 18 yews of age, have own vehicle and current insurance. Earn up to SlOrtv. Apply al any Dom ino's Pizza location. Coffees and Teas The Coffee Trader Is hiring for part-time hours. Apply a the Atruim 1200 N St. Suite 22L COLLEGE BOOKKEEPER N you are a person who has • strong need to have things done just right and likes to make things happen, apply NOW tor a part-time restaurant bookkeeper position. is 25 hours per weak doing the bookkeeping and in-store duties In an Amigos restaurant 9 am -1 pm, 3-5 days per week and 5 am -1 pm on Monday. Must be a person who enjoys a test, intense pace and ire to work hard. Up to $6 par hour pay and benefits. Send application to Amigos Corporate Office, P.O Box 6180. Lincoln. Nebraska 66506. COMPUTER SUPPORT: An ideal part-time position (at least 20 hours)—DEC Futures, a Division of NYSE member J.C. Bradford 6 Co , hat an mmmdtam opening for computer support. Position dtmandi strong lachnicil knowtedo# of nracro c art, LANs, windows-based sppiertitna. and anabSyto communicate effectkreiy. Position could be viewed as a Systems Administrator, an In-houee he0> tack let or. and kwotvement more directly with our core business—trans acttonal trading and brokerage services. Prerequisites art undergraduates who araallaaal seniors or graduate students, a minimum 3.0 OP A, and atrona evidence ol advanced rnnrsxaei skills and knowtedae!%end --ri—7T—. to 500 NBC Center. Uncote, NEI Da Bone It's the Pis, Lincoln's • 1 piece tor berbeque, is now taking appdoaUnna tor day and night eel staff and kitchen heto. veryflexfcieschewrie. Arkrancsmentpossibilities Apply 49th A HoMrege. DODGE CITY It accepting applications for part-tdne heto. Bartending, bouncing, waitressmg. All positions available. Pleas ap ply this week In person. 27th A Hotdredge. Environmentalists Went to do more tor the environment than just recycling? Join us in the tight (or stronger environmental taws, wetlands protection, and tough dean air standards. We need articulate individuals to do membership develop ment lor major national groups Benefits, flenble hours, J7.0(Vhr. or commission Caa476-1010.1 3.00 p.m. ,M-F. 1100 a.m. FACTORY POSITIONS Immediate Openings Now hiring assembly workers to ba pieced at good factory locations AH post Ions 40 houmAsask. Three shifts are available. currently available. Work weak Monday-Thursday or Monday-Friday. Applications being taken weekdays 8 430. Si op by and sea us today tor details Irvc Sidle 43A, Qreantree Court 210 Gsaseia| Nor FLAG FOOTBALL OFFICIALS NEEDED The office of Campus Recreation Sports Program. The * “ ' " as often as they starting wage it 85.06/hour. Officials work i with and can play aa wed as work, d interested, please attend the meetings on 0/0/03 at 9 pun. and on 0/0/03 at 6 p-m. Both meetings are in the NE Union (room wil be posted). For more information contact Todd. Mark, or Jeff at 472 3467. FUN PEOPLE, GREAT EXPERIENCE A FLEXIBLE HOUR8 . The Office lor Student Invo*ament has a variety of student staff positions available for 1903/04: computer - - - - ; (saMrtee technician, graphic artist and office assistant (s_ range 04.25 - 04.76 par hour). Pick up an application at TOO Nebraska Union Please return your application by Fnday. September 10. 1003. Don’t let good money get away from you! I •Earn up to $150/month donating plasma. • New customers receive S25 on first donation. •Return customers receive S15 on first donation of week and S20 on second donation of same week ( call for appt.). •Enjoy TV and movie entertainment, free parking at tne door and the friendliest staff in town at our new state of the art facility. t nabi BioMedical Center formerly Lincoln Donor Confer 474-2335 300 So. 17th St. expires 9/18/93 National Research Corp. Now hiring for our part-time professional interviewing staff. Day and evening hours available, 15 + hours per week. Absolutely NO SELLING! For more information, call 475-4520 Evening and weekend hours available. Have we got a deal for you at Carol Wright Sales Inc.I Would you like * job that only woiks 2,3.4. or 5 nightsi week? Would you Ike a job that allows you to pick th nights that you work? HELP US F ILL OUR CHRISTMAS ORDERS. We are nor offering positions In the production department of ou direct mail order facility, duties include picking, packing taping, sorting, and loading orders for shipment to ou customers. The hours are 4:00 p.m. to Midnight. You could worl Monday and Tuesday, OR you could woik Monday Wednesday, and Friday OR you could work Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. ANY COMBINATION You pick the nightsl These are temporary positions with the possMilty of full time offers after six months of employment. The houn could extend to eight or nine hour shifts I required. If you are Interested In this offer, please fill out ar *PPltC*ll0n CAROL WRIGHT SALES INC. 940 APPLECREED ROAD LINCOLN ,NE 88926 (402) 437-2254 MONOAY TO FRIDA|f 140 am to 440p.m. EVENING HOURS AVAMJU.E, TOO EOE M/F/D/V UmNed PoeMona - Get It wMte If s hot! INTERNSHIPS: DEC Futures, a Division of NYSE member J.C. Bradford A Co., has immediate openings for Interns Interested In a sales and/or trading career. DEC Futures Is a commodity futures specialist. Futures derivatives and managed fu tures investing is one of the fastest growing facets of the investment business. This intemsnip is an extensive training program, and Includes an opportunlyto assist professionals and gain practical experience. This Is ar unpaid internship, and an outstanding opportunity. Appli cants must be at least senior undergraduates or gradual! students, have a minimum 3.0 GPA, micro computing experience (spreadsheets, word processing, sicj, and strong communication skills. Send resume to 800 NBC Center, Lincoln, NE 88508. Juniors, Seniors, Graduates A Fortune 500 company (72nd largest), Fortune's Mott Admired Insurance Company, Best Sales and Marketing Opportunity (Job's 81), Best Insurance Sales Force— (Sales 8 Mameting Management Magazine). NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE Is currently Interview Ing for both CAREER AGENTS and our INTERNSHIP PROGRAM. We re looking for individuals who are Intel ligent, honeet, self-starting, and career oriented. Please contact the student Intemsn^ office for an Interview aa we will be on campus September 13 from 830-1 DO. K’s Restaurant Need a great job that wM meet your schedule? Cook, server end host/ess jobs austabie. Apply at K's 1275 S. Corner. Law enforcement officers ONE YEAR EUCMILTY LIST *Do you want to trwfca a dWaranca in your community? •Art you MuMmand obaarvant? *Oo you stand up lor what is right? •Art you a posnva parson' *Do you always tulli your __ __ _ _oommitmants? I so. call nowl Tha City ot Lincoln Poltca Dapartmant saaks quality indMduals who have tha talsnt and tha dasirs to satva thair community as a Poltca Officer. HflHUM QUAURCATtONS: O.E.O. IMi School Diploma or GLE.I VaSd Driver* U Sanaa All applcants wM receive a STUDY GUIOE. Applicants who maat minimum qualifications an scheduled lor a Reading Comprehension and Writing Skits sxam and a Pol ice/s hern Altitudinal Factor test lasting up to 3 hour*. " ' liuppfemental < 9. 10th Strait, Rm°Bn3 Lincoln, NE ( tionnalre. <4°toE/A7598 l/AA LansCrahars Optical Is looking lor a part-tima lab tachnl cian to wotk day shift (10-4 and waekands). Also need part-time sales associates to wotk evenings t sods. No txperitnee necessary. Drug test mandatory. Apply In parson al Gateway Shopping Canter. EOE. MaUroom position available Monday-Friday. 2 6 Apply f2and 1 only al Milar Mating. 5000 S. 49th. NANNIES... Spend a yaw near NYC with a family who truly treaeures' you. 1-800-166-1701, anytime (No tee ) Need rasponstota parson tor morning or afternoon ratal! - — ■ -- ' Wear, 300 S. 19th. Apply In work. Baal Styles Formal' Need salesperson to sell aerating service* door to door as soon as possfcle. $7.50/hr. plus commission. 466 6296 Parthrtw^ot) M-F 730am to 11:30am. Apply In parson at Part time harvest help Near l incotn Must have expen ence wtth farm maohlnety. CaH 6-9pm, 065-2484. Part time office clerical. Flexible hours to wwk with your school schedule Please cal after 3:00pm tor information 466-7229. Aik for Jim. Part-time date entry. CaN or stop by International Affairs « 1237 R Street. 472-5368. Part-time heto, day hours, flexible scheduling. Experi ence w»h hand and power tools and dean driving record essential. Apply In person at Town Center Showcase, Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreeilon has openings lor poeMone wWl Afterschool and Before School Recreation programs lor elementary children. May apply tor either or both programs. Before School hours 7-9am Mon-Frl. Afterschool hours 3:fS-646pm Mon-Fri. Apply m play ground office, 1225 F 8t, 2nd floor. 441-79& EOBAA Runza Restaurants 13th &E Are you imaraetad In earning soma extra cash In a fun work environment doee to campus? Are you a motlvaied individual seeking part or lull time employment this school year? If so. you're just the person wt're looking lorl We currently have day and evening shifts avalable and wdf offer you the fotjwXv^bsnefttr *W%maaldtaM Stop In and apply today. Let Runza be a part of your college r Schlotzsky ’s Dell Coma see ue for a great place to work ""No lale night hours after training ****80% food every day ""Free beverages everyday l-i—r fnnifa iwo irieo looos ""Uniforms provided ****Advancement possibilities Apply inperson. 12th and P. 54th and 0,33rd and Pioneer In person weekdays 1-8. Needed: Delivery driver. Pays hourly plus bonus. Inter ested? Can 434-2626. Ask for Brent or Eric. Off (dels needed for Lincoln Public Schools Middle Level Ex ) Hand Volleyball and Fisa Football. Saturday A.M. games. I perience prelerredbut not required. Contact Karen Hi 436-181L Seasonal Soil Production r Harris Laboratories needs production workers to work in our Agronomics testing lab for approx. lOwks. processing J J volume of sail ris Laboratories needs produ Agronomics testing lab for api soil samples. Hours wfl) vary and depend on volume of sol) samples receded. Shifts vary from 2-8 hrs.Mln. wage $5/ hr. Apply at 624 Peach Street. Lincoln. ME. 66502. AA/ i EOE. ServiceMaster Has current opening for part-time evening housekeepers whoenjojncleanlng and job satisfaction. Apply in person SYSTEM SPECIALIST Computer Programmer Lancaster Country Department of Corrections needs individual to perform respons trie technical work involving the overall operation of a mainframe computer system, a Mm l.o. Lotus. Prime 2850 using PICK operating system. Word Perfect and Quattro Pro. and associated personal computer network. Mlnimums: H.S. grad, or equlv. sup level courseworkin plemented by vocational or college I system analysis and programming with 6 mos.-2 yrs. experience performing system -Primos* and'Mover Is strongly analysis. Knowledge of strongly desired. 2-4 years expe rience as described desired. Salary: $12.55. Hrs. 8-4:30 M-F. Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire and an 1 * ~ " before the closing dale. Office --Rm. Bit 3 Lincoln. NE 68506 (40^441 7566 Team Spirlt/Ne. Greek Shop Part-time sales Clark, momlngs/afternoons M-W-F, also able to work weekends. Apply at Nebraska Qraak Shop. 1120PSI. Telephone Reps ws ble hours arable Cal . Base plus commission. Flexl I 4666877 or 4896162 leave The NE Club now accepting applications for day and averring waitary and evening cocktail watery. Apply Flrstiar Building 20th Floor. 9 a.m-9 p.m. TYPIST. 10-15 hours/wk, flax schedule. Smoke-free en vironment. $8.0(Vhr. Write PO Box 8371, Lincoln. NE 68506. 310 Child Care Needed unto mg early c (Kingdom char position, afiemoon hours. Join our childhood program. Pick up application at 5)00 OM Cheney Rd. Child Care Teacher Assistants Positions now available with Family Servloe's School's Out program. ReaponsfcHties Induda: assisting ska su pervisor with promoting s positive, safe learning environ nrreni ana coorainaiing cniiarens actfviites Hequire mants Induda) six mo. to one year related experience. Must have good communication skills. Starting salary $4.25/hr.; wwng to work around daas schedules. Apply to: Parsonnal Ofllcer. Famly service, 501 S. 7th. Lincoln. Ns. 68506. I you require accommodation to apply or Intsrvlew. ptoaae contact Ka*y Way at 441 -7»49. Family Service la committed to a pturaNatic working environment through Affirmative Action and Equal Oppor Chi (dears for kindergartener. Monday-Friday 3. Flexible hours and day*. $4.25-65.25 »h and ( 420-9267. noon Cahrert Licensed daycare ful-tlme opening. Two blocks horn Meadowiane School TWe 20 accepted Food program and retired LPN with childhood education. 468-1K&. Need babysitter some Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. Muat have own transportation and expe riancs with Wants, leave a message at 488-&M8. 320 Work Study Jobs WORK STUDY students needed al Love Library. City Campus and C.Y. Thompson L ibrary, East Campus. Day, evening and weekend hours available. $4.50-64.75/hour. Apply at Love Library. Room 108,472-3963. Work study In International Affairs. Cal or stop by 1237 R Street, 472-5358. 400s Housing 400 Roommates M/F Room male needed tor a three bedroom duplex. $183/ 28 de^ostt.^S blocks from dry campus. Please Need roommala ASAP. Good neighborhood. larga Roommaies wanted lor three bedroom house dot* to campus. 8200/monlh. Utfktes paid. *36-3144 Roommaies wanted. Close to bodi campuses. $100*1/ 4 utUties. Call 438-5301. 430 Houses For Rent 5^s«va,auT>*“a,aTO” Sick of the dorm yot? Call ual “wwdwc student" l ^t7^4bidnoffi>2bsis.iMiM^lcsM 2a & 450 Apartments For Rent 1020C St. 1-bedroom. $245. Ri year lease. Call Kim, 437-9019. 1939 J. Two bedroom 8386/month. Cable, dtsbwasber Js^Klry, central air. wood floors Lott d char*cler477: 2-bedroom Apartments ^^aSSSBaar ■ Zimmer Management 47S-0K dishwasher. 180 WWBStS'SB.SMB'Ba name and number. 3601 BALDWIN equipped. C/A. daa^ 2-bedroom H*phen . parking, leun Apsrlmsnts. furnished and unfurnished near 12th 8 E 423 4634,W° b#dr°0m*' P#rt U,,IW** P**1 $295 $365 Claremont Park Apartments 9th » Claremont 474-PARK. Four minutes from campus. One bedroom In Capital Beach. Quiet, clean and private. $275 or best offer by ith. 474-5859 weekends and evenings. September 15th. - NEAR CAMPUS .three bedroom/ one bedroom Needpri Furnished dean efficiency, near v pets. $220 + utilities and deposit. vacy? ircapltol. h wlt.478-74 76-7416. NORTHEAST One and two bedrooms, dose to either campus. Nice, clean, cared tor complexes. Some with pools. Most utlittespaid. Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 building. $235-$260. No pels i near campus. Call 477-3648. UNL, NORTH 6 SOUTH. 1 • 2 bedrooms; Security BuHdtng; BUS Ltoerty Real Estate. 435-6484/489-7000 WELCOME BACK STUOENTSII Relax and cool down, poolside... 18 2 Bedroom unis from $314 up -840 South 20 -475-7262. Jones Properties. 490 Homes For Sale 2422 A St. One bedroom condo, c/a. oarage, $25,000. Mike Qrowcock Home Real Estate 43IF3162 100 Adoption Nebraska Childrens Home 4600 Vatey Road 4*3-7879 100 y**rs of adopter) «e«lmce 110 Automotive and road ewtc* 33rdI r&isr A In am mm ju*t a «m Cemptat* mb March counsaing. Ciwr Man anarrunt *ri~nraa <66 0H7. '' 138 Employment consultan 153 Insurance For * and Nw*. Jte Wa^K» 474^07t. i*uranc#4Wit*r», Auto, Homo, Month, *wg* HEY SMARTYI ^Ktnaor.youmoyoap^ iwpi on your auto Insurance Agency » TrsSiGoonr. 5830 S. 58tf>, 9ut* C.*UwotnT«3* CantaT. 421-2221. 170 Misc. Services Need more energy! ‘I k imi i i i I * ( id* hi M«iv fit mu i ti i<i 1- i I or -..ifn, I* » i I Mil* m.i'l'Ut t .til I i* 173 Music Exchange BACKTRACK RECORDS 3633 South 40th. 406-3817. USED CD'8, *7.90 or laaa. SIS buy COt, meorda, tapM Drummar nudid for onoinal malonal and ham Oft* wtm another to foNow. r band. Wo do Roch A BUty/Country bant lava on® nationally r«rf«*s«d *<ngt« Ca»4»-3425 Pr«en!)y, ' Need Wa aa* and trada Ba*a and poabwa, now and uaad vfew loo. Raeytatf Satmdo, KM P 178 Pregnancy XT-"**’ wmm PWeJMAHt? BHTTHRKaHT la • W ^oo^giMncy mat, ptaaaa call u* for 188 Tanning