The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 17, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    PT AQ^TFTFFl Nebraskan
V ,1 irtilill I I 1 /1 / 472-2588 Wednesday, March 17,1M3
jfrsfc Patrick's Pay sperids
THEJ^GE St- Patty's Day
(Basement Level) BdSu I
A . • 75c 16oz. Draws a ^
• $1.75 Toxic Wastes
A • Random Drink Soecials Everv Hour A
IRISH BEERS^lSadpJL s n‘a*
•OPEN AT 11:00 a.m._ ,
Electronic Dart Tournament-FRI. 3/19 & SAT. 3/20-Cash &^Trophies__
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day With...
March 17: Live Music with
Kover & Kerns AND...FROGGY 105 FM
live and on location
WtmSmSS^OBtL * Drink Specials
The Watering Hele
I-** I,__
i/2 pto I 9 fMr 1 ua.
I BUFFALO lAl touutott"
\ »mV IpTjP*1
Children's Counselors. Instructors. Horse-people. Bus
drivers, Cooks. Kitchen manager. Kitchen help. Nanny/
House keeper. Maintenance person. Auto mechanic, for
Mountain Summer Camp, Box 711, Boulder, CO 80306,
Large Exciting Youth Camp
Seeks to recruit cabin counselors, lifeguards, horseman
ship personnel. Activities: waterskiing, horses, blob,
waterslide, archery, much more. Room, board and sti
pend provided. Timberlake, 2709 North "S" Road,
Marquette, NE 68854 (308)946-3871
Looking for friendly, outgoing individuals to guide tourists
on horseback rides through the National Forest Land of
Colorado. Reply to: Sombrero Ranches, Inc., 3300 Airport
Road, Box A, Boulder. CO 80301.
New England
Brother/Sister Camps-Massachusetts.
Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi
tions for Program Specialists: All Team Sports, especially
Baseball. Basketball. Field Hockey. Roller Hockey. Soc
cer. Volleyball; 25 T ennis openings; also Archery. Riflery,
Weights/Fitness and Bking; other openings include Per
forming Arts. Fine Arts, Newspaper, Photography. Cook
ing, Sewing. Rollerskating, Rocketry, Ropes and Camp
Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming, Skiing, Sail
ing. Windsurfing. Canoeing/Kayaking). Inquire Mah-Kee
Nac (Boys) 190Linden Avenue. Glen Ridge, New Jersey
07028. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (Girls) 17
Westminster Drive, Montv«le. NJ 07046. Phone: 1-800
Summer job openings for softball umpires, slow pitch and
fast pitch. CallLincoin Parks and Recreation at 441-7892
for oales and times of clinics.
The oldest and largest summer work provider for college
students in the country is now taking applications for
summer positions. For over 100 years our organizatior
has gained recognition nationwide for developing the
character of oollege students and teaching them: people
skills, business skits, time management, money man
agement, self-motivation, and work ethics. If you re an
outstanding individual send us a 3X5 card with: name
address, phone number, major, GPA, and year in school
to Summer Work 1993, P O Box. 84244, Lincoln, Ne
Youth Baseball
The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires anc
coaches for the summer. Leave message at 480-4252
and specify if interested in afternoon umpiring or morning
and afternoon coaching.
166 Internships
DEC Futures, a division of NYSE member J.C. Bradford
8 Co., is offering a ground floor opportunity to learn the
managed futures business. Responsibilities win vary,
but include analysis of trading advisor* and marketing/
client development projects. Candidates for this intern
ship must be computer Iterate and of professional calber
Only MBA students or seniors with strong academrc
records in finance, accounting, and/or marketing will be
considered. Hours are flexible. Compensation commen
surate with qualifications. This could be the career oppor
tunity you are looking for.
Submit your resume and past employment history in
person at 800 NBC Center. ’
170 Roommates
Dependable non smoking male roommate needed to
share quiet, 3-bedroom house. Close to East Campus.
Wesleyan, shopping center. $175+ 1/3 utilities* deposit
Call 464-8572. leave message
Female needed toshate house. Walt to campus. $162.50
* deposit * 1/4 utilkies. Available now. 438-1764.
Male roommate. $180 * 1/4 utiltiee. One block from
campus, w/d. a/c. master bedroom with sink. Call Or egg
at 435-5827 or 423-1888.
Non-smoking female roommate needed for 2-bedroom
apartment near East Campus. 5190 ♦ 1/2 utikties. 467
180 Houses For Rent
2301 Vine. Very nice 4 bedroom. 1 6 1/2 bath, parking
Available May 16, $676.432-0644.
2931 Apple- Very nloe 4br, basement, fenced yard
Between campuses. $575.432-0644.
4 bedroom, good location, w/d. a/c. garage. 306 No. 30th
836 Y St. Very nice 3-bedroom. Garage, prukng, neai
campus. Available May 15, $560.432-0644.__
B73N. 25th Very nice4br, 2bath, near campus Avaiabk
May 15. $575.432 0644, _
Clean three bedroom for rent near East Campus. $425
month plus deposk. 2738 Starr. Cal Oan, 477-3346
2948 Starr. Four bedroom, two baths, garage. $850/
3210S. Four bedroom, two baths, $595. Both have central
air and available May 1.437-8328.
Three bedroom, nice, close to UNL. 2001 Holdredge.
$500. 432-0844.____
We love students I 3,4,5, and 6br homes near UNL for
summer at discounted rates. A/C, w/d, dishwasher. Sign
up now and relax. 423-1535.
185 Duplexes For Rent
1335 N. 22 - Very nice 3 bedroom duplex. 1 1/2 bath,
oentral air, w/d hookup, dishwasher, fireplace, off-street
parking. $525 Call 438-4112.
assssBss',"""i'ii", "■■"■■■".. lii...i,::'iaaas
190 Apartments For Rent
1107 V Street-Just remodeled. Campus dose, heat paid
Only $260-5280. Call Phoenix Properties Management
1814 F St.. 2-bedroom, $415.821 ASt.. 2-bedroom, $415
535 W. Saunders. 2-bedroom, $430. Al electric, appli
ances. microwave, balcony, mini-blinds, security build
Ing. No pets. 483-8067, 4&M 130.
2740 R. Three bedroom, two baths. Air. Laundry. Garage
Available May 1. $495 437-8328.
3501 Baldwin. Large, clean, 2-bedrooms, kitchen
equipped, c/a. laundry, nicely decorated, parking, stor
age7fo7S. 4838800.
4br apt. in Claremont, available May 17. sublease to Aug
1, option to renew year lease. 438-3698.
545 N. 25th Street. Nice 3-bedroom, on-site manage
ment. $500 ^utilities. Available now. 475-3381.
6140 Havelock- Unique, new. Ibr. in historic building,
pine floors, track lights, custom cabinets. No pets, nc
smoking. References. $335* deposit 466-8966and423
5921.<_ _
620 South 20th. One bedroom, deck, no pets. 489-355C
leave message.
640 South 20 • Meg a-sized 1 bedroom $329; 2 bedroom
$359 475-7262.
Campus locations
2504 Vine- 2 bedroom, 1 bath. SHARPI
2627 Vine- STUDIO—Ideal for single student.
2615 Vine-1 bedroom, top-level, most utilities paid.
1109 No. 28th-1 bedroom lower level.
2920 P. St.- Adorable 1 bedroom duplex.
I _ '
4300 Comhueker Hwy.
1 bedroom apartments, new carpet, all appliances, cen
tral air, garages available. Managers live on-site. Most
utlMtlet paid.
Cherry Hill Manegemenl 489-4857 or 484-2697.
Claremont Park
Now leasing spacious 1,283 bedroom apartments dose
to campus. Call now 474-PARK.
Colonial Heights
1 and 2 bedrooms available. Heatedindoor pod, saunA/
Jacuzzi. Iltnees room, tanning bed. elevators and much
more. Call todayl 421-3070.
East campus, large 2 bedroom, fireplace, appliances,
laundry, parking. 4220 Huntington, S390 per month, 423
Effidenclee. Close to campus. Starting at S225rtnonth.
Century Management
Large selection of 1,2 and 3-br apartments
478-2500 _
Furnished, affordable efficiencies
Close to campus
Laundry and parking available. $210, $235, $275.435
6690 or 475-3111._
2740 R. Two bedroom, microwave, air, laundry, garage.
No pets. $336, 437-6328.___
New 1 and 2br convenient to campus, all electric-$265
and $395+ deposit. No pets, references. 466-8966 and
One bedroom and efficiencies near campus. —Secured
building. $22S-$245. Call 477-3648.
Planning for summer? 3br/2ba, campus dose. Sublease
to August wlh option to renew. Cad 438-1421^
Put A Splash In Your Life
At Willowhaven Apartments
Energy efficient one and two bedrooms now available
Privals pool with large sundeck. Spring and summer
bonuses are now being offered.
Profeesionsiy managed
$329/469 a month
Call 476-6200 NOW
VERY LARGE 2-bedroom, 1-bath, 3rd floor, C/A, $395/
month. Off street parking. Low utilties. 476-3015
191 Summer Housing
SUMMER LEASES • Pool; 1 bedroom $329 up; 2 Bed
room $359 up; 640 South-475-7262 _ _
Summer sublet May 1 to Aug. 1. Ibr, spacious, air, near
east campus, no pets. $235/mth. 466-4206 after 5pm.
192 Mobile Homes For Rent
Students Check This Out
Two bedroom, 780 sq. toot, 1 8 1/2 bath, clean attractive
moble home. $8,000. Seller very motivated. Sherrie
Gregory. 475-1696 and 560-8409. RE/MAX 487-3000.
22 Adoption
Happily married ooupte wishes to share their kve* with
newborn. Loving home, good education, and love of
outdoors awaits legal and confidential. Expenses paid
Please cart Elams sod Steve at 800->45-3597
lot us welcome your newborn Into our happy and loving
home Mwh.vii itwaJ expenses paid. Please call Dee and
Walt collect 718-866-5522. _ __
Love, warmth, laughter, security and happiness are only
a tew ot He's treasure* that we can share with your
newborn. Medical/legal expenses paid 800 642 5786
Want to tak with someone?
Cell Bettv or Cindy
Nebraska Children’s Home
4600 Valey Road 463-7679
100 yearn cf adoption experience
.... ' ..
23 Alterations & Sewing
Alteration* Etc. Altering A tailor mg. 611 N. 27th, Suit*
27 Bicycle Service
Blue* Bke A Fines* Six Mocks from campus New and
ueed bikes Excellent repairs lor all make*. 427 S i»h.
4662322 _
35 Counseling
Individual counseling end support group services avert
able to women students. Support group* currently avert
able: sexual assault survivor*, eating disorders, single
mother*. Women For Sobriety, and Mian discussion
mpnii cjw ins viwinn i ventsfi A*2■ 2907.
36 Entertainment
The Tubbery
Heymerket Square 616 P. 9t., 476-6666
f# Private hottub room rentals A Worn tanning
38 Gift Ideas
Gilt Basket & Country Crafts
1232 High St. Tuesday-Saturday 10 Spm Country A
Southwestern Crafts, 421-9673.
bioscience, ine.
Local ‘ at the comer of 15th & O Streets
NEW DONORS $25 on first donation.
RETURN DONORS $25 after two
month lapse.
ALL DONORS $15 for each donation.
Earn More at ABI
Don't let it Break You !!! 1422 'O' Street 475-1358
2 Hours Free Parking at Mon-Fri.8:00-7:30
any Park A Shop.Saturday.9:00-4:00
JUST ROSES-Suutmg at M.90 a dozen. 3031 O'Street
435-1118. Tuxedo deflvery-JUST HOSES
44 Insurance
For An Your Ineuranco Needs. Jim SET 474-5077
American Family Insurance Renters. Auto. Home.
Health, and Ufe.
46 Instruction/Tutoring
Something you always wanted to do. CaN 475-5385 lor
your tree brochure Classes starting flee times a year.
Financial aid available. Joseph s College of Beauty.
62 Photography
For the best Special Event Photography caN:
Parties. Waddings and Location portraiture. Experienced
and Fasti
F9 ‘.. IH m . - ' ifi
. —
63 Pregnancy
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT Is a confidential helping
hand. ^Free^xegnancy test, please cel ue tor appoint
80 Typing & Resumes
Action Resumes
Quality resumes, cover letters, typing. Quick service,
affordable rates. Evening weekend hours 435-7284_
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers Over 12 years
ttqasrienct. proven results. 454-0775.
Profession sly typeeet and laaar printed. S15 plus tax.
Daily Atetxaa*a/i,basement ol Nebraska Union.
Student papers si/per page Overnight service. IBM.
lazer printer. Layne. 435^J»«
44 OZ. Fountain Drink
with every $8 gas purchase.
(Thurs., Fri., Sat.only)
17th St Wne location only