FOR SALE 64 Prmtinfl »CoDvlna - ..■■ 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 76 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 60 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers — S §±*s*. N0T1CES 10 Misc. For Sale 100 Ridas « 106 Career Evemts I 2 F urmture 110 Announcements |f oKHICStvs*1* 130 Student Government f Stereo^TVs 140 Personals I® TfckatExchange 146 Lo#, 4 Found 20 Vehicles 148 Wanted SERVICES WFUOMMU ——JOBS 22 Adoption sssssssssssssssss; « i^^STva4 SaWinfl 150 Child Care Needed 25 AJtonwth/e 160 Help Wanted 27 gicvcle s®rvice 162 Work Study Jobs 29 Bridal 164 Summer J6bs 32 cSanir^/Laundry 166 'Unships 33 Cleaning/Houeeholds unitciM/ 34 Computer Service MUUM.NG 36 Entertainment __ 38 Gilt Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health & Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 48 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duplex For Rent , 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent 50 | apai 191 Summer Housing 60 Mlsc. Services ] 92 Mobile Homes For Rent 62 Photography . 1* K0""* F°rSal® ___196 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. t $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:oo p.m. weekday before publica tion. . , -» 3 Bicycles For Sale 1992 Trsk 930. Excellent condition. Lew than 260 miles. Will sell with or without add-ons. 421-7448 leave mee MD». SSSSSSSS==SSSBSE 5 Clothing For Sale GIRBAUO JEANS- size 32/33; 5 pairs/coiort. $25 each. $100 aH. 476-3014. 10 Misc. For Sale_ 3SSSBBSaBBBB?B8EBSS3SES Used drafting aat for tala. 436-0204 = 19 Ticket Exchange FOR SALEJ3) Apr. 10. G-N-R tickatt. $80 total. Laave messaga 477-1675. _ GUNS-N-ROSES Sawyer Brown • Seinfekl (402) 4324*77____ Two Farm Aid VI tickatt for tala for Apr! 24. Coat or boat otter. 477-3041, laava meaeaga. 20 Vehicles For Sale 1992 Rad Gao Tracker. 4x4. Convartibie. AM/FM cat sen*. Air. Cruiae. Low milaa. great condition. 468-1498 IIP Announcements > AVIATION CLASSES Beginning at UNLthls Fal Samaetar. Saa our booth In tha Union thia Wednesday and Thursday. For mor# informa tion and pr»-registration cal UNO Aviation matttute 1-600-858-8648 Why Recognition? Because you deserve it. Ws are extandhg the Stuart Leadership Application to MARCH 31. We went to recognize uncfergraduat* stu dent* from the College of Business Admmatraiion who have demonstrated leadership ability and academic achievement during their ooSectata career. You may be one d the students selected tor being an example of axosksnca in leadership. CRUOC SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn $2,000+/month ♦ world travel (Hawal. Mexico, the Caribbean, ate.) Holi day, Summer and Career employment available No •gwriencenwcestaj^For employment program cal 1* Experiencing dlacilminatton or poSce harraament? Call Clrarwte Against Racism and Prefudtca (CARP). 403 6106 or47^1760.__ GREEKS & CLUBS Raise a Cool $1,000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLSI And a FREE IGLOO COOLER If you qualify. Call 1-600-932-062$. Ext. <6. _ J-DAYS1993 College of Journalism March 29 - April 2 Tuaaday: Brag Day - Prated A Award Diaplay 1 Um. 4 p.nCAvwy 217 Thuraday: Racaption for Alumni Award Winnara 430 p.m.. Avary 217. * Friday: Honora Convocation 9 30 a.m Nab Union Ballroom MEN WHO SING! Varaky Oiaa. No audition. MWF. 12:30pm. Cradk or non oradk. Info? Cali 472 2083. Pei Chi Officer elections March 30th at 330pm room 216 Farguaon Al pravioua and naw mambara aiigbla to run tot aft tow Spring Festival A WVtk of discovery Talent Show Organizad by UPC Intar national Committaa Data: Friday, April 9, I960 Um#: 1130416-130pm Vanua: Tha Crib, NE Union Contaat opan to all UNL atudanta. Plaaaa pick up application form al UPC Ohica. 117 NE Union. (Application daadlna Wad . April 7). _ ARTS 9 SCIENCES STUDENTS Conatltuanta maatlng Tuaaday - Match 30 ’ 11:00 to 1200 ASUN offlca • 119 Nabr. Union Coma and volca your coneama to your atudant rapraaantativaa 1993 Lincoln Marathon UNL-Runrters Club and Lincoln Track Club are looking for volunteer* to help with course monitor, finish line, pre face preparation, eta. Race Is Sunday, May 2 at 7am. T shlrt, post race party, at city campus. Call Larry Worth Work-441-7841, Home-488-0030; or Tim Abart- Home 477-5144. The Nebraska City Union, East Union, and Culture Center Are Now Accepting Office Space Applications For The Academic Year 1993-1994. Applications are available in Suite 220 City Union and the Office for Student involvement in the East Union. All recognized student organizations are welcome to apply. IMPORTANT DATES TO CONSIDER: March 1 Applications available April 2 Application deadline for priority consider ation (530p.m.) April 6 Meeting. Nebraska Union Board, 530p.m. (Organizations invited to present concerns to Board) April 13 Union Board Operations Committee presents its recommendations to the Board (Organizations invited to attend) April 27 Final vote by Union Board concerning space allocations. Applications must be returned to Suite 220, City Union, by 530p.m. Friday, April 2,1993. Address any questions or concerns to Frank Kuhn, Assistant Director of Nebraska Unions, Room 220 Nebraska Union (472-2181). Applica tions for East Union may be turned in at the Office for Student Involvement East Union, by the same deadline, 530p.m. Friday. April 2.1993. 0X FOB TACO SLAM Sunday, April 4 City Union TO PERMIT SMOKING OR NOT IN THE NEBRASKA UNIONS? WHAT DO YOU THINK? ' An Open Forum Discussion Sponsored by The Nebraska Union Board Wednesday. March 31st, 1993 1230 Noon -130 PHI. City Union Main Lounge Give us your view at the Open Forum or write to: Nebraska Union Board University of Nebraska-Lincoln 220 Nebraska Union _ Lincoln. Nebraska 68588-0452 Travel Abroad Workshop Interested In non-European travel? Experienced stu dents with hot tips on Japan, Thailand, Latin America and more. Tuesday, March 30,630 pm. International Affair. 1237 R St. 472-5358. University Program Council sprinESTfestival a week of discovery April 6-10 Mon. 5: "Chicanismor • photography by Louis Bernal Sheldon Art Gallery 8pm Sponsored by: UPCChicano Special Events Tuee.8: Cultural Display 8 Beth Macintosh CityUnon Lobby. 11-3pm Sponsored by UkC International Comrrtnee Wed. 7: Wacky Wednesday—Planata City Union Lobby. 12pm Sponsored byUPC Union Festkral Thurs. 8: Food Festival, tree By Culture Centar, i2-2pm Sponsored by: UPC Inter. A Culture Center Fri. 9: Talent Show, NU Crib. 1130-130pm Movte. NE Union, 8pm Sponsored by UPC International CommSlee FREE FOOOffl FREE OFT8II1 Why Recognition? Because you deserve it. We are extending the Stuart Leadership Application to MARCH St. We want to recognize undergraduate stu dents from the College of BusTnees Administration who have demonstrated leadership ability and academic achievement during their coHegiate career. You may be one of the students selected tor being an example ol excellence In leadership. WOMEN’S WEEK Access Ability: Focus on Dlsabllty Panel on Careers end Disability. Union. 7 p.m.. Wheelchair Wednesday Meets Wacky Wednesday. All-day In the Union._ 115 Meetings Campus Rad Crass mauling tonight at 8 p.m. at tha Umvratty Haalth Cantar. Evaryons walcoma. Anyona wafcomal Laam about bualnaasaa on a gralas •ionallaval ProlasalonalBusInaas Association % having a masting March 30 at 7 00pm in tha Union. (Room will bo potPsd). All marrtbara bring athand._ Biology Club Masting on Apr* 1 at 730Tn Room 118 Mantar. Plaaaa coma to discuss and d tha yaar party. Block & Bridle Club Inttts masting 7O0pm. Regular masting at 7:30pm at Eaat Campua Union. __ College Republicans 3;___ Evaluation ol tha Clinton Economic Plan by Prctm** John Anderson. Wednesday. March 31. 4 p.m. ln M* braaka Union. Sponaorad by OOE. Evaryona aratoomal Phi Chi Theta Oflicar training, only old and now officers naad to attend, inlormal. Union at 5pm Pre-Pharmacy Club Meeting Wednesday, March 31.8:wpmIn Nebraska Union, room poated Rodeo Club Moating 700pm. Wadnaaday. March 31. Eaat Campus Union.__ Welcome back AIESECers 120 Greek Affairs ©x rB TACO SLAM Sunday, April 4 City Union FH Marley & Barley FH AON SigEp PiPhi Delt This Saturday, April 3 Gamma Phi's: Padre/Mexico wouldn't have been the same without you. Thanks for a great time. By the way.... {Chet is still our friend I Beta Sig's 11s Senior week ‘93 Spring Fling ‘93 Two big whopping congrats to Tari Loseke for her Disney Intemsnip, and Jennifer Kros for being selected as a Mortar Board notable. Alpha love, AOII 130 Student Government Governrrfoit Liaison Committee Meeting Tuesday - March 30 6:30 p.m. City Union - room to be posted sssss^ssssss^^^^^ 140 Personals Merlin: Have coat. WiH negotiate. lstos: You did it again. Y.P.M.O.Y.F.J. 145 Lost & Found FOUNO: Car keys outside of Abino Rhino on 3/15/93. To claim call 477-9915.__ FOUND: In Jwiuary- Autographed Baseball near 19th and *J* St. To own call 477-9214 evenings. FOUND: Ring. California Polytech University. Call 476 9388 after 4 p.m. to identify. 150 Child Care Needed Summer sitter needed. Must have swimming experience, own transportation. CPR. Must be at least 20 years old and dependable. Cal 421 -2832 between 6-9 p.m. 160 Help Wanted * College Students* *88.26 starting* National Corporation lilting 18 entry level positions. Flex ble schedules. Can 488-6017. ALL MAJORS *68.65/9.50 starting immediatepart-time/full-time openings tor local branch of national corporation. All areas of Nebraska. Can lead to summer positions. 488-8017. Arts & Sciences Student Advisers Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions In 12230ldfether. Deadline is Monday, April 6.1993. a m m m m m Collage oriented restaurant. 20 hours/week. Must be available lunchtimes. Strong references. Experience not required but preferred. George's Great Gyros in the Reunion. Earn extra cash Immediate placements We have openings for assembly workers and experi enced MIG welders at one of Lincoln's leading manufac turing plants. Al positions are 40hrs/wk. and benefits include: vacation and holiday pay. Applicants must be 18 or older and may apply at MsP Resources Inc. Suite 436 Greentree Ct. 210 Gateway North. EOE. Need Cash??? Bring your CD's and cassettes to Recycled Sounds, 824 P St.. 476-8240. Posters, records too. Evening and weekend cocktail waitery. Apply at Sherry's Supper Club, 3223 Comhusker. Farm worker with experience for cash grab operation near Lincob-spring and summer. Call after 6:00pm 665 2464 ask for Keith.__ Godfather’s Pizza 16th & South Now hiring delivery drivers. Average 56-58/hr. Must be 18 years ok), have a good driving record, and have your own car. Also hiring counter help. Apply b person. Looking for student to publish the INsider Magazine on campus 6 to manage local concert series. We finance start-up costs. Earntop income (55-530 per hour) & gain valuable exp. Great for mktbg or advertising major. Call 706-673-3458 Goodrich Dairy Is now hiring part-time counter help. Flexible hours, good pay and FUN working atmosphere. 15-25 hours/week: days, evenings and weekends. Must enjoy serving the public. Apply in person at 56th and Hokfrege, 25th and Randdpn, or 48th and Pioneers. Bring your smilel Growing residential-business cleaning service needs additional help now. In doing QUALITY, THOROUGH work now through summer and school year. Flexible hours, preferably mornings. Good wages with potential in business-management and salary. 483-4335. I need Help! I'm looking for a VERY responsible person to watch two boys after each school day. 3t30-5:30pm. Help with the laundry each day & spiff y up the kitchen aftertheir snacks so that I can make dinner when I hit the door. Own transportation, good sense of humor, roller blading skills a plus. $4.50/hour. 476-6156 after 5:30pm. It’s The Pits Now hiring waits and kitchen hep. Room for advance ment. Apply anytime at 4647 Holdredge through Satur day;___ Nebraska Club now accepting applications for day waitery. Apply 9a.rn.-9p.rn.. 20thfloor, First Tier Building, 13th and Vi__ New product —Very funny. Sell our cookbooks and greeting cards. You have to see them. Very reasonable. Free samples. Call Rick at 421 8471, 6-9 evenings. Local artists bring your local tapes to be sdd a Recycled Sounds. 824 P St.. 476-8240. I 3 V O U IN L I § Summer Reading Course Program Read and Succeed JDid you know that UINL s bummer Reading credit courses allow you to: • Earn credit while away from campus this summer? • Travel and take coursework with you? • Work in your hometown and earn credits toward graduation? Look in the April 1 and 2 Daily Nebraskan for course listings and spring meeting dates. For a complete SRC brochure including course descriptions, program information, and mail-in registration form, call: 472-1392 University of Nebraska ? , Lincoln ..J1 Evening Programs and Lifelong Learning Services UNL » « nondwcrlminatofy institution Calvin and HODbeS by Bill Watterson HEUQ, COUNTY LIBRARY ? HELLO? YES, I NEED A SPECIFICALLY, TM IHTERESTEC REFERENCE DESK, PLEASE. BOOK ON PAINTING THEORY IN GRAFFITI. IS THERE A THANK YOU. AND TECHNIQUE. __, BOOK THAT EXPLAINS THE , ^_ J PROPER USE OF MATERIALS I i ANO LISTS POPULAR DIRTY WORDS AND SLOGANS? i/t^+ \ A ACROSS Si Photo finish « Traari the 94 PVi9 *'rP0rt ss Somme . SSlTflorvt summer • *• Toe the line etoteptecedec „.st>lWar,. <***>. measure w_ ii Nursery-rhyme 99 8 runaway milieu ie Kind of flush 40 First president 17 Street where of Gabon ^ Freddy preys 41 Qr°,,°p4 8 10 Saturn’s largest Balatka moon 4* Viscounts 10 Manifest superiors so Wed one much 4S Reap great younger than profits oneself 47 Make certain as Implore 40 Recited the 04 ”-Wants to Hturgy Do Is Dance," oa Attend without 1985 song permission 05 Get kudos for a M Eucalyptus small role feeder ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ssurow toward evening M French nobleman bo Sit in on a class •1 Lifeless •a “Well, declare!" 53 Wall Street transaction 54 Cole Porter song as City south of Teheran DOWN 1 Sour a Daphnis's love a China's Ming 4 Cultivator of beauty • For each • Comedy suspense film: 1985 7 Sound from Leo • Sicilian province • “Desire,” e.g. 10 Shanties 11 Cyclops feature 1a Roofing material is Subst. ai Waspish aa Actress Arlene and family as Diaphanous SO Waldorf or Plaza •7 Wide-mouthed pitchers a» Labor-union chapter 30 Refrain syllable 40 Ancient Greek 01 Uire 31 Toddler's word mathematician S3 Gaffe 3f An uncle of M Kind of bug 94 Mandlikova of Mohammed „tennis 33 Trees used in 46 so "Krazy * shipbuilding naturally ^ — Man in' 37“-Virgin,* 40 Zeniths Havana,* Madonna hit opposite Greene novel 30 Corn or cycle so Practice 07 Ohio college preceder composition locale 30 A grandson of Noah 41 commentary Edited by as Political Eugene T. Maleska agreement