The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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Continued from Page 7
time the kids get out of their school.
During the summer, I take a
couple of classes and still have free
time to run the kids to swimming
lessons or the park and even fit in
a camping trip or two.
Hey, it ain*t as easy or fun as it
sounds — every student knows
Unlike a regular job where em
ployees can go home at 5 o’clock,
students are tied constantly to
school by the umbilical cord of
homework and research.
But it’s all right, because the pros
outweigh the cons, as far as I’m
The kids are seeing a new side of
me — an enthusiastic, optimistic,
persevering mother, who lakes
pride in her accomplishments as
well as theirs.
Alter school, I meet Claire and
Cameron at the door, hold up my
artwork and say proudly, “Look
what Mom drew in class today?”
Then, it’s their turn to show off.
We also share in special celebra
tions. I go to their honors ceremo
nies; they get hauled to mine.
And sometimes they get hauled
to the Daily Nebraskan or the base
ment of Nelle Cochrane Woods.
While I spend an hour behind a
computer or closed door, they’ll
entertain themselves drawing or
pi ng-pongi ng—hopefully i mpress
ing and not disturbing students and
professors with their antics.
Other than the stress of midterm
portfolios and finals, I’ve found
only one major flaw, the main “con"
in this back-to-school game: the
lack of administrative empathy for
Before I became studentized, 1
worked for UNL. As an employee,
1 was entitled to use my sick time to
home with a chicken-poxed
Now, if one of the kids is ill, 1
panic if Grandma can’t baby-sit.
“I can’t stay home with you!" I
shriek, knowing I have no choice.
<Tve already missed three classes
One more absence and my grade
will be dropped!"
It’s true, but to be docked a
grade because a child is sick makes
no more sense than a $20 parking
ticket. Staying at home witn a sick
child is a parental privilege and
-- . ■ ’ mm . 1 • l
rwJJ*1'5 °?e 01 lne umes my cnua
h^?f^lhe most, and I shouldn’t
to affirt^ry a^°Ul how iVs going
Oh well ^dr POml ayerage
s>udem-pa!en, whow”Jtfl
onfy?hrw^b«nc^ no "8 allowed
s^teade *» ^
hu Guess that'd he asking t°° much
nThefe is one thing I will ask —
for’mefo ^ ifhen l*e limecomes
_ ' ™e 10 w?,k acfoss that stage to
C^afr‘Je X'ong-awaited diploma
Claire and Cameron will walk with
mem of l/h!cCirSupport’lhefulni1
poSible. “ dream wouldn’' be
*" *" m^or. An, and
report" “d *
. • \t * " r ftF '-/J
Q^Un£mother manage
I School, fiance, child each dem
By Virginia Newton -
Staff Reporter
Being a student is a burden
itself, but to be a student and
responsible for a child adds extra
strains on your time and ability to
perform to the best of your abil
Merry Noel Douglas, a 31
year-old elementary education
major, has school to attend to, a
12-year-old daughter to care for,
and a new fiance with whom to
balance all of this.
Douglas, a native of West Vir
gnia, was raised in Heidelberg,
ermany where she spent most
of her life.
“My father worked for the
army in Heidelberg — I tend to
feel that I'm from Germany be
cause I spent most of my time
there," Douglas said.
Douglas married alt an early
age to a military soldier and soon
had a child.
“1 got married when I was 17
— between the 10th and 11th
grades," she said. “He was in the
military; in fact, he worked un
der my father."
Merry’s daughter Jennifer was
bom ninedaysafterMerry’sbirth
day — on New Year’s Eve.
Douglas said peer pressure
made her get married so young.
“It was stupid, I admit it was
du mb getting married atthat age*
she said.
"1 got married in the Heidel
berg Castle. It’s everybody's fan
tasy — their childhood dream,"
she said. . ji
Douglas said she was mes
merized by her daughter’s father.
"This big old GI comes up and
wants to sweep you off your feet
and marry you in a castle — of
course you’re going to say yes,"
she said.
"I guess I was young and in
love," she said.
Unlike a lot of pregnant teen
agers, Douglas did not drop out
of high school. She finished a
semester early.
“It was awkward going to
school and being pregnant," she
, said. "I had to get special permis
sion from the military to get
married while still attending
school and then to continue to
go to school while pregnant. ”
Douglas’ parents were not
happy with her marriage and did
not share her happiness for her
"My parents didn’t really like
the marriage because they didn’t
like the guy I chose to marry,"
she said.
“My mother didn’t like the
pregnancy because she felt that
she was too young to be a grand
mother, (and) she wasn’t ready,"