: ..-rahsin.; •>, r. * 'veammmm—■awfcj Peters accepts vice chancellor position at Tennessee-Knoxville By Lisa Vernon Staff Reporter The University of Nebraska Lincoln’s College of Arts and Sciences will soon be losing 20 years of experience following the res ignaiion oi me college’s dean, John Peters. Last week, Pe ters accepted an offer from the Uni versity of Tennes see-Knoxville to become its vice chancellor for aca demic affairs. Peters’ resigns uon irom uinl is D .Qrc effective on July 31. He will assume his duties at Ten nessee in August. ‘T m exci ted about the opportunity to join UT as the chief academic officer,” Peters said. “UT is an insti tution very similar to UNL in many aspects, so I think I will feel very comfortable there.” In his position at Tennessee, Peters will be responsible for 13 academic and professional colleges, academic planning and budgeting, faculty de velopment and student recruitment and retention. He said UNL prepared him well for the duties he will assume in Knox ville. “I feel I have great experience for my job at UT because of my job as dean here,” Peters said. “The Arts and Sciences College at UNL is the larg est college in the state, so I work with numerous amounts of people, just like I will need to at my job in Tennessee.” UNL Chancellor Graham Spanier said he wished Peters the best in his new position at Tennessee. “The university hasfeaenextremely fortunate to have had John Peters as a talented faculty member and dedi cated administrator for 20 years,” Spanier said. “He has been one of the university’s most visionary and able leaders. “I know he will provide excellent leadership for the University of Ten nessee. We congratulate him on this impressive appointment,” he said. A professor of political science, Peters has been a dean since 1989. He joined UNL in 1973 as an assistant professor of political science, and was promoted to associate professor in 1978 and to full professor in 1983. During his years at UNL, Peters has been recognized and praised for his work by his colleagues. “He made a very bright contribu tion to the teaching and researching side as well as the excellent iob he did on the administrative side, UNL po litical science professor David NU weathers long budget storm By Jeff Zeleny Senior Editor_ After five months of wrangling over the state ’ s budget, the 93rd Legislature adjourned Tuesday with good news for the University of Nebraska. On a 37-9 vote, the Legislature voted to override Gov. Ben Nel son’s Monday , veto, which would have cut $3.9 mil-a rAici jiti ipr lion from the NU LtuloLAIUKt Budget in the next biennium. “The Legislature and governor have agreed on 99.9 percent of the budget—theone-tenth is higher edu cation,” Sen. Scott Moore of Seward said. “We might as well just have 100 percent of the issue we agree on.” Moore, chairman of the Appro priations Committee, said the dis agreement between the governor and the Legislature was slight, but impor tant enough to push for the override to preserve higher education in Ne braska. “Every time I go to graduation parties, the graduates said they’re going to out of state schools because they don’t think the university is that hot of a place,” he said during closing arguments. “Let’s override and put our money where our mouth is and keep higher education in place.” The override also saved $557,564 from the state college budget and $598,933 from the community col lege system. The university was targeted for cuts the entire legislative session. In January, during Gov. Nelson’s State of the State Address, no university cuts were proposed. The Appropria tions Com millee announced a $ 13.98 million cut in February. In April, the cuts, which repre sented five percent of the total NU budget, were cut in half by the Appro priations Committee. Chris Peterson, former lobbyist for the Government Liaison Committee, said the original cuts probably weren ’ t realistic, but were taken seriously. See LEGISLATURE on 2 Damon Lm/DN Senatorial Bite U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) eats an ice cream cone from the UNL Dairy Store while talking to reporters last Friday. Kerrey was on hand to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of UNL’s Food Processing Center on East Campus. See related story on Page 2 ■ *•- • .... -TT—^-—: - —->■■»■-■-■—--* Nebraska athletes make the grade By Carma Loontjer ' Staff Reporter Not only do Nebraska athletes get the spotlight for their physi cal abilities, but they are show ing they deserve it for their academics as well. In a recent report on graduation rales for University of Nebraska-Lin coln athletes who received scholar ships beginning in the 1986-87 school year, UNL athletes had a 14 percent higher graduation rate than the rest of the students who started taking classes in that year. Overall, these rates were also 14 percent higher than the 1983-84 and • 1984-85 athletes on scholarship. Sixty-five percent of the male and 59 percent of the female student-ath letes who started in 1986-87 school year have graduated, the report said. This is significantly higher than the rates for the student body overall. Only 48 percent of men and 53 per cent of women in the general student body have graduated during the same time period, which averages out to a graduation rate of 50 percent for stu dents who are not on athletic scholar ships. Roger Grooters, director of aca demic programs for the UNL Athletic Department, said a sophisticated sup port program for student athletes was one reason the graduation rate was higher. “All freshmen athletes and those athletes with a GPA of less than 2.0 are required to go to study table every day during the academic year,” Grooters said. “Theycan either study, work with tutors that the university Krovides or have graduate assistants elp them in their learning.” said. Even before receiving an athletic scholarship, the athlete must show academic potential, Grooters said. Athletes must have an ACT score of at least 17 or a combined SAT score of 700. They must also have a cumula See GRADUATION on 2 - - ---- - -——