The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1993, Page 14, Image 14
$3.00 per day tor 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. ri.00 per day tor 15 words on non-student ads. 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted tree of chvge. 3 Bicycles For Sale_ 1B in. Wicked Fet Chance Mt. Bke. Blue, Very Nicell Must sell. $900 obo. 475-5567. Specialized Hock hopper Comp 18" Teal/Purple. XT shifters. Control Stem. Control Stix Bar Ends, Avocet Computer. Grabber bke rack included. $500 464-5933. 4 Books For Sale Does any other bookstore se« used paperbacks for L lieraturedasses at 50% off the coveytrice and buy them back at 30%?l? PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE 206 No. 13th Don’t get ripped o« by the bookstore) Econ 211/212 paid $53 sell lor $40 (optional study guide $10). Poll Sci 160. 2 books, paid $20 $ $1$. self tor $15 A $12.478-0963 leave message. _ SPELLBOUND BOOKS A GAMES: Candy, magazines, posters. Best lead miniature selection in town. Reunion BuMing. 476-6602. 6 Computers For Sale_ IBM PS/2 Model 60 Tower. 5MB RAM. 70MB Harddrh/e. IBM Mono VGA Monitor. IBM Modem With DOS 5.0. Windows 3.1. MS Word and Excel for Windows. $700 OBO. 475-1974 7 Jewelry For Sale Beautiful white gold wedding set. 1/2 carat diamond in engagement ring plus small diamonds. 469-1757. Ladies’ 1/3 carat diamond oval. Must sell. $800 or best oiler. Call Don. 486-3010. 8 Furniture For Sale Couch, love seat, coflee table, beds, and desk. Ksn 476 2602. leave message. _ Desk $15, nio*sofa $80. Call Ann at 438-6789 tor details. Dresser and twin bed. $75 for both- obo. Cal Jennie at 435-7451._ Furnish your house or apartment: sola (hide-a-bed) tar matching chair, rocking chair, rediner, table. $00.474 7142________ Twin mattress $ box spring set. Excellent condition. $70 obo. CM Christina 436-6174. Pickles Summer Adventure The long road of summer means short, low prices at Plddes CD s & Tapes. s_ frpcnfl l^aa lor Your mar. 10 Misc. For Sale_ Moving sale: 2501N, #401. May 1 -2: piano, king sizebed, sofa, T V., dressers, etc. 475-6482. S 12 Musical Instruments Black fender telecaster, like new. $300obo. 464-3894 ask for Curt 20 Vehicles For Sale 67 VW Jetta- a/c, blue, Yakima snow ski and mountain bite sets. $3500.483-0108._ 66 Nissan Sentra XE. 4-door. auto. air. $3250 oners 1991 Nissan Sentra, 4-door, 5-speed, air, 23K, $6750 oners Baer’s Auto Sales 1647 South 3rd 477-6442. _ 1991 Hyundai Sonata, dark red. 12K, loaded, excellent condition. 36K warranty. $10,500. Leaving U.S. 475 6482._ 1985ChevyCelebrty. 4-door. auto. $1800. Need money. 466-0349. 2^doption==M^MIMIIIMM™* ADOPTION *h of tid. Let us welcome your newborn into our happy and tovfna home. Medical/legal expenses paid. Please call Dee and Wat ooflad 7l£fc8-6322._ Pregnant? Want to tali with someone? Call Betty or Cindy Nebraska Children’s Home 4800 Valey Road 483-7879 100 years of adaption experience 46 Instruction/Tutoring SSSSSS&S33SSSSSSSS5SSS Something you always wanted to do. CaH 475-5385 toe your fiee brochure. Classes starting five times a year. Financial aid avaitobto. Joseph's College of Beauty a 60 Misc. Services Scholarships and grants available. We locale the ones you qualify for. CaH 402-332-4165. ^VMM 62 Photography For the beat toeciai Event Photography caR: OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Parties. Weddings and location portraiture Experienced and Fasti__ Romantic 6 Sensuous Lingerie ' Negligee Semi-Nude ' Ctofesic Nudes -Cutsie Clothes* outfits ‘ Calendar Oirt. Butler Photography 21 yews professional experience. 486-0006. Mention this ad tor *poor college student.* 50% discount. 63 Pregnancy_ FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. CaH tor an LINCOLNCRtsfsPREGNANCY CENTER 041 O Street. Suite 121 _ 475-2501__ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy teat, please cal us tor appoint ment 483-2609. 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality resumes, cover totters, typing. Ouk* service, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 435-7264. Proofreader Will proofread manuscripts of any length. References avaitobto. loRee 486-8252. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Petty Nebreetten.beeemeM of Nebraska Union. The Type-Righter College papers, manuscripts, essays. Spell-and gram mar-checking, minor editing. Call Vivian 477-6417 Will do word processing and desk top publishing. Call 436-1321 daytime, nights 788-2786, Kim. 110 Announcements TEACHERS COLLEGE MAY GRADUATES The TC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION invites you and your famly » be our guests at the: TC GRADUATION BREAKFAST Saturday, May 6,1863 The Clubhouse - Stats Fairgrounds Grandstand East Entrance Join us for early, convenient perking and a continental breakfast befors the ceremonyi Call Jon at 472-3841 for reeervations The TC Alumni Association congratulates ail ‘ December '82 and May TO graduates 11 6th Nebraska Workshop on Biomedical Engineering Research. Saturday May 1st. St. Joseph Hosplai-Semi nar Room 601 N. 30th St, Omaha. 9:30am-5COpm. Sponsored by the Department at Surgery. Creighton APPLY NOW! FALL SEMESTER Earn 810-1 Spar lecture taking notes tor Jon1* Noim. Not* taken needed tor a variety of subject* tor fal semester Apply at Jon't Note*. Located upstairs In Nebraska Bookstore. 1JOO Q St.. 476-8006. Camp Challenge Summer Leadership School So you didn't sign up tor ROTC as a freshmen or sopho mote. Catch up at Army ROTC Canp Challenge, a PAID six-tweak summer course In Leadership training NO obli gation. Register today- Contact Captain Joe OuRant at 472-2466W detail*. CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING- Earn S2,000Wmonth 4 world travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Caribbean, sic.) Holi day. Summer and Carter employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program cal 1 206-634-0466 ext. C5778. DEAD WEEK Absolutely NO finals may be given during Oead Week. Fmal* can ONLY be moved to another time DUMNG FINALS WEEK with the unanimous consent ol the das*. Stop by the ASUN office with questions or complaints ESL Tutoring Lessons In English a* a Second Languwie. Work on {tronunciatlon. reading, writing. Reasonable rates. 477 FINAL MONDAY Monday. May 3 la the leal issue of the Daily Nebraskan unM June. Good luck on your flnNs and have a wonderful summer. > you have ever cut or burned yoursel or any other form of sal -inflicted Injury in an attempt to nunp your pain thera is now a seh-hep group available. If this is you. I you would kke to help yoursel and begin helping someone else. Please cal Karen 421-9130, you're no! atone. Marketing Club Meeting is 8unday May 2.6:00pm- ? at P.O. Pears. Take a study break I NEBRASKANS- Financial opportunities lor homeworker* and students. Work at home, no exp. necessary. Start immediately tor local companies. For tree into, send SASE to: Nebraska's Information Town. P.O. Box 311, Seward. N£ 66434-0311. Need Money for College? We specialize in finding sources. Guaranteed or money beck. Free Wormation: Scholarship Advisers. P.O. Box 280061. Omaha NE.. 68128. Parking spaces One block from campus. 845 S St.. 820/month. Call Stu 474-6043. Sign up now! Private pilot weekend ground school. FAA approved. May 21-23. For ootails call 475-5444 INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT-Make S2.0W+per month teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan A Taiwan. Many provide room A board + other benefits! No previous training or '•acb'ngcertnicate re quired. For employment program call: 1-(206)-632-1146 ext. J5778_ Undergraduate Sociology Association Important brief meeting. April 29, That's this Thursday I 230pm, Oldfather,Rm305. You dont have to asodotogy major to attend. Be there-dont miss It. ELECTION OF 1993-94 OFFICERS. See you therel _ Youth Recreational Daycamp Husker Kids is held June 7 - August 6 for youth entering 2-6 grades (830 am - 4.-00 p.m. daily). Wide variety of sports and games. Swimming every day. Diecount for children of currently enrolled students. Call Campus Recreation at 472-3467 for registration packet. 115 Meetings wmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmaB, ECOLOGY-NOW Meeting tonight at 730pm in NE Union (room posted). 120 Greek Affairs_ Jr - OM? Congratulations to Ronda Smith and Juli Jones for win ning fiver medals and Megan Schutdt for winning a gold medal at the Stewart Leadership Awards. Love. Your Sisters AXO Thanks tor a great time at the pinning and alto at the bars. You girls are the bestl Love. Kearney Phi Deits Congratulations to the new Tnarrate Little Sisters, Angie F., Shelly H.. Less T.. Theresa P. The Men of Triangle 140 Personals I wish to correspond with an educated, sensual man who understands and hopes to live the passion/ intimacy/ commitment triad. Respond to: P.O. Bo* 83832. Lincoln. NE 66501-3832, Feel tree to bo creative!___ Sean. I think you are cute. __Your Secret Admirer Dear Lisa and (Baby), I look forward to spending my life wSh the 2 ol you. I love you both and can't wail for our future to start. Love ya both. Tim L. M.O.E At UNO. who Is going to keep lead in your pencil? Hotshot OaveP.. Congrats on D.M. I'm looking forward to heckling youl (Better late than never.) Neel JenU. Congratson getting into the School of Music! Best wishes always. Wave had some great times these last couple ol months. Here's to: Planoman. sleeping til4pm, "I'm every woman*. Super Saver at 3am. Perkns and iust a lot ol laughs. Than*. Remember ‘A friends a friend forever... Love, your roommate M. S. Here's to gettin' cameras. ID'S at Sloppy Joes. Wendy's drees, my fav. colors: black, green and red. B.Bs 6 N W.I.'s whirlpool, and especially Bob MarMyl Happy 4 years. Love, me Sean You make a Belter Wall than a catcher, happy 22nd _ Jay 6 Viz Sean. RolKng around in th long-jump pit was pure heaven baby. Happy 22nd Love. Flo-Jo The Mighty Kroses, The oracle has foreseen the coming of an age ol dark ness. There wil be much suffering n the village Pleasehelp us. Edward, Don't watch too much T V.. It's bad lor your fur. _Pa JuNeD., Are you *ln the Mood?* I so. Diae up my love, my lair oner Because 'Danny Boy* knows *Whai Heavenly love can do.* Just one more thing—'FREEDOM IS COMING I Gloria In Excelais DeoT For *AI the things you are* Love—Ki J B I_._ Hiking Boot Sale Jan and Tracy, Happy Blrthday(s) Qlrls. Rjch P.S. We'll always have Paris manksfw’ gettln' me hooked on A.S...»hal we throw our bras on stage or what? Jen RSU«* Pookle or has It lost M'«hrrr«ess?^^? WooTwoof woof woof woof 22nd woof-day Winslow STOKES_ Happy Birthdayl You dldgreat last nlghtl Thanks for being an awesome roomlel Luv ya, Kate Gus. Here's to plugging meters. Me night pizza, making tapes, and stupid boys, Ft miss you and our escape from reality. See you In ■Omaha". Farley Red Jet Thank* for an exciting (to say the least) two years of lifel I'm now looking forward to many more decades with you I I love you dearlyl ^ P.S. Which date did we decide on? HA HA 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Adult female calico cat near 14th and Vine Streets wearing tan flea collar. Owner please contact Capitol Humane Society 477-7722. _ FOUND: Ladles watch in Otdfalhar on April 21. Cali 477 2300. Ask for Rob. . 148 Wanted Old pantyhose/nytons for research purposes. (runs/holes OK) Please send via campus man to Chris Teo-Sherretl. 362 Plant Science. East Campus-0015. Paperback books used in the English classes. Wil pay 30'fc,"“«saeKSisw 306 No. 13th ISO Child Care Needed Babysitter Wanted Watch our one-year oKJ ton. 14hrs/week. Will work around your daaa tchodulo. Start weak 7/10/93. Own transportation Experience preterred. Ralarancat re quaatad. CMt Cybete 477-7090. leave massage For happy, actlva 8-month oM. OocaMtona) weekend*/ evenings References required. 489-0487.*_ liva-in housekeeper/nanny in raaort area ol New Yolk. Twogirt*. age* 2 and 8. Summar or year-round. 486-38y. Slttar. approx. 18 houra/waak. 4 and 1 year-olds. Vacation potential. References required. 420-1234. 160 Help Wanted Act Locally Think globally. Work this summer oft environmental cam paign To protect Nebraska's resources. Hours are 8-10. Monday Fnd«. Pay: 8300/week. Travel opponuqJUqs. . Phone 477-8881. _ \ Assistant director of teeldence hie/hal director. NE Wesleyan Unhgsrslv teaks an energetic protes&iopafcto serve at assetant director of residence We and centen nial hal director. Responsibilities include: overall coon^ nation of housing assign merits 8 bitting, summer confer ence coordination, assisting with select ion. training and supervision of haH directors 8 residence assistants Safely 8 security coordination, partial budget manage ment. bulding renovation 8 other administrative duties. 12 month, live-In position, also includes overall manage ment ol a co-ed residence haH. Housing 188 residents, mentoring 8 residence assist ants and a haH government Must have aoommanient toprogramming. student devel opment a own professional growth. Quail cations: Mas tars degree In Student personnel or related field strongly preferred two or more yeers previous residence We experience preferred. CompetkNe salary, benafte. fur nished apartment, meal plan when university « in ses sion. Start dale: August 1,1993 Reviewof application wkl begin May 1,1993and continue until the pos iton ia filled Send letter ol application and reeumd to: Jody Donovan. Director of Residence Lie. NE Wesleyan University. 5000 St. Paul Ava.. Lincoln. NE68504. Clerks needed afternoons and nights. Apply in parson. Mike's O Street Drive-in, 22 8 O. COLLEGE STUDENTS 88.29 TO START International corporation has many entry level summer openings throughout Nebraska. Interview now in Lincoln, start before or after finals, internships and scholarships awarded. 488-8017. - Drafting Job Engineering student with drwting experience and 2-3 year* of cottage remaining Part-time during school; full Bma during summer. Cell 476-7545 ask tor Tom or Rob. Duffy’s Fireworks Fu« time summer help starling In May. 5700 Cornhusker Higher Appiy between 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Earn $10.00 Per Hour WATS Marketing is hiring Oufeound Telemarketing posi tions paying 510.00 perhour. r *510 per hour guaranteed - no bonus. Temporary full and part-time poslions to last through July, 1883 •Full-time and pan-lime shfit are avalabie. ‘Paid training classes starling immediate*. A greet opportunty tor students, retirees and homemak are. Apply m our employment office. 630a.m. • 630g.rtvMonday - Friday WATS Marketing 6100 O 9t (S.W. earner ef Oats way Shopping Center) _An Equal Opportunity Employer Earn extra cash Immediate placements We have openings tor atsanfeiy workers end experi enced MO welders at one of Lincoln s leading manutac tortog plants Al potions are 40hrs/wk. and benefks ln<^: vy-ion •nd Applicants must be 16 yyoy •n$LrT»y*PPiyai MSPtfesources Inc. SuKe 436 Of***—CL210 daleway North. EOE. Fence installers 5uf??T1*r ** during school yew. Bunding or related ay profaned. 48*8343 Furniture de«very person tor occasional need. 474-6780. Gobbles _ . „ . Unooto Square Food court Friendly, cheerfulI person to work counter over noon hour ggwlHr** n~"y-*** wn> IJyouMke taking to peopie. not seNng things, then this la Independent Representative w«'SiS^,aiiK3:'aisS7ir •h,u '^Z!7tSJSSSX ygcTKap