; Daily, ...« Nebraskan 472-2588 Thurwlay, April 22,1993 ^————• . . ' ' "'" " T ' IX Fight Night ^pril23, at 7:00pm 4-H Building at Nebraska Fairgrounds Tickets are $4 and can be bought at the Union or at the Sigma Chi House from April 1#23 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Friday. April 23 East Campus Union 12:00—1 ©0 p.m. “Triage: The Allocation of Limited Medical Care Resources —Values A Public Policy" Dr. David Palm Director —Bureau of Policy A Planning, State Dept, of Health ALL UNL FACULTY, STAFF A STUDENTS ARE INVITED_ For those who helped and participated in the 3 agonizing, but otherwise fun-filed* days of the CBS "College Tour:* The Greek System Students. Student Involvement staff, Nebraska Union Staff. Parking, UNL Police and last, but never the least, the University Program Counci. Thank You all Very Muchl (Next year again?) Larry SERGEI DUNAEV One of the new generation of market economists at Moscow State University in Russia and Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison FROM MARX TO MARKETS: THE PROGRESS OF ECONOMIC REFORM IN RUSSIA 9:30 - FRIDAY. APRIL 30 * CBA AUDITORIUM AND THE ENVIRONMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS IN RUSSIA 1:30 - FRIDAY, APRIL 30 CBA 120 Sponsored by frie Department of F.conomtcs and Marketing wttf support from the (ML Research Coined Apply Now! Positions and Programs for 1993-1994 CBA Student Development Center Apply NOWIII One simple and easy application for all positions and early fall planned programs. Positions Include: ‘CBA Student Development Staff Assistant ‘Corporate Partner Liaisons ‘United Way/CHAD Loaned Executives ‘Stuart Leadership Development Volunteers Programs: ‘Looking Glass Corporate Simulation ‘Dark Horse 'Being Interviewed for for Success' ‘Corporate Resume Project Applications available in CBA 237III Due back Monday, April 26 at 500pm. Questions call 2-7737 or 2-8836. Attention Seniors! Student Foundation Senior Scholarship deadline has been extended one more week. Application available at the Office for Student Involvement, 200 Ne. City Union. GENERAL STUDIES” STUDENTS Come and voice your concerns to General Studies Senators Thursday - April 22 - 700 p.m. 116 Nebraska Union Graduate Women in Science End of the year meeting and elections for 03-84 school year: April 23rd. East Campus Union at noon. HOTDOG!! Check out the Marketing Club's Bake Sale and Hotdog Sale at CBA todayl It allbeglns at B:00amlll_ INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT-Make 52,000+ per month teaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan A Taiwan. Many provide room A board ♦ other benefitsl No previous training or teaching certificate re quired. For employment program call: 1 (206)-632-1146 ext. J5778 _ IJazzFest VI Nebraska Wesleyan University UP. Outside, I 53rd and Huntington. Sunday, April2512-5p.m. t MEN WHO SING! Varsity Glee. No audition MWF, 12:30pm Credit ornon credH. Info? Call 472-2803.__ NEBRASKANS- Financial opportunities for homeworkers and students. Work at home, no exp. necessary. Start immediately for local companies. For free info, send SASE to: Nebraska s Information Team, P.0 Box 311. Seward, NE 68434-031 L_ Need Money for College? We specialize in finding sources. Guaranteed or money back. Free information Scholarship Advisers, P.O. Box 280661, Omaha NE.. 68128. EARN MONEY WHILE YOU STUDY Or come in and "get away from it all" • $25 for new customers and those who have not donated in 2 months on your 1st donation. • TV Entertainment. • 2 Hrs. free parking. • Bonuses for those who qualify to participate in our special programs. Come visit the friendliest staff in town at 1 Lincoln Donor Center f 126 N. 14th. Suite 2 Please call 474-2335 for an appt. BARTLES & JAYMES warm 4ok..-. JACERMEISTER t.r99 750 ml_*13 COMFORT-750 mL-S?" WHITEZINFANDEI_750ml_$399 CAPT. MORGAN SPICED RUM_750mi_$8" BUOWEISER „ N^tT Utftit. Dry. loose case warm—4> I U OLD STYLE ..g Refi.. warm._4> C* MILLER 29 Ret, Hifih Life. OLDMILWAU r79 Ueht. NA. _md much more thru 4/28/93 Just North of 27th & VINE _477-7516 NU Dance Team Try-outs If you could not attend the Informational meeting. TRY OUTS will be 9M Sun., April 25 (Military & Naval Science Bldg.) and 5:30 Mon., April 26 (East Campus Union). Please bring transcripts. ._ Open House April 26-29,2-8 p.m. We’ve moved sm! we want you to come see us at our new location! 245 N. 13th St. (In the Gunney Building) OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL: $50.00 tuition discounts for all students registering for summer Session Classes. STOP BY and SAY HELLO! 475-7010 KAPLAN The Answer to the Test Question QUIZ BOWL ■s Friday April 23,3 pm at City Union w Open to all university students. No entry fee Entry forms available in 118 Neiharot. Entry deadline: Thursday. April 22, noon. Sponsored by UNL Honors Program Question? Call Mfce Lewis, 436-6434. UNLHort Club Annual Bedding plant sale April 22-23 Bam - 3:30pm (While supplies lastl) East Campus Glass Greenhouse (Across from Animal Science, look for signs) Youth Recreational Daycamp Husker Kids is held June 7 - August 6 for youth entering 2-6 grades (8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. daily). Wide variety w sports and games. Swimming every day. Discount tor children of currently enrolled students. Cal Campus Rec reation at 472-3467 for registration packet. ". 115 Meetings Ag Econ/Agribusiness Club Picnic and award#, 6:30 Tuo#day, April 27th. Peter Pan Part*. RSVP to Pat room 204, Filley Hall by Friday at 530. Scavenger hunt at 5:30 meet at Filley Hall. Attention Student Foundation members! Next meeting is Thur#day. April 22. Sand volleyball wrfth the Foundation at P.O. Pear#, 530 p.m. Bring money for burger# I ECOLOGY-NOW Meeting tonight at 730pm in NE Union (room posted) Guest speaker Glen Schumann, Associate Director of Housing, on Conservation and Education in the UNL Residence Hate. _ _ Mechanized Systems Management Club Meetina Thursday. April 20.730pm room 146LWChase. Speaker: Mfce SrtWlTFREE PI&A AFTERWAROSIII NU Meds Creighton tour is today. We will leave from the Union at noon.___ Pi Mu Epsilon announces Its SPRING PICNIC (and 93-94 officer election#. Saturday, April 24. from 1-4 p.m. at Holmes Lake. HanOurgers and hot dogs provided - pieaae bring chips or a desert. All math enthusiasts welcome' Pre-Law Club Meeting will be at 730pm. Thursday In the City Union. Room will be posted TCAB Our last meeting of the semester will be Thursday. April 22.630pm In Mabel Lee room 242. 120 Greek Affairs A Mg thanks to tha Du man for a great time on Monday night. Congratulations to Kathy Gardes for being selected Du SwmKima. Good cftolo* boyt. Congratulations to Susan Oxtey (KKG) and Corsy Sheen (OT0) on your pinning. Come rain or come shine you guye throw a great partyl Love, tha Kappas Law, your AXO 8 is taro AAA THEIR SENIORS! AAIT Senior Appreciation Week Congratutatlonal You ara a graat group of seniors. Wa wdM miss you. Hava fun this weak It Shantei Chase. Nicole Bruns. Jo Stiar. Amy Dorssom. Dob Ktootormoyor, Laura i oisom. Chartone Hoag. Joani SchmakJar, Lana Bader AmyGogan. GeoteneRu%b.. Dayna Lowenetten, Carl Hansen Julia Llppinoon. Mich alia Usee, Susan Combh. Wa love our Saniors I Loyaky. Tha Woman of AOII zx Fight Night April 23. at 7-00pm 4-H Building at Nebraska Fairgrounds Tickets ara $4 and can be bought at tha Union or at tha Sigma CM House from April 1 £23 Thanks to AOII for a great dinner exchange. Tha Woman of Alpha Chi Omega N aysT^ The man of Doha Upsibn would Ilka to congratulate tha tolbwtng DU's: Clift Knelzel and Julie Weyand (Phi Bela Chi) on your epgagement; Jeff Himmelberg on making UNL Yen SguAtf-Tripp 8ut»er and Andrew Sigerson on receiving Gamma Gamma awards recognfeTnu greek excellence. tha guys who finis had second in Tri-Dali Water Poiol ___ _ UNTOUCHABLES. What can we say? Your name says it all Congrats you guys. You did awesome. Your AOII coaches. Julia A Codetta AY The men of Delta UpaHon wouldllketo congratulate the following Du's: John Keogh and Matt Fefber on being accepted to Med School-EdTabler on being aooapted to MedTech; Sam Runge and Eric Muelter on being ac cepted the Pharmacy school: Jsfl Koete on beli^ao ceoted to Podiatry School; Andrew Slgerson on Being accepted to Creighton Law School. Good job guysl 140 Personals_ Trent, Don't worry. You’re not as bad as they say. Kim Thanks to Lulu C., Mark P.. Melissa M.. and everyone else for all your help with Earth Day. Galen W. Trendy Stool, Without ethics you have no honor, and ability without honor has no value. 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Clothing, books, calculators and tape recorder. Go to 227 Hamilton Hall to claim. 148 Wanted See Jane run. Where? 3110 Orwell. Why? Retired teacher sells all teaching aids. When? Thur. 1-4, Fri. 1-4. Call 423-7857 for special arrangements. 150 Child Care Needed College student with elementary education background to be nanny tor one child summer months. Call 421-6002. Professional mother seeking companion tor 13 and 10 year old chlldran attar school and avsnings. Transporation required. Care to be provided in my home. Duties include preparing evening meal and some light housekeeping. Starting pay $3.50-4.00/hr. Send re sponse to Donna Paulsen.5033 Southwood Circle. Lin Coin.NE 66512___ Summer day-time babysitter in our home. 24+ hours/ week. 3 kids age 8.9 and 12. SE Lincoln. Cripple Creek area. Must have car. Please call alter 5PM. 423-8447. 160 Help Wanted Bartenders, doorpersons. cocktail waitery wanted. Con tact Jim at Johnny D's Lounge between 11 a.m.-5 p.m. 488-4242._ Centennial Mail Child Care Now taking applications for part-time teachers. Must be able to work Monday-Friday, 7:15 - 9:15 or 3:30 - 530. Apply 100 Centennial Mall North. Ftoom 140. Clerks needed afternoons and nights. Apply in person. MUWeOStreet Drive-In,O*_ Convenience store clerk Fd, Sal and Sun; various hours. Apply in person. N Street West. 640 West Van Dorn. Drafting Job Engineering student with drafting experience and 2-3 years of college remaining. Part-time duringschoot; full time during summer. Call 476-7545 ask tor Tom or Rob. Duffy’s Fireworks Full time summer help starting in May. 5700 Comhueker Highway. Apply between 9 a.m_-3 p.m. Early morning and afternoon aerobes instructor needed. Downtown VMCA 1039 P Street. 475-9622. Earn $10.00 Per Hour WATS Marketing Is hiring Outbound Telemarkwing posi tions paying 610.00 per nour ‘$10 per hour guaranteed - no bonus. Temporary full and part-time positions to last through July, 1993 ‘Full-time and part-time shits are avaiable. ‘Paid training classes sterling immediately. *A great opportunity for studante, retirees and homemak ers. Apply at our employment office. 830 am - 630 p m Monday - Friday 466-8211 WATSMarkating 6100 "0” 91. (8.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Center) An Equal Opportunity Employer Earn extra cash Immediate placements W* have openings for assembly workers and expert snoed MIG welders * one of Lincoln's leading manufac turing plants. Al positions srs 40hr*/v* and benefits include: vacation and holiday pay Applicants must be 16 or older and msy apply at MSP Resources Inc Suto 436 Or centres Ct. 210 G*eway North. EOE. GUARANTEED $400 Two student dub* needed for tel project. Your group GUARANTEED* least 640060. Muetca* BEFOREEND OFTERMI 1-600632-0626. Ext 66 Nannies Needed Near NYC. we oner great lanviies, v». and memoraoi* one year experience. TREA8URED NANNIES. INC. 1 600-666-1701. anytime. Part-time computer operator Immediate Pan-time Opening tor Computer Operator to work 1-6 am. Must be flexbi* to work Sunday through Saturday approximately 20 hours.Week Responsible for computer mainframe and peripheral equipment, off-line punted output and distribution AbMty to Hit 60k*. MVS and VM experience helptul but wM train. Apply Monday Friday. 9:00am-460pm. Technic* Management Inc. 421 South 9th Sue*. Suto 222. Lincoln. Nebraska 66606 EOE _ Part-time summer conpanion needed for 11 and 13 year oldt. K interested Cafi 476-0661 after 660pm Refer •fl0M. Recreation Leaders School Year 93-94 Lincoln Parks A Recreation is accepting applications NOW lor positions beginning August 24 wlri After school and Before School Recreation programs lor elementary children. Before School hour* 700-9 00AM. After school hours 2:30-546PM or 3:16-846PM. Mon-Frl. toply « Pkt^jrour^/^Offic#, 1225 F Street. Second floor, 441 RUNZA 13th 6 E We have opportunities lo earn great wages A start an exciting career for outgoing, friendly people We are currently accepting applications for full-time day posh lions th* oiler: * flexible scheduling ‘ opportunities to advance * half-price meals ‘ bonus A scholarship* program* ‘competitive wages Come |oinour winning team by applying today I salesperson warned 10 sen nome ana oinoe rurnnure in the Omaha area. Full or part-time hours available. Send resume and salary requirements to: Contemporary Woods Furniture, P.O^Box 22836, Lincoln. NE 68542 Sears Appliance Service Now hiring counter help. Part-time positions available. Apply at 4B15 S. 14th trom 9-12 noon or 2-4pm. Subcontractor PHOTOGRAPHER, Experienced in wedding/studio. Need own equipment. Summer’s Coming Are you looking for af ull or part-time job that wont interfere with your summer activities? International Telcom has positions available for outbound telemarketers. We pro vide: ' Paid Training * Casual environment * Bonuses 8 incentives * Flexible hours (work hours that are convenient for you) Apply in person to: International Telcom Inc., 3410 “O’ St., or call 474-1256.__• Technician needed: Scarlet and Cream Singers need a Ught/sound tech for academic year <93-'04. Cal Barb at 472-2841,____, Tour the Midwest. Combine 8 truck drivers needed for wheat crew. Room 8 board provided. Good salary. Farm experience required. (308) 352-4154 162 Work Study Jobs Collection. Summer Semester. 10 hours per week, after noons. plus some weekend work required. See: Martha Kennedy, 205 Love Library, 472-6220. 164 Summer Jobs ACREAGE WORK Part-time summer job. Mowing and other work on a Lincoln acreage. Call Don Hamann 476-8561 Camp Counselors M/F. OUTSTANDING SLIM-DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance. Slimnastics. WSI. Athletics, Nutrition/Dietetics. Age 20*. Seven weeks. CAMP CAM&.OT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT MASSACHUSETTS, PENNSYLVANIA. CALIFORNIA. Contact: Michele Friedman. 947 Hewlett Drive. North Wood mere. NY 11561. (1-800-42V-432l)_ $480/Week Attention Marketing and business majors, edu cation, pre-med and pre-law majors: Find out how you can get job-related experience In your field this summer. For more details-call 434-6649. Papa John’s Is looking for energete, dependable summer workers to work full Lime in food service. All summer. Travel required, expenses paid. Good pay. Apply in person at 114 South 14th or caff 477-7657._ Summer child care. 9 and l2yearokJs. Monday - Thurs days days. Our horns. Must havs car. 466-3632. Summar delivery driver wanted. Must be able to lift 150 bt . have a valid Nsbraska Driver's license and be 19 years of age or older. Apply at Contemporary Woods Furnkure. 2019 Highway ^Lincoln. 66542. Please bring a copy of your driving record with you. Summer employment full end part-time. Branched Oak Marina and Restaurant. Raymond. NE-Call tor Interview (402)763-3311._ Summer enter needed for 2 girls-7 and 10 years old. M F starting June 7. Fox Hollow area, summer RaquetClub membership Included. Experience end own transports tlon required. 486-1532 after 630pm end weekends Temporary Summer Work NE BOOK COMPANY, INC. W# have many openings. 40 hours per week. Storking, Packing, and Miscellaneous Warehouse duties. 65 00 per hour Complete application at: NEBRASKA JOB SERVICE 1010 “IT STREET 8-11a.m. and 1-4p.m. An Equal Opportunity Employer Trophy assembler wanted. Apply In person: Rixstlne Trophy Company, 2350 O’ St. Warned: Individual tor lawn maintenance. Must be de pendable. have vehicle, and excellent references. Call Rakh 474-5327 (Days) 170 Roommates_ Fsmala or mala lo llva in with whsalchair mala (taring in May. Fraa roomboard Litis haip. 4765228 Mato, non-smoking roommaia naadad lo shara 3SR apartmaot. $225/month. Avarltoas May 1.4794660. Naad tomato roommaia » shara 3 6«>oom apartmaot naar East Campus. S183/month plus lAWttoa. 476-6564or 464-0297 Non-smokar to shara torga Victorian houy.$190/mo ♦ 1M uttotlas. Marcto 4794267. or 479477$ daytima Non-smoking tomato naadad lor 3 badroom houaa. $160 ♦ uttottos. Ca« 464-4764. Roommaia lor mato. May-^ ^ vato badroom. taro bathroom, fully fumtohad.dtohwraariac. laundry. $236+ ulllBas. Phona 477-9067._ Roommato naadad 2 badroom duptoa. Must j***'’1™?*® and badspsndatola. $212.50* deposit* 1/2ulMMoo.477 1739._ 2E_ TwroM/F. N/S roommatas naadad horn May to Aug. 6BF houaa, 4 blocks from campus. $162.50 *V4 utllllas. Cal 475-9093. 175 Rooms For Rent_ Ttoo blocks from tha union, sacurily building. 7 rooms for rant. Community kitchan. living room, bain Big rooms. $290. Largar rooms $350, utllttos paid. Bring airland and shara tha rant. CaN Al at MIP apart mants 474-4904 or 474 3792. ■PBSSE&SSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSS 180 Houses For Rent 1300 N. 21st- Vary nlca 4br. 1 $ 1/2 baths, parking, naar campus, available Junajl. 9676.432-0944. _ 1631N. 22nd. Vary nioa 6BR. 2BA. Naar Campus! $600 AvaHabla May 22 432 0644 1736 No. 29th, 54 badrooms/2-bath. off-straat parking Ntoe.must saa. 9799/mo. 464-1914.__ 2719 Q- Nlca 4br. 1 9 1/2 baths, parking, between campuses. Availabia May $660.435-4147. 3 and * badroom housaa tor rant, naar University 476 7774.