Opinion Friday, April 23, 1993 Nel?raskan Editorial Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chris Hopfensperger.Editor, 472-1766 Jeremy Fitzpatrick..Opinion Page Editor Alan Phelps.Managing Editor Brian Shellito.Cartoonist Susie Arth.Senior Reporter Kim Spurlock.Diversions Editor Sam Kepfield... .Columnist “The greatest way for us to realize a better future is by cooperation, so America can once again be saved. ” — Hillary Rodham Clinton, first lady, explaining why the U.S. health-care system needs to be reformed. “Hey, hey, ho, ho. Socialism’s got to go. — Demonstrators outside the Lied Center for Performing Arts protesting Clinton's proposals. “One has to wonder about young Republicans engaging in this kind of stuff this early. In the Nixon-Watergate case, most of the dirty tricks were perpetrated by people who practiced and honed out their dirty tricks in college. ” — Bill Avery, Young Democrats adviser, pondering the actions of members of UNL College Republicans who were elected to offices in Young Democrats. “You can ask a lot of people about my long standing opposition to apathy on this campus. (Encouraging involvement) was our intention. ” — Chris Peterson, a member of UNL College Republicans, offering his reasons for running for president of Young Demo crats. “Write in the margins, 'Check this out. ’ That way you don’t wind up with a negative image of yourself, and you won’t wind up Clarence-ized. ’’ — Motefi Asante, a professor1df African studies at Temple University, discussing the lack of attention to the achievements of Africans in traditional classes. “When it happens, the neighbors will all cheer, and the students will all cry. ’’ — Bill Kennedy, who plans to tear down the Cherry Hut. “The Stanford coach says they train for one meet all year. He said that Nebraska worries too much about scoring consistently all season long. That’s bull_ . “Our system works. I have seven (national) trophies, and he has two. ” “These guys competed. Sure, they’re disap pointed. But they’re 21 years old. They’re not going to die. “We’ll just win it next year. ” — Francis Allen, Nebraska men's gymnastics coach, after the favored Comhuskers lost to Stanford in the finals of the NCAA Championships for the second year in a row. “LSD was an auxiliary technique for checking myself out. It wasn’t that we used drugs — or I didn’t — every day. I took acid maybe a dozen times, you know every couple of years, just to see the map or the landscape, then maybe come down to Earth and figure out what to do with the Infor mation — Allen Ginsberg, poet, explaining his drug use as part of his search for self-knowledge. “Although nothing in this issue deals directly with Rush Limbaugh, his lampooning of the Idio cies of political correctness are models for us. And I personally worship him." — Boyd Johnston, president of Students for America and editor of The Ideal, a new student publication. -1 - .i ' Staff editorials represent the official policy of the Spring 1993 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. The regerus publish the Daily Nebraskan. They establish the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the editorial comeat of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of iU students ^_ The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, timeliness and space avails Me. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material submitted. Readers also are welcome to submit material as guest opinions. The editor decides whether material should run as a guest opinion. Letters and guest opinions sent to the newspaper become the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be returned. Anonymous submissions will not be published Letters should included the author's name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. RequesU to withhold names will not be granted. Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. .-sss rw ^A -miKiK SEAW 1 TO- V4E. VO in inlNK v^ppyjFn UP \N "TY\E. ^E- «CRE>JW SStwfi IT'^ TH\<; <*re_ UP fROM eW'NWN<5vTrs “VWE BEGINNMq. C&U.EP CaUN COHTKOL . / Waco I would like to respond to Michelle Paulman’s column “Waco incident results in waste” (DN, April 20,1993), in which she said that organized faith would cease without the blind follow ing. She happened to mention Islam as an organized faith. If she believes the following of a priest as a spokes person for God means an organized faith, then Islam is not an organized faith. In Islam no one can determine the will of God for someone and lead his followers as in other religions she mentioned. Surprisingly, she did not mention Judaism. Maybe Judaism is not an organized faith as well. More human beings have been killed in the name of nationalism, racism and for the sake of political and economic interest. For example, look at WWI, WWII, the Gulf War and revolutions in China and Russia. I believe that misuses of religion arc possible but they do not happen very often. Even in the case of the genoe idc of Bosnian Muslims, religion has not played a major role. This is true that the United Nations has clearly treated Croats and Muslims differently even though it is a secular organization and no church has publicly endorsed the actions of Serbs as Christian actions. I believe that anyone who protests against injustice and genocide, re gardless of his background, should be given similar credit. If democracy is supported in China, then it should be supported in all parts of the world. Affiliation to a religion is often con demned as being fundamentalist. Quileoften it is an attempt to discredit .claims of one group and deprive it from basic human rights. For example, Serb leaders said that Serbs will not accept the Islamic fundamentalist government of Bosnians (to keep up the arms embargo on Bosnians) in order to justify his groups atrocities and rapes. The government of Egypt does not hold elections to prevent the • Islamic fundamentalists from gelling any share of power. Democratic gov ernments do support such dictators’ rule in the name of democracy. Un fortunately , most of the religious-pho bic people support one kina of aggres sion against (ear of possible future aggression which might happen or might not happen at all. It is time for us to make rational decisions and to ask some fundamen tal questions of ourselves. We cannot punish a human being before the crime even if his genetic code indicates clearly that he is going to murder someone. In fact, use of religion is not more sophisticated than that of na tionalism or any other ideology. Syed Agha Sered senior engineering David Baddws/DN TVicks I am writing in regard to Bill Avery’s comments about how Re publicans get started at such an early age with their “dirty tricks’’ and how he also commented that “one has to wonder about young Republicans en gaging in this kind of stuff this early.” I would like to comment on how one also has to wonder how the College Republicans lost two of four races, vice president and secretary, when they had eight representatives com pared to just six for the Young Demo crats. How did they lose despite their majority at the meeting? Was there cheating and a lack of morality in volved in this election process, Mr. Avery? Isn’t it a shame that Demo crats, as right as they often think they arc, have to resort to this kind of shameful scam just to try to save their face? It is too bad that you don’t applaud something such as the enthusiasm that some young students have taken toward legitimate student activities. Perhaps, Professor Avery, you would like young students to follow the ex amples our president has set forth. Ones of which we all smoke pot, burn our country’s flag and avoid our country’s draft. Or better yet, maybe we could all get drunk and drive our carsoff a local bridge, kill an innocent woman, save ourselves, go to bed that sameevening and tell the public about it the next day and still get off scot free. . Itis humorous that you would com pare Chris Peterson and Rob Bryant with the Watergate scandal, especially in light of the fact that Richard Nixon now has a higher approval rating than that of our newly elected president. It is a shame that at Professor Avery’s age he still hasn’t seen the light of conservatism, but I guess some people never grow up. Chris J. Kodad junior architecture ‘Anticipation’ So the editors of the rag arc mad that Republicans Rob Bryant and Chris Peterson were elected to office in Young Democrats (DN, April 19, 1993). Why? According to statements made by Pat Adams, First District chairperson of Nebraska Young Democrats, the Young Democrats knew that there were Republicans at the meeting: “Let’s find out if they’re serious about joining Young Demo crats.” Mr. Adams said his initial reaction to the attendance of the Re publicans was one of anticipation. 11 tv 11 Dili nvuj, i uuiig »/vh>u era is adviser (also aware of the atten dance of the Republicans), said, .* they only showed they are capable of cheating and deception.” (Gennifer Rowers, “I did not inhale”)* He con tinued, “It’s distressing to see that these kids are engaging in it (dirty tricks) this early. You re right, Mr. Avery, they should have followed President Clinton’s example and waited until they were older, as if it were acceptable to engage in “dirty tricks” at any age. Then he compares Peterson and Bryant to the criminals involved in Watergate. Come on people, you knew who these people were, you let them in your organization, pay your dues, run for office and be elected. Take your medicine, jusl like the rest of us ( 1 will not raise taxes to pay for these programs,”“The tax raises willonly affect those making over $200,000. )* At least a majority voted for Peterson and Bryant (compared with less than 45 percent for slick Willie). We are willing to bet that atten dance at future Young Democrats meetings will increase, considering the addition of one Democrat would increase attendance by 17 percent (what would Mrs. Clinton think.). The only people that should be angry with this situation are the six Demo crats who did show up for the meet ing. At least they put words into ac tion and attended the meeting. Dave Bremer senior mechanical engineering Jim Foral senior mechanical engineering