CL AS SIFIED 472.2588 sgs&s IMPROVE YOUR LOOKS, HEALTH AND POPULARITY. QUIT SMOKING. ^American Heart Association © 1992, American Heart Association I HARRY’S I The Wonder Bar BIG MONDAY EVERY MONDAY i ■ 9pm-12am FOR SALE 64 PrintingiCopylng 68 Recycling 2 Appliance* 72 Rental* 3 Bicycle* 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 80 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers . - . .— 8 Furniture NOTICES 9 Garaae Sales 10 MiscFor Sale 100 Rides 12 Musical Instruments ,52 ci«h 13 Office Furniture &£?*£** I ttSBSS? S883X.. ® 130 Student Government 5 140 Personals on KiXChan9e 145 Lx>s1 * Found 40 vsnicie* 143 Wanted SERVICES 149 Fundraising ==== JOBS 22 Adoption - » 25ZS22L* Sewin9 150 Child Care Needed sfD Auiomoiive ittr. n.u 27 Bi^cle Service W0* Wob. 5 5™”. 164 Summer Job* 32 Cleaning/lsundry 166 ln,9fngh^ 33 Cleanmg/Households uaiicilt1 34 Comouter Service HOUMING 36 Entertainment 1 ■■ 111 38 Gilt Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health 8 Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance 190 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rem 50 Legal 191 Summer Housing 60 Mite. Services 192 Mobil* Homes For Rent 62 Photography 194 Homes For Sal* 198 Vacation Flentels_ Writing an effective ad_ Bo descriptive. The more information ytu pro vide the readers, the better your responses wlilbe. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the Items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. $3.00 per day for 15 words on Individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Dally Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability tor ail contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Dally Nebras kan. 3 Bicycles For Sale : ' ' ' .' “ \ 20.5“ Tom TaMdaJoWonky MTB. Nice part*, nic* price. Call 475-7688. Ask tor Kevin, Nice guy. Bianci racing with extras. $170 OBO. 421 -3838. 4 Books For Sale, SPELLBOUND BOOKS & GAMES: Candy, magazine*, posters. Best lead miniature selection in town. Reunion Building. 476-8602. 6 Computers For Sale_ 386. VGA. 4Meg Rem. 26Mhz. 6SMeg Hard Drive, mouse printer, joystick DOS 5.0 and Windows. CD-ROM. sound cards opt. Call Jon—436-0994. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson > ' s. f "X LOOK AT THIS GOOSWY, TALK ABOUT A \ ( EVflrt, MUD. ) DIRTf, SUWf, THICK BLECCUH. KID MARKET.' J V . Is ^WET MUCK / ^ j ^^-/ Susie, i think its only fair to that’s eleven i figure that lf id known her longer, Yp TELL YOU THAT THERE IS ABSOLUTELY YEAtt FROM NIGHT GIVE YCU I CCUtO'VE GIVEN HER J I NO WAY I WOULD EVEN CQKSIPEX NOW ' > ENOUGH TIME TO ^ MORE NOTICE . _- 7 ASKING YOU TO THE SENIOR PROW. ^FIND SOMEBODY p___ ^ ' WHO WILL , V ^ S*Mr/ ’ r.)'i - f Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1022 f yy ACROSS 38 Loser to D.D.E. i Bistros 38 Stop suddenly 8 Drop heavily 40 'on.e 8 „ t Cummerbund words (recant) is Lend- 41 Writer like (listen) A9nes Reppher 18 Hawaiian city 41 Sticks 18 Caesar's lover 44 Composer 17 Go on a spree Rorem to Rough 47 Negative calculation conjunction 21 Snarl 48 Witch bird 2t-volente 50 W-W* ®®n 23 M. Anderson's taker “High_" S3 Ancient German 24 Farm animal •• Rural 28 Swiss river 00 Gershwin 27 Annoying musical: 1930 31 Kind of « “I amell " punishment 82 Food seasoning ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE i i i i — i i i i i i i u Trace of color M Bank (on) M Playing card M One of a series of rows DOWN 1-Alaska (creamy dessert) x Cordial flavoring • Verso’s opposite 4 Munro's pen name • Picture • Titanic, for one ? Comic Olsen • Placard • Views 10 Hasn’t-to stand on 11 Peddle ix Socks 14 Daiquiri base 15 Benefactor i« Bird of prey as Limb MG.I.’s address >7 Seine sights M Hardwood trees M Join up with M Sigma M Attired is Solemn ■ promise I I I I — ■ ■ ■ —I I I I 33 Markings on an 43 Spruce 34 To be, to A.A.A. map so Tabriz native Jacques 34 Cries of delight st Cattle-grazing *3 Russian river 33-of Galilee land 37 Hanoi holiday 37 Exile 43 Tree of the birch 33 R.I.P. notice 33 Cereal grass family eo Egypt, 1961-71; 33 Succor •*N,ch0,a* «fl Abbr. 43 Discrete unit 44 Chess piece "™" 43"-Goes to Camp" ' v. • \ \ 43 Baldwin, e.g. •* V ' u. . . ) 20 Vehicles For Sale SBBBaBBBBBBBBS 1987 Olds Calais. Low miles, one owner, excellent con dition, see to appreciate $4550. Carta, 436-9848. Firebird 1984, V-6, T-tops, AM/FM, automatic. $1800 or best offer. 420-1135. 22 Adoption_ Adopt: Abundance of love, joy, and affection awaits your precious newborn. We offer our hearts and secure home. Medical and legal expenses paid. Jeanie and Seth, 1 800-831-0123. ADOPTION Happily married couple wishes to share their lives with newborn. Loving home, good education, and love of outdoors awaits. Legal and confidential. Expenses paid. Please call Elaine and Steve at 800-845-3597. Let us welcome your newborn into our happy and loving homo. Medical/legal expenses paid. Please call Dee and Wait ed led 718-898-8322.___ Open Adoption Our deepest wish Is to give your baby a happy, secure home. Lots of love, devoted parents. Let's discuss open, caring adoption. TonVLori 1-800-262-8770 (S1214) Pregnant? Want to takwith someone? Call Betty or Cindy Nebraska Children’s Home 4600 Valley Road 483-7879 100 years of adoption experience 46 Instruction/Tutoring Something you always wanted to do. Call 475-5385 for your free brochure. Classes starting five times a year. Financial aid available. Joseph's College of Beauty. 62 Photography_ For the best Specie) Event Photography call: OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Parties, Weddings and Location portraiture. Experienced and Fasti 63 Pregnancy_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping hand. ^Free^xngnancy tael, please cal us tor appoim 80 Typing & Resumes Action Resumes Quality returnee, cover letters, typing. Quick service, affordable rates. Evening, weekend hours. 436-7264. Al typing needs tktod N Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave. QUICK AND RELIABLEII WH dd typing servioee Call Mary 4634010. Leave massage. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 12 years experience, proven result. 464-0776. m Resumes Profession sly typeset and laser printed. 615 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan,beeement of Nebraeka Union. The Type-Riflhter College papers, manuscripts, essays Sped-and gram mar-checking. minor editing Call VMan 477-6417 WM do word processing and desk top publishing. Call 436-1321 daytime, nights 766-2785. Kim. 110 Announcements ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - fisheries Earn $600*/waek In canneries or 64.000W month on fishing boats. Eras transportation! Room 6 Board I Over 8.000 openings. No exper ienca necessary. Mala or Female. For employment program call 1-206-545-4156 ext. A5778. Apply Now! Positions and Programs for 1993-1994 CBA Student Development Center Apply NOWIII One simple and easy application for all positions and early faff planned programs. Positions ‘CBA Student Development Staff Assistant ‘Corporate Partner Liaisons ‘United Way/CHAD Loaned Executives ‘Stuart Leadership Development Volunteers Programs: ‘Looking Glass Corporate Simulation ‘Dark Horse ’Being Interviewed tor tor Success" ‘Corporate Resume Project Applications available in CBA 237III Due back Monday. April 26 at 5:00pm. Questions call 2-7737 or 2-8838. AVIATION CLASSES Beginning at UNL this Fall Semester. For more informa tion and pre-registration cal UNO Aviation Institute. 1-800-858-8648 _ Breaking the Silence A newsletter for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. For a free copy write to Box 30731, Lincoln. NE 66503. CAMPUS RECREATION STUDENT SUMMER MEMBERSHIPS Summer session students may purchase the privilege of using the Campus Recreation programs and facilities for the session(s) m which they are notenrolled. Pleasebring a copy of your summer registration when purchasing any summer membership. Students who were registered for Spring. 1993 may also purchase these privileges even though they are not registered for any summer session. Summer memberships may be purchased after MAY 1, 1992 at either Campus Recreation Office. 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Building. Questions may be directed to Barb Homer, Lynn DeShon, or Kenda Scheeie at 472-3467, _ CBS “College Tour” Apr. 19-20 Heyl Hey I For those of you who missed the information meetings and are stll interested in making money Ike 95.00/hr. cash on Tuesday April 20I Get your Information today at the Student Involvement Office - Student Union (City) at: Rm. 200 (al week end next week)I CLOTHING Phi Mu welcomes clothing concepts to the City Union. Great dot has for the coftoge budget. Tuesday 10am— 7pm-DON'T MISS OUTI _DEAD WEEK .... Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead We£ Finals can ONLY be moved To another lime DURING HNALS WEEK with the unanimous consent of the class. Stop by the ASUN office with questions or complaints. IX Fight Night fenl 23. at 700pm 4-H Building at Nebraska Fairgrounds Tickets are 84 and can be bought at tha Union or at tha Sigma Chi House from April 1»23__ INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT-Make 82.000* per month leaching basic conversational English abroad. Japan 6 Taiwan. Many provide room 8 board * other benefits I No previous training or teachlngcortlicaie re quired. For emptoymert program call: 1-(206)-632-1146 ext. J5778 MEN WHO SING! VarslyQlee. No audition MWF. 12:30pm. Cred* or non cred>. Into? CM!472-2063.• Money for College Loans, grants, scholarships, contests. Everyone Is eU gbls. Send SASE and $1: Educational information Ser vices. 2336 Market Street. Box 131, San Francisco. CA 041M. NEBRASKANS- Financial opportunity for homeworkers and students. Work at home, no exp. nerees try Start immediately for local companies. For free into, send SASE to: Nebraska's Information Team, P.O. Box 311, Seward. NE 66434-0311. QUIZ BOWL Friday April 23. 3 pm « City Union Open to ax untveraly students. No witty fee Entry forms avatlabi# in 118 Neihardt. Entry deadline: Thursday, April 22. noon. Sponsored by UNL Honors Program Question? Cali Mfcs Lewis. 436-6434. _. ROCK CLIMBING IN ARIZONA May 8-16,1863 We wil use Prescott. AZ as our base for five days of challenging top-rope dmbing. Beginners are welcomell 819b lor members/8243 75 for non-mambera. Includes' transportation, food, dmbing and camping gear, leadw shtp. instruction, insurance, and T-shirt. SKIN UP DEADLINE: APRIL 27, 7:00pm *472-4777 for more Information | THI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON •*/W A|/| AaLu Hnum a*nmnof TU|« mhhiaAm ___ vJfv, uw uwn oown, everyonei ... vms monsier — would you toy ho woo btggor or otnodor thon your budding?... You con todi N ovor." .. ....-. - . .— -; -■ - ~x ' - • « » -s- --- - — «*" ■ vv -i - - i.-- . —