The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1993, Page 16, Image 16
Classified 472-2588 Tharsday, April 29,1993 Nonsmoking female needed in May for CLEAN 4-bed room house in southeast. SI 35 plus 1/4 utilities. 486 3616._ NS M/F roommates needed for summer. 5-BR house nea campus. S150 -rutl. 475-7924 One male, non-smoking roommate for duplex. S150+ 1 3 utilities. Cal Jetf-476-B815 (work) or 477^5970 (home) SERGEI DUNAEV One of the new generation of market economists at Moscow State University in Russia and Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison FROM MARX TO MARKETS: THE PROGRESS OF ECONOMIC REFORM IN RUSSIA 9:30 - FRIDAY, APRIL 30 CBA AUDITORIUM AND THE ENVIRONMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS IN RUSSIA 1:30 - FRIDAY, APRIL 30 CBA 120 Sponsored by die Deportment of fconomic v and Marketing with support from the UNI. Research Council Responsible, non-smoking female roommate needed for summer, possibly into fall. Historic neighborhood, near capital. *187.60 ♦ 1/2 utilkiee. 477-7381. Roommate needed immediately! Non-smoking, dean, reeponsble female. *193/mth.+ 1/3 utilkies. Call 474 7911, ask for Kelly or Steph. 175 Rooms For Rent NEED* FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR VISITING PROFESSORS. Approx. June 6-July 15. Contact 466 7267 180 Houses For Rent 1300 N. 21st- Very nlce4br. 1 8 1/2 baths, parking, near campus, available June 1. *575.432-0644. 1735 No. 29th, 5-6 bedrooms/2-bath, off-street parking. Nice, must see. 5795/mo. 464-1614. 2718 O- Nice 4br, 1 8 1/2 baths, parking, between campuses. Available May. *650.435-4147. 3 and 4 bedroom houses for rent, near University. 476 7774.__ 3,4, and 5-bedroom houses. 4 to 6 blocks from Stadium A/C. showers, ranges, refrigerators, parking, exoeilent condition. 3 or 12 month lease. 4361330. leave mes sage. 450 S. 25. 6BR. microwave, no pets. $590 ♦utilities. Available May 16th. 488-8279 __ 873N. 25th. Very ntce4br. 2 bath, near campus. Available May 16. *550. 432-0644._ _ Available August 15- 2304 "U" St. 6br. *675; 2931 Apple 4bf, *575. 432-0644. I-THANKS FOR THE BIZI HI 1 NO BUDWEISER Ret. Ufiht. On*, loo PABSTBLUERIBI Reg. or Light, warm MILWAUKEE’SBE Reg.or Light warm OLDMILWAUKEI Reg.. Light. NA. loose case warm™ --- BOONE'S WINES C199 I 7 flavors. 750 ml...I 27th Sc UINEI 477-7516 Between Campuses 1602 N. 28th, four bedroom, $555/month. 2825 R. five bedroom. S600/month. Both have washer/dryers, dean, new carpet. 488-5446. We love students I Great 3,4,5, and 6br homes near UNL. Summer and/or fall reservations now being taken. W/D, dishwashers, A/C. Sign up now and relax. 423-1535. •I .. ii 'n ■■■•' = 185 Duplexes For Rent a111: i,.i .i i ...—,.aa 2301 SW 10th. New 5BR, 2BA, A,C. W/D. 2 car garage, extra parking. $650 476-6500. 190 Apartments For Rent 640 South 20 ‘Splash * Sun POOLSIDE on a FREE beachtowel for each new leasee moving in by May 161 ‘SUMMER SPECIAL 2 BR $349 up; 1 BR $320 up. *5 minutes to Class ‘Furniture Available, Laundry. Balconies ‘Summer and Fall Term Leases JONES APARTMENTS 475-7262 1107 V Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid. Only $260-$280. Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327. Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing spacious 1,2,3 6 4 bedroom apartments close to campus. Pool, clubhouse 6 exercise equipment Call now 474-PARK. IVVo Ur r L-UPPIUL By the pound during Dead Week & Finals Week Blue Mountain Coffee Co. Reunion Plaza 905 N. 16th St. 68508 Gourmet Coffee (From the Mill) Tea Espresso Muffins Cookies Cappuccino Hot Chocolate Coffee by the Pound Need It Earn Casii This Summer? But would still like to: • Sleep m late • Work on your tan • Spend time uritli friends, and • Earn up to $7.25/M! Call NEODATA Today Now hiring for full & part time evenings 476-8315 • Ask for Denise Ness • 1033 'O’ Street |\] I-f ^nf|| I L\ Neodata is an Equal J* 4.11 X Opportunity Employer 1701 Burnham. 2 bedroom eat-in kitchen, central air, no pets. $350+ electric. 477-4918. _ 1905 G 2 bedroom. 2 bath, central air, ceiling fans, appliances, no pets. $415+ electric. 477;4®!5: 3BR, 2BA, deck, pool. Available June 1 or before -Must seel 9th A Claremont. Close to campus. 438-1421_ 508 S. 25th. Newer 2BR, re-carpeted, neat. Leave mes sage.. 483-2357. 620 South 20th. One bedroom deck, no pets. 489-3550 leave message. __ 821 A street. Newer 2BR. $420/month. parking, laundtv, appliances. Available May 10th. Call 438-2896 or 483 1130.__ School’s Out Special! 1. Three month leasesl 2. No deposit. 3. Neat and clean. ,' 4. Campus dose. Call now) Phoenix Properties Management. 474-6327 August Leases Available Bummer leases and rates available 476-2500 LAST ONES! WALK tocity campus. 2-bedroom. 1-bath, designer deco rated Available May 1. AFFORDABLE AR appliances. Dishwasher, microwave, breakfast bar. and washer/dryer hook-ups. Available now. One-bedroom, central air. AR appliances. Lower level. 4300 Comhusker Highway Lfi®rry Mill MiniQfMivni 4894857. _ EAST CAMPUS: Large 2 bedroom fireplace, balcony, ail appliances, laundry. 4210 Huntington. June 1. $410/ month. 423-0902. Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at $225/month 438-3132. For Rem-Sweet apt. 3 bedroom. 2 bath, end apt at Claremont. Non-smoker. Very dean. On courtyard. $675/ mo. We'll pay May rent. Get this one while you can. Call or leave meesage 475-3159. Furnished, affordable efficiencies Close to campus Laundry and parking avalable. $210, $235, $275.435 6690 or 475-3111. May and August openings. 1-2-3 Bedroom. $310-6151 Embassy Park Apartments new-31 and Old Cheney; Pine Tree Apariments-ist and Adams; 515 W. Saunders; 1814 F St.; 821 A St. All electric, appliances, microwave, balcony, mini-blinds security building. No pets. 483-6057,483-1130. Nice 3 bedroom/2 bath apartment. Available June 1 $565.00. 5617 So. 31st. call 420-1792. One bedroom and efficiencies near campus. —Secured building. S235-S255. Call 477-3648. __ Put A Splash In Your Life At Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient one and two bedrooms now available Private pool with large sundeck. Spring and summer bonuses are now being offered. Profession sty managed $329/489 a month Call 476-6200 NOW SUMMER LEASES AVAILABLE 1 $ 2BR, carpet, air, laundry. FREE CABLE, parking, no pets. $320 & S395+ 521N. 25. 477-3630 or 477-7684 Unusual 1 bedroom apartment, nice furniture. weR main tained. 75 year old building near Capitol. Convenient to all amenities. Parking. 2026 "J" $295. 423-5707 or 423 6881. 191 Summer Housing Available for sublease May 10. Large 4 bedroom. 2 bath Claremont Park Apartments. 377®mo Option to renew tease in tall. Bedrooms work great. 435-3742. HELP We need someone to sublease our 3 bedroom apartment at 9th 6 Claremont. We pay half of deposit. Move in date is negotiable. Please call soon. 436-5689._ Huge flat in San Franc»co to sublet. 2 blocks from the oceanl Have own bedroom, shower, bath. Contact 415 751-7665. ^ I FREE REGULAR WASH —^ _or < u $1.00 off " 1 ’ I drop I laundry A 21 st/J I ▲ 2 7th/Starr "Z I A 56th/Holdrege -^ Limit 1 coupon _p*r custom*/ or | group/p*r day OFFER GOOD THRU APRH. 1993 EACH purchase of any hair care product for EACH hair care bottle you bring in to be RECYCLED the regular price of any size of Paul Mitchell product or Brocato, Graham Webb, SystemeBiolage Shampoo or Hairspray you bring in to be REFILLED jfy toe-f Al( HAIR CARE PLACE