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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1993)
Media, liberals breed hypocrisy he election of Kay Bailey Hutchison last weekend as the new Senator from Texas is a case study in the hypocrisy of the media and feminist groups when it comes to women in politics. Hutchison, the Texas state trea surer, defeated incumbent Bob Kruger by a 68-32 margin. Kruger was cho sen to replace Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, now the U.S. Treasury Secretary. For the first time since Reconstruction, the GOP holds both Senate seats in Texas. Why then are there no squeals of joy from NOW, played prominently on the evening news? Because Hutchison is a Republican, that’s why. Throughout the Texas campaign, the public heard not one peep of the “Year of the Woman” stupidity that so dominated the ’92 Senate races. The reason is politics. Hutchison, unlike Feinstein, Boxer, Murray, Mosley-Braun and company, is not a liberal Democrat. It’s not surprising, though. In 1990, eight women ran for U.S. Senate seats --all Republicans facing liberal dar lings. Christine Todd Whitman barely lost to Bill Bradley, Lynn Martin gave Paul Simon a run for his money. Yet 1990 was not the “Year of the Woman,’’becauseall the women were Republicans on the NOW gang’s en emies list. What it comes down to is that the real meaning of 1992 was “The Year of the Liberal, Democrat, Radical, Feminist Woman.” How else to ex plain such embarrassments as Bar bara Boxer, sounding like a breathless airhead every time she speaks, or Carol Mosley-Braun, a confirmed welfare cheat? They got elected on their gender, not their qualifications. Mind you, I have nothing against women in politics. I come from a state What It comes down to is that the real meaning of 1992 was “The Year of the Liberal, Democrat, Radical, Feminist Woman. ” that elected the first woman to the Senate in her own right — Nancy Landon Kassebaum of Kansas. I even voted for her. But, because she’s a Republican, Alf Landon’s daughter is a mere footnote. I just object to the brainless hypocrisy practiced by the NOW gang and the media. The second point about the Texas race is that the media, aided and abet ted by Democratic spin doctors, is playing this as Kruger’s fault for be ing such a lousy candidate. He was, but that misses the point. In 1991, Dick Thornburgh blew a 40-point lead and lost to Harris Wofford in Pennsylvania. It was trum peted as a “wake up call for Washing ton,** because Wofford ran on a nebu lous promise to institute national health care. George Bush’s presidency was in serious peril to the nightly newsc ritters. In 1993, Kay Bailey Hutchison runs on a platform of opposing the massive tax increases proposed by President Clinton, trounces Her oppo nent, and it’s iust because Kroner was a lousy campaigner? There is clearly a double standard going on here. Hutchison’s victory (the second Senate win by the GOP since Novem ber) means that people are furious at Bill Clinton for reneging on nearly every economic promise he made in the campaign. Last November,Clinton was a “New Democrat” who would cut spending, reform welfare, not raise taxeson the middleclassand keepouf defense establishment strong. Five months into his Presidency, Clinton is raising spending, raising taxes on en ergy, hiking income taxes on the middleclassand hasappointeda HHS Secretary opposed to welfare reform. He spent his time trying to get gays into the military and having his hair cut for $200 on die tarmac at LAX. He also is fending off a major scandal over the use of the FBI in firing White House Travel Office Staff. In short, he’s been doing everything except what he was elected to do. Hutchison’s win means that minori ties are unhappy as well. Possibly enraged over Clinton’s shabby treat ment of Lani Guinier last week, the anticipated huge black vote never materialized. So what? What does it mean? It means that Bob Dole has one more vote against socialized medicine, higher taxes and bad nominees in his pocket. It means the White House has to acknowledge the growing negative sentimentsof the public towards taxes and health plans and radical left-wing kooks in key positions. But, once again, it is a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy, and those of you who scoff at phrases like “Lib eral media/cultural elite” would do •well to turn your eyes to Texas. Kepfleld is a graduate student in history, an alumnus of the UNL College of Law and a Summer Daily Nebraskan columnist. 1 — ■ ■ I Nebraska (Inion First Summer Session Hours Nebraska Union Building 7:00 am-9:00 pm Burger King 7:00 am-7:00 pm little King 10:00 am-5:00 pm Amigos 8:00 am-5:00 pm Imperial Palace 10:00 am-5:00 pm University Bookstore 8:00 am-5:00 pm Rec Room 10:00 am- 4:00 pm Computer Room (Macintoshes & P.C.'s) 7:00 am- Midnight (use ramp soors after 9:00 pm) I Colonial Dining Room Closed for the summer I Spend your spare time at the Nebraska Union without wasting your time. "We're here to make your summer a little easier" . 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