The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1993, Page 16, Image 16

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    Classified 472-2588 Thunday, April 8,1SS3
Ben “Dover" S.,
Ode to my versatile friend. „
-Gail T.
To the Kappas in Padre.
Remember these three words...AIRFORCE ACADEMYI
Love ya all. Jen (KKG)
Attn UNL:
Somos pocos pero locos.
The brown berets are back. ^
To the CLICK: Chppy. Sam. Peter, Charrisse,
Our dick (bands, pins) and friendship are foreverl
Cheesecake Group
Good Luck for your next presentation. Thanks Kala and
Kendal. Bring some cheesecakes tonightll
145 Lost & Found
LOST: Black wallet in Student Union, about 12:00pm on
4/5. REWARDI Call 477-2309.
LOST: One university key not on key ring on March 31!
Please bring to Daily Nebraskan office if found.
160 Help Wanted ~~
*$9.25 Starting*
Expanding National Corporation filling entry level posi
tions. Flexible schedules, internships & scholarships
available. 480-6017. .. ..
Attention art students:
Want to be part of a preservation project on an historic
building in downtown Lincoln? Art deco painting from the
’30s needs help. Call Frank 432-0818.
Lincoln's original Texas-style steak house has 1u( and
part-time host and dishmacnine operator available. Apply
in person between 2-4pm at 6440 O St.
Campus Representative needed by sportswear company
to sell to fraternities and sororities starting this fall.
Average S50 - $100 working one night per week. Call 1
f^eysione (reg. tight, dry) w caw
111 Millef pa, draft* dm* »•) w caw
:||i .. ;-Vs4£ * %&, v<y^'KH A
BUSCh (rag or tight) w case
Pabst (rag. tight. x-Hght, drat) m ewe
Old Style (reg, tight, draft, draft tight) w caw
Olympia or Black Label (mgorughowcawcana
JackDanier* Cocktails 'v 3 k J§jg
*1 or ' > ^
Bacardi Breazer 4 pack warm $4.99
Martini $ Rossi 750 mi $8.99
Mountain View Cooler apkwam, $2.45
2620 Stockwell (5 blks north of Hwy 2 on 27th) 423-2085
Offer good thru March 24 Um&edto quantities on hand
/ Earn $10.00 Per Hour
WATS Marketing is hiring Outbound Telemarketing posi
tions paying $10.00 per hour.
•$10 per hour guaranteed - no bonus. Temporary full and
pan-time positions to last through July. 1993
•Full-time and part-time shifts are available.
•Paid training classes starting immediately.
* A great opportunity for students, retirees and homemak
Apply at our employment office.
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.Monday - Friday
WATS Marketing
•100 ”0" St.
(S.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Center)
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Earn extra cash
Immediate placements
We have openings for assembly workers and experi
enced MIG welders at one of Lincoln's leading manufac
turing plants. All positions are 40hrsAMt. and benefits
include: vacation and holiday pay. Applicants must be 18
or older and may apply at MSP Resources Inc. Suite 436
Greentree Ct. 210 Gateway North. EOE.
Earn extra money by doing light cleaning. Call 475-6715.
Exciting potential!
Seeking 15 highly motivated, athletically inclined indi
viduals to distribute performance enhancing/break
through supplements. Make own hours/work from home/
commissions paid weeklyl Call today! Wellness Con
cepts (402) 434-2828.
If you like talking to people, not selling things, then this is
theiobforyou. Great pay. evening hours.benefits. Callfor
an interview Monday - Friday, 11 - 3pm, 476-1010.
Instructor needed for Red Cross Summer Swim lessons.
June 21-August 13. Part-time, WSI's preferred. Call 441
7997 for inlo.
It’s The Pits
Now hiring waits and kitchen hefc. Room lor advance
ment. Apply anytime at 4947 Holdredge through Satur
day-_... *' . ___.. 1. f
Julio’s Downtown
Food servers, hosts/hostesses, cocktail servers, bar
tenders. Apply In person. Ask for Brian this Tuesday.
Wednesday and Thursday after 5 p.m. 132S. 13th. EOE
Nannies Needed
Near NYC. We offer great families, SSS. and memorable
one year experience. TREASURED NANNIES, INC. 1*
600458-1701. anytime. ___
Need someone enthusiastic and creative to assist major
record label with campus promotions. No pay. greal
benefits. Interested? send name, address with brtsf fatter
or resume to: 7117 Ohms Lane. Edina. MN 5509, Attn:
White Noise. No phone calls
Now hiring cooks/waftey. evening hours. Pizza Hut 3410
S 10th. 423-4353. Call for interview.
Summer’s Coming
Are you looking forafullor part-time job tlwi won't interfere
with your summer activities’ International Telcom has
positions available for outbound telemarketers. We pro
* Paid Training
* Casual environment
* Bonuses A incentives
* Flexble hours
(work hours that are convenient lor you)
Apply in person to: International Telcom Inc.. 3410St.
or call 474-1266. __
Truck driver lor the summer wheal harvest. Oklahoma to
Dakota, monthly wage, bonus, room and board 843
3290L _ _ _
Volunteer track coaches for grades 6-8. For more informa
164 Summer Jobs
‘Summer Employment*
UNL Housing has both full and part-time openngs Skills
in carpentry, plumbing, or electrical a plus. Appfy in
person at 1100 Seaton Hall. Monday-Friday EOt/AA
300 Summer Camp Positions
in: Tennis. WSI/Swimming Water-Skiing. Sailing.
Windsurfing. Gymnastics, Equestrian. Baseball. Basket
ball. Soccer, Hockey. Lacrosse, Canoeing. Archery,
Rocketry. Woodsbop. Ceramics. Fitness, Dance. Piano.
Guitar. Ropes Pioneering, Nurses. Food Service. Upper
Classmen Preferred Arfcne - 1-800-443-6428. _
Live like Indiana Jones
this summer?
Travel back east, work your bun oft. get paid tor It. and
have tun doing Hi For details, call Jack 421-9645.
Camp Counselors
Dance. Slimnastlcs. WSI. Athletics. NutrflloiVDietatics.
CALIFORNIA. Contact: Michele Friedman. 947 Hewlett
Drive. North Woodmere, NY 11581. (1400-421-4321)
wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps.
Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gym
nastics, riflery, archery, tennis, go IT sports, computers,
camping, crafts, dramatics. OR riding. Also kitchen, of
fice. maintenance. Salary $1100 or more plus R6B.
Dayna Glasson. 1765 Maple. Nfld.. II. 60093. 708-446
2444. __ _ __
Combine operators and truck drivers needed for Summer
Wheat Harvesr Crew. Farm experience required CDL
helpful. Good salary. Serious inquiries only. Call 993
2825 before 8 am. _ __
Husker Kids
Recreational Day Camp
Youth Camp Staff
40 hrs./week, June 1 - August 6. Qualifications: previous
experience related to youth sports and recreation is
desirable. Applications available at 55 Campus Recre
ation Center, or 32 East Campus Activities Building.
Applications due April 16. For more information contact
Leah at 472-3467. _ _
Papa John’s
Is looking for energetic, dependable summer workers to
woik full time in food service. All summer. T ravel required
expenses paid. Good pay. Apply in person at 114 South
14th or call 477-7657.
Run housepainting business for self. Videos teach every
thinglll SASE to: 2942 Hubert, Lemay, MO 63125.
Spring Break over and still no summer work? Make
$1800 a month average, experience for all majors. Travel,
career placement, and college credit. For more informa
tion 434-6649.
Summer companion for 2 children ages 9 and 12. Our
home. Monday Thursdays, some Fridays. Must have
own car 466-3632._
Summer Help
Delivery persons: FuN or part-time. Flexible hours. Apply
at Lincoln Lumber Company. 922 N. 23rd.
Summer Jobs!
* Great Pay!
* Great Experience!
* Information Session:
Tonight at NE Union
(room # posted) at 7 p.m.
Campus Concepts. America's leading college
marketer, provides students with more than a
types! summer fib. Receive great training, sub
stantial performance based compensation ano
unmatched business experience.
Experience which has opened doors lor past
associates tor places such as Leo Burnett.
Peosico. Northwesiern and Columbia Business
Schools. These benefits come from selling ad
space in Campus Concepts’ Unofficial Student
Guide, which is distributed throughout the coun
try to over 850.000 students, ft you are self
confident, resourceful and hungry for success,
come see how Campus Concepts can make
your business career take off! Contact Student
Employment & Intern Office or call 1-800-743
2220 for more information.
Summer Recreation Leaders
Lincoln Parks and Recreation is accepting applications
for Summer Playground Positions Leaders (S4.60/hr ).
Assistant Leaders (S4.40/hr). Activity Specialist ($4 60/
hr.).!4of mn^houn^ AA JUn# 7 Jul* Apply ** 2740 A
The University of Nebraska Foundation has summer part
lime openings for ratable students lor fundraising phone
a-thons. Monday-Thursday evenings, flexible days
Communications skills a must. Please call 472-8833 after
6 p.m. if interested
Is there life after college?
Is there a job after college?
That depends on your resume H you want to hear more
about summer work that will give you valuable career
experience- CaH 434-6649.
Wanted: Individual tor lawn maintenance Must be de
pendable. have vehicle, and excelent references. CaH
Keith 474-5327 (Days)
170 Roommates _
Fern*, non-smoking roommate needed starting May
1st $165/mo ♦ 1-2 utilities. Call 474 2078
M/F nonsmoker for spacious, furnished apartment at 11
A G ll7Q/mo ♦ shared unities Rent includes hoi water
and heating For summer and fall, option to sign contract,
move in after finals Karen. 476-6838. message.
Male roommate needed torN/E LIncoin apt. Cal Lee 436
Male 10 share house. Private bedroom. Reasonable rent.
Quiet, comfortable. No smoking. 486-5942.
Spend More Than You Have? Need Cash?
^ ^Earn Big Bucks At NEODATA!
• Work a Minimum of 15 Hours per Week
• Opportunities for Full & Part Time Summer Employment
Call 476-8315 to schedule your appointment. '
Ask for Denise Ness
An Equal Opportunity Employer
1033 O’ Street
One female to share 5-bedroom townhouse with pool
$135/mo. ♦ utilities. Daytime phone. 474-3488: after 5
Responsible female wanted to share quiet & clean living
quarters for summer. Smoke-free environment. $230/mo
utilities included. Call 470-3915.
Roommate needed 2 bedroom duplex. Must like animals
and be dependable. S212.50 + deposit + 1/2 utilities
Reference required. 477-1738.
Roommate wanted for summer. Apartment walking dis
tance fromcampus. A/C. $195/mo. ♦1/2 utilities. Cal?438
Roommates needed. Nice, spacious, 4-bedroom house
oak floors, quite/safe neighborhood, fireplace, new
kitchen. $ 185/mo. 488-0197. Bart
180 Houses For Rent
1735 No. 29th. 5-6 bedrooms/2-bath. off-street parking.
Nice, must see. S795/mo. 484-1814.
2301 Vine. Very nice 4 bedroom, 1 A 1/2 bath, parking.
Available May 15. $675.432-0644.
2304 U- Very nice 5br. 3 baths, parking, near campus
AvailabteMay 15, S675.432-0644.
2314 Hddrege, 4-bedroom/11/2 bath. Off-street parking,
garj^e available. $600. Pets O.K. Cal 435-0382.
2718 Q- Nice 4br, 1 A 1/2 baths, parking, between
campuses. Available May. $650. 435-4147.
2931 Apple- Very nice 4br. basement, fenced yard.
Between campuses $575. 432-0644.
4200 Baldwin- 6br 489-6948._
873N. 25th. Very nice 4br.2bath, near campus. Available
May 15. $575. 432-0844.
3210 S. Four bedroom, two baths, central air. $595/mo.
437-6328. _
190 Apartments For Rent
11071' Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid
Oily 8260-8280. Call Phoenix Properties Management
474-5»71_ __
2 bedroom, dishwasher, off-street parking. Close to East
Campus. Available May 1. Only 8350/month. Can Tom or
Dave 466-0417. _ _
2222 R Street. Two bedroom campus doee. C/A. W/D
hookup. S365. Available now. 474-1897.
3br doee to campus avaBable May-July 31. 9th and
Claremont. Call 477-1529.
4646 Huntington, ibr. new appliances, quiet. 8300/mth.
♦ deposit/references 466-8966 or 423-5921.
620 South 20th. One bedroom deck, no pets. 489-3550
leave message.
School’s Out Special!
1. Three month leases I , .
2. No deposit
3. Neal and clean.
4. Campus dose
Cell now!
Phoenix Properties Management.
_474-8327 y
Clarenwht Park
Now leasing spacious 1, 2 . 3 6 4 bedroom
apartments closetocampus. Pool.clubhouse*
exercise equipment
Cell now 474-PARK.
Efficiencies Close to campus. Starting at S22Vmonth
Century Management
Large setedion of 1 2 and 3w apartments
FREE MAY RENT for a funky shower head with a large,
two-bedroom apartment with a fireplace. Near East cam
pus. available May 11 • Cal 466-3715.
May & August Leases
East Carrpus. 36th 8 Huntington. Large two bedrooms,
fireplace, central a*. appliances, paiktng. laundry. 486
May openings. Pine Tree Apartments, First and Adams
ErrbassyParhApariments-new.5609S.31sl. 1814 F St
2-bedraom, 8415. 821 A Si.. 2-bedroom. 8415. 516 W
Sounders, 2-bedroom $430. Alt eiqciric. appliances
microwave balcony, mini Winds, security building. No
pets 463-6057.4M-1130.
One bedroom and efficiencies near campus. —Secured
budding S226-S245 Call 477-3648.
One, two, and three bedrooms. Near carrpus. Available
May 8. laundry, central air. parking. 475-1440.
Put A Splash In Your Life
At Willowhaven Apartments
Energy efficient one and two bedrooms now available
Private pool with large sundeck. Spring and summe'
bonuses are now being offered.
Prolession»ly managed
$320 460 e month
Call 476-6200 NOW
Short-term Housing
‘Qreat localion/Histonc Haymarket apt ‘ Architecturally
designed * furnished * leasing. 4/15-9/15 * Calf now, 474
6004. Non-tradmonal students only
Summer sublease, 3-bedroom/2-bath. Claremont Apts
Cat 475-3158 or 474-7275.
191 Summer Housing_
3625 Baldwin. 2br. ate. f replace. Moony, laundry, water
paid, off-street parking. 6380488-7234. leave my age
For Rant during Summer month*: 4 bedroom house
between UNL East and Cfty Campus Cal 486-3704
evenings (or Kevin. _ __
Triangle Fraternity
A/c. paid uttitiee. w/<TCtel4364647 Ask for Alan
Sublaan ter summer *431 Heidtadee. 6388 ♦uWdea.i/
2 May and Ai*gin* paid- Ctei 487-4042 _
SUMMER LEASES • Pool; 1 bedroom 6328 up; 2 Bed
room 8358 up: 840 South - 476-7282
-—- —...
Summer lewefll 3533 Baldwin. Large two bedroom
Laundry, off-street parking. Available beginning of May.
Call to come and see, 4W-8407.6380/monih.
Summer 8cbool Residence Hal contract* are available.
Stop by 1100 Beaton Hall or call (402)472-3661 lor more
information. _ _ __
Summer sublease. May 1 or altar. Three bedroom/ 2 bath
apartment at Claremont. Calf 476-0048._
Summer sublease, large 2-bedroom duplex A/C, hart
wood floors, garage. 8385/mo. 138 So. 29lh, 436-5263.