The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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    Classified 472.2588 as&g
‘College Students*
*$3.25 starting*
National Corporation filling 18 entry level positions. Flex
ble schedules. Call 488-6017.__
*88.65/9.50 starting
Immediatepart-tlme/full-time openings for local branch of
national corporation. All areas of Nebraska. Can lead to
summer positions. 488-6017.
Gentleman Jim’s
Now taking applications for part-time bartenders and
waitresses. It interested, come to 56th and Cornhusker to
fill out application from 1030am-630pmMonday-Friday.
International Telcom
Outbound telemarketing. Flexible hours, casual working
conditions. 3410 *Q“ St., lower level. 474-1256.
Meadows Pool in Omaha, located at Highway 50 8 1-80,
is looking for a working full-time manager. Salary nego
tiable. Call 895-1539 or send resume toP.O Box 371112.
Omaha No.. 68137.
Mobile Disc Jockey
Friday and Saturday evenings. Transportation required.
Experience in music, stage, or PR. 474-6504.
and Recreation Department. Seasonal work varies ac
cording to work load, could be anytime between ApriE
October, some work involves maintaining park ground
and facilities i.e., litter pickup, operating string trimmers.
Hourly wage $4.80-85.00. Applicants must be 16 years
old or older to operate power equpment; 18 or older to
operate pickups, etc. valid Nebraska drivers license
desired. Applications available at the Lincoln Parks and
Recreation office located at 2740 A Street, Monday
Friday, 730 a.m. to 430 p.m. Closing date April 2,1993
Part-time Computer Operator
Immediate part-time opening for computer operator to
work Sunday through Saturday. Must be avaxabie from
130am to 630am. Responsblefor computer mainframe
and peripheral equipment, off-line primed output and
distribution. Ability to lift 80tos MVS and VM experience
helpful but will train. Apply Monday-f nday, 930am
430pm Technical Management Inc. 421 South 9th
Street, Suite 222, Lincoln. Nebraska 68508. EOE
Person to work graveyard shR (i1pm-7am) 3 nights/
week, assisting elderly handicapped woman. Set scned
ule. $30/nlght. Start immediately. Call 476-0132 leave
message. __ _
Special Events
Must have your own 35mm SLR camera. Photograph and
help people have fun at Friday and Sat urday nignt events
If you like parties, action, people and photography then
put your camera to work. Earn yourself some money and
nave fun doing k. Call: Bob or John Olson 467-2577 M-F
Experience, All Majors
College Credit
Career Placement
For more info call 421-9645
Phoning at your convene nos. Paid by productivity. Ask
'or Ronn day-489-6551 or night-476-8753.
Careers in Special Education available in Southwee
Washington. Enjoy a rural atmosphere wkh access U
skiing, the beach, and windsurfing — yet the cities o
Portland and Seattle are within drying distance. Antlci
paled openings In Early Childhood and School Agr
programs Include:
Special Education Teachers
‘Communication Disorders Specialists
‘Occupational and Physical Therapist*/Asaistants
‘School Psychologists
Call us ton free at 1-800-775-7142 tor application informa
Educational Service District 112
2500 NE 65th Avenue
Vancouver. WA 98661
(206) 750-7503
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Childcare assistant. 32-40 hrsJweak. 423-6020 for de
Convenience store dark needed- Approximately l2-4pm
Monday-Frtday. Apply In person at: Dickey Boys. Sky
walk Level-Centrum.
Earn extra cash
Immediate placements
We have openings for assembly workers and experi
enced MIG welders at one of Lincoln's leading manufac
turing plants. AN positions are 40hrs/wk. and benefits
Include: vacation and holiday pay. Applicants must be 18
or older and may apply at MSP Resources Inc. Suite 436
GreentreeCt. 210Q«ieway North. EOE.
Temporary part-time
3-4 houre per week for filing medical literature, typing
reports. Prefer pre-veVpre-med upperclassmen with
knowledge of Word Perfect and Lotus 1-2-3. Call voice
mall 303-692-4667 leave name, number and time avalF
able to call. _ _
Volunteer coaches for
youth spring soccer
and paid officials needed for YMCA Youth Sports depart
ment. Call 475-9622 for more information. _
Wait position available. Various hours. Apply In person.
17th and Van Dorn. El Sitio Mexican Restaurant.
Wanted: experienced farm help for large grain operation.
Call early mornings 799-5125.
Wanted: Individual for lawn maintenance. Must be de
pendable. have vehicle, lawn mower and excellent refer
ences. CaN Keith 474-5327 (Days)
WANTED: Youth Coordinator to work with Jr/Sr Hi youth
groups. Need creative, energetic, outgoing person. Paid
position: 15-20 hrshMc Contact Jeanette at 464-1881.
WATS Marketing
Is currently seeking enthusiastic and tales oriented Indi
viduals to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates
should possess excellent communication skills.
Full-time swing shift hours available. Monday-Frtday
Apply at our employment office.
8 30am6fD0pmJ4onday-Friday.
WATS Marketing
•100 OSL
(S.W. corner oHjatowe^hopping Center)
166 Internships
DEC Future*, a division of NYSE member J.C. Bradford
A Co., is offering a ground floor opportunity to team the
managed futuree business. Responsibilities wil vary,
but include analysis of trading advisors and marketing/
client development protects. Candidates lor this intern
ship must be computer Iterate and of professional cal Per
Only MBA students or seniors with strong academic
records in finance, accounting, and/or marketing will be
considered. Hours are flexible. Compensation commen
surate with qualifications. This could bathe career oppor
tunity you are looking tor.
Submit your resume and past employment history in
person at 800 NBC Center.
164 Summer Jobs
Camp Counselors
Dance. Slimnastic*, WSI, Athletics, Nutrttton/Dietetics.
Age 20*. Seven weeks. CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE
j CALIFORNIA. Contact: Michel* Friedman. 947 Hewlett
Drive. North Woodmere, NY 11681. (1-800-421-4321)
wanted for private Michigan boys/grls summer camps.
Teach: swxnming. canoeing, saikna. waterskiing, gym
nastic*. riflery. archery, tennis. goiCsports, conputers,
camping. crafts. dramatics. OR riding Also kitchen, of
fice, maintenance Salary S1100 or more plus RAB.
Dayna G las son. 1765 Maple. Nftd.. U. 60093 706446
Child rent Counselor*. Instructors, Horse-people. Bus
drivers. Cooks. Kitchen manager. Kitchen het>. Nanny/
House keeper. Maintenance person. Auto mechanic, tor
Mountain Summer Camp, Box 711, Boulder. CO 80306.
—:- l
Help out the cny and oesme wain,
Plcaec drink in modenttion and do«rt drink and drive
' ; . „ .. .... , I
•Complete keg equipment available with free Ice.
: ■ « - *■- ■ " ■ - 1
Lincoln's Low Price Leader!
2620 Stockwell (5 bike north of Hwy 2 on 27th) 423-2085
Otter good thru March 24 UmilodtoquanMBeaonhand
Large Exciting Youth Camp
Seeks to recruit cabin counselors, lifeguards, horseman
ship personnel. Activities: waterskiing, horses, blob,
waterslide, archery, much more. Room, board and 6ti
K»nd provided. Timberlake, 2709 North S Road,
arquette, NE 68854 (306)946-3871_
Summer job openings for softball umpires, slow pitchand
fast pitch. CatT.incoln Parks and Recreation at 441-7892
for dates and times of clinics.
170 Roommates__
Female needed to share house. Waktocampus. $162.50
♦ deposit ♦ 1/4 utilities. Available now. 438-1764.
Male roommate. $180 + 1/4 utilities. One Wo<*
campus, w/d, a/c, master bedroom with sink. Call Gregg
at 435-5927 or 423-1989.
Need female to share 3 bedroom duple*, central. $135 ♦
1/3 utliwes. 488-0174.
Need responsible Male/Female to share 34bedroom loft.
$220 +1/3 utilities. Call Nate or Mfce 477-3890.
Non-smoking male roommate needed to share 2 bed
room/bath apartment. Great Neighborhood, Deck. Fire
place. Cal 489-0680.
180 Houses For Rent
2001 Hold radge, very nice 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, near
campus, off street parking. $525.432-0644.
2301 Vine. Very nice 4 bedroom. 18 1/2 bath, parking,
Available May fs, $675.432-0644.
2931 Apple- Very nice 4br, basement, fenced yard
Between campuses. $600.432-0644_
4 bedroom, good location, w/d. a/c, garage. 306 No. 30th,
873N. 25th. Very nlce4br. 2 bath, near campus. Available
May 15. $575. 432-0644.___
Clean three bedroom for rent near East Campus. $425
month plus deposit 2739 Starr. Cal Dan, 477-3346.
2948 Starr. 4 bedroom, two baths, garage. 5650/mo.
3210 S. Four bedroom, two baths, 5595/mo. Both havi
central air and available May 1.437-6328._
Three bedroom, nice, close to UNL. 2001 Holdredge
5500.432-0644. _
We love studentsl 3.4.5, and 6br homos near UNL tot
summer at discounted rates. A/C, w/d. dishwasher. Sigr
up now and relax. 423-1535.
185 Duplexes For Rent
1335 N. 22 - Very nice 3 bedroom duplex. 1 1/2 bath
central air. w/d hookup, dishwasher, fireplace, ofl-stree
parking. 5525 Can 438 4112.
190 Apartments For Rent
1107'L' Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid
Only 5260-5280. Call Phoenix Properties Managemen
474-5327._ _ _
1425 G Street, across from the Gov's house
‘One bedroom
‘Gas heal/Central air
‘Laundry facilities
• Secure outside entrances
•Ve7 quiet building _ „ . „ _
$265 ♦ elec 5 gas paid over two months. Full deposit wil
hold till May 1st.
Capitol Vista Apartments
1814F St.. 2-bedroom. 5415.821 ASt.. 2-bedroom. 5415
535 W. Saunders. 2-bedroom. $430. Al electric, appli
ances. microwave, balcony, mim-blinde security build
ing. No pets. 463-6067.483-1130.
2740 R. Three bedroom, two baths. Air. Laundry. Garage
Available May 1. $495 437-6328 _
3501 Baldwin. Large, dean, 2-bedrooms, kitchei
equipped, c/a. laundry, nicely decorated, parking, stor
age/5375. 483-4600.
620 South 20th. One bedroom, deck, no pet*. 489-3550
leave mo-age.___
School’s Out Special!
1. Three month leases'
2. No deposit.
3. Neat and clean.
Phoenix Propertiee Management.
_ 474-6327 _
Campus locations
2604 Vine- 2 bedroom. 1 bath. SHARP!
2627 Vine- STUDIO—Ideal lor single student.
2615 Vine-1 bedroom, top-level, most utilities paid.
1106 No. 28th-1 bedroom lower level.
2620 P. St.- Adorable 1 bedroom duplex.
4300 Comhueker Hwy.
1 bedroom apartments, new carpel, all appliances, oen
tral air. garages available. Managers live on-site. Most
utilities paid.
Cherry Hill Management 469-4657 or 464-2697.
Colonial Heights
1 and 2 bedrooms available. Heatedindoor pool, sauna/
Jacuzzi, fitness room, tanning bed. elevators and much
more. Cjril lodayl 421-3070.
East campus, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, appliances,
laundry, parking 4220 Huntington, $390 per month. 423
Efficiencies. Close to campus. Starting at *225/month.
Century Management
Large selection ol 1.2 and 3ir apartments
Furnished, affordable efficiencies
Close to campus
Laundry and parking available. $210, $235, $275.435
6690 or 475-3111. __
2740 R. Two bedroom, microwave, air, laundry, garage.
No pets. $336, 437-6328.
One bedroom and efficiencies near campus. —Secured
building. S225-S246. Call 477-3646._____
Planning for summer? 3br/2ba, campus dose. Sublease
to August with option to renew. Call 436-1421.
Put A Splash In Your Life
At Willowhaven Apartments
Energy efficient one and two bedrooms now available.
Privals pool with large sundeck. Spring and summer
bonuses are now being offered.
Professionaly managed
$329/460 a month
Call 476-6200 NOW
Superior Plac^ Apartments
1501 Superior
Huge one and two bedroom apartments available.
VERY LARGE 2-bedroom, 1-bath, 3rd floor, C/A, $395/
month. Off street parking. Low utilities. 476-3015
191 Summer Housing
SUMMER LEASES - Pool; 1 bedroom $329 up; 2 Bed
room $359 up; 640 South • 475-7262
192 Mobile Homes For Rent
Students Check This Out
Two bedroom. 780 sq. foot, 15 1/2 bath, clean attractive
mobile home. $8,000. Seller very motivated. Sherrie
Gregory, 475-1696 art 560-8409, RE/MAX 467-3000.
ZZ Adoption
Happily married couple wishes to share their lives with
newborn. Loving home, good education. and love of
outdoors swans. Legal and confidential. Expense* paid.
Please call Eleino and Steve at 800-848-3887.
Let us welcome your newborn into our happy end loving
iom* Med Kattegat expanses paid. Please call Dee and
Wall coiiect 718^86-8522 ■_
Love, warmth, laughter, security and happineseaie only
Want to talk with someone?
Can BVtty or Cmdy
Nebraska Children’s Home
4800 Valley Road 483-7878
100 years ol adoption experience
23 Alterations & Sewing
MteraHone Etc Akartag 8 tatoring. 611 N. 27th, Suite
27 Bicycle Service_
Blue's Bit# 8 Fknaea. Six block* from campus. New and
used bikes. Excellent repairs tor all makes. 427 S. 13th.
■ Have you heard
I about the
■ “upper-class” ^
I residence hall \
■ at UNL?
^Starting in die 1993-94 school year
students residing on campus will have
an opportunity to live in our new
“upper-classpersons only” residence
hall. Cather hall will go CO-ED and
will be available only to students who
have completed their first year of
Besides the lifestyle advantages of a
more mature living environment,
students living in the upper-class hall
will benefit from a number of
enhancements including:
•Computer rooms on every floor.
•Microwaves on every floor.
•Linen service at no extra cost
•AH rooms will be single contracts unless
otherwise requested.
• Laundry facilities on every floor.
•No moving hassles; beginning next spring,
belongings can be left in your
room over the summer.
•24 hour visitation on all floors.
•Vacation housing available for $110.
•Microfridges included in “vacation
housing” rooms at no extra cost
B “Move on up” to
Catker kail and
have an uppermost
35 Counseling
Individual counseling and support group services avail
able to women students. Support groups currently avail
able: sexual assault survivors, eating disorders, single
mothers. Women For Sobriety, and lesbian discussion
groups. For more information or to schedule an appoint
ment. cal the Women's Center, 472-2597.
36 Entertainment
The Tubbery
Heyrmrhet Square 919 P. St., 475-Mi*
Private hottub room rentals 6 Wolft tanning
38 Gift Ideas
Gift Basket & Country Crafts
1232 High St. Tuesday-Saturday 10-Opm. Country 8
Southwestern Crafts 421-9873.__
JUST ROSES-Starting at 88.99 a dozen. 3031 O 8treet
435-1118. Tuxedo delivery-JUST ROSES
44 Insurance
For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-6077.
American Family Insurance-Rent art. Auto. Home.
Health, and Lie.
46 Instruction/Tutoring
F •r'Aftciai Aid ■vaHah^ft Jo&aoh'S Ccnl+no of 6#ai‘ty
49 Lawn Care
61 Music Exchange
63 Pregnancy
74 Tanning
4°30 Progressive Ave
2S^Up^nP^to°4*4-0775. ■