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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1993)
Classified 472-2588 Timday, April 27,1«B3 63 Pregnancy 64 Printing 6 Copying 68 Recycling 72 Rentals 74 Tanning 75 Tattooing 76 Travel 80 Typing & Resumes Garbles NOT1CES Mac. Fof Sale iry. 12 Musical Instruments ^_ 13 Office Furniture l^^n^ts 1ft Phrstrt Cfiuinment 115 MSftiHQS ift 120 GreaklUfairi Is ittSwJT ]30 Student Government 12 $>*•«£“**"«• 145LostX'Rxmd tv vniciftg 149 Wanted "^ERvJcES^""* 149 Pu^1«lng zTTdoprioo JQBS S 150 Child Care Needed £ 160 Help Wanted £ *""e. 162 Work Study Jobs 2 5™*!„ 164 Summer Jobs JU vUffinu see Internehbse 32 Cleaning/Laundry 166 internships 33 Cleaning/Households u^\i icivr' 34 Computer Service rlUlsIiNu 36 E ntertainment 38 Giftldeas 170Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Healths Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance ISO Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring ’85 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent 50 Legal 191 Summer Housing 60 Mksc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 62 Photography 194 Homes For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of ail ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad_ Be descriptive. The more infdrmation you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. K the ad with the item tor sale or offered. Is the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 3 Bicycles For Sale 18 in. Wicked Fat Chance Ml. Bke. Blue. Very Nicelt Must sell. 8900 obo. 479-5987. Specialized Rockhopper Comp 18* Teal/Purple. XT shifters, Control Stem, Control Stix Bar Ends, Avocet Computer. Grabber bke rack included. WOO 464-9933. JfKSZ >science, inc ^KM^Z ma Center Looking SUMMER Job? LOOK NO FURTHER... NEW DONORS $25 on first Donation become a plasma donor! RETURN DONORS $25 after 2 month lapse. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A^DONOR^l^oreaclulonatioiK^^ 1422 ‘O’ Street • 475-1358 Mon-Fri .8:00-7:30| | Located at 15th &Q St Sat...9:00-4:00| ---f-r-j- 1 - Mountain Bikes 10% OFF any NEW - Road Bikes BIKE WITH YOUR • Bauer In-Line Skates w 9y STUDENT I D. - Merrell Outdoor \ 8>plres 5/3om Footware Closeoutyr“>t\ /Mak I I Closest Bike Shop to Campus! | M_ ^ 427 South 13th !322 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, May 2,1993 11 am ■ 5 pm Ny Ny^ Tour the SCC-Mllford Campus and see the \ \ HIGH TECH PROGRAMS ^^^^^^^AMordCampirt-MilfoK^^ 4 Books For Sale Doe* any other bookstore sell used paperbacks lor LKeraturecI asses at 50% oil the covemrice and buy them back at 30%?l? PAGE ONE BOOKSTORE 206 No. 13th 7 Jewelry For Sale_ SSBSBBBSBSBSSSESBSS Ladies' 1/3 carat diamond oval. Must sell. MOO or beet Oder. Call Don. 486-3010. ssss&ssssssssss=^= 8 Furniture For Sale Desk SIS, dresser $25, tuH-bed $80, nice sola $80. small trig $20. Call Ann at 438-6788 ter details. _ Wanted: 2 loll beds. Good shape. 435-3820 anytime. 12 Musical Instruments Black lender telecaster, like new. $300obo. 464-3804 ask tar Curt 20 Vehicles For Sale *86 Nissan Sentra XE. 4-door, auto. air. $3250 oders 86 Mazda 626-LX. 4-door, auto. air. loaded. $3950 oders 1989 Nissan Sentra. 2-door, 5-speed, air, 60K. $4250 1991 Nissan Sentra. 4-door, 5-speed, air, 23K, $6950 offers Baer's Auto Sales 1647 South 3rd 477-6442. 1991 WhiteMustang. Automatic. 4-cylnder, Air.2SK. AM/ FhL-hght grey interior. $7800-negotiable. 466-5686 or Convertible VW Rabbit. 1962, nice, black/black-red. 5 speed $3100 or OBO. 436-0799, leave message. IIP Announcements APPLY NOW! FALL SEMESTER Earn $10-15 per lecture taking notes lor Jon's Note*. Note taker* needed for a variety of subjects tor tali semester. Apply at Jon's Notes. Located upstairs in Nebraska Bookstore. 1300 Q St..476-8006. ATTENTION CBA STUDENTS ASUN Senator - Constituent meeting Tuesday - April 27 10:30-11:30pm CBA Voice your concerns. Climbing Club Like to rock climb and/or mountain climb? Interested in getting involved? UNL is now lormmg a dub! Attend this Climbing Club organizational meeting Tuesday night. April 27.1003 i - • i 7:00 - 8.00 p.m. t ' In the Campus Recreation Center _» Call 472-4777 • wT» CRUISE SUPS NOW HIRING- Earn S2.000wmonth ♦ world travel (Hawaii. Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holi day. Summer and Career employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program cal 1 206-634-0468 ext. CS778. DEAD WEEK NO finals or hour exams can be given during Deed Week Finals can ONLY be moved to another time During Finals Week with the unanimous consent el the dees. Deadweek Pot luck Hooted by the Coalition for Gay I Lesbian Civil Rights. Thursday, April 20 « 6:30pm. For more Iniormation stop by the Gaylesbian Resource Center or the Women's INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT-Make S2.000+ per month teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan A Taiwan. Many provide room A board + other benefltsl No previous training or leaching oortlicste re quired. For employment program call: i-<206) 632 1146 ext. JS776 Need Money for College? We specialize in finding sources. Guaranteed or money back. Free information: Scholarship Advisers. P.O. Box 260661. Omaha NE., 66128. Summer jobs in Europe I can find you a job In Europe the summer. GUARAN TEEOIII Wme to: H. Jameson. 7AM Schmktecvlerch. 6791 Reichenback-Steegen. Germany. Tropical Field Trip Course Spend »prmg break 1904 learning about the rainforests and coral reefs of BekM. and gel credit for *. Dr. Juke Savina# win desert)# the format tor this course el the UNI WNdlfe Club meeting on Aprk 28,7flCpm ECU. Youth Recreational Daycamp Husker Kids Is held June 7 August 6 for youth entering 2-6 grades (8.-30 a m. - 4 ,00 p.m. dally), wide variety of sports and games Swimming every day. Discount lor children of currently enrolled students. Cak Campus Recreation at 472-3467 for registration packet 115 Meetings Ag Econ/Agribusiness Club Picnic end awards. 6:30 Tuesday. April 27th. Peter Pen Park. Scavenger hunt at 5:30 meet at FUtey Hell. THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION MEMORIAL PROGRAM. Esaa^aFa 1-800-AH A-USA 1 American Heart ^^Association This space provided as a public sarvtca k 1992. American Heart Association NOW National Organization for Women. Lincoln Chapter, meet ing 7:00 p.m. Tuesday YWCA. 1432 N St. Everyone welcome. _ _ Parents & Friends of Lesbian and Gays Next meeting 4/27/93,7:00pm, Unitarian Church, 6300 A Street. 4354688. Program on the March on Washington followed by small group sharing. PFLAG provides support and education for all people m a comfortable, affirming setting. Confidentially policy.__ / UNL Wildlife Club Next meeting: Wed., April 28,7.-00pm ECU. Speaker: Dr. Julie Savidge will talk about her recent trip to the rainforests and coral reefs of Belize, and about an upcom ing field trip course to that country. _ Young Democrats!! -The final meeting of the semester- Tuesday, April 27 6:30pm in Cky Union, room to be posted. -All Student Democrats are welcome. Come shew your support Iff 120 Greek Affairs OA0 Special thanx to the brothers of Phi Delta Theta who helped with the March of Dimes Walk America. I appreci ate your support. *1699 nKO Congratulations to all the houses involved in the Terrace Luau. it was a great success and a good time. Let's do it again soon. _-TheMen of Pi Kappa Phi ASA Congratulations: ToKimVanderholm lor getting aoceptedto Vet School. To Saw Patai tor getting accepted to Syracuse Law School. To Katie Thomsen lor getting accepted to Nursing School. To Pam Echtenkampa Devon Liston (AGS). Jen Herdahl A Darren Nelson (II Kap) A Deb Friedman A Mike Grimm (Lambda Chi) on their engagements! And to Deb Friedman A Kelli Smith for getting accepted to Phi Beta Kappa A also to Dab for the Gamma Gamma Awardll Amy Kamphaue (Gamma Phi). Congratulations on receiving the Chancellors Student Leadership Award. Your leadership abilities to this house and canpusmede you more than deserving Were proud of you. Love, your Sister* Andrea Terasinski (Gamma Phi). Thank* tor all the hard work and tima you put rrto making moms weekend special. Love, your Sisters Congratulations to the following on being elected officers in the agronomy dub: Brad Rikke. V.P.; Jeff Cuba. Asst. Treasure and uan Miller. Corresponding Secretary The Men of AGS Congratulation* to Lane Souk up (AGS) and Stacy Reiss on your engagement. We wish you the best • _L__' • - The Men of AGS ConorstuWione to the new officer* of PtkDefta Theta: VP nMem Hohme, SEC Aaron Boumsiein. TREAS-Jeff Gra ham. SCHOL-Tom Pillager. ALUM SEC-Nicfc Bruggeman. HOUSE MGR-Maft Hebert, PLEDGE ED Scot Ca»ler/John Munoz. SOCIAL Josh White/Jim Rejdu. WARDEN-Ben Brazer. AWARDS-Math "You” Brinkman, PHA.-Chris McWilkams, FUNO-Scot Hankins, INTRAMURALS Randy Robison. IFC-Dave Stern. BRO HOOD-Dave Garda/Man Kirshenbeum. PR-Bad Sturdy, HIST-Billy Gross. CHAP-Ryan Eartywlne. CHOR-Jim Nordberg Good luck next fall <DBX Congratulattons to the Kappa Cfass on their actkraiions Into the Theta Chapter of Pni Beta Chi Sorority Love, Your Beta Chi Sister* Kappa Sigma would We to congratuWe brother Jason St rue and his father for winning the Father/Son Golf Tournament. ___ Karen (AXO). Brian has bought the ring. We hope he pope the question toon. Good luck in Chicago! Love, your sisters OBX Congratulations to JW F. on being selected Active of the year and Juke W. tor Associate of the Year in the Theta Chap Love, your Phi Beta Chi Sister* Pi Phi, ADII, TheU XI. Thanks lor your enthusiasm and support during Greek Weak 93. We had a great time. -The men ol Phi Data Thou Thank you lo tha Ladles ol Apha Phi lor surviving tha 1993 Hurricane Fpsiion. Wa had a great time. Tha Man ol AOS To tha woman ol Apha PM: Thanks tor including us In tha Riley Element ary Fun Night Carnival. Wa had a great time, and hope to do N aga.n Tha man ol Kappa Sigma 140 Personals At Ued Sal - You In gray- Me In green- Wa exchanged glances al evening. Would love to meotl RSVP via personals. Trendy Stool. Dog got to bo man's boat friend by wagging Ms tail, not Ms Wayne. H you donl get your personal in by Friday 2 00 pm tor the final Issue on Monday 5/3.1 think I wll hud wlh disappoint ment Garth 145 Lost & Found FOUNO: Ladles watch in Odtathar on April 21. CaH 477 2309. Ask lor Rob lllwantecP55™1^™111-11^™ Old pantyhose/nylons lor research purposes, (runs/holos OK) Please sand via campus mal to Chris Too Sherreii 362 Plant Science. East Campus-0915. Paperback books used In the English desses Wll pay 30% lor most Literature paperbacks. PAGE ONEBOOKSTORL 206 No. 12th 150 Child Care Needed College student with elementary education background to bo nanny lor on# child summer months. CaH 421-6002. -7 I miUUKHIU I w» BIOOfA/' ' <*«»***» Iiniinvvai ivBeeiBiHlllWbaiV of my children Mondays-Frldays. You will need your own, reliable transportation and beover21 years old. Someone interested In children 12A 13yrs. old would be preferred. We live in a comfortable SE Lincoln home. Lots of flexibility A a summer health dub/swimming pool mem bership, Call Days: 475-8407 or Eves. 489-4997. NANNY POSITIONS We represent the best families. San Francisco: 10 top jobs/own apartments. Vail: Skier's dream. Denver: Indoor pool/S325/week. Carmel: Ocean estate. No tee. 1 year. Start 6/17 A beyond. Call evenings/weekends Archer Dawson Agency 423-6629 Professional mother seeking companion for 13 and to year old children after school and evenings. Transporation required. Care to be provided in my home. Duties include preparing evening meal and some light housekeeping. Starting pay S3.50-4.00/hr. Send re sponse to Donna Paulsen.5033 Southwood Circle. Lln coln, NE 68612_ Wanted: Summer companion for 10 A 13 yr old boys. Afternoons, must have car. 488-4475 evenings. 160 Help Wanted Act Locally Think globally. Work this summer on environmental cam paign To protect Nebraska's resources. Hours are 2-10. Monday Friday. Pay: S300/weok. Travel opportunities. Phone 477-8681. _ Assistant director of residence life/hal director. NE Wesleyan University seeks an energetic professional to serve as assistant director of residence life and centen nial hal director. Responsibilities include: overall coordi nation of housing assignments A billing, summer confer ence coordination, assisting with selection, training and supervision of hall directors A residence assistants Safety A security coordination, partial budget manage ment. building renovation A other administrative duties. 12 month, live-in position, also includes overall manage ment of a co-ed residence hall. Housing 166 residents, mentoring 6 residence assistants and a hall government. Must have a commitment to programming, student deveF opment A own professional growth. Qualifications: Mas ters degree In Student personnel or related field strongly preferred: two or more years previous residence me experience preferred. Competitive salary, benefits, fur nished apartment, meal plan when university is in ses sion. Stan date: August 1.1993. Review of application will begin May 1,1993and continue until the position is filled Send letter of application and resume to: Jody Donovan. Director of Residence Lie, NE Wesleyan University. 6000 St. Paul Ave.. Lincoln. NE 68604. Bartenders, doorpersons. cocktail waitery wanted. Con tact Jim at Johnny D's Lounge between 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 488-4242. Clerk needed two evenings and some weekends. Knights Clothing. 48th and Van Dorn. Apply In person. Extra summer hours possible. Clerks needed afternoons and nights. Apply in parson. Mika's O Street Drive-In. 22 A O _ COLLEGE STUDENTS $8.2$ TO START International corporation has many entry level summer openings throughout Nebraska, loterview now in Lincoln, start before or after finals Internships and scholarships awarded. 488-6017. Community Health Educator* 20-30 hrt/mak. May- September .Assist propel direct* m traffic safety promotion. Interpersonal and communion reeurna postmarked May 3 to Protect Director. Heath Education, Inc.. P.0 Box 80551. Llncotn^NE. 6gS0lT Drafting Job Engineering student with drafting experience and 2-3 years of college remaining. Part-time during school; ItM Ume during summer. Ceil 476-7545 ask tor Tom or Rob Duffy’s Fireworks Full time summer help starling in May. 5700 Cornhusker Highway. Apply between 9 a.m. 3 p.m Earn $10.00 Per Hour WATS Marketing is hiring Outbound Telemarketing posi tions paying $10.00 per hour. *$10 per hour guaranteed - no bonus. Temporary full and part-time poslions to last through July. 1993 FufMlm* and parl-ttm* shtfts are available ‘Paid training classes starting immediately. ‘A great opportunity lor students, ralirees and homemak ers. Apply at our employment office. 830 a.m. - 6D0p r^Monday • Friday WATS Marketing 6166-0"*. (S.W. corner ef QsSswey Shopping Center) _ An Equal Opportune Employer Earn extra cash Immediate placements Wa have opening* lor asaenbly worker* and export onood MIQ weldar* al one ol Lincoln'* leading manutac turtng plains. Al portions ara 40hrs/wk. and banailts Include: vacation and ho May pay Applicants must be 18 or older and may apply al MSP Resources Inc. SuNe 436 Greantraa a 210 Gateway North. EOE. t UtnAure detrveiy person tor occasional need 4 74 6780 N you Uke tatUng to people, not sailing things, then this is t tie joo iw yog. Great pay, evening hours. benefits. Call lor an interview Monday • Friday. 1T - 3pm. 478-1010. Independent Representative Ground Floor opportunity in a young, last growing com pany with unlimited income potential. Can 460-1400 RUNZA ~ ~ 13th A E We have opportunfties to earn great wages A start an exciting career for outgoing, fnendhr people We are ourrenfly accepting applications tor lul-time day posi tions that Oder: * flexible scheduling * opportunities to advance * had-prtoe meals ' bonus A scholarships programs 'corrpetXrve wages Coma Join our winning team by *>plying todayl Sears Appliance Service Now hiring counter help Part-time positions available Apply at 4115 8. 14th from *-12 noon or 2-4pm Seriously unique opportunity .Now accepting applications lor wait start with lunch A dinner avrtabilSy. Apply in person between 2 4pm. Mon A Wed m Lank/s Brewery A Gnl. 710 9 SL Snow/water ski Department Manager portion available TtDa1- LiWor* sP°rtin9 OoodaTwoo So. 50th. 421 Summer’s Coming Areyou looking forafull or part-time job that wont interfere with your summer actMtW? International Telcom has positions available lor outbound Mamarketers. We pro Wl! * Paid Training ' Casual environment * Bonuses A incentives * Flexble hours ._ (work hours that ara convenient lor you) WarnMiona1 Telcom Inc.. 34!°-Cr it..