Classified 472-2588 Thursday, duns 17, IMS Looking for some experience? We need individuals interested in working with families and children. If you can contribute some time as a parent aide, respite care provider or project Kids volunteer, talk to us! Call 471-5195 Nebraska Department of Social Services $3.00 per (tty for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day tor 15 words on nan-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: Noon Wednesdays The DaHy Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, religion, age. disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for ail contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight (he ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. FREE WASH ft Umrt 1 C aapor Pm VM and Pm A dp mi fM( Done* lawn 12th AOinthe Centrum FAC. Ortt Seed*, Free Mutes 430-&30 FiiktoNteht fcOO-KHO 25t Draws BfbfrQ I-1 I 15 Photo Equipment Three Cannon camera lenses; 24mm, 50mm, A 80 200mm. Excellent condition. $250 obo. 476-3915 after 430 pm. .... 20 Vehicies For Sale 1985 Mazda RX7 five speed. Air. AM/FM. Cruise. Clean. S3250 often 1986 Mazda 323 two door hatchback 4-speed. AM/FM caas. 54K. $2750 offers Baer's Auto Sales, 1647 3. Third. 477-6442. 22 Adoption Adopt. Anxiously awaiting to grvs your neaborn our lovs and insura mat your baby will have every opportunity in We. Expenses paid. Cal anytime. Hytee and Doug. 1-800 641-706*.____ Adoption We have lota of love, hugs'and laughter to share w*h a baby in our warm and happy home. FuW-tms mom. Call David and Bonnie collect. 201-476-0076. _ Couple In Virginia seeking to adopt baby. Wonderful family environment. Lot’s talk. Cal John and Susan collect. 703-444-6824. _ _ Open Adoption Our deepest wish is to give your baby a happy, secure home. Lots of love, devoted parents. Lot's discuss open, caring adoption. TorrVLori 1-600-262-6770 (if 214) Pregnant? Want to talt with someone? Cdl Betty or Cindv Nebraska Children’s Home 4600 Valey Road 463-7878 100 years of adoption experience Wo are a loving ootpio seeking a newborn to npke our Wa 38 Gift Ideas Gift Basket & Country Crafts inventory reduction sale. 20%-50% off. Big selection. Tuesday Saturday, 10-5; Sunday 2-6. Sheldon Gift Shop. 63 Pregnancy_ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Cal for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 0 Street, Suite 121 _476-2501 _ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT « a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please cal us for appoint ment, 463-2809. 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality retumss. cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rales. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. All types of word processing. Laser priming. S1.25 double spaced page. Cal Dana. 466-4400. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. R6sum6s Professionally typeset and laser printed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. *15 plus tax. OmUy Mibrseksn. Basement at trie NSbrsefca (Men The Type-Righter Collage papers, manuscripts, essays. Spell-and aram mar-chedung. minor editing Call Vvian 477-8417 100 Rides Wanted: Rida to Beatrice, Thursday. June 17 or Friday. SSSSESSSSSSSBSSSSSSS^a 110 Announcements Did you know (hat Mliont of dollars of echolarshp money goat unclaimed? Call 488-5082 to find out how you can quaWy regardless of grades or financial background Enroll Now Kaplan last prep oouraea for GMAT, ORE. LSAT, MCAT ■tert weak of June 20.245 N. 1» or 475-7010 to enroll. 150 Child Care Needed Connecdcut Senator seeking nanny to car* for two school dQ«ctken and on* toddler. Start mid-July. Must drive, have exoelsnt mferencee, minimum on* year of college Wonderful famly who has engtkyed four girls horn Nebraska In last five years. Exoslsm pay and benetts. Nannies oi Nabrama. 1-379-2444. 160 Help Wanted Summer Help Delivery persons: Fu8 or part-time. Flaaribi* hours. Apply m Lincoln Lumber Company. 822 N. 23rd. JfMS^I associated bioscience, inc University Plasma Center Looking For A SUMMER Job? LOOK NO FURTHER ... NEW DONORS $25 on first Donation become a plasma donor! RETURN DONORS $25 after 2 month lapse. 1422 *0' Street • 475-1358 Mo!vFr1^^^^^^j!()0^30 Located at 15th & O St. Sat...9:00-4:00 Cactus Club * J. /I Dm tic V4t / ^BP —:i:j—t--—---K— College Country Every Tuesday NUit bearing June 22nd AftKItapwricom $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -- Are you looking for a fullor part-time job that won 1 interfere with your summer activities? International Tetoom has positions avaiiabie for outbound telemarketers We pro vide: * Paid Training * Casual environment * Bonuses A incentives * Flexble hours (work hours that are convenient for you) Apply in^ersontt): InternationalTelcom Inc., 3410St.. ^BSSBSSS=SSSSSBSSS=BS=: 170 Roommates . ■■ —-gg Mala non-smoker. Two bedroom apartment. 1833 Wash ington. S180 plus 1/2 utilities and deposit. 435 0528 One male housemate needed. Private bedroom. 8180 plus 1/4 unities. No smoking. 488-9942/ 180 Houses For Rent 1602 N. 28th Nice. Four bedroom. Laundry. New bath. June 15. 8555. 488-8446. 2127 Q Three* bedrooms. Parking. Laundry. July 1. 8460,488-5446__ 844 South 10th. Four bedroom house avaiiabie now. Only 8500. Call Phoenix Property Management. 474-5327. Choice houses for fal semester. Near campus. 3-5 bed rooms. 8660-8700. 432-0644 __ ExceSentfive bedroom. 1900 S.S2nd.Twobaths. garage. Gas grM. 81000/month plua deposit. 437-9019 Three, tour. fire, and six bedroom homes near UNL. Avaiiabie now. or reserve for fall. 423-1535. 190 Apartments For Rent ********* £40 South 20 ********** »h, tplash, study pooKKJ*l Fal larm. Ona badroom. up. Two badroom, $359 up Summar larm. two badroom. $335 up. C/A. Laundry. 475-7292. * Move-in Soeciar Thro* badroom* now auaMM*. First month * rant only $330 with 13 month Isas* Don't trisa outl. Cal today. 474-PARK. SthandClaramont l932RStr*at SummarlaasaavaUabla. NasitoUNL. Two badroom untumlahad. Cantral Air. $395. 475-3111. 229 South I71h. NaarUNL Fumtshadafltdandaa. $235 $275. Laundry. 435-6690. 475-3111. 316 S. 16th. larga two badroom*. C/A. $375. R.D. Hinkley & Associates 466-1686 Raaldant managar pos ton also avaHatot*_ Campus Location Ctaramom PaHt AaartmswW Now basing lor (ummar and Ml. Spacious 1.2. 3 6 4 badroom apartmant* lour bkx** to cam pus. Swimming pool with sun dock, dubhousa. laundry A Iknaaa tadMas •th A Ctarsmant Call naw 474-PARK. Century Management Company Effidendee. 14. and 3 bedroom apartments Soma «*Mn waking dtaUTOtocamgua^s223-M06 Colonial Heights 1. 2 and 3 bedrooms aval data Healed Indoor pool. •auno/Joouni. IK ness mom, tanning bod, atovadon and much mom. Short-term toasaa available. CaHtodayl 421 307a Efficiencies. Ctoae to cantpua. Starting at S22&ffnonth. 4354132._ __ Lama «m> bedroom ctoao to campus and ahuMa bus Wood floors. Lois of old charm. Security building. Heat and coble paid. 5340*41 able July t. Quiet environ merit 477-4706 atler 1030 a.m. NOR^AST One and two bodroorm. Ctoao to abhor campus. Nice, dean, cared tor contptoaoa. Some wflh poo*. Moat utiUtMtpald Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 One bedroom and afftdendas near campus Bacurart budding. >2354265. Call 477-3B45. _ Put A Splash In Your Ufa At Willowhaven Apartments Enemy alfldant one and two badtooma now avaltotoie. Pnvma pool wflh large sunder*. Summer bonuses are now being offered ofeeeionely rr^eoegect 5J7S455 a month Call 476-6200 NOW Superior Place Apartments 1151 Superior Huge one and two bedroom apartments available. Call •bout our summer ipadato. 476-3287 .