The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 03, 1993, Page 13, Image 13
Stephen King novel turns quiet town around Jim Mehsling/DN “Needful Things” What would you be willing to do for one wish? That is the question posed by the movie “Needful Things,” the latest screen adaptation of a Stephen King novel. Castle Rock, Maine, is a quiet little town. The local sheriff (Ed Harris, “Glengarry Glen Ross”) has just proposed to the cafe owner Polly (Bonnie Bedel ia, from the “Die Hard” films), and in general te(Max *\^on’ Sydow) arrives and opens up an antique store called Needful Things. Of course, this isn’t just your run-of-the-mill antique store. Somehow, Gaunt can give his cus tomers the one thing each has al ways wanted — for a price. No, they don’t have to sign away their souls; they just have to {mil a “harmless prank,” such as throw ing mud and turkey crap all over someone’s laundry. Eventually, Gaunt gets every one in the town hating oik another, and the “harmless pranks" escalate with the use of high explosives and shotguns, and Gaunt is loving ev ery minute of it. Fraser Heston’s debut as a di rector is good, especially consider ing the string of successful King novels converted into flops for the big screen. He keeps the film roll ing along at a leisurely pace, with all the action and suspense in the right places, with a few touches of humor thrown in as well. Heston also knows what kind of scenes will bring a macabre smile from moviegoers, such as a couple of priests trying to beat the holy snot out of each other. The cast is excellent as well, with great performances from Amanda Plummer (“The Fisher King”) as the soft-spoken Nettie and J.T. Walsh (“Good Morning Vietnam”) as Keeton, a city coun cil member that falls heavily under the jnfluence of Gaunt’s spell. j| /ever, devilish Gaunt is deliciously mor bid, and the line ofpuns concerning Gaunt’s background — “I didn’t think another soul would fit in here” — doesn’t stop, but it isn’t over done. The music, however, is over done. Patrick Doyle threw in just a few too many “Ominous Angelic Choruses,” and at times it hurts the film’s effectiveness as a thriller. But the great suspense and good acting makes “Needful Things” worth the price. —Gerry Beltz Pick up your FREE SAMPLE on campus this Friday or around the stadium Saturday. EmfcUM MM! friends don't let friends DRIVE DRUNK. Beavis and Buttrhead T-shirts Edgewood Plaza - 5400 S. 56th St. 423-2584 Eastpark Plaza - N. 66th St. 467-2727 University Health Center/GM-South\vest Student Insurance Again this year UNL and GM-Southwest are working together to provide a health care program to help off-set the highcostof medical care. YourUniversity Health Center is working with the Student Insurance carrier to offer such a plan. This program is open to both graduate and under-graduate students. There are some changes this year in the procedure for enrollment that will be affecting International Students. Immigration laws state that International Students must be financially responsible to reside in this country. The UNL polic) requires mandatory insurance forlnternational Students. These students will be required to show proof of private insur ance or will be billed automatically on their tuition statement for Student Insurance. As in the past, all students will be required to seek initial treatment at the University Health Center whenever possible. To effectively utilize this policy, your Health Center fees must be paid as well as your insurance premiums. Dependent coverage is also available for an additional premium. The student must be on the Student Insurance program in orderfor dependents to beenrolled. Applications for the dependents of International Students, as well as for all Domestic Students and their dependents, are available at the University Health Center Business Office. INTERNA TIONAL STUDENTS DESIRING BASIC STUDENT ONLY COVERAGE DO NOT NEED TO FILL OUT APPLICATIONS! EFFECTIVE DATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: International Students and Dependents: August 12,1993 - August 12,1994 Domestic Students and Dependents: August 23,1993 - August 23,1994 PREMIUMS: International Students: $211.00 per semester (Fall and Spring/Summer) (this includes repatriation+medical evacuation benefits) If you have your own insurance already, see the insurance clerk to sign a waiver by Sept. 7 th. Domestic Students: $406.00annually $213.00 semi-annually $ 112.00 quarterly AddforSpouse: $1,225.00 annually $641.00semi-annually $321.00quarterly AddperChild: $594.00annually $300.00semi-annually $150.00quarterly The cost of dependent coverage is the same for families of Domestic or International students. ENROLLMENT TIMES: Deadline for enrollment is 31 days after the effective date of each semester. Annual, semi annual or quarterly payment options are available only in the &D. Payments may be made at the University Health Center or sent to GM-Southwest directly. PLEASE NO CASH PAY MENTS! Enrollment applications are available by mail or at University Health Center Business Office. 24-HOUR INFORMATION LINE: 472-7437.