Taste of India Now accepting applications lor summer jobs. Kitchen as well as waitery help. Please call or apply in person. 475 1642,1320-0-St. The Chancellor s Commission on the Status of Minorities is seeking applications and nominations for individuals to fin five vacancies occurring at the end of the current semester. The mission of this Commission is to inform and advise the Chancellor on all matters affecting the learning and working environments, plus the social cli mate for ethnic raciafminorlties at UNL. The Commission meets monthly and is composed of 14 members; four undergraduate students who reflect the four major U S. minority groups, one graduate student, four faculty, four staff, and one person representing the administrative level. Currently, there is an opening tn each of the areas. All applications are requested to be in no later than April 26, 1M3. The current commissioners will consider all applications and will then submit to the Chancellor two nominations for each position. He appoints all members. Members serve for 3 year terms, except for undergradu ate students who may be reappointed after one year. If interested, please submit a letter of application to: Chancellor's Commission on the Status of M inorities. 44c Henzlk Hal, 0355 Deadline is April 26,1M3. Truck driver for the summer wheat harvest. Oklahoma to Dakota, monthly wage, bonus, room and board. 643 3290. Volunteer track coaches for grades 6-8?For more informa tion cal Denise at 489-0341, daytime only. Ming Palace Lunch and evening waitery or cashier. Apply in person, 1309 L Street. Need someone enthusiastic and creative to assist major record label with camffis promotions. No pay. great benefits. Interested? send name, address with brief letter or resume to: 7117 Ohms Lane, Edina. MN 55439. Attn: White Noise. No phone cals. 164 Summer Jobs ‘Summer Employment* UNL Housing has both full and part-time openings. Skills in carpentry, plumbing, or electrical a plus. Apply in person at 1100 Seaton Hall. Monday-Friday. EOE/AA I 1 » 300 Summer Camp Positions MALE/FEMALE in NY. PA. MASS ft MAINE. Need skills in: Tennis, WSI/Swimming. Water-Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing. Gymnastics. Equestrian. Baseball. Basket ball, Soccer, Hockey. Lacrosse. Canoeing, Archery, Rocketry, Woodshop, Ceramics, Fitness. Dance, Piano. Guitar, Ropes/Pioneering, Nurses, Food Service. Upper Classmen Preferred - Arlene -1-800-443-6428. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girte summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sailing, waterskiing, gym nastics, riflery, archery, tennis, go*, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, of fice, maintenance. Salary S1100 or more plus R&B. Dayna Glasson, 1765 Maple. Nfld., II. 60093. 708-446 Combine operators and truck drivers needed for Summer Wheat Harvest Crew. Farm experience required. CDL helpful. Good salary. Serious inquiries only. Call 993 2825 before 0 am. Husker Kids Recreational Day Camp Youth Camp staff 40 hrs./week, June 1 - August 6. Qualifications: previous experience related to youth sports and recreation is desirable. Applications available at 55 Campus Recre ation Center, or 32 East Campus Activities Building. Applications due April 16. For more intormation contact Leah at 472-3467._ Is there life after college? Yes! Is there a job after college? That depends on your resume'. If you want to hear more about summer work that will give you valuable career experience- Call 43S-6649. Lifeguard Peony Park Is looking for current certified lifeguards to guard our 2000 plus capacity water park. Applicants will nave: •current CPR/Firai AM •current certified lifesaving •possible water safety instruction. Interested’apply at Peony Perk's Guest Relations Office. 8100 Cass Street. Monday-Saturday. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Peony Park is an equal opportunity employer U associated M bioscience, ine. at the comer of 15th & O Streets NEW DONORS $25 on first donation. RETURN DONORS $25 after two month lapse. ALL DONORS $15 for each donation. Earn More at ABI Don’t let it ou !!! 1422 O’ Street 475-1358 2 Hours Free Parking at Mon-Fri.8:00-7:30 any Park A Shop.Saturday.9:00-4:00 Celebrate the gifts of Easter (No bunny involved) at The University Lutheran Chapel April 8- Maundy Thursday i flkl _ 9:00 P.M. Service f April 9- Good Friday 8:00 P.M. Service } April 11-Easter 7:30 & 11:00 A.M. Services i Easter Breakfast J 9:00 10:15 A M The University Lutheran Chapel On the N.W. comer of 16th & "Q" Streets For Informatlon^call 477-3997 Hillcrest Country Club Now accepting applications for lifeguards, swim coaches and a diving coach. Opening day: May 29. Applicants must have lifeguard certification and current CPR. Appli cations can be picked up at Hillcrest Country Club, 8901 0 Street. Applications due Thursday. April 8. Part-time jobs. A Internships! , - Nebraska Union 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Great SEIC Fair! Run housepainting business for self. Videos teach every thinglll SASE to: 2942 Hubert. Lemay. MO 63125. Spring Break ovgr and still no summer work? Make $1800a month average, experience for all majors. Travel, career placement, and college credit. For more informa tion 434-6649. Summer companion for 2 children ages 9 and 12. Our home. Monday - Thursdays, some Fridays. Must have own car. 466-3632.__ Summer Jobs * Great Pay! * Great Experience! * Information Session: Thurs, April 8 at Neb union (room # posted) at 7 p.m. Campus Concepts. America's leading college marketer, provides students with more than a typical summer job. Receive great training, sub stantial performance-based compensation and unmatched business experience. Experience which has opened doors for past associates for pieces such as Leo Burnett, Pepsico, Northwestern and Columbia Business Schools. These benefits come from selling ad space in Campus Concepts' Unofficial Student Guide, which is distributed throughout the coun try to over 850,000 students. H you are self confident, resourceful and hungry lot success come see how Campus Concepts can make your business career take offl Contact Student Employment A Intern Office for more details. Summer Recreation Leaders Temporary Summer Work NE BOOK COMPANY, INC. We have many openings. 40 hours per week. Slocking. Packing, and Miscellaneous Warehouse duties. 65. ob per hour Monday, Apr) 5th through Thursday. April 8th 8-11a.m. and i-4p.m. Friday. April 9th 8-11 a.m _An Equal Opportunity Employer The University of Nebraska Foundation has summer part Ane openings for reliable students for fundraising phone i-thons. Monday-Thursday evenings. flexiMe days. Communications skills a must. Pleasecall472-S833after i p.m. if interested Named: individual for lawn maintenance. Must be de sendable. have vehicle, and excellent references. Call Keith 474-5327 (Days) 170 Roommates WF nonsmoker tor spadous. furnished apartment at 11 IQ. $170mo. ♦ shared utilities. Rent Indudes hot water snd betting. For summer and tall option to sign contract, move in after finals. Karen. 476-8838. massage. Res pons bte female wanted to share quiet 4 dean living quarters for summer. Smoke-free environment. S230/mo. utilities induded. Call 470-3915. Roommate needed tor summer, nice apartment dose to UNL. S155r mo. ♦ 1/3 utilities. Cal 438-1768. Roommate needed 2 bedroom duplex. Must like animals and be dependable $212.50 ♦ deposit ♦ 1/2 utilities. Reference required. 477-1738 Roommates needed. Nice, spacious. 4-bedroom house, oak floors, quite/safe neighborhood, fireplace, new titchen. $18&mo. 488-0197. Bart —^-H^mens <£3ervices P.C. AfeOftTlQN CAM Safe'Affordable'Confidential Abortion Services Provided During Ail Legal Stages • Awake or Asleep • Outpatient Care • Birth Control • Total 0BA3YN Health Ca/e • Board Certified OB/GYN Physicians 201 S. 46th St, Omaha, NE 68132 ! CALL TOLL FREE • 1-800-022-8331 Custom Design! Male to share house. Private bedroom. Reasonable rent. Quiet, comfortable. No smoking. 488-5942. 180 Houses For Rent 2301 Vine. Very nice 4 bedroom, 1 ft 1/2 bath, parking. AvailableMay 15, $675.432-0644._ 2304 U- Very nice 5br, 3 baths, parking, near campus. Available May 15, $675,432-0644. __ 2718 Q- Nice 4br. 1 ft 1/2 baths, parking, between campuses. Available May. S650.435-4147. -v.--— 2931 Apple- Very nice 4br, basement, fenced yard. Between campuses. S575.432-0644._ 4200 Baldwin- 6br. 489-6948. _ 873N. 25th. Very nice4br. 2bath, near campus. Available May 15. S575.432-0644. _ CLOSE TO UNL 3210 S. Four bedroom, two baths, central air. $595/mo. 437-6328. We love students! Great 3,4,5, and 6br homes near UNL. Summer and/or fall reservations now being taken. W/D, dishwashers, A/C. Sign up now and relax. 423-1535. 190 Apartments For Rent 1107 'L' Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid. Only $260-5280. Call Phoenix Properties Management 474-5327._ _ 777? R Street. Two bedroom, campus dose. C/A, W/D hookup. $365. Available now. 474-1897. 3501 BALDWIN. Large, clean, 2-bed room, kitchen equipped. C/A. balcony, nicely decorated, parking, laun dry. $400. 483-4600. 3br available May 8. Four blocks from campus. With pool. Call 438-1959. 4646 Huntington. 1br. new appliances, quiet. $300/mth. ♦ deposit/references. 466-8966 or 423-5921. _ 620 South 20th. One bedroom, deck, no pets. 489-3550 leave message. School’s Out Special! 1. Three month leasesl 2. No deposit. 3. Neat and dean. 4. Campus dose. Celt now! Phoenix Properties Management. 474-5327 Claremont Park Apartments Now leasing spacious 1, 2,3*4 bedroom apartments close to campus. Pod. clubhouse ft exercise equipment Can new 474-PAftK. I I! Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at S225/month. 438-3132. Century Management Company Large selection of 1,2 and 3-br apartments S240-S595 476-2500 May & August Leases East Campus. 36th 6 Huntington. Large two bedrooms, fireplace, central air, appliances, parking, laundry. 469 May openings. Pine Tree Apartments. First and Adams Embassy Park Apartments-new, 5609S. 31st. 1814 F St 2-bedroom. $415. 821 A St., 2-bedroom. $415. 515 W Saunders. 2-bedroom. $430. All electric, appliances microwave, balcony, mini-blinds, security building. No pets. 483-6057.483-1130. Newer 2-bedroom apartment with security, dose to cam pus. May 9th - August with option of renewal. Call 477 1574.__ One bedroom and effidencies near campus. —Secured building. $225-5245 Call 477-3648. One. two. and three bedrooms. Near campus. Available May 8, laundry, central air. parking. 475-1449. Put A Splash In Your Ufe At Willowhaven Apartments Energy efficient one and two bedrooms now available. Private pool with large sundeck. Spring and summer bonuses are now being offered. Prolessionsly mensged $328/459 a month Call 476-6200 NOW 191 Summer Housing 3508 Huntington. 2-bedroom summer sublease, across Irom East Campus. AvaSabie May 15(h. A/c. fireplace, laundry, major appliances, parking. $300/mo Low utili ties.Cal 467-5715. __ 3525 Baldwin. 2br, a/c. fireplace, balcony, laundry, water paid, off -street parking. $380.466-7234, leave message. On-Campus Triangle Fraternity M* paid utfllties. w/d7cafl 438-8547- Ask for Alan. ' SUMMER LEASES - Pod; 1 bedroom $329 up; 2 Bed room S359 up; 640 South • 475-7262 Summer leaselll 3533 Baldwin. Large two bedroom. Laundry, off-street parking. Available beginning d May. Call to come and see. 464-9407 sseO/month. Summer School Residence Hal contracts are available Stop by 1100 Seaton Hall or call (402)472-3561 for more information. Summer sublease. May 1 or after. Three bedroom/2 bath apartment at Claremont. Call 476-0048. Summer sublet May 1-Jdy 1 or Aug. 1. Near East Campus. Spacious Ibr. dc.nopets. $2UVmth. 468-4206 after 5pm. Summer subtease, large 2-bedroom duplex. A/C. hard wood floors, gvage. S395/mo. 136 So. 29th. 435-5263. J; 22 Adoption ADOPTIONSSsr? Happily marriad couple withe* to »hare their live* with nevfeom. Loving home, good education, and kivo ot outdoors awaits. Legal and confidential. Expenses pan) Plaaea call Elaine and Steve at 800-845-3$87 Love, warmth, laughter, security and happiness ere only a tew oi lies treasures that wa eanthaie with your newborn. Madcat,legal expeneee paid. 800-642-5786. Open Adoption Choose a life long retabonehip. ItAheran Famtty Services 486-7744. Our deepest with 6 to give your baby a happy, secure home. Lots oi love, devoted parents, left discus* open caring adoption Tom, Lori ^-800-862-8776 (#!2t4) Preanant? Went to tali with someone’ CaH Bettv or Cmdv Nebraska Children's Home 4600 Vrtey Road 483-7879 100years ot adoption axparlence 23 Alterations & Sewing Mating ft taftoring. 811 N. 27lh. Sufta 27 Bicycle Service E"SSISS»Sa»m*ar&^S 35 Counseling -1 .. ■— in'ilhan Wmnai > C*« ._ i» ryf ooor iviy t a no iMDaR1 HnBiillPttBiw mar*. cal tha Woman’* Cantar. 472-2587. 36 Entertainment The Tubbery Haymarkat tqtiara 818 P.ft., 478-8888 Pnvata hottub room rantak ft Woflt tanning 38 Gift Ideas =====SSSSSS3SSSS=5S=SSS5 Gift Basket & Country Crafts ssusssSxs^ ^ cou*ry • aRgeaiai^tB&r^ 42 Health and Fitness ESTaeaf‘dtsoti Spacaritz aO i raai mBT m ail Hun ocaitSn. 3001 7806™ 44 Insurance for AH Your ln*u»anoa Naada. Jim Wallaca 474-8077. Haahifan/uC!* ,n,u,*rie^R*n,*,*‘ Au*°- Horn*. 46 Instruction/Tutoring Something you aheap wanted to do. Cell 475-5385 lor your free brochure. Claseee •terling live Kmee a year Financial aid available, Joeeph'a Coflage of Beauty. 60 Misc. Services =SBBSSSBSSSBB n,. „ : Scholarships Need financial aid but donl know where to look? For Ira* AthbnJTfil AMOC>a!*i' 1520 SctvxW Cr —"V,,— jjijag." rj-.uiivruii',1 'ss-i'i's 62 Photography For the beat Special Event Photography call OUTDOOR IMAGES 560-1762 Partiee. Wedding* and Location portraiture. Experienced and Faetl an ...r.11: ■ a:11,, nimaass 63 Pregnancy ————————— 80 Typing & ^Resumes las* r^p» in l ed^ S16 pius tax. 1BM college iobt or first cgreer 4L4LA nTTfS