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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1993)
{ Classified 472-2588 Monday, May 3,1993 FOR SALE 64 Prmling A Copying 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 80 Typing A Resumes 6 Computers —■ - 8 Furniture NOTICES 9 Garage Sales . 10 MIsc.Tor Sale 1IW 12 Musical Instruments f!'", «"•Fumi,uro iwSSSSKt. 11 130 Student Government I 140 Personals in J3!£.,iJixcha 90 145 Losl * Foond 20 Vehick” us Wanted SERVICES 149 Fundraising . _ 7" A~ ;- JOBS 22 Adoption .! .. ... , - U S#Winfl 150 Child Care Needed ff iwueSL*. 160 ^'P Wanted oo nSffi* Serv ce 162 Work Study Jobs 3 rlL 164 Summer Jobs « Cteanii^/Laondry 166 Internsh^s 33 Cleaning,Households «*/*i icim/ 34 Computer Service HOUMIMti 36 Entertainment 38 Gift Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health * Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent , 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent 50 Legal 191 Summer Housing 60 Misc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Ren 62 Photography 194 Homes For Sale _ 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day (or 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted tree of charge DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before pubiica tlon. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any persor on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race religion, age, disability, marital status or nations origin Tlie Dally Nebraskan reserves the right to edi or reject any advertisement at any time whicf does not comply with the policies and judgment of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability tor a! contents of an ads printed, as well as any dam arising therefrom made against the Dally Nebras kan. Writing aw effective ad_ Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses wfflbe Begin the ad with the Item tor sale or ottered Include the pries of the items tor sals Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art o a boa. Run the ad tor at least two days. Make sure th< ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. I m hliWltiii h|Li| vmim rnvl Miy 3-6 Please bring all donations to the designated areas in your residence hall or house by May 6th. Graduation Day Noon -10 p.m. TUB HAYMARKET RESTAURANT For that special occasion let us pamper you with fine sen/ice and excellent food. Free Perking in our attached garage when you dine Reservations Aocepted 475-4011 RAMADA HOTEL . & Conference Center 9th A P Street Lincoln. NE 68508 4 Books For Sale Does any other bookstore sell used paperbacks tor Literature classes at 50% off the coverprice and buy them back at 30%?I7 PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE 206 No. 13th Don't get ripped off by the bookstore! Econ 211/212 paid $53 sell for WO (optional study guide $10). Poli Set 160. 2 books, paid $20 A $18. sell for $15 $ $12. 476-0983 leave message. _ Hugh Book Sale! Thousands of books, non-fiction and fiction. Hundreds of very old novels. Old magazines, paperbacks, encyclopedias, and reference books. May 6. 7Tand 8, from 9-5 p.m. 5230 So. 49th St. SPELLBOUND BOOKS & GAMES: Candy, magazines, posters. Best lead miniature selection In town. Reunion BuHding. 476-8602. 6 Computers For Sale Printer for sale. Panasonic KX-P1124, 24 Pin. multl mode. Great condition. $130O.B.O. Cal 438-3234, leave message. 7 Jewelry For Sale 1 /3 carat marque, wedding set. $1 ,o0o O.B.0.476-7887. _ ... Couch, love seat, coffee table, beds, snd desk. Ken 476 2602, leave message.__ Dresser and twin bed. $75 for both- obo. Cal Jennie at 435-7451. 10 Misc. For Sale Moving sale: 2501 N, *401. May i -2: piano, queen size bed. sola. T.V.. dressers, etc. 475-64&. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale Car Stereo: Pioneer deck and arrp. Clarion 4-way. 120 Watt speakers. 438-3819 best offer. 20 Vehicles For Sale 87 VW Jena- a/c, blue. Yakima snow ski and mountain bite sets. $3500.483-0108. 86 Nissan Sentra XE. 4-door, auto. air. $3250 oilers 1981 Nissan Sentra. 4-door. S-speed. air. 33K. $6750 I oilers 's Auto Sftlot 1M7 Seuth 3rd _ 477-6443._ 1M1 While Mustang Automatic, 4-cytndar. Air. 25K, AM/ FM. ^h* grey Interior t7QOO-negotiabts. 466 5666 ot 1966 Chevy Caleb rty. 4-door, auto. >1800. Need money. 496-0349. r t979^ray Toyota Caica. Needs work. Sail cheap. Cafl ' Convertible VW Rabbi. 1962. nice. Madubtack-red. 5 speed. 63100 or 060 4364799. leave meat age. 22 Adoption Adopt - a loving C alitor man couple yearns tor a baby. Happily married, secure Legal expenses paid. Call col lect. Robin and Doug. 1-310-768-1691 or our attorney Lynn Mann. 1400-782 3678._ ADOPT: An act ot love, full-time mom. devoted dad Oder security. fun and opportunities. Longing to adopt and love your precious baby Please call Rob* and Jed. expense* paid. 1-800-298-4022._ ADOPTION Happily married couple withes to share their lives with newborn Lowing home, good education, and love ol outdoors await. Legal and confidential. Expenses paid. Pleat* call Elaine and Steve at 800-645-3667 Let us welcome your newborn Wo our happy and lowing home. Medieal/tegal expanses petd. Please call Dee and Wa> collect 716496-6522. __ Love, warmth, laughter, security and happiness are only a lew ol lie's treasures dial ws can share with your nawborn. Marliralitagsl sxpensea paid. 800442-5786 Open Adoption Chooaa a Me long relationship Lutheran Family Services 489-7744 Open Adoption Our deepest with It to give your baby a happy, secure home. Lott ot love, devoted parents. Let s discus* open. caring adoption. TonVUx11400-2624770 (#1214) Pregnant? Want to talc with someone? Cafl B-etty or Cindy Nebraska Children’s Home 4600 Valey Road 463-7679 100 years ot adoption axparlance 27 Bicycle Service CLEARANCE SALE A1 remaining rollerbiad** and accessories 30-50% oft. Huge Vans Sale! Cuslom and Mode colors 26% ofl. Cycle Works 27th and Vina. 4 754IKE 46 Instruction/Tutoring Something you always wanted to do. Call 475-5385 tor your free brochure. Classes starting five times a year. Financial aid available. Joseph's College of Beauty. 62 Photography For the best Special Event Photography call: OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Parties, Weddings and Location portraiture. Experienced and Fasti __ _ Romantic ft Sensuous v, Lingerie ‘ Negligee Semi-Nude * Classic Nudes "Cutsie Clothes" outfits' Calendar Girl. Butler Photography 21 years professional experience. 488-0008. Mention this ad for "poor oollege student," 50% discount. 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. ss^sssssss^sssssssss^^s^Ssssbsb 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Ouick service, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven reswts. 464-0775._ The Type-Righter College papers, manuscripts, essays. Spell-and gram mar-checking, minor editing. Call Vivian 477-8417 110 Announcements Alaska summer lobs. Earn 56000 this fishing season. Complete program $12. Cal 803-252-0544. Why pay o Those who can Because Teachers DU. Thank you from the Student E ducal ion Association National Teacher Day May 4,1993 Breaking the Silence A newsletter toTsurvfvors of childhood sexual abuse For a free copy write to Box 30731, Unoetw, NE 68S03. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING- Earn $2.000Wmonth ♦ world travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Caribbean, ate.) Holi day. Summer and Career employment available. No «pteienoenecessag^For employment program cal 1 ESL Tutoring Lesaons in English as a Second Language. Work on pronunciation, reeding, writing. Reasonable rates. 477 Graduating and intimidated by the whole Job Search Process??? Join a Job Search Group in room 230 NU, Thursdays from 2:30 - 4.30 P kL during the first 3 weeks summer seesxjn... or Work at your own pace using videos and a workbook ($10.00 lee to cover the cost of materials) Sponaored by Career Planning $ Placement Regieler in room 230 NU i Need Money for College? We specialize in finding sources. Guaranteed or money back. Free information: Scholarship Advisers. P.O. Box 290661. Omaha NE.. 6612$. Parking spaces One bkxfc tram campus. 645 'S SL. $20.month Call Stu 474-6043. Released in street languages this East Indian Dance Bbte owee nothing to invention: 8ave more money The Classic Summer Lingo swi ter FAA approved. May Way logo Liz Befta (AXO) on mWOng the NU Dance Tearn again We re proud of yogi Love, your Slaters EARN MONEY WHILE YOU STUDY Or come in and "get away from it all" • $25 for new customers and those who have not donated in 2 months on your 1st donation. • TV Entertainment. • 2 Hrs. free parking. • Bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs. Come visit the friendliest staff in town at [7 Lincoln Donor Center / 126 N. 14th. Suite 2 Please call 474-2335 for an appt. Aon Congratulations Jody Gray, Erica Paterson, and Amy Eicknoff on your ASUN appointments: Sheri Cross on Journalism Advisory Board; Melissa Castro on Emerging Leader TA; and Jenny Kros and Amy Eickhoff on Stuart Leadership Awards. What a yearl __ Congratulations Kristi Bowe (AOII) and Tom Hawkins (EN) on your engagement! _______ __ Love. AOII Dear Pipi, Happy Birthdayl Are you up tor a bar crawl? You say the word and we ll be there! Love, your ADPi daughters Doc Moore. Thanks for being a great teacher, advisor, mentor, and most of all, friend to all of your students. The University wonl be the same without you. Good luck in all your future endeavors. The men of Delta Tau Delta To the softball team ol Sip Ep, Thanks lor the great season (all 2 games ol k). We look forward to playing again with you next year. _ The Ladles of AXO 140 Personals Dawn-N-N and Lisa. Cant we have just a Little Peril? _ —The Men of Delta Nu Bohunks. Nice try — maybe next year. ^ ^ DNphotogs, Thanks to all of you tor making this a lun and fairly stress free semester. You aH did a great job this semester. Keep up the good work and good luck in your summer jobs Big Tim# Jenny. Mary. Kim. Wendy. Cami. Alicia. Collette. Diedra. Jody. Rob. Aaron, and Mtchelle You guys are t he GRE ATESTI I'mgoing to miss you when I'm in Minnecota. Jody Little Beau Peep. HUBBA HUBBA. Winky Fruity Boy. Don't panic if you don't get your internship. You'll find someone to do. Supreme Ruler of the Universe To the most wonderful lady In the world: I Love Youl You know whol Mark. Here's to the last 4 years I Fizza. 3rd floor. Aprora. TV. late night papers. Colorado, pltows, cars, computers, early mornings. Root Beer, cookie dough, and FOOTBALL. It's been fun. Couldn't haws done It without you. Happy Birthday!, _ Love, me Stacie. Dont worry • be happy! J.S Ea* News Desk. You wki be so beautiful to look m. You know who Havekm in RC and Little Detroit this summer. If you gal a «rid potato, coma vfst me __Hater Hynm, , < *, Donl (m the system gel you down. Drink upf Your Cr^conspirslor in Mischievous Activities KeUL T hanks lor beingthe tolerant, understanding, wonderful person you are. The last six months have bean great. I hope It never ends. I love you I ____ Chuck Trondy Stool. A man with a comb In his beard is no Tidy lightweight^ To the new opinion page editor: Good luck in Detrot the summer. Knock 'em dead and catch a lew baseball games. Edit like the wind and write to Henderson often. I hope you donl change TOO awfully much in a REAL cty. because you H have to come back In August and deal with Student For America hart in BEE. Thanks for bei ng so cool and always listening to ma bitch. I love you. A senior r*»rtor by request. Smiley. Spacey and Pullman Car I said it onoe and fl say H again - woman arenl allowed to fan A burp, so I they werenl allowed to bitch, they'd explodel Thanks lor a> the hag>. Good tuck this summer. _ Trav Fiaystatk Barb V., Best ollurtt on your Itnato.lfcnowyouldowat. as always. Good luck with at your summer classes. Just remember, donl get too stressed out and youH be O K. Hops to see you over the summer. Your good buddy. Jell R. Laura. Buy evarything. Gat Tan, Liston to Bono. Drink MaUbu Rum wtOJ.. Drive the Boston Men Crazy. You Go Glrtl YAZ S. Erin. Good kx* in Michigan I i know you'll go up thera and kick soma Western Kentucky buttll K. Christian P.8. Good luck on your finals! Many beers on End ay 71? 1.0. No. Never. Never ever. AH you can over hop# lor la 0-3. Believe It. __ __JR Summer DN Staff. I cant wait to work with you guy* N't going to be a great summer. _ _ Jeff John A. You tha man. Good luck. God Mess. lainl tha man McKee— We mat tn282 wesnT that a zoo? -- . Wave had a ban sea ya next faH Clark Kant DN Fan Dept. Dude* Mind If I gloat? Don’t torgat:Foo(bal Saturdays and 10am cocktail*. Duffys A skirts, O'Rourkes last calf Remember them al the rest of our days. Oh yeah, your work was good. _Sam, X-arl director You BaatardaHl —^-n^mens— Services P.C. ABORTION CARE Safe'Affordable'Confidential Abortion Service* Provided During Ail Legal Stage* • Awake or Asleep • Outpatient Care • Birth Control • Total0BA5YN Healthcare • Board Certifled OB/GYN Physicians * 201 S. 46th St., Omaha, NE 68132 CALL TOLL FREE • 1-800-922-6331 Jody* Next year will not be the same without you. I wHI miss our study sessions, and you. You are my hero. Aaron P.S. Perhaps a dance In Broyhill Fountain. Tome best triend I could ever hope tori. Good luck In Phoenix and law school, if I survive without you it will be a miracle. Big Squeeze, Your Little Buddy CsrlA, Congratulations on making the Dance Squadl Thanks for a great yearl " Stephanie Scott Helvie. . , You professionalism this year has been an inspiration. Your favorite DN reporters Valentina (Itchy), . . .„ These past 7 months have been very wonderful and I'm looking forward to many, many more. You are very special to me and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCHIII Dannie (Scratchy) S.F. -Hack, hack, hack, hack..." You're in my shoes now, but not before you stuck them in your mouth. I'm still waiting for the first time. J.___ S KI had a million dollars...I'd pay for you to stay with mt all summer In Detroit so we'd never have to be apart. Oon't forget how much you mean to me - You really are the best! i love you, K DN Staff. Thanks for making my last semester a fun one. Don’t let The Ideal ruin your circulation rates... yeah right I Chuck Fart Department: Quit your harpin'alreadyl 7 The Production Princess Kirk: Get a clue Sam: Get a life. Keep your damn hands off our lives. Timeses like the wind. fru« flies Ike bananas. Thanks... I think. _ To all the girls I've loved before Yeahl the Monrst DH, Good luck in Razorvll. WY this summer. Don't kiss too many camels and don't eat too much eoal. To Mr. Big Eg<VI Never Lose/I Can't Eat Dinner Without Wearing n Hey, cut It out or I'M punch ya. and you know I will. Your &F WM/TM/AP Thank you for putting up with my undying enthusiasm for tny*'W°WtJZANEYZ MH (OX.) TIM Famous Potato. Oonl oat loat in Idaho, and donl beat Dm bush wth any cheap "spuds'. Hava lun and good kick. Trav (F.HJ Mary Susan— _ • Cong rally at on s on Joining Dm Convent. Youl make a h0"yniJn _Goodbye, Jeff (vrfitch one?) Beta Sig Senlora, Tharkslor keeping the houao afloat. We dom know what wal do without you guys Hod. Happy Bkthday alow days late, ileay anything dbe well jus! start bickering __Love, Your Conscience Hey ROOMMATESI j • . Im gonna miss you greasy guys. Bui hey. *ws were there. Spider Anne. Spider Anne, Do anything that a spider canl And a great reporter and copy editor, toot REALLY! Thanks for being so cool and Owen Stacey, too. Come see me in Michigan because ID miss you, and Steve probably wfl want a discount then, loo. Love, K end S Blossom, Thanks lor the wild night. Let's do it again sometime. ON receptionets, Thanks for alt your great work this semester. Beet ot luck to you am ___ _ Karen MtcheOe. Go kick some bun In Troy. Remember us people In Ida pieces after you nuke those Pulitzers. _ (P.8- Our car we* better) Jen, What can I say to 4 long (yet short) years. Thanks lor belna a wonderful triend A best <D luck totor graduation, ri kx* tor you on the street comers (WW work lor loodt) HaJ Hal J““'uwmiiwi■>■** JK You Vs done a great Job this year. Just remember one thing: NO SOE CONVERSATION. ON Sports Staff 145 Lost & Found_ FOUND: Adult tamale calico cal near 14th and Vina Streets wearing tan Has cola/. Owner please contact Capitol Humane Society 477-7722. 148 Wanted Paperback book* used In the English classes. Wit pay 30% for most literature paperbacks PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE 206 No. 13th 150 Child Care Needed 488680*7* * hoursAeeek. Prefer 2 afternoons. My horns. For happy, active 8-month otd. Occassional weekends/ evenings References required 480-0487 Help Need part-time babysitter for summer lor two well be havsd boys three days/week. Room and board poesMe. 472-3770 (days) or 423-1102 (evenings). llve-in housekeeper/nanny in resort area of New York. Twogirt*. agee2 and6. Summer or year-round. 466-3030. Sitter, approx. 16 hours/week. 4 and 1 year-olds. Vacation potential. References required 420-1234. 160 Help Wanted Disc Jockey Friday and Saturday evening*. Transportation required. Experience In music, stage, or PR. 474-6804. Earn extra cash Immediate placements W» have Openings lor assembly workers and expert enced MIQ welders at one of Lincoln's leading manulac hiring plants. AJ positions are 40hrs/wk. and benefits include: vacation and holiday pay. Applicants must bs 16 or older and may apply at MsP Resources Inc. Suite 436 Oreentree Ct. 210 QMeway North. EOS.