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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1993)
Wanted: To date Filipina Co-ed, please. Details: Box 491 Creighton, NE 68729_ Maryltnd Michelle (AXD), Honk It you thought Madness was great. Moan If you liked It even better. We'D “park* with you anytime. Jason and Greg 145 Lost & Found* FOUND: Car keys outside ot Afoino Rhino on 3/15/83. To claim call 477-8815. FOUND: Cottey College/Amerson pin by Lot 10 near Davind's. Call Bobbe at 472-9969 to claim. FOUND: In January- Autographed Baseball near 19th and ■j* st. To claim call 477-9214 evenings. FOUND: Male cat. Rust and white. Deciawed. Found at Dental College. 40th and HoMrege. Calf Jackie at 489 3023. SoChldCareNeedS™* SSMBmBOBBSSS Child care needed part-time tlexble hours June-August tor 2 children. 8 and 11. Cad 420-1504 evenings. NANNIES with strong childcare background neededl Choose from many East Coast and Midwest locations. Weekly salary, room/board, transportation to job. use of car. travel, educational opportunities and more. One year minimum. NANNIES OF NEBRASKA 402-379-2444 - Your Local Agency I 160 Help Wanted $5.50/Hour. BARBACK. Friday nights. 5-11 p.m. Possible more hours. Clean and neat. Tam O'Shanter, 105 S. 25th. No phone calls. ‘College Students* fj.23 starting* National Corporation tilling 18 entry level positions. Flex ble schedules. Call 488^6017, ALL MAJORS^ *48.65/9.50 starting Immedlatepart-time/full-time openings for local branch of national corporation. All areas of Nebraska. Can lead to summer positions. 488-6017. International Telcom Outbound telemarketing. Flexible hours, casual working conditions. 3410 “O’ St., lower level. 474-1256. Arts & Sciences Student Advisers Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student aSm?'ItS"* " 12230kJ,a,h«r' Deadline Is Monday, 8,°? needed- Approximately 12-4pm walk Level-Centrum. * • ey Boys, y Earn extra cash Immediate placements «^tuU°£f£infl8 ** ““ntoly workers and experi ?"?®d JJ®'weWers at one of Lincoln's leading manufac plants. AM positions are 40hrs/wk. and benefits or^.in»r'«2S*,k>n andholidaypay. Applicants must be 18 ** M=PHe«ources Inc. Suite 436 Greentree Ct. 210 Gateway North. EOE. *■ Outgoing person to act as DJ/Host for SJ2TL5 bars and private parties. Must be available nights and weekends. Prefer access to truck, van. or station wagon. For more information contact 489-8661. Full-time summer position Position involves providing quality service and ass is delivery/pick-up and set-up of dispensing equipment and b*‘Rou,in® work schedule is M^F Sanva;3^^ frequent overtime. Primarily during evenings weekends and holidays (detailed job descrtp application). Starting hourly rate is S5.50rtir. To be considered, complete application at: Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. of Lincoln 1901 Winhoek Dr. Lincoln, NE CLOSING DATE: MARCH 19,1993 Consent to pre-irrpoeed employment drug testing required to be considered. EQUAL OPPORTUNTTY EMPLOYER Gentleman Jim’s Now taking applications for part-time bartenders and waitresses. If interested, come to 56th and Cornhusker to fill out application from lOflOam-SOOpm Monday-Fridav Mobile Disc Jockey Friday and Saturday evenings. Transportation required. Experience In music, stage, or PR. 474-6504. Part-time Computer Operator Immediate part-time opening for computer operator to work Sunday through Saturday. Must be available from 1:00am to 6:00am. Responstole for computer mainframe and peripheral equipment, off-line printed output and distribution. Ability to lift 60bs. MVS and VM experience hetplul but will train. Apply Monday-Friday. 9:00am 4O0pm. Technical Management Inc. 421 South 9th Street. Suite 222, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508. EOE MEN OF "HEET" ALL MALE DANCE REVIEW Advance Thu"d|»fo“a|":h 18th fnjfm Ticket $5.00 8,00 p JIfll S $6.00 at the door 56th t Comhusker 1 STUDENTS ^ ^ EARN CASH THIS SUMMER! Join MARRIOTT ♦ The World's leader in the lodging industry. As an inbound Reservationist, at our Worldwide Reservation Center, you'll enjoy the following benefits: f • FT positions available • A • Paid weekly • Discounts available on room rates • Day training class available • $5.45 per hour plus Bonus/Incentive Program • THESE ARE TEMPORARY SUMMER POSITIONS v Located in Omaha___y If you can type 15+ wpm and can work between the hours of 2:00pm-2:30am and weekends, call 390-1610 for an appointment, Monday-Friday, 9am to 4pm. THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON |3-» <**>-! "It’s time we face reality, my friends. ... We're not exactly rocket scientists.’’ OFFICE HELP Part-time wanted for Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Duties include: proofreading, typing notes and waiting on customers. Apply at Jon's Notes, upstairs In Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 a. 476-8006. PART TIME LABOR POSITIONS For the Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department. Seasonal work varies ac cording to work load, could be anytime between April October, some work involves maintaining park ground and facilities i.e., litter pickup, operating string trimmers. Hourly wage S4.80-S5.00. Applicants must be 16 years old or older to operate power equipment; 18 or older to operate pickups, etc. Valid Nebraska drivers license desired. Applications available at the Lincoln Parks and Recreation office located at 2740 A Street. Monday Friday, 730 a.m. to 430 p.m. Closing date April 2.1993 WANTED: Youth Coordinator to work with Jr/Sr Hi youth groups. Need creative, energetic, outgoing person. Paid position: 15-20 hrs/wk. Contact Jeanette at 464-1881. WATS Marketing Is currently seeking enthusiastic and sales oriented indi viduals to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates should possess excellent communication skills. Full-time swing shift hours available. Monday-Friday 1130anv8«)pm. , Apply at our employment office. 830am-6:00pm Monday-Friday. 466-8211 WATS Marketing 6100 OSt. (S.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Canter) EOE M/F/V/H Special Events PHOTOGRAPHERS Must have your own 35mm SLR camera. Photograph and hep people have fun at Friday and Saturday nlgnt events. If you Ike parties, action, people and photography then put your camera to work. Earn yourself some money and nave fun doing it. Call: Bob or John Olson 467-2577 M-F 10-6.___ SUMMER WORK $5,400 Experience, All Majors College Credit Career Placement For more info call 421-9645 Temporary part-time 3-4 hours per week for filing medical literature, typing reports. Prefer pre-vet/pre-med upperclassmen with knowledge of Word Perfect and Lotus 1-2-3. Call voice mail 303-692-4667 leave name, number and time avail able to call. _r- ) Volunteer coaches for youth spring soccer and paid officials needed for YMCA Youth Sports depart ment. Cal 475-9622 for more information. Walt position available. Various hours. Apply in person, 17th and Van Dorn. El Sitio Mexican Restaurant. Wanted: experienced farm hep for large grain operation. Call early mornings 789-5125. Lens Crafters is currently taking applications for part-time optical lab technicians. On the job training is provided. Apply In person al Gateway Shopping Center. EOE Meadows Pool In Omaha, located at Highway 50 & 1-80, is looking for a working full-time manager. Salary nego tiable. Cali 895-1539 or send resume toP.O Box 371112, Omaha Ne„ 68137. Ming Palace Lunch waitery person from 11:30am - 200pm. Apply in person. 13A LSI. 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sating, waterskiing, gym nastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, corrputers. camping, craft*, dramatics, OH riding. Also kitchen, of fice, maintenance. Salary $1100 or more plus R&B. Dayna Giasson. 1765 Maple, NfkL, II. 60093. 70*446 CHALLENGING SUMMER JOBS WITH OUTDOOR PUN. SALARY a roorrvboard In camps for disabled persons. Need mala/lemale camp counselors, lifeguards and specialists in food service, canoeing, and camping/ nature. In beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains or near Virginia s East Coast. Great experience lor any future careerl Training provided. Apply ASAP to CAMP EAS TER SEAL. Box 5496, Roanoke. VA., 24012,1-800-36* 1656. Diamond Education! We educate students by explaining the different grades of diamonds and how this grading is done. Quality She Deserves...Prices You Can Afford 12th & "O" St.Gateway Mall Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson VOU mow, THERE MUST BE "Nl \SNT TROT WEIRD? I WOHDER IF OUR NNflED % OUR BUTTS TUOUSMDS OF ANIMAL SPECIES, ] WM OTUER ANIMALS DON'T PINK BUTTS SHOWED, ARE JUST AND OF ALL OF THEM, QNLM WEAR CLOTHES. WE PROBABL* WOULD. FINE/ Sr-ntC .. "I- OTir" Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 1001 ACROSS 1 Retired • Federal agt. t Harrow s rival it Fragrant oieoreain 14 Hodgepodge 1t One of HOMES it Large fruit or its vine it Demolish, in Devon it Savoie summer to Squiggly ai Minted at Designates at Allots at One-time a7 Noisy 90 Old Testament book 99 Ascends 90 Bangkok-to Hanoi dir. 90 Assessment 97 Command 90 Tarry 90 Anger 40 Printing errors 41 image 49 N.A. turtle 44 Make lace 40 Barbarians 47 Verbatim 01 Tenor who was born in Naples and died there ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE S3 Debatable •4 Pub order ss He loves: Lat. M Torpor SO Dimension 30 Jot 31 Dunce caps 33 W German dam 33 British gun 34 Low-lying islands off Fla. DOWN 1 Wing-shaped t Asian nut 3 Scottish uncle 4 Straightforward 3 Carols 3 Associate 7 El Tajo, e.g. 3 "Classic" TV game 3 Weirder 10 Moving at 700-780 m.p.h. at sea level 11 French river is Want 13 Rams' dams 17 Transformation ss Siouans 34 Uncomplex 33 A Ctzanne contemporary n Africa’s largest land so Ruin so Observed 50 Descended 51 Simple ss Misuse a pastureland S4 Fragrant rootstock SO Nip 40 Diner sign 43 Carpenter’s plane 48 Assault 47 Producer Josh 48 Weather forecast 48 Shade of green •0 Mount Palomar necessity •i Receptacle aa Mixed with •a Deck officer •7 Toddler •a Low digit