Fridays 9-11 p-m 22^^tj^jrjLincolnJjH685(W EXTRA mkMwk ■ BmWi MONEY. WOMEN If you are a nonsmoking female, age 19 to 35, and available for a short term medical research study, you can earn up to $650. For more informa tion, call Harris today at 474-0627. All studies at Harris are medically supervised. Phone lines open Mon-Fri, 7:30am-8 pm. HARRIS 621 Rose Street Lincoln, NE 68502 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING L 472-2588 FAX 472-1761 M-4 30 pm Monday-Friday Nebraska Union 1400 R Street Lincoln Nebraska 68588-0448 $3.00 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for i5 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. Weekday before publication. The Daily Nebraskan wHI not print any adver tisement which discriminates agalnsi any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, i, age, disability, marital status or national religion, origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Incnide the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thuraday students. 00s For Sale 2 Appliances For Sale 700 wait microwave with turntable. Digital. $60 or best after. 464-3445. 5 Bicycles For Sale S3 CannondaieM700.lSMots of extras, only $650.435 2992, leave message.___ 12 speed Fui dal Ray touring bke. Excellent condition, AH alloy parts. *200 080.46^2003. 17.5* Yeti UMmate, Purple with DeoreXT.Accutrax Forks and many other goodies. $1800 otoo. 330-8069 1991 Trek 830 Mountain Bike 24*. good condition, just tuned up. If interested cal 438 6320, ask tor Chad. . 22* QT Timber!ne excellent condition, OX cranks, OX rear dir., upgraded pedals and stem. $400 OBO 436 9137. 23* Trek 1200 aluminum frame. Look pedals, prof le bars. Almost new. $350 obo 473-1104. Diamond Back Mountain bfce. Lots of extras. Excellent condition. Must see. 466-9678 Eric equlped Motiv 'Rockpomf mountain bke - fully exage and car mountable bke rack. $225.423-6043 New and used bicycles, expert repair on Mi brands. Wheatn* OdernBiroShop.2706Randolph.436-1477. bkes and al road bkes. Good used selection-1 Bke PedMers, 33rd 6 B . 474-7000. Special rod Stump Jumper Future Shock. 1 year old. Worth $1200 last year, now $850.436-2977. 10 Books For Sale Academic sating huge collection (1000's): Phlosophy. social theory, political science, literature. Bert, many more. 466-2003 CASH: For used and rare books, used, CO'S, and used motivational tape eats. •CAUTION: Do not bring damaged bods, romance nor •It of text books. Drop books off on-Wed. 9am-9pm, 1233 F St., pick up cash on Friday. Cheaper than bookstores! Swokowskl calculus study guide voi. 2,ttih edition, and bock-both new. Cad Dionne, 435-5856__ September is Doubts Coupon month. Buy a coupon lor any amount (min. $25) In September, recede double credit to use in October Creative Ideas, a unique exp* hence In bock buying. 1233 F St., open 9am-9pm most days-_ Spellbound Books & Games For si your readtoo and gaming nasds. 18th >W. Reunion Building. 476-88®. 16 Computers For Sale 386/25 desktop computer. VGA. 65 Meg Hard Disk, trackball J650 O B O. 436-2464. cnson EauKv I Computer. Color monitor. Herd drive, lSsoo printer. IBM Compatible. $260 643-3138, Leave message. 20 Furniture For Sale Blue Queen Size hide-a-bed so** roll-topdesk $50: weight-bench and weights $10. Call 420-1255. Compteteking-slzewatert)^wlth6drav^$75.Wtdien table. $30; cross-country skis, $75; queen-size mattress and box springs, $40. Call 423-1094 Large sola-$75, rocker/redlner-$35, excellent condition. Call 466-6062._ Matching couch, rocker, reclner, ottoman. Good condi tion. $12S%et. Call Ron, 477-4568._ NICE CARPET QUALITY- Beds, chests, lamps, desks I Also great ‘"onTlSSS Time, 850 N. 27th. Apartment size table and four chairs. $45.488-7886. Student desk* chair$50, bar stoots$10, rocker$40.4*3 2799. 46 Office Furniture Used 5 drawer fHe cabinet $90.466-2003. 50 Pets Nice 40 gallon fish tank with stand, all accessories, $100 OBO.CaNRon 477-4668. 60 Sporting Goods Rollerblades Macro, Metro. Racer. Slalom. Lightning. CooWades Zetra. Used but not used up. Lincoln's most atfordabto selection of new and used. Play X Again Sports, 6440 "O' 65 Stereos TVs For Sale For Sale: VCR wrtemote, $90, excellent condition, works great. Also, COLOR T.V.. $70. r .4*8-6520 70 Ticket Exchange Wanted: On# student ticket lor gate 24. Call 436-6904 after Thursday after 830 p.m or Friday before 3 p.m ■ 90 Vehicles For Sale 76 Butok Regal. aM neteparts, automate, gray, V6/3.8cyl. 11000 or best ollar. 436-4036. 1964 Mazda QLC. Four door. LX. Rve speed. Moon roof. Clean. $1950 alters. Baer's Auto Sates. 1647 S. Third. 477-6442. 1962 Nissan Stanza. Hatchback, Dee speed 107,000 mites. *1300 or best otter. 436-5672. 1979 Ti royota Corona, 5 speed, *« . (650 090. Cai 436-3893 4 ooof naicnoac*. me® 100s Services 100 Adoption mam ixpuiM 800-647-0)11. analyst tong to adopt I tanty Medteai and 138 Employment consultant A lot mors than fuel a resume. Complete tab sear ■ ~ -Services. 4666427 counseling. Career Management I 145 Gift Ideas JuetRoaas starting to SJBfdoz. Tuxedo defrery 30311 St. 436-1116. Just Roeaa. 173 Music Exchange In r f) *rl, A Die. . _. arte n i henrf d n l^UnifTwf n#9GwO 'vX nOCn-R-DiR)r'vvUnpy D«nO, Iff OO original material and have one nationally released single ftA^Ses anrSiiai In f i L~m m, T^eil 4QA 64 6C Itreanntiu with inotntf to TOwW. urn 4o¥-j4ico. r r®t®miy WOOKOno Need money? We sad and trade Sega endSugerNES. tw^Recyted SeundeTLs 178 Pregnancy ■ PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. CaN lor an Si counseling avaHs appointment I CWsJsPREGNAI LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Sute 121 4762601 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is * confidential helping hand. Fraa pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 188 Tanning The Tanning Place Grand Opening Tentans—$24.99.333 No. Coiner, 484-0001.1983Wo*f tanning systems. The Tanning Place Grand Opening! One month unHmled—$29.98 If purchased by Sept. 5. 333 No. Coiner. 484-0001. 195 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover leflers typmg. Quid< service. affordMale rates. Evening, weeKend hows. 435-7264. Resumes By Ann QuaMy resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. 6sum6s 200s Notice 210 Announcements Check it out! SWE (Society of Women Engineers) Bacfc-to-ScItool Ice Cream Social TON K3HT—6p.m. City Union (room posted) ALASKA EMPLOYMENT - fisheries. Earn up to $2,000 $4,000+Anonth on fishing vessels or In canneries. Many companies provide transportation and room 8 board. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For more infor mation cal: 1 -206-548-4 f 55 ext A5778 Fulbright Grants Study In over 100 ceumrte*. Graduate students and graduating seniors contact International Affairs for Mor mation/applicalions. 472-5356. INTRAMURAL TEAM MANAGERS The last day lo enter Men’s and Womens Softball and Co Rec Football k Thursday. September 2. Donl delay! Enter your team now. INTRAMURAL DEADLINES Thursday, September 2 k the entry deadline for (tie fdkmtog Intramural Sports: Mud toHe^bal^ournamant. Slow Ptch and Co inf or melton, cell 4 ‘ootbal. For more Looking for valuable business experience? Vaknonl Industries k looking to INI three student Ua*on positions through the CBA Corporate Partners Program C»M72 7773for information or pick up an application In CBA 138. Return completed applications to C8A 138 by THURS QAYTSEPitMBER 9TH NUMSA Execute Board Election 83/94 e) Nominations ere open until 9/10/93 (Friday) untl mid b) Speed) Day tor candidates: 9/11/93, (Saturday) P OOnm Location to be ooeted c) Election Day: 9/l2/9&$unday) 230pm at Culture Nomination tonne end detale can be obtained from: Btyen Cheat) at P|)er 4409,438-9569, Yeang at Seleck 8227,438-0763 or Weng Fsl at SaMadt 8114.436 0730 or NUMSA office, 435-13, City Union. Pursue a ooHege degree In erkflon wNi University d Nebraska-Omana Aviation Institute. Classes In Omaha and Llneoln. Cal 664-3424 or 1-80O-3-FIY-UNO. Welcome Back Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Friends Join us tor the first meeting of die Gay and lesbian Student Association at 730 p.m. on Thursday, September 2nd at tfte Gay Lesbian Resource Center. Room 234 Nebraska Union. Women’s Soccer Club There wM be an Informational meeting Thursday, Sep tember2k6 30 p m. In the CampuaRec conference room (S5C). I any questions, contad Brandi, 488 9000 STUDENTS!! ARE YOU LOSING MONEY ON YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT? You are if you are not earning interest on your checking account or if you're still paying to write & order checks. At FIRST COMMERCE SAVINGS you'll receive: 24 HOUR ACCESS with your First Commerce ATM Card ■ INTEREST paid on STUDENT ACCOUNTS (student ID required) NO MINIMUM BALANCE required (however, $100 needed to open an account) Free introductory standard order and a FREE cap FDIC INSURED up to $100,000 Stop in today or call one of our three convenient locations! Member FDIC A First Commerce Industrial Loan &. Investment Company. 40th & South 434-4840 _ Uth & P 434-4800 66th & O 434-4860