Classified 472-2588 Thursday, Juna 2«, IN) I 90 Vehicles For Sale 5 Bicycles For Sale c"TWy- 5'8P~d’a<*ground. 300 Help Wanted IxeitSns availabS* f^outo^r^'telemaiketer*. We pro vide: * Paid Training • Casual environment • Bonuses 8 incentives * Flexible hours * (work hours that are convenient for you) Apply in person to: International Teicomlnc.,3410‘0 Si., or call 474-1256. _ Brown Baggers Downtown 1228 ‘P’ Brown Baggers will be accepting applications June 25th, 8 a.m.-6pm and June 28th, 8 a.m-5 pm lor TWO counter positions 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; and ONE Delivery position. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Apply m person at 1228 P St Brown Baggers NEW STORE OPENING 6201 Havelock Brown Bagger* will be opening a NEW Haveiockstore In sonnaL DEUVER^Cwaonnlkarid^rod^ Call tha managar for furihar Information. 475-3609 (6 am.-11 am)._ Centennial Mall Child Care Now taking application* for part-tima ta^h*f _Mu« ba able to workMonday-Friday. 7:16 - 9:16. Apply 100 Cantannlal MM North. Room 140, _ Dietary Aide Pan-tima evening shift. $5.28 hourly. Vacation and holi days Apply at: Lancaster Manor. 1001 SotAh Street. U"C<**Ng EOE/AA. _ Growing rasidential cleaning business need* hato now and orvgoina school yaar Ouality thoroughness nssdsd Flertbla hours. Good wages. 483-4335 !«6SaSJKS«5!!MaaaiK an Kervlaw Monday - Friday. 11 • 3pm. 476-1010. Part-time liquor stora dark. 18-20 hours/Waak. $4.76 lo start. Must be 21. Apply at 27th 6 0 Straat Liquor. WordPerfect wiz wanted with HP Lasarprintar IV experi ence lor periodic tutoring. CM Reggi. 478-7539. 310 Child Care Needed Part-time child car* n—dad tor 12-yaar-oM Laava mas Saga 1423-6267_ Young fathar naada halp writh two children agas nine and six. Frea place id Hue lor minimal hap Monday Saturday. Cal aftar 6 p.m.. 476-6355. 400 Roommates ===== ■ ... = Famala non-smoking roommaia to share three badroom apartmant SI 50month plus 1/3 llltlas. Cal 4761186. Mala non-smokar. Tawtadroom apartment. 1833 Wash mg ton $100 plus 1/2 UttWas ltd deposit. 4360828. Non-smoking, dan. quia, mature roommaia for apart mant In historic school Parking, microwatre. dishwasher, ••curly. 4763014. 11 ■ On Sale at Twisters u~ ANIMAL BAG One mate housemate needed. Private bedroom. $80 plus 1/4 utilities. No smohIng. 488-5942 Roommate Needed by 6/30! 1215 Arapahoe. 28R, central/air. Pool. $182.50 *Vi UiK ties. $l25dopoatt. Mate/lemate. Non-smoker, respon sible. 421 -8831, Anton. __ Non-smoking female to share nice duplex $200 plus 1/2 utilities. Available July 1.466-3432. Leave massage. 430 Houses For Rent 1201 Charleston Six bedrooms, two baths. Air, garage $675.437-6328. 1602 N. 28th. Nice. Four bedroom. Laundry. New bath. June IS. $855.488-5446. 2127 Q. Three* bedrooms. Parking. Laundry. July 1. $460.488-5446. _ 844 South 10th. Four bedroom house available now. Only $500. Call Phoenix Property Management 47VS327. CAMPUS CLOSE RENTALS. For August move in. Three bedroom-8496; Four bedrooms-*595; Five bedrooms $750; Six bodroom-6975; All two bathe end ah. 437-6328 Choice houses for fal semester. Near campus. 3-5 bed rooms. $560-8700.432-0644._ Three bedroom. Central air. Washer/dryer 300 N. 38th. Two bedroom. SWetoy-skte. Full finished basement. Central air. Swage. 321 N. 35th. Both $526/month. 464 4872.__ Three, four, five, and six bedroom homes near UNL. Available now. or reserve for fall 423-1535. 450 Apartments For Rent aeeseeeee §outh 20 ********** Spiith, *>iath. study poofstdel Fal term. Ons bedroom. $329 up. Two bedroom. $359 up. Summer term, two bedroom. $335 up. C/A. Laundry. 475-7262. * Move-in Special* Three bedrooms now available. First month's rant only $330 wkh 13 month teats. Don't miss outl. Cal today. 474- PARK. 9th and Claremont. 1932 R 8treet. Summer tease available. Next loUNL. Two bedroom unfurnished. Central Hr. $395. 475-3111. 228 South 17th. Near UNL. Furnished effictenctes. $235 $276. Laundry. 436-8690,475-3111. _ 3032 Q Street. Dean, quiet two bedroom, lower level in house New carpet. No pets. UtKties paid. $360 ♦ deposit. 475- 8887. Leave message 315 S. 18th. Large two bedrooms DA. $375. R.D. Hinkley & Associates. 466-1686 I Resident manager position also available. ★ Campus Location Now leasing lor aummar ai^ftoTspaaout 1.2. 93 4 badroom apart mama tour blocks to cam pua. Swimming poo* with tun dock, dubhouae laundry 3 fttnoaa faciMiae Ml 3 Claremont. Call now 474-*ARK. Century Management Company EtHdanctaf. 1.2. and 3 badroom apart mania. Soma within walking diatanca to campua. 3225 3695 476-2500 Colonial Heights 1, 2 and 3 badrooma available Heated Indoor pool, aaunar Jacuzzi. Htnaaa room, tanning bad, atavatora and much more. Short-tarm lea*at available Can today 1421 - 3070. Eftldenciet. Close to campua. Starting at 322Vmonth. 43H132 ExceHentlivebadroom. 1900 S 52nd. Twobatht.garage Qaa grll. StOOtV month plua dapoair 437-9019 Near C*y Campus Nawty ranovaiad larga on* badroom apadmont. Ott slraei parting. Appliancas. dishwashar. laundry Oaposl. Utlttla* axcapt watar Rant: $276/ month. AvaKabl* now Cal 488-2068 norTh^ast On* and two badrooma. Closa Id arthar campus. Nioo. doan, carad tor comptaaas. Soma with pools. Moat utlttiaapaid Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 On* badroom and aflkaanoa* naar campus Sacurad bunding 823842S5. Call 477-3648. _ Put A Splash In Your Life At Willowhaven Apartments Enorgy attidant on* and two badrooma now avalUMt. Prlval* pool with larg* sundack. Summar bonus** ar* now bamg ottarad BmImaIahaIu insnsasd ■ Twl^WwIwil^SW ss^^aa $928/488 a month Call 476-6200 NOW_ Superior Pla^Apartments 1801 Su parlor Hug* on* and twot badroom apartmants avaMabl*. Call ■bout our summar spaclals. 476-3287